eleven || roller blades
TW: vulgar language
If you were to tell Taehyun that he and Beomgyu would eventually reconnect,
He would've laughed in your face.
But ever since that night when they both broke down in front of each other, that night when Beomgyu ran out in the rain, that night when Taehyun exposed everything to the elder. Things had changed.
The elder was still mischievous and annoying. He still had his childish personality, but the gaze he would give Taehyun tells a whole different story. Whenever the two would pass by in the hallways Beomgyu had that...unexplainable gaze in his eyes when the younger would walk by.
Yep, Taehyun had stopped ignoring Beomgyu's whole existence. Even though things changed slightly Taehyun still ignored or yelled at the elder when his patience ran out.
Forgiving Beomgyu was a whole mess for Taehyun, especially after years and years of hating the elder he seemed to not get that little feeling away. His hate for Beomgyu died down just a little but there was this other feeling that made his stomach twist.
"I'm just happy you're back to your regular self Taehyun, I missed seeing the light in your eyes!" Kai interrupted Taehyun's heavy thoughts. The two were currently seated on one of the benches in the first-floor hallway, it was break time and the two were too lazy to walk upstairs again so here they were just talking.
"What do you mean? I'm always my regular self." Taehyun eyed him weirdly, he sighed softly as he suddenly thought of a specific ravenette. "Kai I think I'm going insane." He gasped out in horror.
"I thought you were already insane?"
Taehyun ignored what Kai said and stood up. "I-I need to find Beomgyu hyung." He said and quickly walked away, Kai was shocked that Taehyun suddenly wanted to find the elder first.
"W-Wait but don't you....hate him??" Kai's voice slowly died down after seeing Taehyun rush off too fast. The male couldn't help but find his new behavior toward the elder a bit weird.
"If you strum it like this, then you'll get a better sound." Beomgyu softly explained, his fingers dragging along the strings of the guitar. Jeongin stared at him with wide eyes and nodded.
"You know a lot about guitars, Gyu," Jeongin said as Beomgyu gave the guitar back to him. Beomgyu just shrugged, there were only two days left until the lantern festival performance and everyone was under pressure.
"Beomgyu hyung."
Beomgyu and Jeongin turned their heads from where the voice came from, Beomgyu's eyes widened seeing Taehyun nervously standing in the doorway. "Taehyun-ah!" He said with a wide smile, he did a little hand motion for the redhead to come closer.
Taehyun hesitantly walk towards the two, his footsteps were light as he had an uncertain expression all over his face. Going directly towards his hyung he sat down in a chair next to him wondering what they were doing.
"I'm just teaching Jeongin here how to tune his guitar correctly, isn't it such a shocker that you've been playing an out-of-tune guitar for the past two weeks and nobody noticed!" Beomgyu said as Taehyun blankly stared.
I wanted to be alone with you...
Taehyun bit his bottom lip furrowing his eyebrows, ever since that one-night Taehyun felt an urge every time he needed the elder. Being near him or seeing him sometimes wasn't enough. Yet he was scared of how bad his body ached when Beomgyu wasn't around.
"Well, I think that's enough practice now, Jeongin-ah. You should head to class now." Beomgyu said after helping the latter on the guitar for a few more minutes. Jeongin smiled widely and thanked the elder before leaving the classroom in a hurry.
Beomgyu stared at Taehyun silently waiting for the redhead to speak. Was it really possible to fall in love with someone harder than before? Because lord, Beomgyu was over the clouds for Taehyun. He just wanted to embrace the younger and tell him all of the confessions in his heart and kiss him until his lips go numb.
"W-Why aren't you in class?" Taehyun asked, trying not to be bothered by the elder's heavy stare. It did annoy him just a little, sometimes he just wants to punch Beomgyu square in the face again.
"Being part of Ito Academy's band group for the lantern festival show comes with a lot of benefits Taehyun! I get to skip class whenever I want!"
