Ishita- I missed you, the moment I knew I was pregnant, I was on cloud nine Raman! The NEWS of Ishaan's arrival was something out of the world! All the 9 months, I MISSED YOU LIKE NEVER!! Ufff!
Raman(giggles)- Those are called hormonal changes Madrasan!
She sits up.
Ishita- of course I know, better than you! You know that I'm a doctor!
Raman- Haww you're a dentist! That too a fake one! Don't forget that!
Ishita(smiles)- You're still not over that! You won't grow up! Won't you?
Raman(winks&giggles)- I won't and I know you love me like this only!
She smiles nodding and hugs him tight which he reciprocates
Ishita- Raman!
Raman(plays with her hair)- hmm
Ishita- Do you have nothing to say?
Raman- No why?
She gets out of his hold and stares at him. He looks confused but with a playful smile plastered.
Ishita- 7 LONG YEARS! And you've nothing TO SAY ME?
Raman(giggles and pulls her close)- How is that possible? I have so much to say! But I can't do that over night ! You know can't give lectures like you do!
He winks at her and she smacks his head.
Ishita- Was it a lecture?
Raman(giggles)- achha ok! I will..
Ishita- Hmm
Raman- After ACP informed about your.. pauses and her smile vanishes, he holds her hand I was shattered! I can't explain the pain I went through! Ma, Papa everyone thought I will die too with the screams! She cries feeling guilty and looks down, he makes her face him with his hand. See if you cry like this I won't..
Ishita(wipes her tears and holds his hands)- No.. Tell me!
Raman- Hmm.. It took me almost an year to come out of my depression, which was a phase I don't even want to recall now! He wipes his tears and she feels sorry for him That was the time, I really don't know how did I survive. Only Adi and Pihu were my solace! Adi took care of his Papa just like his Ishima use to! He pats her cheek and she smiles in return Seeing Pihu grow, I started to become stable. She's is a carbon copy of you Jaan! The same smile, the same antics. And she resembles Ruhi too! She was the main reason I stopped trying.. He stops in the mid, as if he'd uttered something wrong which confuses her
Ishita- stopped trying what Raman?
Raman- Trying to..
Ishita(sternly)- TELL ME THE TRUTH!
Raman(looks down)- Trying to commit suicide!
Ishita(shocked)- WHAT?... SUICIDE? You tired to.. suicide.. (sobs) Ramann..
Raman(wipes her tears)- Shh.. please don't cry! I wasn't the same strong Raman to think practically always! I was the grieved Raman, whose wife and daughter were dead!
Ishita(sobs looking down)- I'm sorry! I'm very.. sorry!
He hugs her close, caressing her shoulder.
Raman- Shh! See that's why I wasn't telling you!
Ishita(sobs)- I've the right to know!
Raman- Ok.. I've said na! Now please don't cry!
After some time, she breaks the hug and waits for him to continue.
Raman- As Pihu grew up, I tried to be normal in front of the kids and I'm successful too!
He laughs. But she keeps staring at him, feeling sorry! He didn't have anyone to cry his heart out! She wraps her arms around his neck and adjusts partially in his lap. He lovingly caresses her hair, patting her gently.
Raman- I'm fine Jaan!
Ishita- You know.. You're really a..
Raman(smiles)- What?
Ishita- You're really a RAVAN KUMAR!
Raman(giggles)- I know that already!
She breaks the hug and he lies down in her lap. She caresses his hairs gently and he closes his eyes.
Raman- Jaan
Ishita- Hmm
Raman- Aren't you sleepy?
Ishita- Are you?
Raman- hmm
She bends down and kisses his forehead and he smiles having his eyes closed. He lifts up his hands and joins their foreheads and pulls her cheeks, she giggles in return. He picked her in his arms and took her to the bed, settling down beside her.
Raman- Shall I ask you something?
Ishita(smiles)- hmm
Raman- Why doesn't your room have a single pic of me? You've got pics of the entire family. I'm in the pics, but they all are family pics. You don't have even a single pic of ours'?
She looks and him and finds him annoyed. She pulls his cheeks which doesn't go well with him.
Ishita- Aww mere jallu kumar!
Raman- Kya yaar?
Ishita(smiles)- Achha ruko!
She gets up and leans a little near the desk beside and switches on something. A dim light appears above their head.
Raman- Now what's this?
He sits upright and looks behind. His lips curve into a smile looking behind. A picture appeared in the form of dim light.
