Town Called Malice
Bursting with excitement, I couldn't wait and got out of the tub, nearly slipping on the floor on my way out of the bathroom. This was like the best summer of my life.
"You should dry off first!" Jamie yelled to me as I ran down the hall to his room.
"Come on, Jamie!" I yelled back to him. "You always take too long."
Upon entering Jamie's room, I discovered it was all nice and neat, which meant Yesenia had cleaned it. Jamie's suitcase was closed and parked against the dresser. It was nice of Yesenia to clean up after us...or after him, I should say. She also made his bed with freshly cleaned sheets. Since I was still dripping wet, I didn't sit down, not wanting to ruin them.
"Hurry up!" I shouted.
"Calm down," he said, appearing in the doorway with a towel around his waist. Wow...he looked good. He really did have a nice body. Biting my bottom lip, I admired his body, not necessarily aware that I was so blatantly staring at him. Although I didn't recognize it at first, I was attracted to him since day one of his stay at the Cameron house.
"What?" he said as I stared at him. I couldn't take my eyes off him.
"Nothing," I said.
"What?" he said with a laugh, approaching me.
"Nothing," I said again.
"It's not nothing," he said, standing directly in front of me. "Tell me."
"You have a nice body," I finally said.
"Thank you," he said with a smile. "So do you." In disbelief, I shook my head because I knew that couldn't possibly be true. "You do," he said, placing his hands on my chest. "I love your body. It's not like you're self-conscious, right? I don't know if I would have gone skinny-dipping in broad daylight when I was your age."
"I've been doing it forever," I said.
"I know. I think it's great." He brought his lips to mine while rubbing my nipples between his fingers. Moaning into his mouth, I unraveled his towel. I loved it and wanted him to continue doing what he was doing. I was disappointed when he stopped. "You're dripping everywhere," he said, proceeding to dry off my entire body as he knelt on the floor, spending extra time between my legs.
"I thought you were going to let me try," I said as he kissed me down there.
"I'm just getting you ready," he said.
"I'm ready," I said.
"You're so impatient," he said, standing back up. He kissed me once, then plopped down on the bed, propping himself up on his elbows, an amused look in his eyes. "Are you nervous?"
"No," I said, which wasn't entirely true. With his hands on my waist, he guided me onto the bed. "I'm not nervous," I insisted.
"Good," he said.
"Roll over," I said, determined to prove that I wasn't nervous, that I could be confident, too.
"Yeah? Okay," he said with a smile and did as I said.
Jamie lay on his stomach, looking over his shoulder, keeping an eye on me. Kneeling on the bed, hovering over him, I kissed the back of his neck, followed by each shoulder blade. I kissed every inch of his spine, down to his tail bone. He sighed, inhaling as I kissed him lower. I pushed his cheeks apart and kissed him right there. I liked it when he did it to me. He liked it, too. I dragged my tongue down the middle and didn't mind licking and kissing him there before pushing my finger in him.
"Is it weird?" I asked. Watching me, he shook his head.
"Be gentle," he said. "I haven't been a bottom in a long time."
"What's a bottom?" I asked innocently, genuinely curious. Ignoring my question, he reached for the bottle on the nightstand. Maybe he didn't hear me, I thought.
"Put it on your fingers," he said.
"What's a bottom?" I asked again as I squirted a bunch of that stuff on my fingers. I circled his entrance with the stuff, eventually sliding my finger in. It was much easier with that stuff on; my finger slid right in. A light dawned in my head and I suddenly realized what he meant by "bottom" and was embarrassed for asking what it was in the first place. "Okay...I'll be gentle," I said, sliding my finger in, slowly in and out. "Am I being gentle?" I asked. Jamie nodded as his shoulders slouched in front of him, occasionally moaning quietly in that way of his. I hated to admit that I was actually kind of nervous.
As I entered him, his body stiffened and he closed in around me. He was tighter than I expected. It felt good, too good and the way he pushed back and against me, encouraging me to get further in...I could barely handle it. In fact, I couldn't handle it.
"Oh God..." I muttered. "You feel good. I...I..." And then I completely lost it, almost as quickly as I started. "God, I'm sorry. I'm sorry...," I cried, my body trembling in a way it had never done before. "Are you mad? I'm sorry..."
"It's okay," he said. Jamie rolled over, taking me in his arms, kissing me. "I'm not mad. Don't be sorry," he said in-between kisses.
"You can finish in me," I said, wanting him desperately.
"Okay, okay," he said, not waiting any longer. He brought my leg around his waist and pushed in.
"I love it," I said against his neck as he held my leg, thrusting back and forth, in and out. "I love it," I said again. "I love you." Those last three words just slipped out and I instantly regretted saying it. There was nothing I could do to take it back, no matter how many apologies, but I still apologized. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean..."
He brought my other leg around his waist, gazing hard into my eyes. I couldn't breathe for a second. "Don't be sorry," he said in my ear. "I love you, too."
He pushed as far as he could go inside me and stopped. Looking into my eyes again, his bottom lip quivered as he came inside me. I wrapped my arms around him, keeping him close to me. In the middle of our embrace, his phone rang. "Shit," he muttered. He always feared it was bad news about his mother, so he felt compelled to answer it. Jamie hesitantly released me.
