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***Remi's POV***
If everything you go through, leads you to where you are, it wasn't a mistake. Life doesn't promise ease. It just offers you divine intervention in your darkest moments.
I have never been so grateful for my wolf than I was this last week.
Kai saw something that I was incapable of. It was his stellar intuition that ended a terrible chapter for our dear Omega.
It's been a couple of days, Lyle and Spence are growing closer. Spencer is a whole new level of ridiculous.
I can't lie and say he still doesn't have mood swings. He does.
A particularly amusing mood swing hit just last night.
"Where is it? I'm not going to ask twice." Spencer taps his toes on the ground. His hair is in disarray, poking out at every angle.
"Where is what? Baby, you have to tell me what you are looking for." Lyle pleads with his dramatic mate.
"You know damn well what it is. Stop hiding shit from me." Spencer flails his hands in the air. He stomps around, turning over the cushions on the couches. He bends down with a groan, searching.
"Spence, if you tell me what you are looking for, I can help you find it." Talon offers sweetly. Spence throws a small smile at my mate.
"If my mate would stop being mean, I wouldn't be looking for anything at all." His sneer is hilarious. Angry kitten, much.
Lyle shakes his head on a chuckle.
"If I knew what was upsetting you, I would gladly show you where it's at." Lyle pleads silently with his love.
"Fine. Where the fuck is my phone? I had it this morning. Gone. It just grew legs and disappeared." I wasn't getting into this one.
I laugh out loud. I effectively turn Spence's attitude towards me.
"Baby." Lyle walks slowly to his mate. His hands are up in surrender. A wide smile threatens his lips. A chuckle rumbles in his chest.
"Don't you 'baby' me. Where. Is. My. Phone?" Every word is punctuated with a stomp of his foot.
I can't. I have to. I slyly pull my phone out and dial Spence's number. I laugh so hard I almost fall off the couch.
Spence's ass starts ringing. He turns left, right and in a circle. The ringtone is perfect.
"Right Round" by FloRida plays as Spence does circles, looking for his phone.
Talon can't stand it. He giggles and points to Spencer's back pocket.
"Told you I didn't take it." Lyle shakes his head with a grin.
"Sorry. I can't see back there anymore." Spence turns fifty shades of blush.
The rest of the night was smooth sailing. I just laughed every single time I thought of that song and Spence's head spinning like it was attached to a swivel stick.
This morning, Spence is going to help us in the nursery. He wants to get it prepared for his own pup. We already have the crib set up. He just needs to arrange his wall in the room and start putting his own personal touches on it.
I get out of bed with a sigh. I still hate detaching myself from Talon. I could lay in bed with him for days and never be satisfied.
"I'm already awake." Talon sits up and stretches. He turns to me with a sweet smile. I kiss it straight off of his handsome face.
"Keep on. We can call in sick." Talon giggles.
"Yeah, I'm sure Hannah and Gracie can take care of us." I roll my eyes and pick up Talon. He's a handful now days. His body has filled in nicely. He even has his own muscles.
I love watching them flex when we are training, or having sex. Especially during sex. He's so fucking sexy.
That doesn't help my resolve to get out of this room today. At all.
"Come on. You know as soon as we make alternative plans, the girls will need us. Let's just save that for later. And we are addressing this later." Talon winks and pecks my lips.
We go straight to the nursery to do our daddy duties. Each of us gets a pup and changes a diaper, puts clothes on the baby and starts the task of feeding them.
Spence walks in, observing.
"You two are such naturals." Spence leans over Talon while Gracie squirms on his shoulder. He is working her burp out of her tiny body.
"I can help feed William." Spence waddles to Lloyd and takes the pup out of his arms. He watches what we do and follows our lead.
"Be careful. William is a." Lloyd doesn't get the words out.
A shriek leaves Spence's lips. Lyle comes barreling into the room in panic.
"What the fuck? It's the exorcist." Spence gags and starts puking in the trash can.
"He's a fast eater. He often expels the first half of the bottle." Lutz helps Spencer get cleaned up.
I chuckle. Kids are gross. They are worth it. They are still disgusting balls of adorableness.
Ally walks Talia back and forth, shushing her. That baby has a pair of lungs. She squalls and fusses after every diaper change. You get used to it. Kinda.
"Well, I have learned a valuable lesson." Spence huffs and curls into his mate's arms.
"What's that?" Jace laughs out.
"Always be prepared. That kid just soaked my favorite shirt." Spence gags at his own thoughts.
"Good plan." I nod in agreement. I quietly rock Hannah in the rocking chair.
"How am I tired? I just got out of bed?" Spence yawns largely. He stretches and rubs his tiny belly.
"Baby, you're growing a wolf. You're bound to need more rest." Lyle rubs Spence's jaw with his thumb. The look of adoration is so beautiful.
"I want to be awake." Spence all but whines. His eyes fall heavy and he drapes his arms over Lyle's shoulders.
"How about a small nap down stairs? Then I will wake you after I get your breakfast prepared. Sound good, hmmm?" Lyle sneaks a kiss right off of Spence's pouty lips.
"A small nap." Spence makes tiny gator fingers and nods reluctantly.
"We will see you soon." Lyle smiles. He picks up Spence and hauls him off, away from our group.
"I'm so glad they are getting closer. It's wonderful." Talon stands up and starts walking down stairs.
"Me too. I was really worried for a while." I agree with my mate.
