It had been two weeks since the massive fight and Zarkon and Elara resented each other. They couldn't even look at each other let alone be in the same room. Elara was taking care of Delilah by herself and it killed the older adults in the family to see the young teens they saw fall in love turn into resentful adults who couldn't care less about one another. Zarkon acted as of he was free at last. Elara was a different story though. She was broken, she had every right to be, however, she picked up the broken pieces of her heart and soul and pretended she wasn't hurt for her son and daughters.
The two aren't divorced but by the way things are, they practically aren't married either. Zarkon ignored both Elara and Delilah, he literally disowned them both, Delilah for being a constant reminder of Elara almost dying, and Elara for choosing Delilah over him. What a jackass. Right now Elara was venting to her brother, sister-in-law, and two childhood friends in the lounge room.
"I can't handle the pressure anymore. It's too much. He doesn't care about Delilah at all, I don't care what he thinks about me, I just want to acknowledge her as his own, that's it. I can't let my children grow up in a broken home." Elara said, already shedding so many tears as her sister-in-law hugged her.
"Elara... It pains me to say it but maybe he isn't the one for you anymore." Sendak said sadly.
"What he's doing to you is neglect. He doesn't take responsibility for her daughter and he doesn't care about you anymore, I'm sorry if it sounds harsh but it seems that way." Haxus said.
"He's changed and not for the better." Thace chimed in.
"The whole situation is toxic Elara, too toxic. It's not good for anyone." Cressida said.
"I don't know what to do." Elara quietly sobbed.
After a while of ranting, it was soon time for everyone to get some sleep. Sendak and Cressida went to go handle their eight months old daughter, Haxus went straight to bed, and Thace decided to give some extra emotional support.
"I never thought he could be this bad, especially to somebody like you." He said.
"Well, he always has been full of surprises." Elara said sadly.
"He's an idiot for pushing away a woman like you. Are you going to be ok dealing with him?" He asked.
"Well I don't really deal with him. We don't talk." Elara said, chuckling to cover up her sadness.
"Well if you even need somebody to insult him with, let me know." Thace said.
As they talked, they were completely oblivious to the fact that Zarkon was eavesdropping.
"Will do. I just wish things turned out differently." Elara said with a sigh.
"I do to. For your sake." Thace huffed.
"Thanks for listening." Elara said with a slight smile.
"You're welcome." Thace replied happily.
The two hugged it out and right as they were, Zarkon burst into the room.
"So this is how it is? You sure know how to be a piece of meat!" Zarkon screamed at her.
"Zarkon really? It's not even like that! He's just a friend! You know that!" Elara said, pushing Thace away.
"I don't care! He cannot be trusted! Let's go! You and I need to talk" Zarkon growled and grabbed a hold of her wrist, which Elara snatched away from him and proceeded to walk out with him following. Once they were alone the arguing continued.
"Two weeks and you're already throwing yourself at Thace?!" Zarkon snarled.
"First off, I am not interested in Thace, second I have no interest in anyone, and third MAKE UP YOUR MIND!" Elara growled.
"What the hell are you talking about?!" Zarkon asked.
"You want me away from you but you can't stand the sight of talking to a friend! You're not making any sense!" Elara said.
"I don't want him around you! Especially with the way he was talking to you!" Zarkon screeched.
"I can't do this. I cannot do this." Elara huffed angrily, and went to leave the room but Zarkon stopped her by grabbing her arn.
"Where the hell are you going?" He asked, hissing at her a little.
"To go get my daughter from my mother and then I'm going to bed now leave me alone." Elara hissed bitterly, snatched her arm away and stormed out of the room.
Zarkon was a cruel, emotionless beast now. He only cared about the planets well-being and the children that don't include Delilah. Elara was a aggressive, protective mother, like usual, but. When it came to Delilah, she would kill Zarkon is she had to.
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