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***Talon's POV***
I wasn't even in the mood for the shit Alpha Hunter sent our way.
I'm the Luna of one of the strongest packs in existence.
When life hands you crap, make shit pie and serve it warm to your enemies.
Remi was up late and up again early for days on end. He came to bed exhausted. I was more than happy to curl up in his arms and help my mate relax.
The days are trickling by and we haven't heard a single peep from the teenage Alpha who wrongfully claims Ally as his mate.
It's truly worrisome.
Often, nothing good comes from silence.
I contacted the Blackwater Pack. They are all too eager to stand beside us. To which, I am truly grateful.
Alpha Jamison contacted the council. I have a meeting between Elder Ruth and the Council Elders today. They want to test out a few theories on Meka. It's fine by me. I'm willing to do anything possible to help my pack. As long as it doesn't negatively effect our pups, that is.
"Baby, you ready?" Remi asks.
It's the butt crack of dawn. I wouldn't exactly say I'm ready. However, I scoot to the edge of the bed to make it easier for Remi to scoop me up into his strong arms.
"These babies are heavy." Remi carefully jokes. He still thinks I'm fragile over my weight.
I truly don't care how much I gain. I realize I am one hundred percent all baby. Well, babies.
And these pups aren't so little.
"Try carrying them in your hips." I giggle when Remi winces.
"Thank you Baby." Remi kisses my nose.
"My pleasure." I roll my eyes. The man never stops thanking me. I mean it's kinda my part in this relationship.
"You are doing so well. You know?" Remi sets me down at the breakfast counter.
"Yeah. Yeah. I'm a god. It's kinda expected." I playfully chide.
"What's up Tal? Ready to tap into that power?" Jace comes by and fists bumps me.
"Hopefully it's something cool. You know like green lasers shooting out of your eyes." Ally sits beside me giggling.
She's so stupid.
"Yeah. Sure. Then I can mutate into a fucking ninja turtle." I roll my eyes when Ally glares my way.
"Someone hasn't had their coffee." Jace sets my morning love in front of my face.
"Thanks Beta." I smile sweetly at my dork of a wingman.
"I'm his Beta." Jace points at Remi.
"Fine. Thanks His Beta." I duck when Jace throws a piece of toast at me.
"That's food abuse." Alpha Jamison catches the toast and takes a big bite.
"He probably licked that." I warn.
"Eh, I have faced worse." Alpha Jamison shrugs and takes a seat.
Luna Cass walks over with My father in law's coffee. She kisses his cheek and gently sets the cup in front him.
"Thank you, sweetie." Alpha Jamison winks and Luna Cass blushes.
They are friggin adorable.
"After breakfast we will head over to the conference room. The elders will be here within the hour." Alpha Jamison confirms.
"That will work." I go back to my breakfast. These pups are always starving so, might as well feed the things before they start kicking me in my ribs.
"If I need to fight I'm going to. No one will stop me." I blurt out confidently.
"Let's hope that doesn't become necessary." Lutz gently places Lloyd on the chair beside his. He walks over and wraps his arms around my neck from behind. He places his cheek against my own.
"How is our Luna this morning? Any more morning sickness?" Lutz holds onto me like I'm precious.
"Not today. Fingers crossed." I show my hand with my willing fingers laid over one another.
"How are you Beta?" I ask Lloyd.
"Horny, hungry, tired. You know." Lloyd drops his forehead on the table and sighs.
"I do know. Pregnancy is hard." I smile at my pregnant Beta.
"Lutz, feed your mate. He's falling asleep." I giggle.
"Yes, Luna." Lutz mock bows at me.
He's a clown.
"Tal, I won't force you to stay behind. But, I prefer if you didn't jeopardize yourself or our pups. Just keep that in mind." Remi sends me an apologetic smile.
"Remi if you think for one second I would jeopardize our family, you know what just stop talking. It's easier." I snap back.
"Baby, I was just saying." Remi defends himself.
"Noted." I grit out. Remi sighs. He grabs me and places me in his lap and nuzzles his nose into my neck. I immediately feel shitty.
"Sorry babe. I'm sorry." I whisper. I run my fingers through his hair. I'm such a dick.
"I just worry." Remi breathes into my neck.
"I know love. You are entitled to it." I pull his face to mine and kiss his lips softly.
