Chapter 1
In a parallel universe from my own I was born a boy instead of a girl. My name was still Layla but I had been happy with that name it didn't really matter to me. And besides the name seemed to fit my face.
It had been Friday,a Friday almost like any other Friday. Crazy and filled with laughter and fun times. But what made this Friday so different from the other Fridays was that there had been a basketball game between the new schooler's(the current basketball team) and the veterans (the teachers).
The day had been the hottest day of the year. The temperature reached to about 96 degrees Fahrenheit almost 100! On this day I had not been feeling very well, I had been feeling extremely dizzy, on edge, and very drowsy but I was determined to continue with the school day.
When it was time for our class to take our seats on the playground by the basketball court I had taken my seat farther away from my classmate's and more towards the back of the crowd. I had taken my seat and had waited patiently for the game to begin. About 25 minutes later the match had begun.
About another 20-25 minutes in everything had started to slow down. I had started to see things in slow motion rather than in normal speeds. I had seen someone fall to the ground. At first I wasn't sure who it was but as I looked closer I had seen that it was Mrs.sobocinski whom had fallen face first into the pavement. I looked even closer and saw blood.
"Argh!" I held my head in pain as I was on my knees crying. Seeing this Mrs.whitty had immediately rushed to my side seeing as I was in pain.
"LAYLA, are you alright?!"
......... I started to see stars and the ghosts of dead family members. "H-help me... d-don't worry mother... I'll help you..." (I said all of this in a child like voice that was extremely Creepy) "mother wants blood...Kukuku...!"
Layla? Mrs.whitty questioned in a slightly frightened and worried voice.
I continued to struggle with words and seeing things properly.
I had no control of what was happening and I knew for a fact that I no longer had any control of my body.
I was scared.
(End chapter)
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Till next time my fellow readers~
^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^
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