A happy news guys....
A big record is set by this story....
" In love with my soul" has become my first ever story to get my dream votes of 150+ votes (3 chapters crossed this already) with a maximum of 154 votes to its credit....
One more happy news is that....
This story has become my 5th story to cross 3000+ votes after
Loving husband, From the day I met you, Arrogancy vs attitude and Anything to make her smile...
The sweet surprise is that this story is my first ever story to cross this benchmark in just 22 chapters...
Thanks for the wonderful support you all have given to this story....
Pretty please forgive me for coming up very late as this app is sucking
now a days and its getting very hard to update stories... It's hard to vote, comment and to get notifications properly too...
Most of the times, it's saying some problems and maintenance and it's really very hard to update in this situation...
So, kindly support me in this regard and those who can't vote or comment, Do wait and do it again for me without fail... I know you don't disappoint your crazy/ mahii for sure....
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Do check my watty profile (crazymahiz), facebook profile (mahiiabhigyan) for story updates and if you guys want me to pm you for my updates, just send me a message as this app is not properly showing up the notifications these days...
Let me zip up and proceed to shot. 23 without annoying you all:
Pragya is talking with Arjun and aaliya about their health and is discussing about what the doctor has adviced them and also about the medicines , food to be taken and food to be avoided and other stuffs....
They were deeply engrossed in their talks and the trio completely forgets that abhi and tanu has went to the canteen.... They failed to notice that EP is about to enter the room but didn't enter inside and is listening to their talks hidingly behind the door...
EP is fuming in anger to see the smiling faces of Arjun and Aaliya and fists the hands in fury... EP has the urge to kill them and is cursing the fate as the two has escaped from the big trap set up for them to die....
EP's eyes venomously looks at the little baby bump of aaliya and is in an urge to kill the unborn baby thinking that the baby will become the sautan to get the properties and will become the legal heir of the mighty Mehra properties, if its born....
Little did EP know that its going to be Abhi and pragya's baby who is the real legal heir of all the properties after Abhi... But EP is not bothered about that at all, knowing very well about Abhi's mental and physical health....
EP has a strong belief that its not possible for abhi and pragya to become parents... EP chuckles at the silly thought that how can pragya ready to consummate her marriage with abhi who is no less than a baby himself..
EP is not aware that fate has some other plans and is laughing on EP for the fake belief thinking that abhi and pragya will not have a baby at all... No one is aware that soon EP's face is going to be blackened with the unexpected shocking news...
EP fumes in anger on seeing the smiling face of pragya... Pragya's carefree laugh is boiling the nerves of EP to the core... Just then EP noticed that Abhi is missing in the room...
EP smirks and moves to search for abhi knowing very well that pragya would have brought abhi here... EP dials someone's number and talks angrily to execute the plans soon....
Abhi and Tanu are enjoying the icecream happily...
Tanu: Uffo... Abhi bhai... See its melting and see you are spoiling the dress too.. Eat quickly bhai.... Pragya bhabhi will scold you na if you make your dress dirty like this...
Abhi: Noooo Tanu... My wif (wife) fuggy is too good and she will not sold (scold) me.... Tanu don't you know this ice cream is very chilll.... Uffff... My teeth are shiving (shivering)...
Oooohhhhh... See its very cold... But I like this so much... Yummyyyy and tasttttty like my fuggy... Mmmmm.... Yum... Yum...
Tanu: Ahem... Ahem... What's meant by yummy like your fuggy??? Abhi bhai what's it??? Tell me...
Abhi whispers: You won't say to anyone na Tanu... Fuggy says it should be a sicrt (secret) bitvee (between) band (husband) and wif (wife) and how can I say to you Tanu...
Tanu: ohhh... Is it so??? I won't say to anyone bhai... please... Please... Just say to me alone bhai... I swear, I wont say to anyone and wont ask even to pragya bhabhi tooo.... Please my cute bhai na.... I know my bhai will surely say it....
