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***Talon's POV***
"Push." My hands hold tightly to Ally's legs. Dr. Gibson is in the same position he had been in with me.
Nurse Jenny is busy administering fluids, to Jace. He fainted when Ally's water broke.
"How did you do this? I'm dying." Ally grits through the pain of pushing the pup down into the birthing canal.
"It's almost over. Bear down. Come on Ally." I hold her hand. My hand is about to break under the pressure.
"Fuuuuuuccccck." The roar rattles the glass window to the birthing room.
"Less screaming more pushing." Dr. Gibson snaps.
"Listen here mother fucker." Ally pants out heavily.
"Dr. Gibson, sorry if I'm rude, but don't talk to my beta like that." Dr. Gibson whispers a sorry. I nod my head in appreciation.
"Luna. I'm done. I can't." Ally lets a soft sob fall out her lips. She collapses in the bed and whimpers.
"Bullshit. Sit up. Now. You're going to deliver your daughter. Come on." I climb behind her and pull her into my chest.
I wrap my arms around her, our fingers tangled.
"We do this together. Breathe in." I draw in a large breath. "Push, from your abdomen." I lay my head in her neck and we both strain as she pushes.
"Good job. Just like that." Dr. Gibson smooths his hand over her sheathed knee.
"Breath out Beta." We both expel the breath in unison.
"I'm up." The groan comes from the far sofa. Jace stands up and walks over to Ally. He kisses her forehead.
"Owwwwwww." Ally lifts off the bed and I throw my leg over her thigh.
"Push." Dr. Gibson gives her the command.
"In. Hold." We follow my directions. "Big push. Come on. Come on. Push. Push. Push. Relax." I nod into her shoulder.
"There's my warrior." I coo.
"Thanks Tal." Jace murmurs. He holds our hands as he smiles down on his love.
"Okay, Jace. Come down here. You're gonna cut the cord." Jace gives a nod and walks the two steps to the foot of the bed.
"Last push, Ally. Then we say hello." Dr. Gibson dips his head down and scoots his chair forward.
"Let's do this shit." Ally grits the words.
"In Big, big breath. Push. Push. Push. Push. Push." The sweet cry of our newest pack member breaks the air. "Relax. You did it sweetie. I'm so proud of you." I kiss her head and wipe her leaking tears.
"Just like that Jace. Right thru." Jace uses scissors and separates the cord between Ally and the pup.
"Jenny is going to clean her up." Dr. Gibson goes to cleaning up Ally and Jace washes his hands.
"I love you." Jace whispers. His forehead falling onto Ally's.
"I love you too. You big baby." Ally kisses Jace's lips sweetly.
"I was nervous." Jace excuses himself.
"You fainted." I clarify.
"Okay, Luna, I fainted." Jace rolls his eyes.
I let go of Ally and remove myself from her bed. I walk over and take a peak at the baby Beta.
"Be still my beating heart. She's precious." I whisper. I look down on the tiny pup. Wow. She is breathtaking.
"Tiny little thing. Real small." Jenny wraps her up in a baby blanket and shows her to me while we walk towards Jace and Ally.
"Okay, Mommy and Daddy. Meet your pup." Jenny hands the little bundle to Ally.
"She's so perfect. I want another one." My eyes snap up to Ally like she lost her god damned mind.
"Let's let the bath dry. We can talk about it later." Jace chuckles at his weeping mate.
"I'm going to check on Remi. We will come back after a bit. Congratulations." I kiss the three of them and head outside.
I make a rush to the nursery. I'm sure my mate is putting our princesses down for a nap.
I open the door carefully and sigh. Remi is rocking Hannah in the chair. Gracie is asleep in the bassinet.
"She's here." I whisper. My fingers cup the chin of my love.
"How did Ally do? Is Jace good?" Remi passes Hannah to me and stands up.
I kiss my pup and lay her down gently beside her sister.
"Ally did wonderful. It was a struggle for a minute, but she did great." I link my hands with Remi and we walk down stairs.
"You didn't answer about Jace." Remi grabs two cokes and we start walking towards the back yard.
I take a seat and start to giggle.
"Your Beta." I point directly at my man. "He fucking fainted. Plop. Hit the damn floor. I almost died." I can't even rein in the laughter.
"That sounds par for the course." Remi starts laughing and pulls me into his lap.
"When are you going back?" Remi looks at me knowingly.
"We are going to call my parents to babysit. We are going back shortly." Remi nods his head and I see that he is mind linking.
No sooner than he stops, we have four anxious grand parents standing in front of us.
"At your service." Mom claps her hands joyfully.