"Come on Talon. We gotta yo." Alpha Jamison picks me up and starts walking towards the door. I throw a wave and blow a kiss at my man. I send an I love you thru our mind link.
"Snappy this morning?" My Father in law chuckles.
"I'm an ass." I whine.
"It's okay. We are all on edge." Alpha Jamison coos.
We reach the conference room only to find we are the first ones there. Alpha sets me down in the Luna chair and he takes his old seat in the Alpha chair.
"Good morning." Elder Ruth shuffles towards us, having slipped in quietly.
"Good morning, Elder. How have you been?" Alpha Jamison asks politely.
"I have been great. I do my morning yoga and wait around for people to need me. So, honestly, I bored out of my ancient mind." Elder Ruth chuckles and I expect dust to fly out of her lungs and permeate the air.
"How are you Luna?" Elder Ruth smiles sweetly towards me.
"I'm growing bigger everyday. Soon I can give the mountain to the west a run for its money." I joke.
"Yes, yes. I remember those days." Elder Ruth nods her head in agreement.
Hard to believe she could remember much. I swear her hair looks like it is spun from cobwebs.
"I'm not as young as I used to be." Elder Ruth drifts off into a far away tone.
No shit Sherlock!
"I remember when I was with pup. Oh, the joy. I was so happy. I never had a day of morning sickness. I glowed all the time. My husband couldn't keep his hands off me." Elder Ruth smiles.
"Sounds nothing like my experience." I grit my teeth.
"Oh, Talon. I have seen what you have been going through. It is a shame you don't have a better time." Elder Ruth sighs like she is so troubled.
"I agree one hundred percent." I huff out.
"It's the God in you." Elder Ruth says gently.
"Both of them." Alpha Jamison co-signs.
"Yeah, yeah. Tell me something I don't know." I roll my eyes. What is she, Sylvia Brown?
"Well, for starters, you have magic in your wolf that you have yet to discover."
This is actually interesting.
"Now we're cooking with Crisco. Tell me more." I excitedly sit up in my seat.
"Wait. Patience dear. The other Elders are walking in now." We all look at the closed door.
Sure enough the three Great Elders, from the Werewolf Council, come gliding through the door.
"This is Elders McCoy, Raven and Semon." Elder Ruth points to the two males and one female.
"Hello, Luna. It's a pleasure to finally meet." The one named Raven kisses my hand delicately.
"Nice to meet you too." I smile at the trio.
"Come sit. There is much to discuss." Elder Ruth points to the chairs around the conference table.
"As I have told you, Talon is the ancestor of Helios. His powers haven't been revealed. There is a war coming, now is the time to harvest and manifest his special talents." Elder Ruth begins.
"What kind of powers are we speaking of?" Alpha Jamison requests. He folds his hands in front of him and rests his chin on the top.
"That is yet to be seen." Elder Raven explains.
"How can we bring them into the open?" I ask suspiciously.
"Many circumstances can occur in which one's powers could be revealed. However, time is of the essence. We don't have the luxury of waiting for the situation to present itself." Elder Semon announces.
"I'm here. I'm willing. Tell me what to do." All this shit being spoken in circles is grating my nerves. I'm tired and I want to fuck my mate.
"It could be tricky, considering you are carrying." Elder McCoy qualifies.
"Well, I'm sure that wasn't this morning's news. So, please cut the shit and let's get on with this. There is a perfectly sexy mate at home. I would like to be writhing beneath him soon." I sit back and smirk at their shocked faces.
"That's a crazy case of hormones." Raven giggles.
"It gets worse the longer he waits. I suggest we get moving." Alpha Jamison swoops in to the rescue.
"Oh yes. I remember when he wasn't mated yet. Oh dear. Yes. Let's hurry along." A light bulb goes off in Elder Ruth's amnesiac mind.
"We need to head to the training field. Talon call your mate. We are gonna need him." Raven demands.
I call Remi and waddle my ass the few feet out the door. Alpha picks me up and carries me to the training fields.
"Hello Remington. Or, should I say Alpha Remington." The elders bow at my love.
"Good morning. What can I be of assistance with?" Remi crosses his arms. He isn't going to put up with delays today either.
"We May have to feign danger in order to produce a strong enough fear that Meka shines." Elder McCoy states in a matter of fact manner.
"How do you plan on doing that?" Remi cocks a brow.
"Just wait." Elder Semon waves his hand.