Abhi whispers : Okie 😊😊😊😊... Tanu... You know when I kissy (kiss) my fuggy, 😊😊😊😊 she will...
Tanu: She will ... 😆😆😆
Abhi: Taste like this icecream... So soft... So yummy... 😊😊😊😊... I like to kissy (kiss) her always...
Tanu: Aww... 🙈🙈🙈🙈... Mind-blowing.... Too good and seriously saying, I didn't expected this from you bhai...
My abhi bhai is getting too romantic and very loving haan.... Not bad.. cho chweet... Im so happy for you bhai.... That much you like pragya bhabhi na...
Abhi blushes too hard as Tanu teases him so much.... Both finishes off the ice cream and is about to get up when out of no where, Ram and priya comes before them....
Abhi fumes and turns his face angrily and crushes the paper glass by gritting his teeth.... Tanu senses the change of reaction of abhi on seeing their parents....
Tanu is aware of the fact that why Abhi is reacting like this, all of a sudden... She pats abhi's back to calm him down but Tanu understands that Abhi is getting out of control...
Tanu: Maa... Papa... Please... I beg you... Please stay out of abhi bhai and go from here please...
Priya: why Tanu you are also talking like pragya??? Don't you know how much we love our abhi??? Please help us tanu... We badly want to talk with abhi..
Ram: Tanu beta... Please allow us... Pragya is with Arjun and Aaliya now... We will just talk with abhi for few minutes and will leave before pragya comes here ...
Please beta... Its a request from your father and mother who are standing way too helpless begging before their own daughter to allow us to see meet our first and precious son .. 😢😢😢😢
Tanu: Papa... Mumma... Please... Dont embarass me like this... Try to understand... The situation is not in our favour... Cant you two see how abhi bhai is reacting after seeing you two??? This is not a good sign, papa..
Try to understand and move from here before the things turns ugly... This is hospital and do you two want to showcase everything to the whole world...
Moreover, if pragya bhabhi comes and sees abhi bhai like this, she won't forgive you at all... Please.... Abhi bhai is happy these days only... Don't make him a monster again.... I beg you... 😢😢😢😢😢....
Don't make abhi bhai a puppet before that EP.... We all want to save bhai from that EP but if you two come before bhai like this means, we cant save bhai at all and who knows we can lose bhai completely... Please go away from here.... 😢😢😢😢
Tanu folds her hands and begs their parents Ram Mehra and Priya Mehra to go from there.... They wipes their tears and moves from there asking Tanu to take care of Abhi properly..
Tanu sighs and wipes her tears... She turns to see abhi but gasps in shock seeing abhi is becoming very much furious and the inner monster in him is starting to haunt him mercilessly...
Tanu rushes and holds abhi and makes him to sit in the near by chair before he lose his temper... She pats abhi's back and makes him to drink water.... Tanu asks abhi to stay there and she rushes to get medicines for abhi, so that he will be in control....
While Tanu leaves to get medicines, EP comes there from other side watching all the drama that takes place few minutes before... EP smirks knowing well that the ball has pocketed exactly the way EP wished...
EP makes a devilish chuckle and walks ahead of Abhi... EP slowly takes the injection in the hands to put on abhi knowing that it will increase the fire inside abhi... EP rushes up so that abhi will over react the way as expected....
As pragya is a protector of abhi after their marriage, EP finds it hard to inject abhi which distances abhi from his parents and he will lose his control and will react very madly...
EP looks aside as there is no one beside abhi... EP with a teasing smile touches Abhi who become horrified on seeing EP with the injection... Abhi starts to shiver and tremble on seeing EP...
Words didn't come out from Abhi's mouth after seeing the injection in EP's hands.... Abhi starts to sweat hard and he clucthed the chair hardly and closes his eyes as he is scared too much...
Abhi gets pancik as EP nears him... He is hell scared as he cant bear the pain anymore and his heart longs to see his fuggy asap who will protect him from EP... Abhi's heart, mind and soul starts to chant his fuggy's name as a mantra who is his saviour from EP....
