Emotional flashbacks
"Elara, my love, you need to stop crying. It's been 3 hours. We need to get some sleep." Zarkon pleaded as he let her cry on him as she sat on his lap.
"I'm trying to stop but I can't!" Elara sobbed hysterically.
"You didn't even cry this hard at our wedding." Zarkon huffed.
"Yes I did!" She whined as she continued to cry.
"Elara... I know that our son is getting married and starting his adult life and you're happy for him but you're probably losing so many fluids." Zarkon said as he continued to rub her back.
"It feels like yesterday that he was a little baby..." She sniffled.
"20 years feels like yesterday to you woman?" Zarkon asked.
"Yes!" She sobbed even harder.
"Good lord..."
She then started drowning in her memories of her little boy as a baby.
Prince Koltor was born a mere three weeks ago. He and his mother were together ever second of everyday, with Zarkon checking in on them whenever he felt like it, which was every five minutes.
Right now, both mother and son laid in bed. Koltor was laying against his mother's chest as he slept. He squirmed a bit, making little noises in his sleep. He started to open his eyes and slightly look up Elara.
"Waking up already, hm cutie?" Elara cooed at the tiny baby on her chest.
He fussed and rubbed his nose with a tiny hands. He started to attempt to latch onto her shirt and she immediately knew he was hungry. She adjusted her shirt and helped him latch onto her and when he did, he happily enjoyed his mid day feeding.
"Am I coming at a bad timing?" Zarkon asked as he entered the room.
"Not at all." Elara chuckled.
Zarkon sat on the edge of the bed and gently rubbed his son's head, smiling a bit.
"How did we make something like this?" Zarkon muttered.
"It's mind-boggling to me too." Elara chuckled.
Koltor finished his feeding and Zarkon carefully burped his son.
"Maybe you should get a cloth or something." Elara suggested.
"No it's alright he'll be fi-"
He suddenly heard a burp and wet gush land on his armor. His son had spit up on his armor.
"Back to your mother you go." Zarkon gagged and handed Koltor over to Elara.
"Aw you can't be mad at him." Elara said, kissing her baby's forehead.
"Of course I can't... Anybody who can stay mad at that face is a monster." Zarkon muttered.
These two loved their baby boy. The moment he came into the world they swore to protect him no matter what the cost was. They wished he would stay tiny forever. Moments like these are what kept them going.
End of flashback-
"He was so tiny and cute!" Elara wailed.
"I know you missed the times when he was our little boy. He always will be but we need to understand that he's getting married soon, he's a man now." Zarkon said, trying to comfort her.
"He's not a baby anymore..." Elara sniffled.
"But he'll always be our son, forever and always." Zarkon said, rubbing her back.
"Yeah... You're right." She said, wiping her tears away.
"Now can we sleep?" Zarkon asked.
"Yes." Elara sniffled.
Hearing that her little boy would be getting married soon. It made her realize that he was no longer a little boy anymore. She knew that he and Vetza were perfect for each other. After a while she finally accepted the sad reality. She was happy for her son. Vetza is deeply cared for by Elara, they get along very well and truthfully Vetza saw Elara as the mother she never got to have. At the end of the day Elara was happy for her son and future daughter-in-law.
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