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***Talon's POV***
Remi walks me back towards a waterfall. No doubt, the water will keep away prying minds. I sit gently on his lap as he moves on to the forest floor. I don't want to hear this. I can feel through the mate bond that I don't want to know.
"Spencer was sexually abused by Malik." Remi just pushes forward with the conversation.
I don't say anything. I just listen. No words need to be said by me. I wouldn't be able to form them anyway. I wipe the tears as they begin. That's nothing I wanted to think about.
"Malik has been poisoning him with Wolfsbane. He threatened him to make him break the mate bond. It almost worked." Remi cuddles me closely as he breaks my heart. It's not even his fault.
I rub my chest as Meka whimpers. He knew it was bad. Probably not this bad, but Luna's have a sixth sense about this shit.
Remi pulls his fingers through my hair gently, soothingly.
"I hate this." I whimper. My heart feels like it's about to explode. Compassion and empathy are natural to me. No wonder I was drawn to my Omega. He is broken.
"So do I." Remi rocks us back and forth. For his comfort or mine, I'm unsure. I just move with him.
"I will never understand that type of person. It's beyond me." I whisper the words as I play with my fingers. My arms are holding onto my mate's forearms.
"We shouldn't have to try. What's important is, we have a broken couple. We need to work together to help mend them. They have a pup on the way. It's our jobs. As friends, Alphas and family, we need to help." Remi leans back and I lean with him. I don't want to be away from my mate. I need him.
My mind digs around for the signs we missed. Self awareness, as well as being aware of others, is often something that we look past in the storm of life.
The signs could have pointed to anything with Spence. We knew he was abused but, I had assumed it was my type of abuse. The kind that doesn't take away a choice that scars that deeply.
"Stop." Remi holds me closely. "Don't compare the two. I feel it. It's not the same thing. You were a victim too but, that doesn't mean you have a superpower. We didn't know." I nod my head into my mate's chest. Maybe we should have known.
"I want to start some classes." My mind is already made up. I missed this. I won't be so naive next time.
"What type?" Remi looks at me with a real interest. That's one of the things I love about him. He's always interested in what I have to say.
"I need to know what to look for. Yeah, I know, I can't change what Spence went through, but it would be nice if I can prevent it." My words come out laced in pain. There's no denying the way my wolf cries out over such news. We are meant to feel pain when others do. That's sorta what we do.
"I think it's a great idea. You are a wonderful Luna and an even better person Talon." Remi places his lips on my forehead. His thoughts roll around in my mind. Our link is wide open and I am smothered in the details he has been made aware of.
I hold back the physical sickness that attempts to overtake me. What a fucking bastard. I smile knowing that our leaders are taking care of him. Maybe I'm a psycho. I don't care. I'm glad he will get some semblance of justice. He deserves it.
A new pain seeps into me. Somewhere out there, Malik has a mate. That wolf will always be missing something. More lives being destroyed, senselessly.
The thoughts aren't wholesome. They aren't comforting. His actions have snowballed.
The extent of our Omega's damage is not readily apparent. But, there is enough to know that he needs counseling. I will be beside him every step of the way. I want to be.
My mind wraps around the loss of his parents. How much can one wolf endure? It's amazing that he is as even as he seems. He may be an Omega, but our tiny Omega Warrior is a fighter. He has been through hell and he's still fighting. That thought makes me smile.
Goddess, I'm not asking on behalf of me. Help us heal Spencer. Give us every available outlet to give him strength. Don't let this destroy his bond. Let their pup heal them. Please. Give us all the tools to rebuild our broken couple.
My prayers are not for me. Spencer deserves a good life. I love him. He is funny, sassy and extremely fitting for our pack. I know the Moon Goddess blessed us with him for a reason.
"I want to check on him. Please." I stand up from my mate's lap. Remi nods and stands with me. We walk back the way we came. Our hearts heavier, our steps are tired.
We reach the pack hospital and enter the hall where Spencer is being treated. His whimpers can be heard, felt.
The antidote for Wolfsbane is not pleasant. I have heard of the violent way it purges your system. It isn't something I would wish on just anybody.
I slip into the room quietly. Remi comes in behind me. His hand rests on my back, comfortingly.
"How are you holding up?" My words are soft, hopefully not prying. I run my hand through Spence's sweat drenched hair.
"I'm okay. I will be. It hurts. But, I don't care." Spence nods his head into Lyle's chest.
Lyle looks like shit. No question that he feels terrible. It's a given.
"I'm sorry." I whisper the words. I don't have much else that I feel is appropriate. Not at the moment.
"It's over. That's all that matters. I told my mate. We're going to go to counseling." Spencer looks at Lyle. Lyle kisses his forehead and pulls him closer still.
