Chapter 8
Its been so looooooooooong #5months since I updated
And Im truly SORRY for that but I hv been caught up with loads of work and assignments to submit and I hv me finals coming up next month or in rather 2 weeks and Im fooking not ready for it
Enough rambling now let's get on with the chapter Shall we?
I stood there starring at him with heart eyes. And when one of the cab driver honked I snapped from my daydream and looked at the others and burst out laughing they all stood there their jaws dropped and eyes popped out. Soon they snapped out of it and then Zayn beat me to ask the cab driver if he could drop us at our hotel. And then the driver agreed he started loading our bags in the trunk.I wouldn't just stand there would I ? nope. I turned to my baby and kissed his cheeks and muttered a thank you and told him to text me so I could have his number (there I messed up in the last chp so kinda pls go wid the flow) he blushes and nods and then I get in the cab with Zayn who sends Blondie a wink and a quick goodbye. I wave to Louis and watch him in the rear view mirror (correct me if im wrong idk much abt cab parts) until he fades away and the smile remains on my face permanently.
I blush so hard I can feel myself being more red than a tomato or cherry Damn does this boy make blush. And the way his soft lips pressed against my cheeks didn't help a bit and made me even more red and when he whispered in me ear, the way his breath fanned over me I would have moaned just from that but I controlled me self before I could release that embarrassing sound. He pulled away from me sent me a smile before getting in the cab and waving at me. And I saw him leave in the cab till I could no longer see the cab and then felt Niall nudge me so I turned around to see him smirking at me and I knew I wouldn't hear the end of this because no one has ever made me blush this much in my life. I just turn away from him and start walking away from him just to get rid of him.
Im really sorry this has to be short my brain has stopped functioning at the moment and I don't want to disappoint you all so I just put up this crap chp so you could know that I was still alive Im realllllllllllllllly soooooooorry for not updating
I really love you all and thank you for being patient with me just bare a few more weeks pls I promise I will try to update my best as soon as I am done with me finals once again really sorry for the crappy chp Im feeling a bit down too so really sorry
It seems as if all I do is say Sorry and I really mean it too Pls point out any mistakes you guys find so I can correct them also if you guys have any suggestions for the next chp pls lemme know in the comments below
Also all the drama going on pls dont believe any of that crap and if you hvnt signed the petition make sure to do so you can sign it through any social media account twitter facebook or insta pls go sign it I have tweeted the link My account's kim_carrots
Cya soon lovely ppl
Adios Amigos
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