"How are you passing..." Taehyun sighed disappointedly, he knew Beomgyu would always find ways to skip classes, and now that the elder was a senior it just gave him even more benefits. He could be taking extra credit classes right now for college!
The thought of college pinged Taehyun's heart realizing that soon, the elder would graduate and leave. There might be a chance that the two will be separated, usually, Taehyun would always wish for Beomgyu to randomly disappear but now it felt...wrong.
"What's with the sad face, Hyun?" Beomgyu asked the younger after noticing how his expression faltered slightly. "I-I'm just upset that I'm wasting my break time sitting next to you!" Taehyun quickly said, turning away from Beomgyu as his ears slowly tinted that light shade of red.
Beomgyu couldn't help but laugh softly. "Then leave, I'm not stopping you." He said and leaned back into his seat. Taehyun stared at him in shock, did he tell him to leave? He doesn't know why that annoyed him a bit.
"I would but...Kai left me for Yeosang. I-I didn't want to be alone," Taehyun lied, he didn't want to admit that he just had the urge to find him. He looked at Beomgyu seeing a small smirk form. "Don't you dare be flattered! Soobin hyung is in downtown right now with the rest of the student council a-and I'm not close with anyone else so—"
"I get it, don't worry darling~ Seeing your face brightens my day," Beomgyu said and leaned closer to Taehyun who panicked slightly. And what does Taehyun do when he panics?
Slap Beomgyu!
So of course he mindlessly brought his hand up and slapped the elder's cheek, his hand tingling from the sharp impact as Beomgyu quickly backed up groaning in pain.
"Hey! Listen, I love being your punching bag, Taehyunie but try not to ruin my handsome face again?"
Taehyun's face turned red as he quickly avoided Beomgyu's gaze, he felt slightly bad for hitting the elder but at this point, he couldn't care less. He was getting way too close for his liking.
He listened to Beomgyu quietly groan and rub his cheek to soothe the pain away, yet Taehyun's mind traveled into laa-laa land. Looking at the guitar next to the ravenette Taehyun inhaled softly.
"Do...You remember when I asked you if you can sing...?"
Beomgyu nodded, he remembered that question and day clearly. It was a day that he cherished so much, so how could he ever forget? "I do, why?"
"Do...No wait- Can- Uhm...". Taehyun started stuttering over his words trying to think of the correct way to say it without activating the elder's flirty ass mode again.
"Hyung, can y-you sing?" Taehyun asked him looking at Beomgyu with pleading eyes, he didn't know why but he wanted to fulfill his curiosity. The last time heard the elder sing was in his 7th grade year when they had to do a dumb talent show.
Beomgyu smiled fondly and covered his mouth and started laughing, Taehyun stared at him in confusion as to why he was suddenly laughing. "I-I'm sorry-" he said in between small laughs. "You're just so cute asking!"
Taehyun scoffed and stood up. "Forget I said anything!" He said embarrassed, he started walking towards the door before being pulled back suddenly. Swiftly turning around he looked down at Beomgyu holding onto his wrist while looking up at him.
"Darling~ Don't leave me! I swear I wasn't trying to embarrass you!" Beomgyu said with a wide smile staring into Taehyun's eyes. "Shut up." The redhead mumbled, the feeling of Beomgyu's hand wrapped around his wrist gave an odd sense of comfort to the male. He hated it, so he quickly pulled his wrist away.
"I would love to sing for you darling," Beomgyu smiled and raised his hand, tucking a few small red strands behind Taehyun's ear. "But I want to surprise you at the Lantern Festival."
Taehyun's heart wasn't okay, it felt like his heartbeats got heavier and louder each second. He had totally forgotten that Beomgyu would perform at the lantern contest even though the elder mentioned it earlier. Maybe, I should go. He thought before nodding slightly. "O-Okay."
The two stared at each other, getting lost in each other's eyes before the bell suddenly rang making Taehyun jump slightly. "My break time is over." He said quietly, Beomgyu pouted since his time with the redhead was rudely interrupted but if he didn't let Taehyun go, he would end up walking out with ten broken bones.