"It's not your fault baby. None of this is on you. I love you." Lyle continues to support Spencer. That warms my spirit.
"We are all here for you two. Three. All three of you. Don't let him win." Remi wraps his arms around our Warrior couple.
"Thank you." Spence opens his watery eyes and the tears leak freely. He seems like he has shed one too many for a day. Multitudes in a lifetime.
"How's the medicine working?" Remi looks at Lyle for answers.
"I can feel the mate pull. That's a start. Thank Goddess. I told Spence I would have loved him without it. I guess this proves that much." Spence smiles, genuinely over Lyle's words.
"You did. I didn't believe you though. If I'm being honest. I love you Lyle. Thank you." Spence turns over and grips Lyle's face between his hands. He brings their lips together and softly kisses his mate.
Love radiates off of them both. They are going to be great. I can feel it.
"How is Keagan?" Remi looks to Spencer for the update.
"He's upset. At himself. He thinks he should have done more." Spence let's off waves of guilt. I understand that.
"I'm not being a dick. Keagan should go easier on himself. He's an Omega who faced off with an Alpha. He did wonderful. You shouldn't have had to participate in that fight." Remi rubs Spencer's hand. Spencer nods in agreement.
"How much longer before you come home?" I want our couple home.
"Last bag. Maybe a half hour. Mom says it won't be long. The Wolfsbane is almost non existent." Lyle smiles at the thought. I do too.
"You need anything?" I ask of the two.
"Can we have a family night?" Spence looks over hopefully at me.
"Yeah, we can. Let's get the pups down first." Remi answers for us.
"Actually, Keagan and I, we want to spend time with the pups. I know that's odd, but we both really want to get to know them. We have kind of been avoiding them." Spence hangs his head in shame.
"Don't feel like you have done anything wrong. Goddess knows how long it has been that you haven't felt your own feelings. How about you help us bathe them? Then we can spend time with all of us." I massage Spencer's head as he smiles widely.
"Thank you." Spence wipes even more tears.
"You two come back as soon as possible. Dinner will be waiting." Remi pats their shoulders and I give them both a quick hug.
"Thank you." Spencer blurts out the words.
"Not even necessary. Thank you for trusting us." Remi and I wave to the couple as we make our way out.
"What a fucking day." I let Remi pick me up. I bury my head into his neck and grip him with iron strength.
"It was all Kai." Remi informs me.
"Really. Glad to know he is on top of things." I smile knowing that my mate's wolf is a fucking hero.
"Their killing him right?" I probably shouldn't be so keen on the idea. But, I am.
"That's up to Dad. I am not in that fight." Remi rubs my back as we walk through the pack house doors.
"How is Spence?" It's Jace, surprisingly.
"Recovering." Remi tells the crowd that has gathered around us.
"I wish this wasn't the case." Lutz speaks up.
"What?" I ask incredulously.
"Oh no. I am speaking of Riversbend. I'm so happy that Spence is going to be doing better. I just can't shake the distaste in my mind for Malik." Lutz rubs Lloyd's arms while he talks with us.
"It might be a long road. But, let's put this behind us. We have a couple to help build up. I can count on everyone, right?" Remi puts me down in his lap as he takes a seat on the couch.
"Absolutely. Spence is family." Everyone agrees without question.
"We're having a family night. A pack night. It's overdue. I don't want a single word asked about the situation. When and if the time comes, Spence leads the way. Tonight isn't that night. I want us to prove to Spence that he has a place here. He does. Our job, as a pack, is to help Lyle and Spencer in every way imaginable. If he needs a moment you give him two. If he cries you wipe his tears. If he yells, so be it. We don't know what he has went through, not fully. That kid is a fucking fighter. He is our Omega, a blessing from our Goddess. It's time to show Spencer how an Omega is treated in the Silver Moon Pack, like the cherished soul he is." Remi goes completely Alpha. He's amazing.
"I love you." I can't help the pride that beams through my system.
"I love you, baby. Always." Remi kisses me softly and leads the way to our pups. I hold Hannah as I make my way back towards the kitchen. I can't stop thinking of the fatal repercussions of Malik's actions. He put a pup in danger, tried to break a bond and even worse.
We get dinner ready and stop as the house grows completely still. The door opens and we turn to our parents. Every last man looks worse for the wear.
"Is it done?" It's Jenny who calls out the question that has us all on our toes.
"We didn't have to." Eric shakes his head and he looks disturbed.
"What happened?" I cover my mouth after I blurt out the words.
"Alpha Ramon. He found out what his son did." My Dad looks at me with a sorrowful frown.
"He killed him. In front of us, in front of the pack. He decapitated his own flesh and blood." Alpha Jamison gives the words that cause a cry to come out of the boy standing behind him.
All eyes fall to Spencer and Lyle.
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