Yellow Fever
"Agent Tyler, Agent Perry and Agent Kramer. Meet Frank O'Brien." The coroner gestured to the dead man on the table. Kate walked over to the body, tilting her head as she examined him.
"Reports said he died of a heart attack, right?" Kate asked, turning to the coroner. The man nodded.
"Three days ago."
"But O'Brien was 44 years old and, according to this... a marathon runner." The man dressed in white shrugged, walking to the dead man.
"Everybody drops dead sooner or later. It's why I got job security."
"Yeah, but Frank kicked it here. Now, just yesterday, two perfectly healthy men bit it in Maumee. All heart attacks, you don't think that's strange?" Dean raised the question to the coroner, who scoffed.
"Sounds like Maumee's problem to me. Why's the FBI give a damn, anyway?"
"We just want to see the results of Frank's autopsy. Understand why a perfectly healthy man suddenly dies of a heart attack." Kate explained, and the coroner frowned, confused.
"What autopsy?"
"The one you're gonna do." Dean demanded. The coroner stared at the three for a moment before shrugging. He grabbed a scalpel, cutting into Frank's chest with about as much precision as a monkey. Kate watched the man, frowning.
"First dead body?" The coroner asked Kate, who shook her head.
"First time cutting one open?" She retaliated, Sam and Dean snorting as they tried to cover their laughs. The coroner glared at them all.
"Hey, hand me those rib cutters, would you?" Sam took a fortifying breath as Kate grabbed the rib cutters, watching as the coroner snipped at the man's bones. Again, she questioned how the man had a license. Sam did his best to stop himself from squirming uncomfortably, turning away.
"Is that from a wedding ring?" Dean pointed to the ring on Frank's hand. "I didn't think Frank was married."
"Ain't my department." Kate mumbled something snippy under her breath, looking around as she rolled on her heels.
"Any idea how he got these?" Sam lifted Frank's arm, which was covered in scratches.
"You know what? When you drop dead, you actually tend to drop. Body probably got scraped up when it hit the ground." After a moment the coroner frowned. "Huh!"
"What?" Kate asked, leaning in to look inside Frank's chest. She frowned in confusion, turning to Sam and Dean. "There aren't any blockages in his arteries."
The corner broke the heart out of Frank's chest and Dean convulsed for a second, putting his fist to his mouth as he tried not to vomit. "Heart looks pretty damn healthy. Hold that a second, would you?" Dean gagged quietly as Kate was handed the heart, which she wasn't phased by.
Suddenly, a splatter of blood struck Sam in the face. Oh, sorry. Spleen juice." Sam's cheeks puffed and he swallowed hard, grabbing a napkin and quickly wiped his face as Kate frowned at the coroner.
"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" She asked, still holding the heart. The coroner looked up at Kate, shooting a glare.
In a sheriff's department, Sam, Dean, and Kate sat down in front of the deputy's desk, waiting. The deputy smiled at Dean, who gave them an awkward smile back. The Sheriff opened his office door, walking towards the deputy's desk.
"Hell's bells, Linus, have you seen my..." The sheriff paused, turning to the three Hunters. They gave him odd smiles. "Who are they?" As Sam, Dean and Kate stood, Linus fidgeting nervously.
"Federal agents. I, uh—"
"And you kept them waiting?" The sheriff interrupted with an annoyed tone, Kate glancing to the Winchester brothers.
"You... you said not to disturb." The sheriff sighed bitterly, waving the three hunters down.
"Come on back, fellas." Before any of them could enter the sheriff's office, the man stopped at the door.
"Shoes off." Sam, Dean and Kate shared strange looks before slipping their shoes off. Kate was still wearing mismatched socks, which were very bright. Sam smirked in amusement as he noticed one had tiny cats on it.
"Al Britton. Good to meet you." Al greeted as he shook the threes hands, walking behind his desk.
He pulled another chair over from behind the door and gestured for them to sit.
As the sheriff sat down, he pulled out an alcohol gel and began slathering his hands in it. Dean gave Kate and Sam a weird look.