"What's on the agenda today?" Ally walks behind us, her arms are carrying Talia. Jace carries the pack n plays in his arms.
"Not sure. We can have breakfast, congregate in my office. I think we have a bit of paperwork to go through."
Jace groans loudly. "I would rather watch the kids."
I laugh. Not me. Bring on the paperwork. These kids are exhausting.
"He only says that because he can take the kids to Marcus." Ally rolls her eyes. Jace winks.
We say our goodbyes to the babies and every one disperses for their daily duties. It's not a hard job once you get passed all the foolishness of outside forces. Our pack runs clean.
"Did you order the inventory necessary for the pack bonding weekend?" Talon looks up over his laptop. He sits on the couch with coffee and a pen.
"No. Lutz said he was handling it." I smile at my Luna. He's beautiful.
"I did. It's done." Lutz plows through his stack of paperwork.
Lloyd is out training. Jace is grimacing as he thumbs through his work. Lyle is doing training as well.
"This is boring." Jace wines.
"The sooner it's finished, the sooner we can go run." Ally laughs out. Jace glares at her.
"I'd sooner throw myself to the rogues than do this." Jace grumbles.
"Wouldn't we all." I chuckle. Fighting is in our nature.
"You guys are so ridiculous." Spence comes waddling in and pushes his self down into the couch beside my baby.
"You still working on that new security feature?" I ask.
"No. I finished. I'm actually working on a new monitoring system for the safe house. I just want to be prepared in case something ever presents it's self." Spence yawns. He does that a lot.
"Are you getting enough sleep?" Ally asks worriedly.
"Probably not. I ache a lot. But, I like to be an active participant when Lyle wants sex. So, yeah. No. I barely slept at all the last couple of days." Spence smirks.
That boy has no filter.
"Get it in now. Shit slows down when the pup gets here." Lloyd huffs out in frustration.
"You make it seem like we never do it." Lutz cuts his eyes at his mate.
"No. We do. I'm just greedy." Lloyd closes his eyes and sighs.
"Maybe, I can get mom and dad to watch William. I'm sorry baby." Lutz kisses Lloyd on the forehead.
"We can do it." Spence pops up and claps his hands.
"Really? You sure Lyle wants a screaming infant in the room?" Lloyd worries.
"We are going to have one soon enough. One night won't kill us." Spence smiles and rubs his belly.
"Are you still seeing the doctor regularly. You're so tiny." Ally walks over, she bends down and analyzes the small baby bump.
"My mother n law is a nurse. I promise. I see the doctor a lot." Spence shrugs. I think it bothers him that we are all so cautious with him.
"Spence?" I call out.
"Yes, Alpha." Spence looks over at me.
"Alpha Ramon is requesting to visit you? It's up to you." I explain.
"Yeah. I miss him. I want to make sure he's okay. Tell him sure." Spence looks sad.
I get it. Losing a wolf is hard. But, some wolves aren't worthy of breathing. There are a few bad apples in every species.
"This weekend we can invite the pack. Is that something that you would be interested in?" I watch to make sure he is being honest. We don't need a martyr. We need a healthy Omega.
"I would really like that." Spence smiles genuinely.
I work on the email to offer the weekend to another pack.
We don't finish up until late afternoon. The good news is, that's pretty much all the office work for the week.
Alpha Ramon accepts are invitation and agrees to come stay down for the weekend. That will put us busy with ordering more food and supplies to house another pack.
Their pack is much smaller. It's not much of an inconvenience. We only need to take care of an additional hundred or so wolves. That's easy.
My mind wonders aimlessly as we spend the late afternoon on a run. Kai is quiet. He hasn't been himself since we discovered Spence's secret.
I have tried to lure him out. He just needs time. It's understandable. I will give him whatever he needs.
"Babe." Talon comes to me. His hair is sweaty. His muscles glistening under the evening sun.
"Yes, love?" I kiss his sweet lips and pull him into the cradle of my arms.
"Meka is whiny. He needs Kai." I'm not surprised. The two are as in love as we are.
"I can try." I offer. It's all I got.
"No, let Meka do it." I nod and watch as Talon gives himself over to his wolf.
"Kai. I miss you baby. Please come talk to me." Meka has a tender tone. I feel my body stir. I guess Kai needs his mate too.
"Meka. I'm sorry to worry you doll. I just needed a bit. Come. Let me hold you." Kai opens our arms and Meka immediately walks towards us. I can feel the contentment fill my body.
Kai whispers sweet words of affirmation into his mate's ear. He holds him and cuddles.
It's the best part of having a mate, the ability for them to mend broken pieces when they aren't even trying.
They stay wrapped in one another for a very long time. We don't move. We don't push for our human counterparts to have control.
Our wolves are as much a part of us as we are of them. It's important to allow them time with one another to strengthen their bond.
When Meka yawns, Kai pulls him with us towards our room. My parents take care of our pups and we lay down in the cradle of our mate's arms.
"I love you Meka. I love you so deeply." Kai caresses every inch of flesh that he can reach.
Meka curls up into our side. His hands walk back and forth along our exposed torso.
"I know. I love you just as much. You are such a blessing Kai." Meka whispers his words. They are full of truth and conviction. There is no room for doubt when every word is so solidly delivered.
The night drones on between our wolves. They don't make a move to take it beyond comfort. Just two wolves enjoying time among their mate.
We eventually fall asleep. The security of being loved bringing a peace that surpasses all understanding.
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