It Only Gets Harder
*****Trigger Warning****
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***Remi's POV***
"Come in." I yell through my office door. I left Talon with the pups so I could speak with Spencer, alone.
Spencer waddles his tiny self into the office and sits down. He is really too small. His Omega genes are definitely shining through his pup.
"Would you mind if Alpha Jamison joins us?" Spencer requests of me. I nod in acceptance. If that makes him feel more comfortable, I am okay with it.
We wait quietly before my Dad walks in. He takes a seat beside Spencer and holds the frail guys hand.
"Everyone is going to hate me. I'm disgusting." Spencer puts his head down. I watch as tears stream down his face.
"That's nonsense. We love you." Dad wipes Spencer's face and rubs his cheek soothingly.
"I don't want to go back to Riversbend. I have to." Spence looks up with pain filled eyes. His body shakes infinitesimally where he sits.
"I assure you, you do not." Dad takes the reins.
"My parents were killed when I was a pup. I was orphaned. An omega. I was left to die in the woods." My breath catches in my throat. I was not aware.
I look over at Dad. I can tell he was not a privy to this information either.
"Who raised you?" The question rolls off my tongue naturally.
"Alpha Ramon. I grew up as Malik's brother." Spencer shivers and I know Kai hit the nail on the head.
"Why would that make us hate you?" Dad is the one to voice our next question.
"It's really not good. Please don't kick me out. I don't want to go back." Spencer cries in his hands.
"You are our family. You have my word. You aren't going anywhere." I move from behind my desk and sit on my knees next to our Omega.
"Lyle won't be so kind." Spencer's lips quiver. He raises his head to the ceiling and blinks quickly. A steady stream of tears pours down both of his cheeks. Dad grabs the boy and places him on his lap. He rocks him soothingly, rubbing his back.
"This stress isn't good for the pup. Please just tell us. We will help." I grip Spencer's hand in my own.
"Malik has been um. He hates Lyle. He spiked his drink so that Lyle would think is was me. He knew that Lyle was my mate." I knew most of that. It wasn't a shocker.
"Why does Malik dislike Lyle?" Dad comes in like hell's hound. I can feel his displeasure radiating from his pores.
"Malik knew that Lyle would accept me. I didn't. Malik was angry that he did." It still makes little sense how any of this matters.
"Why would Malik care if Lyle accepted you? I'm confused?" I just admit my naivety. It is what it is.
"I really don't want to say these things. I'm scared." Spencer curls into Dad's chest. Dad continues coddling him.
I stare at Dad intently. I have to know what's wrong, so I can fix it.
"Spencer. I promise. I absolutely swear to you. If you tell us, we will protect you." Dad pulls Spencer's face to him.
I stand by Dad so we can both look at our frightened Omega Warrior.
"Malik doesn't love me or even like me. I don't think so anyway. But, he wants me home." Spencer cries harder. His body shakes as he closes his eyes and rubs his fists into his eye sockets.
"What does that mean?" I ask frantically. My stomach hurts and I'm frightened of what I'm about to hear.
"He hurts me." Spencer full blown wails at this point. He is a mess of shambles.
"How?" Dad angrily growls. His eyes flash silver and I blink widely as Micah pushes forth. It's been a while since Dad's Wolf has graced us with his presence.
"He started off. Touchinnngg Me. Inappropriately." Spencer darts his eyes around the room. I struggle with my grip on the wood chair.
I'm going to destroy that bastard.
Kai bangs on my insides. His claws cause me to wince. He's fucking livid.
"When?" I ask.
"Since I was a pup. Maybe 6 or 7." Spencer looks at me in a plead.
I can't help my tears. I'm not sure if they are anger. Maybe they are fear for the rest of the story. I know it's partly heart break. This Omega was not loved and cherished as he was supposed to be.
"What else?" Micah growls lowly.
"When I got to be a teen, he started making me do things to him. I didn't want to. It hurt. It wasn't right. I wanted to save myself for my mate." Those words make me vomit. I have no way to hold back. I just bend over the trash can and expel my breakfast. I can't. It's too fucking much. I cry while I lose my stomach.
"The rest, Spencer." Micah demands in his Alpha tone. Spencer starts spilling rapidly.
"When I went to tell my pack that I had a mate and that we were expecting, Malik got angry. He forced me to give him kisses, then he tried to get me to give him oral pleasure. I stayed away from him. But, he caught me when I was on my way out to head home that first time. He told me if I didn't break my bond with Lyle by the time the pup arrived, he would kill our pup and my mate. He said I would die without Lyle and that I would deserve it. Said that I was his toy and I had no right to claim Lyle." Spencer just looks so fucking broken. So ashamed.
"Has he touched you?" Micah is so angry. He is shaking from foot to fingertips.
"Just once. This last time. I went to sleep and woke up with him on top of me. I screamed bloody murder. One of the girls of the pack, she busted through the door followed by a couple warriors. They got him off of me and told me to run home. I shifted. I know I wasn't supposed to. Keagan ran so hard. I had to bathe in the river to wash the scent of Malik off myself. But, something wasn't right. Every time I left there I got sicker and sicker. I figured it was my nerves. But, maybe there was something in my food. I don't know. Dr. Gibson said I am not growing correctly. Lyle doesn't know but, the pup is extra small." Spencer let's lose a heart breaking cry. I just grab him in my arms and hold him so fucking tight.
