Jamie got his revenge, kissing and sucking my neck and collar bone so hard I knew he was sure to leave marks like I did to him. He planted kisses all over my chest, making his way further down. Slipping his fingers in the waistband of my shorts, he kissed all around my waist and stomach, easily turning me on. With one tug, my shorts were on the floor. Lying back on the bed, my toes curled as he kissed me everywhere below my stomach. All he had to do was look up at me and I lost it.
"Oh God, I'm sorry," I muttered, but he continued to suck and lick until I was done. This wasn't the first time I did it in his mouth. He didn't seem to mind it. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..." He slid back up my body and kissed my mouth.
"Don't be sorry," he said. "Never be sorry." To get even closer to him, I hugged him to me, rolling on top of him, my naked body instantly shuddering against his. We kissed long and hard until I broke away.
"Please, no more hickeys," he said as I kissed his neck. "I don't want to look like a sex-crazed hormonal teenager." I didn't listen, though, sucking his collarbone like he just did to me. "Ow..." he said, pushing me away, cupping my cheeks firmly in his hands.
"I'm having a good time," I said. "Are you having fun, too?"
"Yes," he said. "More than you know. I guess it's a good thing Gina kicked me out, huh?"
"You didn't belong with her, anyway," I said, his legs hooking around mine.
"Oh really? And how would you know? We've only known each other for a few weeks."
"Because you're gay," I said.
"Most of the time, anyway," he said. His hands moved from my face to my hair. He grabbed a handful as I buried my face in his neck. I loved the smell and taste of his sweat. As his hands roamed down my backside, I kissed his mouth one more time before making my way to his chest.
As I licked one nipple, he gripped my hair even harder. "Jordan," he said as I licked the other one. Pulling my hair with both hands, he tilted my head back, searching for my lips.
"Jamie," I said, looking hard into his eyes.
"I...uh..." he was about to say something, but I broke away from him, scooting down his body. "Jordan..."
"Jamie," I said in-between kissing his lower stomach. Although I was nervous, not entirely sure what to do. I was also confident I'd figure it out since he had done it to me a few times already.
"You don't have to," he said. I know, I thought to myself, but I want to. One set of fingers trailed over and under his balls. The other set of fingers gently pushed back his foreskin, kissing the tip. Moaning quietly, he squeezed the back of my neck as my tongue circled around his shaft. Too nervous to look up at him, I opened my mouth, taking him in. With a quiet gasp, he sighed again, letting his fingers get lost in my hair. I liked his sounds; he made me feel like I was doing something right.
"Jordan," he said. "Jordan, look at me." But I didn't look, sucking until his cock hardened in my mouth. Tugging my hair back again, he forced me to release him.
"Jamie," I said. Catching me by surprise, he flipped me on my back so my head was at the foot of the bed. Kneeling between my legs, he kissed and licked me all over in places he had never reached before. I was nervous and excited at the same time. Sitting up, I brought my legs around his waist. "Don't stop," I said, leaning forward to kiss him and I hoped he knew what I meant. Reaching for the back of his neck, I held on to him, propping myself up, rubbing my erection against his. Guiding me back down on the bed, he pushed my legs apart so I was pretty sure he knew what I meant and what I wanted. Pressing his finger against my entrance, he pushed in a little. For some reason I let out a laugh. It felt funny, but that didn't mean I didn't like it. Almost immediately he withdrew his finger.
"I'm sorry," he said, standing up.
"Why?" I asked, totally confused, automatically assuming I did something wrong; inexperienced naive Jordan. Jamie just stared at me, not saying anything. "You told me never be sorry, so what is it?" I said. "Did I do something wrong? Tell me, Jamie." My blood pressure started to rise. With a shake of his head, he left my room. "Jamie?" Again, he didn't respond, not even with a "Jordan." Confused, angry, and even hurt, I followed him down the hall and to his room, whether he wanted me to or not. "Jamie, what'd I do?"
"Nothing," he said.
"Then why do I feel like I did?" I said.
"I don't know if I can do this," he said, avoiding my eyes.
"Why won't you look at me?" I said. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"I can't do this," he said. "Me and you and here. This."
"Why not?" I said, taking one of his hands in mine. His eyes briefly met mine as I brought his other hand to my waist. "I think you can."
"You're making this so hard for me," he said. "I have students your age."
"I'm not one of your students," I said while listening to the music that played in my head. "I'm not in high school. If you have students my age, then they're not very smart, are they?"
"No, I guess not," he laughed.
"You know I can be your boyfriend if you want. If you let me."
