Lips Like Sugar
Both Jamie and Tim splashed me over and over, nearly drowning me or that's what it felt like while they laughed, amused with themselves and how they treated me. They both took turns dunking me. With the exception of our boxer shorts, our clothes were scattered on the ground. Usually Tim was so modest and so boring, but he didn't seem to care at the moment.
"I thought you hated the pond!" I shouted to both of them in-between dunks and splashes.
As if suddenly realizing how disgusting the pond was, they both ran out, leaving me there, laughing their way out of the woods. I ran after them, all the way to the pool. Even Tim jumped in. I think he was desperately trying to avoid the men on the porch. At the same time, he looked like he was having fun in the water, which wasn't something I was used to seeing. Tim hadn't played in the water like this in a long time. Taking a break, Tim floated on a raft while I jumped on Jamie's back.
"Will you tell those guys to move their cars so we can go to the drive-in?" I said to Tim.
"Why do I have to?" Tim asked, floating with his eyes closed. Briefly I wondered where his glasses were, then spotted them on top of his clothes, which lay in a pile on the deck with the rest of our clothes.
"Because I can't talk to them," I said.
"You're going to make me stay with them by myself, aren't you?" Tim said.
"I have a date," I said although I was sure he already knew that.
"You don't have to stay here," Jamie said.
"It's my fucking boss," he said. "He went to school with Art. I can't stand it. Maybe they won't be here too late."
"You don't have to stay here," Jamie said again. "You're an adult. Jordan's not staying."
"Yeah, well, Jordan's special, isn't he?" Tim said. "If he was a good brother, he'd stay." With me still on his back, Jamie walked over to Tim so I could splash the hell out of him.
Before going back to the house, Tim and Jamie put their clothes on over their wet boxers. I didn't bother, ignoring pleas and orders from both of them and returned to the house in just my shorts, dripping wet. I didn't acknowledge anyone, heading straight into the house. Art said something to either Jamie or Tim, but I wasn't paying attention so I didn't know what he said. Tim stayed outside with the men while Jamie followed me all the way upstairs.
"I'm hungry," I said, stepping into the bathroom because I knew Jamie was going to make me take a shower.
"We can get something to eat before the movie," he said, watching me take off my shorts. I turned on the shower, enjoying Jamie's eyes on me as he stood behind me. He squeezed my butt with both of his hands, one on each cheek, while kissing my neck. I had a feeling this was going to be a fun shower.
Yes! I thought to myself as he undressed. This was what I wanted to do this morning, but he didn't think it was the right time or something like that. As if we had never done this before, I excitedly got in the shower, nearly tripping over the edge of the tub.
Once in the shower, Jamie squeezed a damp wash cloth over my head, letting water trickle down the sides of my face. After a minute or two, I spun around to face him because I really just wanted to look at him. Placing my hands firmly on the back of his neck, I brought my lips to his. As we kissed, I slid my hands all the way down his backside. He smiled into my lips as I squeezed his butt. I loved doing that.
"We really shouldn't do this right now," Jamie said as I squirted some shampoo on top of his head.
"What are we doing?" I said. "We're just taking a shower."
"Yeah, right," he said. "Just taking a shower..." he said, running a finger up my erection. "It's so annoying when it does this, right?" With his fingers on me, he kissed my lips again. I pushed his hand away from me because I didn't want to lose it in the shower; I wanted to save it for the bedroom.
"Let's go," I said even though he still had shampoo in his hair. "Hurry up."
With a towel around my waist, I opened the bathroom door and looked both ways down the hall to make sure no one was coming. My bedroom was right across from the bathroom so we didn't have much to worry about. I couldn't wait to drop my towel. Jamie followed me a few minutes later.
"Maybe we should wait and do this later," Jamie said. "After the movie." Ignoring him, I yanked his towel off him. "Or maybe not..." He laughed as I playfully tackled him to the bed. As I kissed him all over, he played with my hair, which I loved. I really, really loved it. He guided my head down to him, inhaling happily as my lips made contact.
The bedroom window was open and laughter and voices could be heard down below outside on the porch, but it didn't stop me. "I don't know if we should do this right now," he said again as I prepared him for entry. I was tired of hearing him say things like that.
I stopped a minute to put on some music to either drown us out or to block out the voices outside. "Happy now?" I said as another Echo and the Bunnymen classic played.
"I like Bring on the Dancing Horses better," Jamie said.
"I'm not in the mood for that song," I said, getting on top of him on my twin bed. "What's wrong with Lips like Sugar?"
"Nothing," he said. "But..." He stopped talking, moaning quietly as I pushed in him. I was getting better at it. "Fuck..."
"Does it feel okay?" I asked.
"Yes," he said, squeezing my butt as I thrust back and forth, slowly at first.
"Because you feel really, really good," I said. "I really like doing this."
"Yes, I know," he said, bringing his lips back to mine.
As I finished, my phone pinged and pinged and pinged. That could only be one person. I wouldn't stop until Jamie was satisfied.
"I think we better go," Jamie said as I lay between his legs, my legs dangling off the bed. "Tim's looking for you."
"He knows where I am," I said and kissed the tip.
