Who is more jealous?
Another day, another gettogether planned by Alfor. Everybody was on Altea, EVERYONE. Elara was talking with Gnedra, Melenor, and Trigel while the kids were chatting away from their parents, and the men chatted as well, however the ladies noticed Zarkon was talking to that Honerva lady a lot more than he was talking to his own wife in the time they've all been there. Elara didn't seem bothered at all, but the other ladies were.
"Elara are you alright? You don't seem agitated in the slightest way at all." Melenor asked.
"I'm fine. He has survival skills so he knows not to do anything stupid." Elara said, not at all phased.
"Well... They've been very talkative." Trigel said.
"It doesn't bother you?" Gnedra asked.
"Not at all. If you three are thinking I'm getting jealous, think again. I never get jealous. If he does anything stupid, which I thoroughly doubt, it's his loss." Elara said.
"Well if you give a warning I will." Melenor huffed and stormed off.
"Here we go..." Elara huffed.
"At least it isn't me. I'm pregnant and hormonal." Gnedra scoffed.
"You are?" Elara and Trigel gasped.
"Yes so count your blessings and pray Zarkon lives to see another day." Gnedra said.
Melenor marched over to Alfor and the others, obviously Honerva was there.
"Melenor? I thought you would stick with the other ladies." Alfor said, visibly confused.
"I was but I needed to myself a drink. I got parched." Melenor said.
"Oh alright. Are you alright? You look bothered." Alfor questioned.
"Don't be ridiculous I'm fine." She insisted, briefly glaring at Zarkon and Honerva. For once Zarkon was intimidated by Melenor.
All of a sudden, Elara and the other ladies were laughing their asses off and Zarkon's head snapped in their direction. He saw Coran was getting too close to Elara, jealousy and possessiveness boiled in him. Little did he know Melenor instructed Coran to do so.
"That orange haired rat..." Zarkon growled and stormed over to where the ladies as well as Coran were.
"What's so funny?" Zarkon interjected, standing behind Elara with a hand on her shoulder and a fake smile.
"Coran had the best jokes I've ever heard!" Elara laughed.
"It's true!" Gnedra snickered hysterically.
"He's gifted!" Trigel shouted and continued laughing.
"Oh please..." Zarkon huffed.
"You know... parallel lines have so much in common. It's truly a shame they'll never meet." Coran said.
The ladies just exploded into a fit of laughter. Elara has never laughed this hard in her 37 years of life.
"The only thing I think will be funny is me burying you alive." Zarkon threatened.
"Oh..." Coran gasped.
"Piss off ginger!" Zarkon snapped.
Coran bolted away from the table and Zarkon watched on amusement.
"It looks like somebody got jealous." Elara snickered.
"So please I know you got jealous when I was talking to Honerva." Zarkon said.
"Yeah no." Elara scoffed.
"Not even a little?" He asked.
"You must not love me at all." Zarkon huffed.
"Zarkon I do. I really really do. But if you were to slip up and don't expect me to cry over you. It's your loss." Elara said bluntly.
"Wow. That was cold." Zarkon gasped.
"Thank you." She said.
"Maybe I'll go do more than talk to her now." Zarkon spat.
"How would you like to explain another divorce to the children then?" Elara said.
"I hate you..." Zarkon said, realizing he failed at another argument.
"No you don't." She said.
"Leave me be woman!" Zarkon snapped and stormed.
Somebody threw a hissy fit and couldn't handle a loss. Zarkon still talked to Honerva again and made the mistake of flirting with her to anger Elara and boy did he have a rough night sleeping on the lounge couch.
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