"Bye, darling." He said as Taehyun slowly backed up and turned around rushing towards the door.
Taehyun suddenly turned around as the elder walked up to him quickly, "Before you go!" He said and held up his phone showing a text from Yeonjun.
"Let's go roller skating after school! You can bring Kai, I'm pretty sure Soobin will be there too!"
Taehyun took a minute to think as his hand gripped the doorknob tightly.
"Okay, hyung."
He regretted this.
Taehyun absolutely regretted saying yes to Beomgyu.
His mind was going to explode by how talkative Beomgyu and Kai were! When he told Kai the younger was shocked that Beomgyu offered a hang out with them but he didn't mind, what he didn't expect was the two to get along so well.
Kai and Beomgyu knew each other, they talked to one another once in a while, who knew they had some things in common. One is that they never shut up.
So when Beomgyu offered the two a ride to the roller rink after school he should've seen it as a sign, now he is literally so close to ripping his ears out as the two sang Frozen songs a little too loudly. Actually- They weren't even singing, they were screaming!
Taehyun sighed loudly and turned the music up louder in his headphones, begging for the car ride to be faster sinking into his seat even more. After a few more minutes of endless suffering, the cat eventually stopped and Taehyun had never got out so fast running towards his brother.
"Hyung! Cut my ears off please!" Taehyun said holding onto Soobin's shoulders with desperate pleading eyes. The blue-haired stared at his little brother in confusion. "What?" Soobin asked before seeing Beomgyu and Kai walk up to them.
Soobin immediately glared at the ravenette making Beomgyu tense up. "Hey! I didn't do anything, Taehyunie just didn't appreciate Hyuka and I's an amazing performance!"
"I wanted to rip my ears out."
"Aww, because of how amazing I sound?-"
"You make me want to stab my eardrums out!"
"Stop fighting or I'll drag rollerblades all over your faces!" Yeonjun yelled at the two instantly making them shut up. Yeonjun sighed loudly and glared at Beomgyu, doing a little motion with his head Beomgyu instantly knew and slowly walked over to the elder who dragged him away from the group.
"Will this be a problem? If we get kicked out because you were fighting with Taehyun I swear Beomgyu."
"Chill, hyung! We aren't going to get kicked out. You're stressing too much I can see your bald spots." Beomgyu teased making Yeonjun instantly touch his hair in worry. The elder scoffed after realizing what Beomgyu had done.
"I swear I'm going-"
"Hyung! The door is open" Kai shouted at the two gainings their attention, Yeonjun went silent and sighed, nodding his head the two began walking.
"OW FUCK YOU HYUNG!" Beomgyu groaned loudly after Yeonjun slapped the back of his head hard.
Taehyun's eyes widened after entering the roller rink. Neon lights were flashing everywhere as the place was dim, there were multiple people inside of it and there was an area to get your skates. There was also an area to eat with booths near the walls.
He looked up and saw balloon-looking planets hanging above them. Holy shit. Taehyun thought before being dragged suddenly.
Looking at who dragged him he saw Beomgyu leading them towards the area to get skates. Taehyun suddenly realized that the group was far ahead of them while he was spacing out. "My darling~ you were staring at the ceiling for a good five minutes! I'm guessing you're interested?" Beomgyu smirked looking at the younger one who scoffed.
"I haven't been to a roller rink in almost five years...I'm nervous." Taehyun admitted to the elder who stared at him in shock. "Don't worry Tyun-ah! I'll look after you!" Taehyun's face went slightly red from the new nickname.
He was about to say something until a dolphin scream interrupted them.
"Oh my god, Kai!" Yeonjun said loudly gaining the attention of others. Kai was stumbling and rolling forward trying to regain his balance. Beomgyu couldn't help but laugh slightly as Taehyun watched in shock. "Shall we get our skates, darling?" Beomgyu asked, Taehyun looked at the older and just nodded.
