The pains of insecurity
Another week passed, Zarkon has noticed Elara's change of behavior but thought it was just because she's tired and exhausted from handling their newborn daughter. He had no idea she was insecure after having baby number two. She had time off because Bellatrix needed to be with her mother at all times, being so young. Right now it was night time and Elara was already in bed, tired and worn out, Bellatrix laid in the middle of the bed, fast asleep and Zarkon walked in.
"You look tired. How has she been behaving?" He said, sitting down next to her.
"She's been super fussy, she's just fallen asleep and I'm just taking a breather, I'm a little sore in the legs after being up and about with her when she's crying." Elara said with a heavy sigh.
"Do you want me to help you the restroom so you can take a bath? I can watch her." Zarkon offered.
"No! Uh... I'm fine. I can do it myself. Please watch her thank you!" Elara said, a little panicked, she didn't want him seeing how bad her body looked after birthing a kit merely three weeks ago.
Zarkon was about to speak but she bolted to the bathroom grabbing her robe and dashing away to the private restroom.
"Finally alone..." She sighed in relief.
She changed into her robe and frowned at her reflection in the mirror in front of her. She loves her son and daughter more than life itself but the toll she has taken made her feel awful about herself. The excessive baby weight, stretch marks on her hips looking like faint light purple tiger stripes made her cringe.
"Dear gods Elara... You got to get back on your game." She huffed at herself.
She unfortunately forgot to lock the door behind her internally panicked when Zarkon walked in seeing her frowning at herself.
"What's wrong? Are you alright? You look-"
"Hideous. Yeah I know." She huffed, sitting in a chair near the bathtub.
"What are you talking about? You're not hideous." He said, visibly confused.
"Come on Zarkon. Look at this crap. I've got extra weight, stretch marks, and no energy." Elara huffed and buried her face in her hands.
"Elara don't be like that. You just had a kit weeks ago. You're not hideous, you're the complete opposite." Zarkon said, kneeling down in front of her.
She lifted her head to face and sighed.
"I just got scared. When we were on Altea, I saw you having a great time with that Altean woman and she didn't look the way I do... I got scared. I thought you wouldn't find me attractive anymore after everything that's changed on me." Elara admitted.
"She's nothing compared to you Elara. Woman your hair is multicolored!" He said.
That comment did make her laugh and he laughed a little too.
"You got Galaxy looking hair, an outrageously curvy figure, I don't see any baby weight, and stretch marks have nothing on you woman. So in conclusion, what I see is my ridiculously good looking wife." Zarkon ranted, continuing to make her laugh her ass off.
"And they say Blaytz is the best hype man. Bullshit." Elara chuckled.
All she needed was confirmation from the 10-ft baby daddy that she wasn't a hideous mess. When she got it, she practically snapped back in a week. Zarkon has never been so happy.
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