Yeah, That Happened
***Remington's POV***
Oh, what a night. So, Lyle finally got his mate.
Thank the Goddess!
My tired baby fell asleep in my arms during the celebration. I joyfully carried him up the stairs and wrapped my arms around his growing waist. I cuddled my sweet love and fell fast asleep.
My morning starts off as usual. Talon hugs the toilet gracefully as he dry heaves his offering to the porcelain god. He doesn't complain as his body tremors from the violent assault. I slip my arms around him as I sit behind him and rub his back.
Poor baby.
I whisper sweet words of praise to my ailing mate. The pup is really unkind to his daddy.
Talon gets up, with my help and we brush our teeth before getting dressed and heading down stairs.
Talon's feet drag as he shuffles ever so slowly down the stair case. He misses one of the steps and falls forward. I lurch quickly, grabbing him around his waist and hauling into my arms. He nestles close to my chest as I carry him to the dining room table.
Talon whimpers when I set him down. My eyebrows raise in question. Talon makes grabby hands and I smile as I put him in my lap. My legs become his seat.
"Hey sweetie. What do you want for breakfast?" Mrs. Williams asks. She caresses Talon's cheek and attempts to kiss his forehead. Talon turns his face into my chest and effectively blocks her display of affection.
Mrs. Willliams sighs as she takes a small step back.
"Baby, that was rude. Apologize." I whisper. He just hurt his mom's feelings for no good reason.
The next thing I know, Talon is sobbing in my chest.
"It's okay, Remington. I understand." Mrs. Williams walks off defeated.
"Talon, baby, what is wrong with you?" I ask. I'm literally stupefied that I just witnessed that.
Talon doesn't respond. He climbs off my lap and races outside. He slams the pack house door on his way out.
I huff as I stand.
Fucking mood swings.
I walk quietly to the door and open it. I close it behind myself and look around.
Where did he go?
I walk down the steps and look left, right, forward. To no avail.
The Luna is fast.
I trudge through the wet morning grass as I try to scent my mate. Kai urges me to find him, now. I try to reason with my worried wolf but, I give up as I walk around searching.
His scent isn't exactly the same as it used to be so I have a hard time recognizing it, as it's still new to both Kai and me.
I listen for sniffles, shuffles or the rustling of leaves.
I scratch the back of my neck and continue walking the pack lands. I'm quite perturbed over his sudden untraceable disappearance.
My nerves kick in after twenty minutes of searching. I mind link Jace.
"I can't find him. Can someone come help me please?" I request worriedly.
It takes a few seconds before a pack of warriors, lead by Lyle, stand beside me.
"Lutz, Austin and Alex, go west. Reid, Devon, Pierce go east. Dad, Alpha and Remi take the North. I will go south with Lyle and Max." Jase barks the orders as we all split into groups.
I sigh as I scrub my hands over my fucking face.
This is just stupendous. Absolutely divine.
I walk irritatedly towards the North, continuously scanning the land.
"What happened?" Dad asks.
"He shunned Mrs. Williams from kissing him. So, I chastised him." I grumble. I realize I was quick to judge, but it's not something he has ever done.
"Talon's pregnant, Remi. He is bound to act irrational." Beta Marcus explains.
"I know. I fucked up. Again. Goddess I just am not accustomed to any of this." I whine pathetically.
"We will find him, son. Just calm down." My Dad urges. He rubs my shoulder soothingly and I nod in response.
Another thirty minutes passes and to say I was getting edgy would be the understatement of the century.
We searched the whole north side of the pack lands without a single clue.
After what seemed like FOREVER, Lutz informs us that we need to head back to the pack house.
I refuse, my fucking mate is lost and I am not resting until he shows his beautiful blue eyes in front of me.
After yelling just that, thru the mind link, Lutz tells me to come West.
So, without further instruction we do just that. We run straight into Lutz's search party. They are all standing at the bottom of a tree and looking up. Lutz's arms are crossed and he is chuckling.
Jase's group shows up simultaneously along with Reid's group. We follow Lutz's stare and I growl loudly.
"What the actual fuck?" I groan.
Meka is perched in the tree, snoring.
Wolves aren't huge climbers. This is ridiculous.