He didn't seem too happy to be speaking to whoever called him. "And you're telling me this now?" he said to the person on the other end. They went back and forth like they were having some kind of big argument. I hated arguments. Bored and uncomfortable, I left the room, returning shortly after with my own phone. Music was the only thing that calmed me down and distracted me from things I didn't like. I could have stayed in my room, but I wanted to stay close to Jamie. The first song that came on was The Jam's Town Called Malice. Even though Jamie was annoyed and irritated with the person on the other end of the line, he smiled at me as I sang along...
"Better stop dreaming of the quiet life
Cause it's the one we'll never know
And quit running for that runaway bus
Cause those rosy days are few
And, stop apologizing for the things you've never done,
Cause time is short and life is cruel
But it's up to us to change
This town called malice..."
With the phone still to his ear, he stood up and hugged me, half dancing with me, his body close to mine. "Fine...fine...," he kept saying to the person on the other end. " I heard you. Today." And he hung up, exasperated, throwing his phone on the floor.
"Do you like the Jam?" I asked.
"They're alright," he said, his irritation quickly subsiding as he danced close to me. "You want to take a trip to Boston?"
"No," I said. "Why?"
"I have to go get the rest of my shit at Gina's. You'd think she would have called me sooner. Please come with me. What else are you going to do today? I'll take you to Shake Shack."
"What's Shake Shack?"
"Shake Shack just happens to have the best fries and shakes around. Come on...come with me."
"I guess it would be okay," I said. "As long as I don't have to meet your ex-girlfriend."
"You won't have to meet her. You can stay in the car."
Very rarely did my parents take me to Boston, not like it was that far away. I was always most comfortable closer to home. Maybe it was because I had bad memories of going to see doctor after doctor in Boston, spending long afternoons in doctor's offices. Jamie had been teaching in Boston High School for the past seven years and was used to city living and city driving. Parking in Boston was always a nightmare. Right out front of his old apartment building, he double-parked like so many people did in the city.
"What if that guy needs to leave?" I said, referring to the car parked along the curb that his Jeep was now blocking.
"Just drive around the corner and come back," he said.
"I don't drive," I said.
"Oh yeah, I forgot. We'll have to work on that," he said and got out, leaving me in his idling car. I really hoped he'd be quick. After a few minutes, a woman in glasses and an athletic top and shorts, ran out of the building, her long brown hair swinging back and forth in a ponytail. She couldn't have been more than five feet tall and a hundred pounds, but full of angry energy. As she charged toward the car, I concluded rather quickly that this woman was Gina, the woman I didn't want to see.
"Are you his new thing?" she said before I had the chance to put the window back up. I didn't know what she meant by that so I didn't know what to say, not like I would have said anything, anyway.
"Gina!" Jamie exclaimed, running out of the building, a large cardboard box in his arms.
"You know he's a cheater, right?" she said. "He's nothing but a cheater."
"Come on, Gina, stop it," Jamie said.
"He's cute," she said. "And young...younger than the others. Is he even legal?"
"Stop it, Gina," he said. "He doesn't deserve your jealous wrath."
"I'm not jealous," she said. "He looks like a good kid. I thought I should warn him about what he's getting himself into." He dropped the box in the back seat. "He's a cheater. Just remember that," she said and walked away, heading down the street. Her walk soon turned into a jog, then a run. Regretting I came, I just wanted to melt into the seat.
"Sorry about that," he said. "She told me she wasn't going to be here. You alright?" Once again, I didn't know what to say, so I didn't say anything. "I'll be right back. I just have a few more boxes." He loaded the backseat with boxes, so much so he could barely see out the back window. "You alright?" he asked. I just stared back at him. "You won't have to see her again. Let's get something to eat. I'm starving."
Fortunately, there was a parking lot near this so-called Shake Shack so we didn't have to worry about double-parking. On a Friday afternoon, there was a line out the door. Apparently it was one of the most popular fast food restaurants in this part of the city. They even sold beer that was relatively cheap, or that's what Jamie said, not that I was allowed to drink since I was only nineteen. Already my heart was thumping faster than normal. I hated that feeling, but with Jamie by my side, I decided to stick it out. He'd make sure everything was alright, I told myself. The line moved fast, but I wasn't prepared for the noises inside the small restaurant.
The noise...this was why I usually stayed home. People's voices and the chatter behind the counter of workers preparing food, calling out orders, patrons ordering and talking amongst themselves. My head was spinning, all these sounds echoing through my brain.
The noise. People. Laughter. Babies crying. All kinds of commotions. On the brink of a major freak out, I nervously shifted from one foot to the other. It was too much. I couldn't decide on what I wanted to eat. Too many choices.
"Hey, you alright?" Jamie asked with a hand on my shoulder. Too many...too many choices. I had to block out the noises, so I covered my ears. Sometimes that worked. Music was the only thing that really worked, but I left my headphones at home. "Hey..." Jamie nudged me with his elbow. I didn't want him or anyone else touching me and stepped away from him. "Hey, Jordan," he said, but I barely heard him. Everything went blurry. I barely knew where I was and then I didn't know at all. I didn't know anything. Where am I? Stop...the noise...
I had to get out of there, wherever I was, and so I did. I bolted the hell out of there.
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