Now, don't get Taehyun wrong. He knows how to tie his shoe. But right now he was staring at the roller skate laces confused about what to do. "Do you need help?" Beomgyu asked rolling over to him. Taehyun looked up in embarrassment and shook his head. "No! Go away."
He mumbled and bent down picking up the laces, pausing for a second to think of the best way to tie them without them getting loose. His heart paused feeling another set of hands loosening his grip on his laces.
"If you need help, hyung is here. So just ask." Beomgyu said softly before swiftly tying Taehyun's laces neatly. He wrapped the longer pieces around the male's ankle making sure it wasn't too tight or loose.
Taehyun nodded silently as the elder stood up, extending a hand out he waited for Taehyun to stand as well. Taehyun took the elder's hand and shakily stood up, wobbling slightly he fell forward leaning into the ravenettes chest.
"Aww, Taehyunie can't skate?" Beomgyu teased. Taehyun glared at him and let go of his hand rolling back slightly. "Be quiet! I can it's just been so long." He mumbled looking away.
He felt himself rolling towards the giant open rink, he looked up and already saw Soobin, Yeonjun, and Kai in it trying to race each other. "Should we go to them?" Taehyun asked Beomgyu who was skating backward slowly keeping his eyes on the younger.
"It's okay, they'll understand." Beomgyu smiled. Taehyun was getting nervous by how the elder was rollerskating backward, he had to admit that he was nervous that someone will bump into Beomgyu or he would trip and fall. Yet that fuzzy feeling of Beomgyu's soft hands wrapped around his wrists made him ease down.
"Just focus on me okay? I won't let you fall."
After a few more minutes the two began skating around the court in their own world for a while. Eventually, the other three came up to them as they all raced around, one sticking behind to make sure Taehyun wasn't alone.
Three hours passed and the boys were still lively, Beomgyu had beads of sweat rolling down the side of his face due to skating so much as he and Taehyun rolled out of the court. "Oh my god, Taehyunie did you see that? I won the race!" He said excitedly yet out of breath.
"I'll go get us some drinks okay? Stay here! You can watch Soobin and Yeonjun hyung fall." Beomgyu said pointing at the duo who were struggling to stand. Taehyun couldn't help but smile and nodded. He watched the elder skate away. Taehyun sighed softly watching his brother fall.
"Taehyun? Kang Taehyun?"
Taehyun's head slowly turned and saw a man staring at him in shock. "Holy shit y-you are Kang Taehyun!" The man said with a smile. Taehyun stared at him in confusion, he didn't know who this man was.
He had sharp eyes and jaw, and his long tied-up brown hair framed his face shape somewhat nicely.
"Don't you remember me? We went to the same elementary school!"
Taehyun's heart dropped when elementary school was mentioned. With shaky eyes, he looked away as his breathing quickened. "Lee Hyo-in."
That name made Taehyun's throat close up. Not only did that name remind him of his torturing past, but it was also the name that belonged to the male that bullied him in his old school.
"No- No no way," Taehyun said backing away from the male. Hyo-in just smiled at the younger and slowly walked closer. "I always wondered where you went, but now seeing you here..Wow." He said and reached up to touch Taehyun's hair making the redhead freeze.
He felt suffocated, he couldn't move. His fingers were trembling in fear as memories flashed through his mind. The memories he swore to forget.
"Hello!" A voice interrupted the two. Taehyun quickly looked up and saw Beomgyu standing there with a...Smile, but it wasn't his regular cheeky smiles. He could see the burning anger lit up in his eyes.
"Who are you?" Hyo-in scoffed looking at Beomgyu who was only a few centimeters taller than him. Taehyun watched Beomgyu's eye twitch slightly. "I'm wondering, who are you to this guy." He said pointing at Taehyun.
"We're obviously friends, duh. Now go away."
Beomgyu chuckled softly, more like scoffed. He looked away with an annoyed smile and looked back at Taehyun. "Really?" He said and rolled over towards the redhead, he stood in front of Hyo-in and glared down at him.
