Part 2
Hey guys so here the next chapter! I hope you enjoy this and lemme know what your thoughts are! After this chapter is when the interactions start so stay tuned! Love you all!!
{July 17th 2018, 1:30pm}
~Collins Key was mentioned in a message on instagram~
~Collins Key is Online~
vollinsisover: why is this confusing for people? Vollins is over. @collinskey doesn't deserve @veronicamerrell
~Collins Key left instagram~
~Collins Key sent a message to Veronica Merrell~
Collins: Hey Roni :)
Roni: Hey Collins 😁
Collins: So how was your date with Aaron the other day?
Roni: Oh it went well, we had fun
Roni: I made plans with him to go to his family reunion this weekend
Collins: Oh good
Collins: I'm really happy for you
Roni: Really?
Collins: Yeah, why wouldn't I be?
Roni: You know..when you told me you had feelings for me.
Collins: But don't you remember we agreed to just stay friends?
Collins: And that I'd be happy for you with whatever happens?
Roni: Yeah...
Collins: Well I'm supporting you in your relationship with Aaron.
Roni: We aren't really together yet..
Collins: Still, I want to be happy for you. If he makes you happy, I need to be okay with it.
Roni: Wow, I don't know what to say Collins.
Roni: I'm glad you're happy for me
Collins: Yep 😁
Roni: I have to go
Roni: I'm meeting Nessa for coffee
Collins: Okay, have fun :)
Roni: Thanks! Ttyl ;p
Collins: See ya
~Veronica Merrell is Offline~
~Collins Key added a new note~
[Get over Roni]
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