Raman(smiles happily)- Jaan, this..
Ishita- Haan! It's us only!
He hugs her happily kissing her cheeks hard, she giggles. Both of them close their eyes. He wraps her more tight and she almost sticks to him like a glue!
Ishita- Happy?
Raman- VERY VERY! I thought.. you didn't have any.. of mine..
Ishita(caresses his hair)- Can thet ever happen?
Raman(smiles with happy tears)- I love you.
Ishita(kisses his neck)- I love you too!
They melt in each other's arms slowly pouring out all the love they had and all the feelings they'd missed to share and all the moments they'd stayed away. The two souls finally became one again under the twilight.
Ruhi- Wooow Pihu! That's an awesome idea!
Pihu- See I told you bhaiyya!
Ishaan- But that was the exact thing I thought about!
Adi- Achha? Really? Ruhi, they're bluffing! It's my plan!
Ruhi- Whatever! We've to at least do this! You know bhai, we'd planned so many things for your arrival. But seeing you all, we forgot everything!
Ishaan- Let it be didi! This is the best plan!
Adi(giggles)- Haan!
Ishrudihu- YESS!
They all do a hi-fi and go their respective rooms and sleep eagerly waiting for the day to change.
Ishaan- Bhaiyya they'll be happy na?
Adi- Haan Ishu. Sleep now, I'm sleepy he yawns.
He sits up on his tummy and Adi giggles finding him cute! He mentally thinks, all the kids of his Papa are the same! First Ruhi then Pihu and now Ishaan, all of them have sat like this over him many times. Poor he, he didn't get the chance as he was the eldest! But he enjoyed like this with his Romi chachu.
Ishaan- But bhaiyya, What if..
Adi- What if?
Ishaan(leans down over his chest)- achha nothing.
Adi giggles finding him too cute. He kisses his forehead and closes his eyes. Ishaan sleeps over his brother's chest peacefully.
Pihu- But didi..
Ruhi- Haan..
Pihu- Will they like it?
Ruhi- Yeah of course..
Pihu- But what if..
Ruhi- What if?
Pihu- Nothing!
She lies down over her shoulder hugging her waist. Ruhi happily hugs her. Both the sisters too sleep peacefully.
Next morning,
Ishita feels getting caged in a strong pair of arms. It wasn't any rocket-science to guess who it was.
Ishita(smiles)- Ramann.. Leave me!
Raman- No I won't! What will you do Madrasan?
He kisses her neck and she closes her eyes forgetting everything. But suddenly she remembers their position
Ishita- Raman! Leave me.. They may come here any time.
Raman- Let them!
Ishita- Raman please..
Raman- Only if you agree to my condition!
Ishita(looks back a little)- What?
Raman(pecks her cheek)- A KISS!
Ishita(blushes and looks down)- But you've just did that!
Raman- Not this bachhon wala kiss! I want a KISS!
She gets out of his hold and faces him.
Ishita- No Raman!
He pulls her by her waist closer and locks her hands in his without letting her go.
Raman- Yes Raman! This is your punishment for leaving me alone on bed without giving me my morning dose. Now come on give me one. I'll let you go.. Promise!
He pinches his neck with his hand leaving her. She tries to use the opportunity to escape but he holds her again.
Raman- Achha beta! I won't leave you! I WANT A KISS!
Ishita(blushes)- Raman.. We're in the kitchen!
Raman- SO? Can't we romance in kitchen?
Ishita- Arrey you didn't have enough last night..
She stops in mid and looks down blushing furiously. He smiles looking at her and joins their foreheads.
Raman- I can never get over you!
He comes closer and caresses her lips. She closes her eyes surrendering to him. He places a soft kiss on her forehead and she smiles with her eyes closed. He slowly approaches her lips.
Voice- Mumma!
He opens his eyes getting interrupted and finds her unaware of the voice totally lost in his touch.
Raman(confused)- Mumma?
Her eyes pop open realising what was happening and she pushed him back.
She finds Ishaan rubbing his eyes. Huff! Thank god he didn't see anything. She next notices Raman rubbing his back.
Ishita(holds him)- Raman.. Are you ok? I'm sorry I didn't realise..
Raman- Kya ok yaar! Ahhh..
Ishaan- Good morning papa!
Raman(moaning in pain)- Ahh Good morning Ishu!