How did none of us see it?
"The first thing we are going to do is see Dr. Gibson, Now. Let's go. I won't tell Lyle what you told me. But, you better." I walk us out of the office. I wave off everyone that looks at me. Micah heads straight to pack training to contact Lyle. I don't stop. I just move quickly with my terrorized Omega in my arms.
Jenny catches me on the way inside. No doubt, Dad has something to do with that.
"Check the pup. Run blood tests. I want him checked for Wolfsbane." I yell the words just short of a growl.
"Alpha." Dr. Gibson places Spencer on the table he turns back to me. I walk out with the doctor. I give him a quick run down, skipping over the parts that no one needs to know right now.
"Stay with him." Dr. Gibson books it down the hall. I make my way back to Spencer.
"Will Wolfsbane kill our pup?" Spencer cries loudly.
"It isn't good. But, we may have caught it in time. It would explain your moods. Explain the lack of weight gain, your edginess. The lack of the mate bond. Even the extreme sexual desire. He was trying to break your bond Spence." I hold onto my friend with all the love and compassion I have inside of my heart. He's been through fucking hell.
"Please pray to the Goddess. I don't want to lose my family. Not again." His words hurt. They sting like silver laced darts.
"She isn't a tyrant." I rock us back and forth.
Jenny comes in. She draws blood and immediately hooks Spencer up to an IV. She places the Doppler on his belly and lights the screen up on the monitor.
"The pup is here. He's growing, just slower than necessary." I don't miss the pronoun.
"He?" Spencer wobbles the word.
"Yes, I'm sorry. I should have asked if you wanted to know." Jenny looks apologetically at us.
I feel like I have stolen a moment meant for mates. I shouldn't be here. This is Lyle's pup. He should be here.
"I wanted to know." Spencer smiles at his mother n law.
"I won't tell my son. You're his mate. You will have the privilege." Jenny kisses Spence on the cheek.
"I love you baby. I don't care what has happened. We all love you." Jenny hugs her son's mate with warm arms. Tears flow between the two. I just wait for the tests to come back.
"I love him. I do. I know you don't know that. But, I really love Lyle." Spence never stops crying. I cradle him against my chest.
"Tests are back." Dr. Gibson comes in. He whispers to Jenny and she runs off. She comes back and starts administering viles into Spencer's IV.
"It's Wolfsbane. Good catch Alpha. We have the fluids flushing it out. You're gonna feel it Spencer. I'm sorry. Good news though, the pup hasn't been effected, not terribly anyway. The heartbeat is still steady. He's just gonna be a small one. Nothing we can do about that now. But, he will live and that's what matters. So will you." Dr. Gibson pats our backs before walking around the room mixing concoctions to deliver to our patient.
I link Dad and tell him what the hell is going on. He's angry. We all are.
"Can you get my mate, please? I think we need to talk." Spencer rolls over and lays down. I watch as his heart rate spikes on paper. I can hear it. I can feel it. I nod and tell Dad to send Lyle in. I excuse myself so I can intercept Lyle on the way.
I stand outside Spencer's room. Waiting.
"Is he okay?" Lyle looks like he ran here.
"He will be but, we need to talk before you go in there." I pull Lyle back outside. Dad flanks me. Marcus, Eric, Mr. Williams , John and Mike are right beside us.
Talon and my warriors stand across the field. Everyone waiting for whatever announcement they are expecting.
"It's Wolfsbane. It's stunted the pups growth. But, that's not the issue." I shake my head from side to side.
"I will murder him." Lyle rages before my eyes.
"No you won't. You're going to go in there. You're going to be strong for your mate. He needs you. We will handle that piece of shit. Don't you dare leave his side. They are flushing the poison and he is going to be in pain. He has some things he wants to tell you. Please, Lyle, come from a heart of forgiveness. Know that he didn't do anything wrong. Please." I beg my warrior.
"I love him. He's my mate. Of course." Lyle walks slowly towards what awaits him.
"What is the plan?" I ask reluctantly.
I know what has to be done. I don't like it but, it needs to be finished.
"We are going to Riversbend." Eric looks at me daringly. He doesn't have to. I know how much he loves Spencer. Malik is going to pay.
"He's dead. End of story." Marcus is the one that scares me. I haven't seen that look in his eyes since the day he lost his mate, Jace's mom. I was young but, you don't forget that level of hatred.
I nod my head in acceptance. It's not my fight. I'm not going to think twice about it.
"Be careful." I whisper the words as a generation walks off with pain in their eyes and hatred in their hearts.
Malik brought that on himself. You don't steal a child's innocence. You just don't fuck with a mate bond. You don't mess with what wasn't yours.
I sigh as I make my way towards my own mate. I can't hide what I know. He's Luna. It's a given that he will be told.
I grab Talon's hand, kissing it gently as I pull us down the path far away from werewolf hearing. It's time to let my Luna do what he was made for.
Comforting his pack.
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