After a long day of juggling duties and caring for their infant daughter, Zarkon and Elara were laying in bed, one stressed and tired, the other exhausted. With Delilah being clingy and premature, she needed extra care from her mother, Zarkon took over both his and Elara's duties so she could give her time to Delilah.
"I have never in 32 years been so tired." Elara huffed, staring at the ceiling.
"In my 34 years of life, I've never been so stressed out." Zarkon said, staring up at the ceiling as well.
"Stressed? What happened?" Elara asked.
"Many things happened. I don't know where to start." Zarkon said with a sigh.
"Well... I can help you relax... If that's what you want." Elara suggested.
"Come again?" Zarkon asked, fully awake now.
"I think you heard me Zarkon." She purred.
"I never thought you'd be so bold." He said, surprised by her sudden burst of confidence.
"Hm... What a shame... I thought you'd like it. Guess not." She teasingly pouted.
"Oh no. I do. I very much do, now be a dear and put it to good use please." Zarkon ordered seductively.
Pretty obvious about what their intentions were from there. After an hour of fooling around, Athena unfortunately walked in on them preparing for round 2.
"Oh no..." Elara mumbled and hid under Zarkon who was obviously on top and mortified.
"Mother... You saw nothing." He said, pale as a paper.
"I'm sorry... Have fun..." She sniffled, already crying because the image was burned into her mind and then she went to bed immediately, shutting the door.
"Well at least it wasn't one of the children." Zarkon huffed.
"True. Now are you going to finish what we started or not?" Elara purred.
"Of course I am." Zarkon growled and practically attacked her neck.
An hour later-
An hour later they were not tired yet. They were still going at it. Zarkon banged her like an animal, she couldn't form words at this point, all she could was pant and moan, it had been a full year since they've been intimate with each other because of Elara's complicated pregnancy and their marital problems.
Elara was happy to have her loving but seductively devious husband back and Zarkon was more than elated and eager to finally be in between her legs again after so long.
It was obvious that they've both missed this stuff. Zarkon was pounding her harder by the second without her even having to beg for him to, even though she physically couldn't because anything she'd say would come out as a moan.
"I don't remember you being this tight!" He growled, after so much time of love making.
She tried to speak but couldn't, the pleasure was overwhelming and intense.
Just as things were getting louder and more heated as the duo began to make out, Buloc barged in, assuming they were done.
"Hey son- OH!"
"Damn it..." Zarkon growled.
"When it not one of the kids it's either your mother, your father, or my brother. How lovely." Elara huffed sarcastically.
"Hush up feline I didn't see it coming." Buloc said.
"You little bi-" she hissed but was cut off by Zarkon.
"Don't you dare." He said, glaring at her.
"He's old, he can handle a curse word." Elara huffed.
"I'm not that old!" Buloc snapped.
"You're 62." Elara said.
"I'm leaving and boy... You aren't done until she's unconscious. Now get that." Buloc said seriously to Zarkon who got hella serious and nodded.
"Wait what?" Elara asked, suddenly panicked.
"You heard the man." Zarkon said seriously.
"Zarkon I swear on your grave if you do as he says I widowing myself." She threatened.
"Then I'm taking a risk!" He snapped.
"Oh no..."
(RIP THAT PUTHEE AYYYYYYYY... I'll see myself out sorry 🚪🏃🏽♀️)
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