The Cipher Wheel
"You want me to shake your hand" Stan said, glaring at Ford and jabbing an angry finger at him. "Fine but say thank you. I spent years building that portal to bring you back from the other side and you still haven't said thank you. You want me to shake your hand, say thank you."
"Fine" Ford snapped. "Thank you."
"Now see between me and him, I'm not always the bad twin" Stan took his place in the cipher wheel, turning slightly to face Soos.
"Him and me" Ford muttered. "Grammar Stanley."
Stan clenched his jaw. "If we weren't in this huge mess then right now I'd..."
"It doesn't matter Stan" Dipper called across the circle. "What matters at the moment is defeating Bill."
Stan glared daggers at Ford but stayed where he was. The entire wheel started to glow more than it did before, the centre seeming to lift up. A shadow stretched across it, not dimming the light.
"Oh, no, it's Bill! Right? Isn't that what you're all thinking? Hey, Gideon, why aren't you dancing? Chop, chop, huh?" Bill laughed. "Great, you've... wait... what're you... oh no, no six fingers, stop it now."
A wind starts to blow, softly at first, and then fiercely so it's almost at the power of a hurricane. Bill claws at the floor, then the walls, trying to stay where he is but it's too powerful. Outside, it's worse, trees being carried off towards the rift, the gap in the sky. Bill's minions already seem to have vanished. Then, the wind gets stronger and buildings are ripped from the ground, thrown through the crack. The townsfolk, huddled together after being thrown from the Mystery Shack disappear too.
"No, wait" Mabel cries, trying to shake her hands free from Gideon and Pacifica. "They're... they're going through as well this... surely this isn't what was meant to happen, we're still safe why..."
"We can't stop now" Pacifica mutters, glaring down at the floor. "If we stop now then their deaths will be a waste and it won't work."
"They're not dead" Mabel shouts, still struggling to free herself.
"Mabel, seriously stop it now, listen to... err..." Gideon glances at Pacifica. "Err... Pacific North-East?"
"Pacifica North-West" Pacifica snaps.
"Mabel, stop" Dipper shouts.
Bill laughs, still gripping his 'palace'. "You didn't do your homework did you six-fingers? The cipher wheel gets rid of me for billions of years, almost as long as it'll take for Time Baby to regenerate, but in return, it rids the world of everything outside the cipher wheel within a certain radius. Your friends just happen to be inside that radius. In fact, that radius is Gravity Falls." He laughs again and looses his grip. Still laughing, he shoots backwards towards the slowly closing rift. "So long Gravity Falls. And I mean so long. No one will ever, ever see you again. Ha, ha, ha." He vanishes through the gap and as he does, it closes. The palace crumples, the cipher wheel disintegrates and the ten zodiac are left standing on uneven, soil.
"Candy? Grenda?" Mabel calls. Her words echo and replied to by silence.
"Tambry? Lee, Nate, Thompson?" Wendy is greeted by the same silence. "Anyone?"
"Bill was right" Ford mutters, sinking to the floor. "Everyone's gone and it's all my fault. It was me who suggested the cipher wheel, me who didn't research it."
"They... they might be okay... maybe..." Gideon suggests, but looks like he's going to freak out himself. "I mean, all that happened was that they got dragged through an intergalactic space rift in time to a completely alternate dimension right? What's the worst that can happen there? For all we know, it might be better over there than it is over here."
None of us say anything, but inside, we all know they're dead.
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