🏐Love at first sight💥
Ik, it's cliché
A little ooc
And somethings are not accurate.
Eversince Bakugou saw that tall upperclassman play,
he was smitten by his charms,He later learned that the guy he liked was a 2nd year from the sports course and to be specific,he plays volleyball.
The day was really good, bakugou was walking with his usual scowl on his face,he was fed up with all the shenanigans of the crazy idiots in his class,so he decided to take a stroll around his school.
So when the ash blonde male was crossing the ground, he suddenly heard whistle sound and turned his heard to the source and when he did,he saw group of students playing volleyball,
He slightly scoffed at that but when he saw a tall black haired male serve, he was totally amazed by his talent.
So he watched the game till the end from the sideways and slightly cheered for the male he started admiring from the past minutes team to win and when they did, he was so happy, He smiled and his cheeks burned when he saw the proud smirk on that male's face.
He wanted to know the male's name, his quirk and all.
He was about to go when he hear two girls talk
"Did u see how kageyama kun played?,he was so cool!"
"I know right,he is the man of all our dreams"
"Look look kageyama kun is taking off his shirt kyaaa"
When Bakugou turned and saw,he blushed thousand shades of red,the black haired male was taking off his jersey that was drenched in sweat and wiped his face with a towel and put on a new one,this all happened in the ground.
So his name is kageyama...
Two weeks later~
Since then bakugou always rushed in Thursday evenings to watch the practice of kageyama.He always loved how kageyama smirks whenever he wins,once bakugou almost cried when he saw a orange haired male kissing kageyama in the cheek, bakugou almost exploded, he was so jealous, because the male he developed a liking on doesn't even notice his presence nor does knows him,so he was really upset and came out of his imaginary world
And was regretting on coming to see that scenario that hurt him so bad.
But Bakugou wasn't the type to give up
So he still came to watch all the matches they play.
One day,kageyama was late to go, so bakugou stayed without caring about his surroundings,he didn't even notice that everybody started to leave except himself, kageyama noticed the spiky haired ash blonde male on the spectator bench and raised an eyebrow at him, bakugou who was still in a daze suddenly panicked when kageyama made an eye contact with him, bakugou fell backwards from intense panic.kageyama rushed towards the male and held his hand with a raised brow.
"What are you doing here?your uniform looks like it is from the hero course?"
"I-I ye-yeah iam from hero course"
"Then why are you here?"
Bakugou build a little confidence and said
"I can go wherever I want, you c-cant question me.."
"I see,then mind telling me why were you staring at me?"
"Tobio, kageyama Tobio,That's my name"
The tall black haired male said.
"Your name?"
"B-bakugou katsuki"
"Nice name"
And then he ruffled bakugo's spiky hair finding it extremely soft opposite to it's appearance.
"Iam a second year,so I assume you are first year?"
"Yeah,iam a.... first year.."
"Call me kageyama senpai,alright?"
"Call me now"
"Call me senpai"
Bakugou liked the tone in the male's voice,which wanted him to submit to the male before him.
"Ka-kageyama se-sen-senpai"
"Good" he patted bakugou's hair once and then went out of the place
Bakugou then came to his senses and accidentally made a huge hole in the ground.
He then ran off to his dorms and screamed for fifteen minutes and then
Fell asleep.
2 months later~
Bakugou was rushing to the other side of his school,he is late today because of a stupid advice that the aizawa decided to give his students,so when some classmates saw him rush, this has become normal, but the bakusquad was eying him suspeciously and deku and todoroki too eyed him weirdly.
"I can't be the only one to notice this sudden change" kirishima said and the others nodded in agreement.
"Bakugou has been behaving weirdly nowadays"
The todoroki who never cared anything around him suddenly voiced out his opinion.
"I know right!!, kacchan is always in a rush when it's Thursday"
"Not to mention his calm attitude which scares me every Wednesday night"
Kaminari says
suddenly Mina slammed her hands on
The table and said
"THEN, let's follow him next Thursday and see what he is up to"
Nobody objected they all agreed
Fast forward to next week Thursday:
The usual Thursday scene is unfolding
Before their eyes, Bakugou then ran off.
So when he left all the six of them started to follow him.
They saw bakugou buying something from the vending machine and running off to the general course area.
They all stared at him, but since they got no time for discussing they all followed him quickly, without the ash blonde noticing, the blonde entering the ground and sitting on the spectator bench with a....SMILE??
They were all so shocked to see the blonde smile,the whole thing seemed to fishy.
Then they all sat at two rows from when Bakugou is sitting and observed him from time to time
5:30 PM
That's when they were all about to faint, the loud ass bakugou started blushing and smiling as the upperclassmen of the other course played,they couldn't pinpoint anything.
"Guys Iam scared,did our Pomeranian got hit by a weird quirk or something?"
Mina asked slightly terrified and also amazed by what she is seeing,
All the other five boys seemed to be in a daze, they all blushed from what they are seeing
Never in a million years they expected bakugou to be this cute,they were also slightly jelly from whoever was making the untouchable Pomeranian blush.
So when the match ended and everyone started going, the other six hid and watched why bakugou still didn't go.
Then they saw a tall handsome black haired male making his way to bakugou.
Bakugou started fidgeting with his blazer as the other male smiled at him.
"Oh kat you came today too, you are such a cutie,you know that"
Did they hear it right? The guy was flirting with the katsuki bakugou,
They all expected him to explode the male away.
But all they saw was Bakugou "smiling" in return.
Everything was so new and weird.
"Ka-kacchan is smiling,kacchan is not angry,he is blushing,we don't know who that guy is,why is kacchan meeting up with this guy, this is guy seems to be from the sports genre,he is handsome too, he has the charms, how come I didn't notice him?"
Deku was muttering,so Mina slammed her hand on his mouth and signaled for him to be quiet.
Bakugou suddenly opened his bag and pulled out a bottle, that seemed like a cold drink and handed it to the the taller male
"Here s-senpai I bought it for yo-you,I don't know if you like this,"
That's all it took for todoroki's flames to appear and deku to have a fidgeting attack,Mina to squeal, kirishima to faint,Denki to short circuit, This caught the couple's attention and bakugou was shocked to see them here.
He yelled at them.
Kageyama was surprised,cause this is the first time he has seen the spiky haired male to be this mad, he is always blushing or smiling his way like an angel
Who are those people?
"Who are you guys,looking like a bunch of idiots,what are you doing here?" Kageyama asked, annoyed some idiot looking people ruined his moment with the ash blonde cutie, then he opened the drink and started gulping it down.
The others still didn't answer,they were all taking their time to recover from the amount of shock they have received.
Then kageyam turned to bakugou and said
"This tastes awesome,I like this drink so much"
Said and then ruffled the explosive male's hair which the shorter male accepted happily with a blush on his face.
"Iam glad.... you like that senpai"
Bakugou admitted shyly.
Then he remembered the idiots that came here
"Senpai, iam going now,see you next week"
he bowed and kageyama noded.
"Did you all see that bakugou respects this guy so much"
"I know right, he doesn't even call his mother, mom but old hag"
" He tells aizawa to fuck off"
"he explodes us once in a five minutes"
"He cannot tolerate us more that 3 minutes"
Then they all SCREAMED
then they all followed Bakugou and went to the dorms.
They saw the male entering his room and started running towards him.
He was about to close the door,
Shoji then came out of his room and bakugou realized that more people will hear if they have to scream in the hallway.
"Tch,fine you morons,come In"
To be continued
A/n: please I beg you guys from throwing any hate towards my book, please if you don't like please just don't mind this book
Iam a multishipper, so please don't
Hate, thank you
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