"I will get him." Dad chuckles, knowing good and damn well I can't climb a tree to save my damn life.
"This is beyond unamusing." I state in annoyance.
"He look's adorable." Marcus chuckles as he ruffles my hair.
Soon enough, Dad comes down the tree trunk with Meka laying over his shoulder.
I huff as he throws Talon's huge wolf into my awaiting arms.
"That kid is heavy." Dad pants while he stretches.
"Please don't let him hear you." Lutz begs. Clearly he loves my mate and doesn't want him upset.
We walk towards the pack house with Meka passed out in my arms. Jace opens the door and I deposit a very sleeping Meka on the couch. I run my hands thru his hair and listen as he purrs at my touch.
Stupid fucking wolf, he coulda hurt himself.
"All is well that ends well," Lyle laughs as Spence wraps his arms around him and kisses him. They act like it had been days since they saw one another.
Deciding to let Meka rest, I go back to the table where I am greeted with a five star breakfast.
"Remi, I'm not upset. I love my son. He is pregnant, hungry and hormonal. I know better than to take it personal." Mrs. Williams kisses my forehead.
I lift my coffee to my lips and hum around the rim of the cup.
What a fucking morning!
My mom walks thru and grabs my cup from my hands. She silently walks out of the room and comes back with another cup. I thank her and take a large gulp before spewing it across the dining table.
Yeah, that happened.
"What the fuck?" I growl.
"Bourbon. You need it." My mom winks.
I take another sip and let the offensive liquid burn as it slides down my throat. Immediately I feel the stress evaporating.
"Thanks." I smile at my knowing mother. My Dad smirks as mom hands him his cup.
"I just can't seem to do anything right." I confess.
"Honey, this isn't a walk in the park. It's completely normal." Jenny coos. Her hand rests on my face as she turns my head towards her.
"No one else seems to be upsetting their pregnant mates." I whine like the sour baby I feel like being.
"So, not true." Ally giggles.
"Please enlighten me." I groan.
"Jace ate my fucking hot pickle last night." Ally glares at Jase.
"I didn't know it was hers." Jase throws his hands in the air while mumbling not again.
"Lutz got me flaming hot Cheetos instead of the Jalapeño ones, I specifically requested." Lloyd huffs out.
"Goddess. We are all failures." I groan as I shove my food in my mouth.
"It's okay. Because Jace went all the way to the store and bought me a whole case of hot pickles." Ally kisses Jace and he smiles as he burrows his face into her swollen breasts.
"Lutz gave me a back rub and sucked me off. Then he bought my Cheetos." Lloyd winks at Lutz while Lutz looks like he is catching flies.
"That's a vivid picture I didn't need this early in the morning." Lutz's dad, Mr. John, chuckles as he sits down.
"He sooooo good at it." Lloyd's eyes roll under his closed lids as if he can feel the moment all over again.
"Lloyd, baby, lets keep my skills to ourselves." Lutz gently tries to rein Lloyd's mouth in.
"That's fine baby. Sorry. I won't let it happen again." Lloyd smirks. I wait for it. It's coming.
"Thank you." Lutz whispers with a smile.
"You won't be thanking me later. You're not touching this body for a week." Lloyd snaps back.
Lutz whines and the begging, apologies and I adore yous fall gracefully from his stupid lips.
"See, you're not the only one." Jace guffaws.
Ally lands a swift slap to the back of his head before pulling him out of her cleavage by his ear.
"Jace, the same for you. You want to laugh at their pain. Have a taste." Ally glares again at her whimpering mate.
"Babe." Jace whines.
I just breathe slowly. It's all so much.
I hear a whimper and jump from my chair. Meka is stirring. I have no idea why Talon is in wolf form. I walk hurriedly to Meka and kneel beside him. I feel Kai pushing forward, anxious to soothe his mate.
I relax into my mind and let Kai take over my human form.
"Sweetheart. It's okay. I'm here." Kai coos. He runs my hands softly thru Meka's golden fur.
Meka whines lowly and nuzzles into my stroking hand.
"Baby, I'm sorry we offended you. Please wake up so I can see your stunning eyes." My wolf lays it on thicker than I would have.
Meka stays unalert. He whimpers and wiggles but doesn't open his eyes.