"They are upstairs. Ally had the baby. We are going to check on them." Remi points.
"Love you guys. Don't hurry back. But, we love you." Luna Cass pushes mom back through the door to the kitchen.
"You two don't share enough." My Dad grumbles.
"We couldn't. Now that they take bottles it's easier." I explain. I gave up on nursing. Those oinkers were draining me.
"We understand. Maybe we can get them over night. You two could go on a date." Alpha Jamison winks at me before following Dad into the house.
"Come on. You have got to see her. She's sooooo tiny." I grab Remi's hand and pull him up with me.
"You getting any ideas?" Remi bends down and kisses my cheek.
"Yeah, about practicing. We aren't ready for a third kid." I shake my head at the thought. Nope. Our babies are barely three weeks old.
"Just checking." Remi wraps his arm around my waist while we walk.
"Alpha." I hear Lutz come through.
"What's up Lutz?" Remi answers with concern.
"You headed to the hospital?" Lutz questions. He's sounds worried.
"I'm taking Luna to see Ally and the pup. You okay?" Remi stops outside of the hospital doors.
I see Lutz heading straight for us.
"Lloyd's having contractions. Dr. Gibson is checking him over." Lutz looks a bit frantic.
"Calm down. He's due anyway. Nothing to worry about." I hug my best friend.
"MOTHER FUCKER! LUTZ JONATHAN CASSIDY!!!" The scream rings down the halls. I chuckle.
"We will be there shortly. Contact us if you need anything. You better go." Remi pats Lutz on the back.
"Well, two Beta pups in one day." I shrug and push the door to Ally's room.
"Lloyd's in labor." Remi announces.
Jace laughs and Ally winces.
I immediately take the baby as Ally offers her to me.
"Oh sweet goddess. She is gorgeous." Remi stares over my shoulder and coos.
"Don't get any ideas." I smile at my sexy man.
"How you feeling, Jace?" Remi looses his breath laughing.
"You told him?" Jace groans and slaps his face.
"Hell yeah. I was dying. I laughed so hard." I shrug and rock their pup gently in my cradled arms.
"What's her name?" My mate asks of our Betas.
"Talia" Jace and Ally smile at me.
"That sounds a lot like Talon." Remi coos. He brushes his finger softly over the baby's little cheek.
"We know. It's supposed to. You saved our lives Luna." Ally wipes tears from her eyes. I hand the baby to Remi and engulf Ally in a large hug.
"This is so special. Thank you. Thank you." Jace walks over to me and kisses my forehead before picking me up and squeezing me tightly.
"You're the special one. Amazing. Really. I couldn't ever repay you enough." Jace grabs the sides of my head and rests his forehead on mine.
"Talia. I love it." I whisper. What an incredible gift.
"She's so itty bitty." Remi lifts her like Rafiki does Simba. Ally laughs and Jace panics.
"Alpha." Jace squirms away from me and snatches his baby from my love's hands.
"Jace. She was safe." Ally giggles.
"Daddy was scared. It's okay baby. Daddy will protect you." Jace coos and kisses his pup.
"If Daddy doesn't pass out." Remi guffaws as I chide Jace.
"You're an ass." Jace pokes his tongue out at me.
"You knew that before you made your baby my name sake." I laugh manically. This is awesome.
"Okay. We gotta check on Lloyd. You two should be home when we are finished here. See you soon." Remi grabs my hand and we exit their room.
"Talia. I'm just so. Wow." Remi looks at me with those blue eyes that convey so much love.
"They didn't have to. But, I really love that they did." I confess.
"You deserve it." Remi pecks my lips and we near Lloyd's deliver room.
I walk in unannounced. I'm Luna. I don't have to say shit.
"Oh, thank god." Lloyd waves me over and I giggle. Poor boy.
"How's it going?" I ask softly.
"I'm gonna kill him." Lloyd growls.
"What did Lutz do?" Remi questions.
I look at Lutz as he stands against the far wall. He is as far away from Lloyd as possible.
"He keeps touching me. Baby, are you okay? Do you need anything? I love you. Fuck you Lutz Cassidy. You have done enough." Lloyd mimics Lutz words in a false falsetto. I would laugh if Lutz didn't look like he may break at any moment.
"Don't you think you are being a little hard on him?" Remi questions.
I walk over and wrap Lutz in a big hug. He falls into me. I rock us gently.
"This baby is trying to rip itself out of my ass. No. I'm not." Lloyd sneers the words.
"I was just trying to help." Lutz whines.
"Everyone calm down. We are going to get through this. Just relax." Remi takes over in the comforting department.
