Milestones with Koltor
Three months old- tummy time-
Koltor was three months old and absolutely HATED tummy time. He would always fuss when he had to do it but it was good for him. He would refuse to do it... Unless he did it on his favorite blanket, which happened to be Elara's blanket from when she was a tiny kit. Right now, he was fussing as Zarkon got him to do tummy time.
"Come on Koltor, it's not that bad." Zarkon huffed.
Koltor continued to fuss anyway, he was not enjoying this whatsoever. Zarkon nearly lost all hope until Elara walked in from the nursery.
"I found it." She said, holding up the blanket of her childhood.
"Finally!" Zarkon sighed in relief.
She laid it out on the bed and put Koltor stomach on the blanket, instead of fussing, he nuzzled the soft blanket and giggled. Elara chuckled to herself.
"Nailed it..."
Four months old- Teething
Zarkon was currently sitting in bed with Koltor as he nibbled on his father's finger. He was waiting for Elara to come back in with the teething rings she had put in the nursery cabinets around six months ago, when she was still pregnant.
"Koltor, I do find this to be very cute, but it hurts a little so if you wish to refrain from chewing on my fingers, please do so." Zarkon said.
Koltor stopped for a moment and went back to chewing on Zarkon's fingers.
"Ok..." Zarkon sighed.
"I finally found them." Elara said, walking into the room and going straight to the bathroom to wash the teething rings before approaching the two and offering one to Koltor who instantly started chewing on it.
Both Zarkon and Elara sighed in relief but we're still sad that he seemed to be growing up quickly.
Nine months old- crawling-
Koltor was playing with some toys on the floor of the nursery, while sitting upright on his blanket when he heard his parent in the their bedroom talking. He suddenly craved attention from them and decided to shift his weight on his arms and legs eventually crawling his way into their room. Zarkon and Elara were too caught up in conversation that they even notice he was there, well, not until he giggled. They got dead silent and slowly looked down at their son.
"Oh my gods he can teleport!" Zarkon jokes.
"Did you crawl here all by yourself?" Elara cooed, picking up her son who giggled happily and clapped his little hands at her baby voice. Zarkon acted all tough on the outside but deep down he was sad, his son was growing up faster than he thought.
Nine months old- first word-
Koltor was staying up late with his parents. They smothered him with affection as usual, the little boy meant everything to them, nobody doubted that at all. They laughed as he giggled as Zarkon tickled him.
"M-Mama!" He suddenly squealed.
"Oh my gods..." Zarkon gasped.
"I'm already crying... I'm not ashamed." Elara sniffled, she was practically the living embodiment of Niagara falls. She cried as she hugged her little boy, who was pretty confused but snuggled his mother anyway.
A year old- first steps-
A lot has happened recently, Alfor and Melenor have announced that they're having a baby... A boy. (Ooooh)
Koltor is now a year old and Zarkon and Elara were both elated and sad that he's hardly a baby anymore. He was the light of their lives, they swore to protect him the moment they found out Elara was pregnant, not wanting to repeat history with the last kit they never got to meet. Little Koltor was hanging with Uncle Sendak while his parents did what they had to do.
"Why can't your mother just hire a governess? This is not my job." Sendak huffed.
"What was that?" He heard a familiar voice ask from the door.
"Nothing at all dear sister!" Sendak said.
"Luckily for you I'm here to take back my son." She said.
"Oh good. He's missed you." Sendak said.
Koltor saw his mother and stood upright while grabbing a couch for support. He let go of the couch and at that moment both his mother and uncle knew what he was going to do.
"Oh my gods..." Elara silently gasped.
She got on to her knees and encouraged her son to walk to her, holding her arms out. Koltor made his very first steps over to his mother. Once he stumbled into her arms she cheered for him and nuzzled him, making him giggle and purr. What a lovely little child.
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