Kai sighs as he takes me completely over. I feel and hear my body switching forms. I roll my eyes as my clothes shred into tiny fibers.
Kai lays over Meka and cuddles into his side.
Yeah, that just happened. My wolf just kicked me to the damn curb.
I relax on my haunches as I let Kai comfort our ailing mate. He hasn't had much time with Meka so I might as well give him time when he basically forced it on me.
Kai nuzzles his snout into Meka's neck and licks at his fur. He's scoots his paws closer together and cradles our sleeping mate. I almost awe at what an amazing protector Kai is.
Meka snuggles closely and a purr whispers from his muzzle. His eyes flutter and the whimpering comes out in broken huffs.
My mate is so very sensitive. I really should learn to be more patient. He needs that and I need him.
"You are rough on Meka." Kai growls lowly at me. I roll my fucking eyes.
If Kai has his way we would carry Talon everywhere, kiss his feet, baby him and worship him every second of every day.
"As we should. He's our Luna. He is carrying our PUP, Remi. You don't know what he is going thru. Think about it, his body stretches. He pukes. He's tired all the time. Yeah, he gets whiny. Yeah he snaps sometimes. But, he is creating our PUP!" Kai growls loudly and Meka whines low and long.
"You're scaring him, Kai. Calm the fuck down mutt." I grunt.
"If I am a mutt, so are you asshole. We are one in the same, half breed." Kai sneers.
"Fuck you. I'm full blooded Alpha." I spit back.
"So am I dick licker." Kai snorts.
"Oh please. Jealous much." I roll my eyes. This fucker is so damn immature.
Meka snarls and hisses as he twists in Kai's embrace.
"Let's call a truce. My baby is trying to sleep." Kai grins.
"Yeah, lets do that. And for Goddess sake, cover his tail. His bottom is shining the whole pack house." I grit out.
Stupid dog can't even make sure our mate is decent.
"I heard you fuck tard. Keep on. I can keep you at bay just like you do me." Kai warns.
I groan tiredly. Arguing with yourself isn't healthy. Not at all.
"We're going to nap and I will let you have your body back. Just let me love Meka the way you always get to love Talon. Please." Kai begs.
Yeah I'm an asshole. Let me shut the fuck up and let them bond. Otherwise, I won't ever get to hold my love in my arms again.
So, I take a nap inside my own mind. It's exhilarating, let me tell you.
When I wake, I see Meka is still out cold. Kai is licking and cuddling just the same as before. Meka's fur glistens with our saliva. His scent reeks of Alpha. I smirk to myself.
Damn bastard didn't even sleep I bet.
"No, I didn't. I couldn't. Just look at him. He's so beautiful. I didn't want to waste a minute." Kai explains himself.
"I'm sorry buddy. I haven't been very fair. I promise to be more a tune to your needs. You have every right to spend time with Meka." I whisper.
"It's fine Remi. I would be selfish too. I love you." Kai accepts my words.
"I love you too buddy." I nod my head.
"Take back over. I think you need to wake mate up." Kai relinquishes my body.
I shift quickly before grabbing a blanket off the couch and covering my exposed body.
"Baby, I'm sorry I was rude. Please come back." I stroke Meka's fur softly.
Meka whines and Kai immediately stares thru me while letting me keep control. I press my lips to Meka's snout over and over. I try to wake my sleeping Luna.
Meka stirs and his eyes flutter open while I stare into his gorgeous mercury eyes.
"There you are love. Can you shift back?" I ask gently thru mind link.
"I can't. Meka won't let me." Talon cries.
I raise my eyebrows and try to think of a possible reason for Meka to keep Talon away from me.
I lift Meka's snout to my lips and kiss him a couple times successively. Meka rubs his snout against my jaw but, makes no move to hand the reins back to Talon.
"I don't know what to do." I admit to my Luna.
"Me either. But, I'm starving and Meka refuses to give me back. Please Remi. Help." Talon pleads.
Having no clue how to help, I call Dad.
Dad walks over and I explain that Meka is holding Talon hostage.
"Son." My Dad sighs.
I look up at him and he is pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Yeah, Dad." I hesitantly respond.
"Get Talon to the pack hospital, NOW!" Dad whispers.
Without a second thought. I pick Meka up and run to the infirmary.
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