Ishaan comes running into Raman's arms and he picks him up in return and kisses his cheek. Ishaan giggles and happily returns the kiss.
Ishita- Ishu, Papa has a back ache bachha..
Raman- No Ishu, your Mumma has dimaag ka (brain) ache! Mutters Doesn't know what to do when?
Ishaan- What Papa?
Raman- Nothing! Ishu, can Papa make you ready today?
Ishaan(laughs)- YAAY! OK.
Ishita- Raman.. Are you fine?
He looks at her and finds her with a guilty face.
Raman- Heyy.. I'm fine. Don't worry. It was all of a sudden. Now it's okay! It doesn't pain that bad.
Ishita- Sure?
Raman(places his free hand on her cheek)- Yeahh!
She smiles. He goes inside taking Ishaan. She notices Adi and Ruhi coming out talking very slowly as if it was a secret.
Ishita- Adi, Rooh.. What's going on?
They stop their planning as if being caught.
Ruhi- No.. Nothing Ishima.. We were just..
Adi- Just discussing about..
Ruhi- About.. about where to go today!
Adi- Yeah! Where to go today! Ishimaa.. We'll all explore the city today!
She smiles thinking about the mischievous Adi-Rooh. But she just let it be.
Ishita- Achha ok! Come have the breakfast! Where's Pihu?
Ruhi- She's changing Ishima. She'll be here soon.
Ishita- Ohh okay! I'll see her.
She goes from there after serving their breakfast. They settle down. They start to eat and continue the planning and plotting in their mobiles giggling at each other excited about their plans.
Raman picks him up from the bath tub and starts to wipe his head with a towel.
Ishaan- And you know what! After that, I won the race. See I'm very smart right?
Raman- Of course. My Ishaan is indeed a champ.
He wraps a small towel around his tiny waist and both walk out of the washroom. Raman moves towards the dresser while Ishaan climbs up the bed and starts jumping slowly.
Ishaan- And do you know what Mumma says?
Raman(brings out his dress)- What?
Ishaan- I'm smart just like you Papa!
Raman(Smiles making him wear a pant and Ishaan holds onto his shoulders for support)- Achha! What else does your Mumma say?
Ishaan- Mumma says, I'm a juniout RKB!
Raman(giggles)- Achha?
Ishaan- Not Raman kumar bhalla! I'm Ravan kumar bhalla!
He hits his forehead and Raman giggles seeing his antics. He makes him wear a tee.
Raman- Why are you Ravan kumar?
Ishaan- Because even I'm cranky just like you!
Raman- Really?
He gets excited as a kid gets after he gets a chocolate.
Ishaan- Yes! And she says I love her the same way you do!
Raman(smiles finding him cute)- Achha in what way?
Ishaan(kisses his cheek)- In kissing her like this.
Raman finds Ishaan doing similar acts as if baby wife does. Only he knew which kisses did she love from him ;) He kisses Ishaan back making him giggle.
Raman- So great! We're a team from now! Right?
Raman picks him in his arms.
Ishaan- Yess!
They go out to the hall.
Ishita- Really Pihu?
Pihu- Haan Mumma, Papa combs my hair sometimes. But it comes very bad (laughs) Bua combs my hair always.
Ishita thinks and praises her lazy husband who tried to comb their daughter's hair. She finishes braiding her hair and Pihu gets up.
Pihu- And you know what, Papa says I've got long and lovely hair just like you.
Ishita(smiles)- Yes true!
She thinks about his love for her hair and blushes inwardly.
Ishita- Achha! What more does your Papa say?
Pihu- I'm just like you in every way!
Ishita- In what way?
Pihu(hits her forehead)- IN GIVING LECTURES!
Ishita laughs hearing this.
Pihu- YOU TELL ME MUMMA! It's wrong to come late to home na? That's why I scold him. Did I do anything wrong?
She listens sincerely to her daughter's rants and nods her head agreeing to her. He was right! She was just like her!
Pihu- See I know it!
Ishita(laughs)- Achha from now on we're a team! Right?
Pihu- Right!
They join hands. Ishita picks her in her arms and takes her out.
Ishaan in Raman's arms come out at the same time from the opposite direction. Ishra smile looking at each other contented. They head towards the dinning together. Adi-Rooh turn hearing the giggles and find their chutkus in their parent's arms cracking some funny jokes between themselves. Adiru smile seeing them all happy.
How was it friends?
All the type of suggestions are welcome!
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Stay home, stay safe!
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