Bipper part 2
Bold is Bill
Normal is Dipper
I trudge up the stairs, making my feet echo in the wooden stairs. Oh yes, it feels good to be back in a body. I would test out this bodies pain senor again. Last time I checked it was perfect, but it might've changed during the apocalypse. Might've gotten better at ignoring the pain. That' wouldn't be much good. The best bit about leaving it last time, was watching Pine Tree get back into the body in pain and complain when ever he moved.
I wasn't that bad... was I?
Yes, yes you were Pine Tree.
I get to the top floor and drag my feet along to the door. It's suddenly harder, as though Pine Tree is suddenly able to stop me.
You can't go in there. You... you can't you.... leave...
I can't can I? Just watch me Pine Tree, just watch me.
I enter the room. Shooting Star looks up and grins at me.
"Hey Dipper" she says, going back to brushing her hair.
Should I tell her right now?
"Hey Mabel" I say, sitting down next to her, trying to act like Pine Tree.
"You okay?" she looks at me and does a double take. "You. It's... it's you. I knew there was something wrong with him. Bill."
"Well, can't hide it any longer can I Shooting Star" I say, standing up.
"What did you do to Dipper?" She points the hair brush at my threateningly.
"Oh no, a hair brush" I sarcastically scream, then laugh. "Pine Tree is a thing of the past, a figment of yours and my imagination. Mainly mine" I laugh again. "But no, that's not the reason I'm here at the moment. I need you to come with me... now."
Shooting Star laughs. "And why would I do anything like that?"
"What if I told you there was a way to bring back dearest brother?"
Her eyes widen. "R... really?"
I nod. "All you have to do is do what I tell you, when I tell you." I hide a grin. She doesn't know what I have in store for her.
Bill, stop it Bill, leave Mabel out of this
Zip it Pine Tree
"What?" I look up. Shooting Star is staring at me. Damn it, I clearly said that out loud.
"Nothing, nothing. Now are you coming or not?"
She nods and we walk out of the door, towards the vending machine and type in the code I stole from Pine Tree's memory.
"Where are we going?"
Shut it Shooting Star.
"You'll find out" I snarl. She's going slowly so I grab her wrist and drag her along. Then, I feel dizzy. Damn it, Pine Tree is starting to get in control again. I start to run, dragging Shooting Star into the lab, locking the door and throwing the key into a cluttered part of the room.
"Stay put" I hiss.
Mabel... Mabel can you hear me?
"Dipper?" Shooting Star is frowning now, staring at me. I glance to the side and peer into the mirror there. My eyes keep on flickering, yellow, white, yellow, white, yellow, white.
"Mabel you need to run"
Then I look up. The portal is in tact, standing up as though it wasn't ever dismantled. The journals lie open on the desk, which doesn't make sense. I burned them. I made sure they were destroyed. And then Dipper takes over
*Dipper's POV*
I'm in the lab. Mabel is standing in front of me, staring and... the portal is in tact, the journals on the desk. They burned though. Nothing makes sense
"Dipper?" Mabel peers at me and then throws her arms round me. "Oh thank goodness, I thought you were still Bill for a second."
I'm about to hug her back, when what she says sinks in. I am Bill. I push her away. She can't get too close or I'll hurt her, like I did Ford and Stan. She looks hurt.
"Why is the portal up?" I demand, walking to the window to peer through and rifle through Ford's notes. "It was destroyed."
One of Ford's notes talk about going back into the other dimension to destroy Bill once and for all. Like that's going to happen.
"I... I don't know Dipper" she says sadly.
"We need to get rid of it now then."
No Pine Tree. Don't you dare. Why do you think I've brought your sister down in the first place?
No. If you dare Bill...
That's the point though. You dismantle that portal and the second I come back into power, I will kill your sister slowly and painfully, then let you watch her die. Slowly.
I shake my head. He can't do that... can he?
Oh, but I can.
Shut the hell up Bill
I sigh and walk towards the portal. "Listen Mabel, we need to dismantle it as soon as possible. Bill could come out at any minute and kill you, so you need to run the second I tell you to."
She nods. "Why didn't you tell us?"
I shrug. "I guess... I just didn't want it to be any of your problems as well as mine. That'd make it worse."
Before she can say anything, I walk into the lab, pick up a hammer and stare at the portal.
No Pine Tree. Don't you dare. If you dare do anything, I'll...
Kill Mable, I know.
Not only that, I'll just use your brain to build it up myself again. And anyway, you told her to run, but...
Bill, shut up. I don't care.
He shuts up, which satisfies me and I'm about to drive the hammer into it when I start feeling dizzy.
"Hey Shooting Star"
*Bill's POV*
I came back into power a lot quicker than either of us thought was possible. It was good though. I walked over to the switch and pulled it.
"No" Mabel shouts from the door, and then the portal opens again.
I laugh demonically and stand in front of it. "Get ready world. This time, I really am coming and no one is going to stop me..."
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