"Okay. So, what can I do for uncle Sam?"
"Well, we're looking into the death of Frank O'Brien. We understand some of your men found his body." Sam started as Sheriff Britton nodded, leaning back in his chair. He sighed quietly.
"They did. Me and Frank, we were friends. Hell, we were gamecocks." Dean snickered, cutting himself short when the Sheriff gave him a stern look. "That's our softball team's name. They're majestic animals. I knew Frank since high school. To be honest, I just this morning got up the strength to go see him. Frank was...He was a good man."
"Yeah. Big heart." Dean commented, Kate glancing to him before back at the Sheriff.
"Before he died, did you notice Frank acting strange? Maybe scared of something?" She asked, clasping her hands together as she rested her elbows on the arms of the chair. Al nodded.
"Oh hell, yeah. Real jumpy."
"You know what scared him?" Sam questioned. Al shook his head.
"No. Wouldn't answer his phone. Finally, I sent some of my boys over to check on him, and well, you know the rest." Sheriff Britton started pouring the gel on his hands again, Kate frowning in concern and turned to Sam and Dean, both of whom had a 'what the fuck' look on their faces.
"So, why the Feds give a crap? You don't really think there's a case here?"
"No, no. It's probably nothing. Just a heart attack." Dean shrugged, still watching the sheriff lather his hands with the gel.
"No way that was a heart attack." Dean stated the obvious as Sam shook his head.
"Definitely no way. Three victims, all with those same red scratches. All went from jittery to terrified to dead within 48 hours."
"Not to mention all of them were perfectly healthy. Something probably scared them to death." Kate said as she fixed her shoe while still walking, now hopping before fixing it right.
"All right, so what can do that?" Sam frowned, trying to think.
"What can't? Ghosts, vampires, chupacabra? It could be a hundred things." Dean shrugged.
"Wait... The chupacabra is real? Sweet." Kate laughed, Sam shrugging.
"Yeah. So, we make a list and start crossing things off." He said as Kate nodded.
"Alright, who's the last person to see Frank O'Brien alive?" Dean asked as Late hummed in thought.
"Uh, his neighbour, Mark Hutchins." Dean turned, pausing and frowned.
"Hang on, hang on."
"I don't like the looks of those teenagers down there." Kate and Sam furrowed their brows and turned to where Dean was staring. a group of teenagers were talking near the Impala. "Let's walk this way." Dean crossed the street as Sam and Kate stood there, perplexed. They shared a concerned look.
"Kramer, Tyler and Perry. Just like Aerosmith." Mark chuckled as Dean started looking around the room. Sam cracked a smile.
"Yeah, small world. So, the last time you saw Frank O'Brien?" Dean noticed a giant lizard a few paces away and suddenly faced forward, swallowing hard. Kate raised a brow at him.
"Monday, he was watching me from his window. I waved at him, but he just closed the curtains."
"Hmm. Did you speak to him recently? Did he seem different? Uh, scared?"" Sam asked as Mark laughed, nodding
"Oh, totally. He was freaking the fuck out." Sam and Kate turned to Dean, who also looked freaked out.
"Do you know, uh.. do you know what scared him?" Dean questioned Mark, glancing to Kate and Sam.
"Well, yeah, witches."
"Witches?" The three Hunters looked at each other. "Like...?"
"Well, "Wizard of Oz" was on tv the other night, right? And he said that green bitch was totally out to get him." Kate snickered, dropping her smile quickly and cleared her throat.
"Did... anything else scare him?" She asked Mark, clasping her hands together again.
"Everything else scared him. Al-Qaeda, ferrets, artificial sweetener. Those pez dispensers with their dead little eyes. Lots of stuff."
"So, tell me. What was Frank like?" Sam questioned as Mark walked them further into the house.
"I mean, he's dead, you know? I-I don't want to hammer him but, he got better." Mark put his hands in his pockets, shrugging.
"He got better?" Sam raised a brow skeptically.