"Oh my fuck. Make it stop." Lloyd rolls into a ball and turns on his side. He grips the sheets and tightly presses his eyes closed.
I know how he feels.
Lutz bends over and holds his stomach. I rub his back while Remi soothes Lloyd.
"I'm gonna check you." Dr. Gibson walks in and sits down. Remi helps reposition Lloyd. I get on his left and Lutz slowly goes to his right. We pry Lloyd's legs open for Dr. Gibson.
"You're going to feel pressure, baby. Just wait." Jenny comes on my side of the bed and soothingly rubs Lloyd's hand.
"It hurts. So fucking much." Lloyd cries out in agony.
"Well, this isn't going to make you happy." Dr. Gibson stands up and walks up to Lloyd.
"What now?" Lloyd groans.
"We are going to have to do a c-section. You aren't dilating, at all. It's been a few hours. We gotta get that pup out." Lloyd nods and grabs for Lutz.
"I'm sorry babe. I'm sorry." Lloyd cries desperately.
"Why are you sorry baby?" Lutz wipes his mates tears away.
"Because I was mean and I failed." His wail is absolutely heart breaking.
"You didn't fail. This isn't your fault." Lutz whispers words of encouragement to his mate.
"I can't give birth. Like. A. Normal. Wolf." The sobs cause hiccups. His words are broken.
"That's because you're not normal. You're extraordinary. A regular birth isn't good enough for you." Lutz kisses the trembling lips of his love.
Lloyd nods and calms down.
"I have a suggestion." I speak up.
"What's that Luna?" Dr. Gibson looks at me.
"Can Gage do it?" I offer my suggestion.
"It's actually a good idea, not that I'm surprised. Lloyd shift. See if Gage can take over." Dr. Gibson turns. They give Lloyd privacy.
"Here. I will shift too. Alpha? Can you and Talon stay? That way we know what's going on." Remi shakes his head. We turn. I hear Gage and Zar making their appearance.
I turn when the sounds of bones shifting stops.
Zar climbs in bed with Gage. Gage rolls over on his side and moves his legs. I readjust the sheet to cover his birthing hole from our view. A low growl comes out from Zar but, I ignore it.
Gage whines instantly.
"Oh, wow. Yep. We will have a pup soon." Dr. Gibson takes a look and smiles widely.
"Gage is gonna need to push in a minute." Dr. Gibson repositions his self to a better angle.
Remi and I step back and let the man do his job.
"Talon, shift so you can talk to them. Remi you can link your mate." Jenny turns and I shift quickly into Meka.
"Tell him to push baby."
"Okay Gage. You're on. One big push to get the ball rolling." I pace around the left side of the bed.
"This doesn't hurt so much." Gage whispers happily.
I hear the grunt and know he is pushing.
"Baby, tell him to hold off for a sec." I give the order and Gage relaxes.
"You're doing great." I tell Gage and Zar.
"One huge push. Make it count." Remi excitedly tells me.
I relay the message and wait. A huge intake of air transpires followed by two deep growls.
The wail of a whimpering pup fills the air.
Dr. Gibson smiles over at me.
"All done. You can shift back. Great job. Congratulations Daddies." I nuzzle my nose into their chests.
I walk out of the room and shift again.
"You're like a fucking genius." Remi kisses me and hands me a pair of pants.
"I couldn't let Lloyd feel like a failure." I smile at my loving mate.
"Their decent." Jenny waves us back in.
I look over at the happy family and make my way closer. He's adorable. A beautiful pup.
"Damn. Hit the gene pool deep." Remi chuckles.
"You did amazing. He's beautiful." I caress the pups sweet little head.
"Thank you. For your help, your love and encouragement." Lutz grabs my head and crushes it against his chest.
"Welcome to our world." I whisper down to the little wolf.
"His name is William." Lloyd whispers. He stares at his creation with adoration.
"Another one?" Remi chuckles.
"What you mean?" Lutz asks. The look of confusion is comical.
"Jace just named Talia after him. Now you two? Goddess bless." Remi sends me a warm smile.
"Let's just say our Luna is magical." Lloyd smiles at me through watery eyes.
"I'm touched and honored. I love you guys." I give them the biggest smile I can create.
"We love both of you." Lutz wipes his mate's tears.
"You two rest. We can catch up at the house. Enjoy your bundle." Remi grabs my hand and leads me out of the room.
"Told you." Remi whispers as we walk towards the exit.
"What's that?" I ask.
"You're value would be measured by those who love you." Remi winks in my direction.
Yeah, he was right.
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