The day after the ambush, Zarkon came to check on Elara who still had zero memory of him or their children. She was lost in her own mind. When he entered the room, she was sitting up in bed, to avoid any further confusion Sendak had Zarkon take off her crown so she wouldn't be more nervous than she already is.
"How are you feeling?" Zarkon asked.
"Not very good." She replied.
"Still no memory?" He asked.
"No. I don't know you and I don't have any memory of having children of my own." Elara said, rubbing her temples.
"It's ok. You just need time... hopefully." Zarkon said.
"I feel like I should know you and everyone else but I just don't. I feel so lost." She said sadly.
"We're trying everything we can to bring your memory back." Zarkon said.
"If I- we do have children can I at least see them?" She asked.
"Of course you can." Zarkon said and showed her images of their children when they were younger.
Elara saw their baby pictures and saw Zanthea, who is practically a mini me.
"This one looks exactly like me." Elara said, tilting her head a little.
"She does. Her name is Zanthea." Zarkon said.
"I never thought I'd ever have a family of my own. Clearly I'm an awful mother." She said sadly.
"It's not your fault. You're going to get your memory back." Zarkon said, placing a hand on her shoulder.
"What if I don't... I don't know who you are and I don't know who anybody else is other than my brother." She said in frustration.
"Don't talk like. If you don't get your memory back I will spend every waking second of every day to make sure that you find happiness with the family you can't remember on your own." Zarkon said.
"You would do that? I didn't know anybody would do that for me... Ever." Elara said.
"Even though you don't remember... You and I have been together for a long time. You see... We actually knew each other throughout our childhood, we met when you were a newborn, so was your brother, I was only 2 years old, as we grew we fell in love and we became according pair when you were 17 and I was 19 and about 3 years later we got married, 2 months into our marriage we found out that you were 2 months pregnant. Due to somebody else's jealousy, our child was lost before it could be born. 2 years later we had our first child, Koltor, our son. Many things happened after that." Zarkon explained.
"Like?" She asked curiously.
"Well... When we welcomed our fifth child you suffered complications during your C-section and you went into a coma, I rejected our daughter, Delilah, I didn't accept her and so she was 6 months old. Oh you're after that we had our daughter Allegra, I stormed out during her birth, as in, you were still in labor and I left you to do it yourself. We divorced and months later we got remarried. After that everything was perfect, a couple bumps here and there but I couldn't be happier with you. When we got remarried I realized that I couldn't risk losing you again and here I am reciting your life to you." Zarkon said with a sad tone.
"None of this is ringing a bell but I feel like I'm beginning to remember tiny things..." Elara said.
Flashes of her life past before her eyes and it made her dizzy.
"That's a good thing. Take all the rest you need I'll have Ulaz come in and check on you." Zarkon said.
"Ok..." She muttered and got herself comfortable.
He left her alone so she can rest. He felt a glimmer of hope after hearing what you were starting to remember things and prayed that she would end up remembering about him and their family. The mere thought of losing her again made him uneasy. All he can do is hope and pray.
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