"Oh Jordan," he said lightly.
"Oh Jamie," I mocked him.
"I wasn't expecting any of this," he said. "You and me...this summer...This was not what I had planned."
"What did you have planned?" I asked.
"Well, I don't know," he said. "Not this. I don't know. What are you doing, anyway?" he asked as I held him close to me. "You're dancing with me now?"
"Toe to toe...Dancing very close..." I sang the falsetto of Blondie because that's what played in my head. I didn't even know I could dance until he came along. Jamie smiled against the side of my face. He liked it when I sang.
"No..." he said, but I continued to sing, anyway, as he swayed with me. "You're really something, you know that?"
"Barely breathing...Almost comatose..." I sang while Jamie and I slowly danced. "Wall to wall...People hypnotized. And they're stepping lightly...Hang each night..."
"In...Rapture..." Jamie sang with me.
"I just want to be with you," I said in his ear. "And I know you want to be with me. Its's okay, right? Jamie..." I said as he pulled away from me.
"Jordan," he said, holding my face. "I want to be with you, too."
"Then what's the problem?" I said. He shook his head. "What?" I said, squeezing his butt cheeks hard, eliciting a laugh from him. As his erection bounced against my thigh, I looked down his body. "I'm not afraid," I said, holding his erection in my hand. "I was freaked out at first, but I'm not anymore."
"You know I really want you," he said.
"So what's the problem?" I said again, backing away from him, throwing myself on his bed. Lying there naked, I propped myself up on my elbows. "Tim'll be home by the time you figure this out."
"Jordan, I..." he said as if he was about to tell me something. "Wait." He crouched by his opened suitcase, searching for something.
"Any minute now," I said.
"And to think you hardly said a word when we first met," he said. Finding what he was looking for, he plopped down beside me.
"Hold out your hand," he said.
"Just do it," he said and so I did. Holding a black bottle, he squirted some clear liquid into my palm. He took my hand and placed it on his erection, kissing me, breaking away from me a few seconds later, which was really starting to annoy me. "I don't know, Jordan. I don't know if I can do this to you." I had just about had it. Taking the bottle from him, I squirted a bunch more on him. "I've never done it with a...." Before he could say anything else, I mounted him, holding his erection against me. "Jordan..."
"Jamie..." I said, pushing down a little so just the tip poked in me.
"Fuck," he muttered. It was different than what I expected. Actually, I'm not sure what I expected. It felt really weird; interesting and weird. "We don't have to," he said, but I pushed harder down, figuring we had gone this far, so why stop? Holding my waist, he shifted his hips up, allowing more and more of him to reach inside me. Looking down, I noticed that there was no space between us. He was all the way in me while I sat there, my feet tucked under his thighs. "Are you alright?" he asked.
"Uh...yeah," I said, not really sure what to make of it at first. "You've never been with a virgin, right? Is that what you were going to say?" I said, my eyes focused on his lower body and him inside me than anything else. "Should I move?" I asked.
"If you want," he said, his hands firmly on my waist.
"Yeah...yeah...okay." I said. He let go of my waist and grabbed both of my hands, shifting his hips up, encouraging me to push down. "Fuck," I whispered, rocking slowly back and forth. "This feels so weird," I said. "Really, really weird." After a few more minutes, it didn't feel so weird. Something strange and unusual flowed through my veins, but in a good sort of way. I bit down on my bottom lip, trying to fight it off, this unusual, overwhelming sensation. I couldn't even look at him, afraid I was going to explode.
"Jordan, look at me," he said. I could barely take it. "Jordan...." he said, sitting up with his lips against my chest as we gained more and more momentum, his hips shifting up and into mine, mine down and into his. "Jordan," he said again.
"Jamie," I said, my eyes fixed with his. "I...uh..." My thighs clamped down against Jamie's and I couldn't control it, crying out so loud I was glad Tim wasn't home. A brief wave of embarrassment swept over me as I observed the mess I made on his chest and stomach, not to mention all the noise I just made.
Jamie sat up with his hands on my lower back, still deep inside me, not finished yet. He rocked me back and forth until he thrust so deep, crying out louder than I had ever heard him before. Jamie suddenly went still and quiet while my body continued to shake. Although he was still and quiet, I could feel his heart thump.
"Was it okay?" I asked, not sure of myself, especially since Jamie was so quiet. As he looked at me, he nodded, not saying anything.
And then he did something I never expected: He burst into tears, leaving me more confused than I had ever been, possibly in my entire life.
Thanks for reading and voting so far. I really love writing this story!
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