"Well, in high school he was, he was a dick."
"A dick?" Kate repeated, turning around to see Dean was staring at a bunch of animals nervously.
"Like a bully. I mean, he probably taped half the town's butt cheeks together." Dean let out a snicker, and Mark deadpanned. "Mine included."
"So he pissed a lot of people off. You think anyone would have wanted to get revenge?"
"Well, I don't...Frank had a heart attack, right?" Mark frowned.
"Just answer the question, sir." Sam snapped, Mark giving hi. an odd look before he shook his head.
"No, I don't think so. Like I said, he got better. And after what happened to his wife..." Mark trailed off, shaking his head. The three sat down on Mark's couch.
"So he was married?" Kate quirked a brow, looking over to Dean, who looked pretty pleased with himself.
"She died about 20 years ago. Frank was really broken up about it." Dean stared at the snake that went around Mark's neck, eyes widened fearfully. "Don't be scared of Donny. He's a sweetheart. It's Marie you got to look out for." Mark nodded to the couch, where Kate and Dean whipped their heads to see a large albino snake chilling. "She smells fear."
Dean gasped quietly as the snake slithered into his lap, Kate scorching closer to Sam, away from Dean.
Sam and Late walked around Frank's house, waving their flashlights around. "What are we looking for again?" Kate asked as Sam took a small device out of his pocket, handing it to Kate. "Is this a walkie-talkie?"
Sam laughed, shaking his head. "No. No it's an EMF. It's detects supernatural frequencies. Ghosts, poltergeists. You know." Kate hummed, nodding slowly. "We're just trying to find anything that can be linked to Frank's death. Hex bags, ghost haunting, sulfur the whole deal."
"Sulfur? What, we're trying to find demons?" Kate sighed quietly through her nose as Sam shrugged, slowly waving the EMF around as it gave off a quiet buzz. Sam walked in the opposite direction, towards the kitchen. "You know, sometimes I wonder what moments in my life lead me to breaking into a dead guys house." She mumbled to herself, meeting up with Sam at the front door.
"Anything?" He asked. Kate shook her head. "Me either."
Sam and Kate opened the doors to the Impala, sliding in in unison as Dean had been waiting for them.
"Hey. Any luck at the county clerk's office?" Sam asked Dean as he had quickly stopped scratching his left arm, shrugging.
"I'm not sure I'd call it luck. Frank's wife, Jessie, was a manic-depressive. She went off her meds back in '88 and vanished. They found her two weeks later, three towns over. Strung up in her motel room, suicide." Dean sighed, setting some papers between him and Sam.
"Any chance Frank had something to do with it?" Kate suspected. Dean shook his head.
"No, Frank was working the swing shift when she disappeared. Airtight alibi." Dean started up the Impala, driving away slowly. "How was Frank's pad?"
"Clean. Searched it top to bottom. No EMF, no hex bags, no sulfur." Sam grumbled, and Dean clicked his tongue, frowning.
"So probably no ghosts, no witches, no demons." Kate pressed her lips together, leaning forward. "Kate, you mind sitting in your seat correctly?" Dean glanced to her frown the rear view mirror.
Both Sam and Kate frowned at him.
"Dude, you're going 20." Sam pointed out the speedometer, Kate slumping in her chair.
"That's the speed limit." Sam scoffed as his brother did.
"What? Safety's a crime now?" Kate watched as their hotel came and went, turning back to Dean.
"Dean you missed our hotel." Kate pointed to the window and Dean glanced at her from the mirror again.
"Katie, I'm not gonna make a left-hand turn into oncoming traffic. I'm not suicidal." Sam and Kate looked at each other, confused.
"Dean, I know I've only known you for like... Two... Three weeks now... But I'm pretty sure you're not ok—" Kate cut herself off as a loud buzzing noise rang in her ears, picking out the EMF Sam had given her out of her pocket. Sam raised a brow at it and Kate, very slowly, turned the EMF to Dean. Dean's eyes widened in a panic.
"Am I haunted? Am I haunted?!"
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