The marriage test
Zarkon and Elara were mutually head over heels in love with one another, it couldn't be proven any different so their three oldest children decided to put that to that to the test since they've been together since they were in their late teen years. They decided to make Zarkon and Elara take the marriage test. They'd asked their parents a question and their answers would sum up their marriage.
Zarkon and Elara sat right next to each other on a lounge couch while Koltor, Bellatrix, and Zanthea sat across from them.
"Alright... What song describes your marriage?" Koltor asked them first.
"Highway To Hell." Both Zarkon and Elara said, they looked at each other and laughed hysterically.
"Ok then... Not worrying at all. What is your favorite about your partner?" Bellatrix asked her parents.
"His corny pick up lines." Elara replied with a sweet smile.
"Her smile.... And her behind." Zarkon said with a devious smirk, giving Elara a grin.
"Why am I not surprised?" She huffed.
"Anyway! What fictional character reminds you of your partner?" Koltor asked.
"Black Widow." Zarkon said.
"Godzilla." Elara replied, snorting out a laugh.
"Wow..." Zarkon sighed.
"What's your favorite memory?" Bellatrix asked.
"His proposal... Well the first one." Elara answered.
"My first time in bed with her." Zarkon snickered.
"Lord help me..." Elara muttered under her breath in pure disappointment.
"What is your favorite nickname for each other?" Zanthea asked.
"Zarky!" Elara squealed and hugged her husband's arm.
"Angel." He purred and nuzzled the top of her head.
"What's your favorite to do with each other?" Koltor asked.
"Look at the stars every night." Elara sighed happily.
"Mate." Zarkon blurted out, without thinking.
"Ew no I'm out. I'm far too innocent for this." Zanthea gagged and scurried out of the room.
"Are you kidding me right now Zarkon?!" Elara snapped at him.
"I didn't want to lie!" He said, cowering from his own wife.
"ANYWAY! When was the moment you knew you wanted to spend your life with her?" Bellatrix asked her father.
"I knew from the day I saw her for the first time after being away for two years. We talked for quite a bit and then I knew I wanted your mother to be my wife and look at us now." Zarkon said, smiling down at his lady who was already smiling back at him.
"Are you to forgetting that you guys got divorced and gave me temporary depression at some point?" Koltor blurted out, ruining the moment.
"This isn't about you!" Bellatrix snapped at her big brother.
"Shut up Bella!" Koltor growled.
"I'm telling Vetza!" Bellatrix hissed and ran out of the room.
"Wha- no! Shut up Bella!" Koltor growled and chased after his sister.
"You couldn't have been nice with your answers? As in, not involve THAT kind of stuff?" Elara asked out of the blue.
"I couldn't help it." He muttered.
"Learn to help it, you're an adult." She sassed.
"What if I don't want to?" He asked, sassing her back.
"You can sleep on the couch." She replied with a smile as she headed to the doors.
"No no no NO, angel, wait, hear me out. Please?!" He panicked and scurried after his wife.
Elara passed that test with flying colors, Zarkon on the other hand... Could've been better.
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