"I'm pretty sure he would tell me yknow!" He laughed softly and wrapped an arm around Taehyun's waist, pulling the younger closer protectively. People around them started to stare as Soobin, Yeonjun, and Kai quickly skated over to them. Kai pulled Taehyun's arm and held him close.
"Hyo-in??" Soobin gasped catching the male's attention. "Soobin? Choi Soobin? You and Taehyun are close? Even after your whore of a mother slept with this embarrassments father?"
That definitely got Soobin angry. Beomgyu's eyes lit up in anger as well as his fists clenched. "Soobin, don't let's just leave," Yeonjun whispered to the blue hair who just silently nodded, yet his neck veins were showing.
"Come on Beomgyu," Taehyun whispered yet loud enough for the elder to hear. Beomgyu simply nodded and sighed trying to ignore his burning anger right now. The five began walking away until Hyo-in decided to speak again.
"Taehyun, will you become a whore just like your mother? I bet you'll be a slut in the future begging for a quick fuck."
Taehyun's body froze as his eyes quickly flooded with tears. Beomgyu's jaw clenched as he looked at Yeonjun who gave him a pleading look.
You told me not to get us kicked out...
"Sorry hyung," Beomgyu whispered before turning around and moving toward Hyo-in with a clenched fist.
"You idiot!" Yeonjun groaned loudly as he walked around the living room in anger. Beomgyu sat down on the couch silently as Yeonjun started going off on him.
"I told you don't get us kicked out— And look what you did! You punched that dude straight in the face and then started beating him with a roller blade! When did you get so strong?!" Yeonjun said and pulled at his hair, not noticing the small yellow strands coming out.
Beomgyu just blankly stared at the elder. A giant purple-black bruise was blooming on his forehead just above his eyebrow as he had a few cuts near his eyes and on his lip. His cheek was splattered with dry blood from wiping the blood off his lips.
"Hyung, it's not his fault. That dude tortured Taehyun when they were in 4th grade and he was touching him without permission!" Kai defended Beomgyu. Yeonjun knew the male was right for defending Taehyun but almost killing the man? Damn!
"I-I just- oh my god.." Yeonjun sighed. Soobin stood up and gently held onto the elder's shoulder. "You need a break." He spoke softly with kind eyes, leading the elder upstairs he looked at Kai mouthing 'get the tea'.
"Here Taehyun," Kai said and handed the redhead a first-aid kit. The younger quickly got up grabbing a giant bottle before running upstairs to calm an angry Yeonjun down.
Taehyun and Beomgyu sat silently before looking at each other. Beomgyu was the first to break the silence as he smiled widely. "Darling are you okay?"
Taehyun pursed his lips and sighed. Inching closer to Beomgyu he opened the first aid kit and pulled out a cotton ball and some antibiotic cream. "I-I'm fine..." He mumbled and looked at the elder's bruised-up face with saddened eyes.
"Don't be sad! He deserved it. Fucking asshole bringing up sensitive shit like that I swear if it weren't for those security guards I would've beaten his ass hard—"
Beomgyu was cut off by a sudden tight hug. His heartbeat increased before slowly wrapping his arms around the younger small waist. "Thank you, hyung," Taehyun whispered softly.
"Of course, my darling." He smiled rubbing Taehyun's back softly. After a few long seconds, Taehyun was the first to pull away. Picking up the cotton ball and a few bandages he looked at the elder.
"You really are a stupid stupid hyung." He mumbled softly patting the cut near Beomgyu's lips. "I can't believe you! I swear being annoying and stupid are the only things you're talented at!"
Only for you. Beomgyu thought staring at Taehyun's concentrated face to not hurt the ravenette too much.
I would do anything to protect you.
a/n : thank you so much for reading ^^♡︎
btw hyo-in is a random oc so he isn't based on any idol or whatever, unless there is an idol named Hyo-in then whoops ^^'
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