Burning what?
Poor Trigel. She's the only one in the friend group that has children. She and Gyrgan are single but Gyrgan has a son. Trigel on the other hand, has neither a significant other or child. Melenor was pushing Trigel to have a family of her own, after all, Trigel is still young, unlike the others who middle aged already. Everyone was on Altea and the ladies were chatting while they left the men to handle the children. Poor Zarkon and Alfor. Zarkon had to deal with seven children and Alfor had to deal with three.
"Melenor leave the woman alone." Elara huffed.
"Elara the woman is lonelier than a cosmic whale without a pod!" Melenor yelled.
"Well..." Elara mumbled.
"Damn..." Gnedra said.
"That was a violation." Trigel muttered.
"I'm sorry but it's true!" Melenor said.
"Melenor, If she doesn't want a significant other or children then she doesn't have to have any." Gnedra said.
"There's no need to push her." Elara said.
"No!" Elara and Gnedra yelled.
"I'm just afraid of getting hurt by a man or woman, It's happened before." Trigel admitted.
"Wait really?" Gnedra asked.
"Yes it has. This was before you met Blaytz. Trigel got cheated on by a sad excuse of a man." Melenor said.
"Oh we made his life hell." Elara sighed.
"Wait what'd you do?" Trigel asked, completely oblivious as to Elara meant.
Elara and Melenor shared a look and snickered evilly.
"Well Trigel... It was very simple." Elara started.
Melenor nodded and then they explained through a marvelously melodic yet scary sing-along.
🎶When that man cheated on youuu🎶
🎶 We'll tell you what we did to him🎶
*Elara pulls out a whole taser*
🎶 We tazed him in the balls, how about that? 🎶
⚡Zap zap⚡
🎶 What's that smell?🎶
🎶 Burning nutsaaacck🎶
Elara and Melenor laughed their royal behinds off. Gnedra and Trigel stared at them.
"Burning what?" Gnedra mumbled in disbelief.
"Burning nutsack..." Trigel said.
"So I heard correctly?" Gnedra asked.
"Yes you did... I'm going to stay single forever." Trigel said and left the room.
She may not have a man, woman, or children but she does have one hell of a backup duo.
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