"We are going to explain first." Elder Raven promises.
"Talon will need to focus. He has to be ready to protect you in any case." McCoy jumps in.
"Very well." Remi nods and I follow his lead.
I am not ready for what my eyes capture.
Elder McCoy shifts and a huge tan wolf emerges. Gone is the fragile older man that once stood in his spot. His jaws snap and venom leaks from his protruding canines.
"Remi, shift." Alpha Jamison yells.
Remi immediately jumps and lands as Kai.
Fucking sexy mother fucker!
McCoy circles my mate and I can feel the familiar stir of Meka rising.
Remi stares down the elder. His claws dig into the moist earth below him as his head raises and his eyes shift. He follows McCoy as Remi is sized up by the large tan beast.
Without warning, McCoy lunges at Kai and throws him back six feet. Kai lands with an audible thud and a ferocious growl.
My body begins to shake and I start hunching over. The pain is searing. My bones start crackling and I know I'm fixing to shift. I breathe through the intense pain and stand there frozen as Meka attempts to produce my wolf form.
I'm in fucking agony as the pups move viciously to get away from the inside eruption.
McCoy swipes his paw at Remi's face and I catch a small incision where blood begins to seep.
Meka howls inside of me and I snap.
Seconds later, I am standing in front of McCoy on all fours. My body is shaking with fury that this wrinkled ball sack hurt my mate.
Remi quickly adjusts our positions and he stands in front of me.
McCoy acts as though he is going to walk away, turns at the last second and snaps his jaw into Remi's hind leg. Remi lets out a tortuous howl.
My blood boils and I can feel venom pooling on my tongue. I snap my jaws and turn my head as a grizzly siren comes rushing from my throat. My body lurches forward and I land on McCoy. My canines capture his neck as my front paws land on his chest and my claws begin melting into his fur like a hot knife through warm butter.
"Off. Talon, step back." The words come flying at me in a frantic tenor. But, I'm seething and I want fucking blood.
I roar above the pathetic mutt that dared to lay a finger on my Remi.
My hot breath comes out as a hot burst and the fur on McCoys face ripples from the breeze.
"Stand down!" Alpha Jamison bellows out in his Alpha tone. My body immediately obeys and I whimper out a low whine.
I back away from the elder and whimper again when I see just how deep my claws had torn into his flesh. Sinew and muscle are on display and the smell of burnt flesh makes my stomach heave.
I bend down and expel breakfast right in front of me. Meka cries out as I violently puke.
If I were in my human body, I would be sweating. Everything feels like fire in my veins and heat licks at my skin.
"Fuck!" Remi yells out.
My head whips in his direction. The smile alight on his face is confusing and I turn my head and see a reflection of orange flames in Kai'a eyes.
"Shift back, baby." Kai softly requests.
Meka immediately complied and I am once again tortured into human form.
Alpha Jamison slips his large t-shirt off and throws it over my body. The material is cool across my hot skin.
I still feel like I'm baking in a pottery kiln.
"Baby, that was, WOW!" Remi tells me as he stands up in all his naked glory.
"Alpha." Meka purrs at the sight of Remi's delicious manhood.
"Um, Remi. Put your spare clothes on. Talon can't concentrate." Alpha Jamison chuckles.
He's right. My cock is steel silk and I want to mount my sexy beast and fuck HIM with my titanium pole.
The thought throws me off balance.
Remi smirks and winks at me. My body is putty.
"Later, sexy." Remi tells me in mind link.
"You do realize that I desire to pound into you, big boy." I clarify.
"Can't wait." Remi mewls.
"Well, now that we see what motivates Meka." Elder Ruth cackles.
"Oh, sorry Elder McCoy." I whisper sheepishly. I remember now that I hurt him.
"I'm already healed boy. I'm only 140. I look older to distract my prey." McCoy claps me on the back.
"Talon you can produce flames." Alpha Jamison coos wistfully.
"I mean it's not green laser beams, but it's still cool." I shrug.
Remington laughs at my joke regarding Ally's earlier request.
"Perfect. We can meet every morning and see what else you are capable of." Elder Raven nods in bliss.
"Sure. Now can I be excused?" I ask hopefully.
"Go easy on him, Talon." Elder Semon laughs.
Not a fucking Chance.
I grab Remi's hand and he lifts me up bridal style. He quickly gets us back to our suite.
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