EP holds abhi's hands tightly making Abhi to yelp in pain... EP yells at abhi to keep quiet and warns him not to create any scenes or else he will get nice beatings if he didn't listen properly.... Abhi kept mum with the threatenings and tears starts to pour out from his eyes uncontrollably....
Abhi jumps up when EP is about to put the injection... EP gets mad as abhi is highly annoying and wasting the time not letting to do the work... EP gets angry and about to slap Abhi....
But at the right time, Pragya comes over there and twists EP's hand is fury for trying to touch her husband in her absence... Pragya senses that something wrong has happened seeing EP's hands with injection...
Pragya warns EP to stay out of abhi or else she will make EP to rot in jail... EP grits the teeth in anger and moves from there furiously... Tanu too rushes there with medicines in her hands...
Tanu : Bhabhi... Give this tablet to bhai first and take him immediately to home and make him to rest...
Pragya: But what Happened to abhi all of a sudden, Tanu??? He was with you only na and explain me what's going on here..
Tanu: Bhabhi... Its not time to discuss all these stuffs... Abhi bhai needs your love and care right now... Lets discuss this later... Will call you and inform you everything afterwards...
Give this tablets to bhai and take him to home... Make him to have some food and let him to sleep... The more he sleep, he will be fine soon...
Please bhabhi... Dont waste the time .. Quick... Im scared nothing wrong should happen to bhai and I don't want to see my bhai again in that worst state.... 😢😢😢😢
Pragya couldn't understand what Tanu is saying but senses that something drastic will happen, if she didn't rush up .. She gives the tablet to abhi quickly and makes him to sit in the wheel chair and takes him hurriedly to the car....
Pragya rushes up the driver to go fast to the mansion.... Abhi is sweating too hard and trembling in fear.... He is crushing pragya very hardly as he can't bear the inner pain which os making his shiver a lot....
Pragya didn't bother about the pain abhi is giving her in the name of hug but she keeps on cooing abhi and wipes his sweat to calm him down... The car almost flies like a jet and reaches the mansion...
Pragya asks the servants to help her to take abhi to the room... Abhi is mumbling continuously as his pain is increasing too much and he cant sleep a bit at all... His lips are turning darker and he is shivering too hard ..
Pragya takes a deep breath knowing well that abhi needs only her as a medicine to calm himself down... Pragya comes near abhi and hugs him tightly... She closes the distance between their lips...
Abhi blinks his eyes as this is the first time pragya kisses abhi in his lips, when he is aware of.... Its not a passionate or romantic kiss between couples....
Its a kiss which gives solace to his pained body... Its like a healing medicine to the soul which has beared lot of tortures and pain... Though its an amateur kiss, pragya kisses abhi as if she is massaging the trembling lips of abhi...
Abhi doesn't know how to respond to the kiss too but he feels that its something which his soul, mind amd body need at that time to make him come out of the trouble ... Abhi calms down after a long time with soul calming down because of his fuggy' s loved filled kiss...
Abhi buries his head in pragya 's bosoms and kisses her near her heart and drifted to sleep hugging pragya way too intimately and possessively..
Hot tears oozes out from pragya's eyes uncontrollably as she cant tolerate to see abhi's vulnerable state...
Pragya is way too angry to punish that EP who is troubling her husband Abhi very badly and thinks very hard to know who is this EP and what's the relationship of EP with the Mehras... Pragya couldn't figure out how abhi got into the clutches of EP...
So, what's going to happen next???
Why did abhi starts to behave wierd on seeing his parents???
What made EP to turn up abhi like this???
Who is this EP and why the elder mehras are not in a condition to do anything against EP???
So, only one more episode left to know who this EP is....
Keep guessing and stay tuned. ..
As usual came up with a long update of 2480+ words...
Cast your votes and pen down your views....
Not proof read... Sorry for mistakes...
Yours buddy,
Signing off..
Will be
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