"You drive me crazy," he said. "Really..." he added as I dragged my tongue up and down. "I'm gonna come." Yeah, that's the point...I stuck out my tongue, waiting for it. And there it was. Jamie was strangely quiet, but I realized he was gritting his teeth, holding his breath at the same time. As he exhaled, I leaned over, quickly kissing to stifle his potentially loud cries.
In the meantime, Tim sent me five texts.
'Where are you?'
'Help me.'
'You suck.'
"Everything okay?" Jamie asked as I sat in the edge of the bed, reading my texts.
"Tim's dying down there," I said. "We better get dressed."
Tim sat at the porch table, surrounded by Art's friends or colleagues or whatever they were. As I stood in the doorway between the sliding doors and porch, Tim excused himself and went to me. Grabbing my arm tightly, he pulled me into the house.
"Where's Jamie?" he asked.
"Upstairs," I said.
"What the hell were you doing? You've been gone for ages."
Biting my bottom lip, I shrugged, looking down at the ground. "Nothing," I said.
"Yeah, right. Nothing," he said, clearly not believing my story.
"Did you tell those guys to move their cars so we can get out?" I said.
Jamie appeared, wearing a pair of jeans and black t-shirt. My heart stopped for a second because he looked so good. Even though we had just spent an hour naked together, he still turned me on fully dressed.
"What the hell are you doing with my little brother?" Tim said. "You've turned him into some sex-crazed monster."
"You're just jealous," Jamie said. Jamie and Tim stared each other down for a few seconds. Smiling with a small laugh, Jamie nudged my shoulder with his. He thought this was all very comical. Maybe it was.
"Don't leave me with them," Tim said to me, quickly getting over his annoyance with Jamie.
"Go to your girlfriend's," Jamie said.
"I wasn't talking to you," he said.
"Go to your girlfriend's," I reiterated.
"You're an ass hole," Tim said.
"Tell them to move their cars," I said, ignoring his "ass hole" comment. Jamie, growing more and more impatient with me and Tim, went to the porch to do what I'd asked Tim to do more than once. A few minutes later, the tall thin man with glasses, the Harvard guy, walked through the house. Apparently, his car was the car that was blocking Jamie's Jeep.
"Call me and we'll talk," he said to me, digging out something from his pocket. "When you're ready." He handed me a business card: Brian Bennett, Associate Dean of Medicine, Harvard Medical School.
"Thank you," Tim said on my behalf. I watched Brian return to the porch.
"You want to go to Harvard?" Jamie asked. I only shrugged. Maybe, I thought. Jamie moved on, perhaps sensing I wasn't in the mood to talk about any of that. "Well, we're leaving," he said to Tim. "Jordan's hungry."
"Stay and eat here," Tim suggested.
"Hell no," Jamie said with a laugh. Placing a hand on my back, he guided me away from Tim. "Go to your girlfriend's," he called back to him as we headed out of the house.
On screen one, a Pixar movie was playing; on screen two, the newest Marvel Comics' movie. Since Jamie left it up to me to decide, I elected the Marvel Comics' movie.
"Typical," Jamie said to me.
And, since Jamie bought the movie tickets, I bought the soda and popcorn with my allowance. In the backseat of his Jeep, we sat close together with his arm around me.
Every now and again, I'd feel his lips on the side of my face or on my neck, clearly not paying attention to the movie.
"I'm trying to watch the movie," I said, half teasing and half serious. As his hand brushed over my crotch, he smiled against the side of my face.
"You're hard," he said.
"Yeah, so?" I said. "You're touching me and doing things while I'm trying to..."
"Yeah, yeah, watch the movie," he said, unzipping my shorts with one hand. Immediately I gasped, inhaling as his hand reached inside. "Ssh..." he said.
"Jamie," I said as he slowly moved my erection back and forth inside my shorts.
"Jordan," he said and kissed the side of my head. Resting my head on his shoulder, I let him jerk me off discretely. Not knowing what else to do, I held the near empty bag of popcorn over my crotch, allowing Jamie to pull it out. "Fuck," I muttered. "I'm going to come."
"Ssh," he said in my ear. He smiled against the side of my face as I aimed inside the bag.
"Shit. That's disgusting," I said. Jamie just laughed.
"I don't think we'll be eating anymore popcorn tonight," he laughed, but I didn't laugh. I wasn't sure what to do, still a little shocked and surprised with what we just did. I handed the bag to Jamie. "Are you sure you don't want some?" Jamie teased, looking inside the bag. "Look what you did."
"That's really disgusting" I said. Jamie crumpled up the bag and opened the car door. I stopped him from getting out of the car. "What are you doing?"
"Throwing it away unless you want to keep it as a souvenir," he said.
"Eww, no," I said.
"No one's going to go through the trash," he assured me and proceeded to throw out the bag. We watched the rest of the movie in comfortable silence, leaning against each other, sexually satisfied.
All the cars, including Tim's, were gone by the time Jamie and I got back to the house. Art's car was always in the garage. He rarely ever drove it.
"It looks like Tim finally went out with his girlfriend," Jamie said. "If he's lucky he won't come home tonight." I didn't say anything and went directly around the house to the pool. Jamie said we could go swimming when we got home and that's what I intended to do. Since Art was in bed and Tim wasn't home, I stripped naked and jumped in.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next chapter is almost all written and will be posted soon. Thanks again for reading and voting!
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