Mer woke up early the other morning, she didn't get much sleep last night but it didn't bother her as she was an insomniac. She stood up and went to her bathroom, after she took a shower and let her hair fall down her shoulders in curls as she put on her favourite tiara on along with her long, light blue dress. Today's breakfast wasn't an ordinary breakfast, it was the big royal breakfast where all the towers wer gathering to the main royal one, where Odin lived, and ate together. Mer hated it though, everyone was either chatting about how well the soldiers did or how great Thor was and sometimes what would happen if the elemental legend was true. She hated discussing about her legend with anyone except her parents and of course Loki.
She put on a simple pair of white heels and walked down the corridor which lead to the big dinning area. She opened the huge golden doors and smiled at everyone, she bowed slightly and made her way to her usual seat. She looked over at Loki and frown a little when she saw how focused on his food he was
"Good morning" she said gently and took a sip from her juice as she smiled at everyone even though she hated the half of them in that room, the most were from the army or something. Not that she cared, they daughters and kids never liked her at all, mainly because they were scars of her powers and jealous and because she never bothered playing with them as she was with Loki the most of the time. Their wifes were the worst though, they thought they could rule everyone and that they were perfect. It annoyed her to say at least, as about them? They were usually drunk or in a war if they weren't in the city.
Mer just looked at Loki, he looke away when she met his gaze. She frowned but continued her meal, after some minutes the most of the people had switched positions and she somehow found herself two seats away from him
She got annoyed by the fact he was acting so weird today so she took a small grape and threw it to him. He blinked a couple of times then looked at her with an almost mad expression as he stood up quickly and excused himself from the table, he made his way to the big gate and shut it behind him.
He seemed to be really mad with what happened and Mer couldn't even understand why, it wasn't the first time she had thrown something to him. They were often messing with each other, even now that they had grown up. She signed and looked at the table, she started thinking of possible things she would have done to upset him, but couldn't find anything as yesterday they were as they normally were
"So Mer, have you thought about your wedding yet?" A woman asked her, her name was Moya and she was one of the most snob royalties you would ever met. Usually rude with the servants or bossy with her children, no wonder her husband was leaving to go to almost every war.
"No, I am still young. I have my whole life in front of me" she said softly and looked into her eyes, a small smile appeared in her face, she wasn't lying as she had never truly thought about it. She wasn't a big fan of this whole marriage thing
"You should, honey. You won't be young for as long as you think you will and men won't be free for as long as you wish. None will wait for you" she said with an annoying sarcastic smile on her face. Mer looked into her eyes forcefully
"It's up to me to when I will marry and who, I don't know what you are talking about. About my age or looks? Which I am very satisfied with both, so I don't find a point to this conversation anymore" she said sweetly and ended the convention there as she stood up to excuse herself
"Well, we are having a ball in a week Mer, maybe you will find someone interesting there" Freya said smiling kindly, Mer always liked the calm tone in her voice and that she was always so sweet and nice with everyone
"My queen, why is there a ball taking place next week? It's neither winter nor spring to have the usual ones" Mer asked confused. Only two balls there taking place in the palace, the one was in winter for the first day of December and the other was in spring for the first day of May.
"But if course for my son's engagement, Thor and Wend are getting engaged and we hope that Loki will find a proper girl for himself too. Many will come and the most are from rich and high class families" she said kindly and took a sip from her juice. Frey wanted to just see him happy, and she thought a wife would offer him everything he needed
"Oh, that's great. Now if you would excuse me" Met said softly and made her way out of the room. Her heart broke when she heard that Loki might find someone else, the possibilities were very high and the fact she made him angry was scaring her more. She wanted to cry, scream that he couldn't just go with another girl but all she managed was to stare in front of her with a cold stare as she moved around the corridors. When she reached his room she knocked on the door loudly
Loki groaned when he heard someone knocking so loudly on his door, he couldn't imagine what kind of fool could one be to bother the God of Mischief and especially so rudely. He stood up and opened the door only to meet an angry Mer who walked past him and into his room, he was shocked and looked at her raising and eyebrow
"What are you doing here so early and why are you tempted to break the door?" He asked, annoyance clear in his voice. Mer turned and faced him with a cold stare as her eyes met his
"When were you planning to tell me about the ball and your engagement?" She asked in a cold tone as she looked at him waiting for an answer
Hello my beautiful readers, how are you doing? Thank you so much that you read this story. I hope you like it and enjoying reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. Don't forget to vote and comment, I always love to hear your opinion about it and other stuff. You can always PM for anything
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