The Curious Case of Katherine Armani
Katherine was only six months old when her mother died. She doesn't remember how it happened, obviously, but from what her father said, it was quick and painless.
She believed that for twenty-five years.
In reality, her mother suffered greatly. And Katherine was cursed because of it. With demon blood in her system, Katherine's mother was burned on the ceiling by a creature that little baby wouldn't meet for a very long time.
Luckily, Katherine wasn't apart of whatever the actual Hell went down in that long abandoned town a few years ago for reasons unknown to her.
After her mother had died, her father started disappearing for days on end and would leave Katherine with her grandparents. She was practically raised by them, and they never understood why her father would abandon his child.
In 1993, Katherine was just ten years old when her grandparents got that call. Her father had been killed by something vicious. Something she would soon discover was a wraith. He turned out to become the same thing the father of two boys became.
A Hunter.
Michael Armani was a fierce Hunter for those ten years. He spent every waking moment he could trying to track down the monster that killed his wife. And in doing so, he opened up his family to more dangers than ever before. Katherine was already in danger the moment the demon put his blood in her mouth, but now? She had to learn how to survive.
At eighteen years old, and an honor roll student in Illinois, Katherine wanted to be the person that saved others. It's what she always wanted. But she didn't want to save people in the way her dad did. That's a life she could never live. She wanted to help the families of victims find justice. So, she started her career as a forensics pathologist. Like anyone with an obsession for crime would.
It had been her dream since she was a child to go into forensics or some field involving dead people. She was obsessed with the human anatomy, how it healed itself and how it worked in general. Even before she had graduated college, she was able to get an internship-turned-full-time job at a mortuary.
Of course, that all came crashing down a few months after she discovered her ability.
It started off slowly. She'd get strange night terrors and wake up in a cold sweat. She never noticed it, but when she would get a small injury, it would magically heal overnight.
But what truly freaked her out was when she brought a very dead person back to life.
And that's what had caught the attention of Sam and Dean Winchester, two years after they had killed Azazel.
It had been a few years since Kate had started showing supernatural abilities and she had kept it on the down low as best as she could. She was able to keep herself out of the media's attention, but she couldn't avoid the local newspaper talking about a few people raising from the dead here and there.
A new case had shown up for Kate to go through. A young boy had mysteriously been killed and she and Dr Goldman had to do an autopsy. It saddened Kate deeply, and she wanted to bring the poor boy back, but the family was already making arrangements for his funeral. They spent their money, she wasn't going to put it all to waste.
"Why don't you finish up with the embalming, Kate?" Dr. Goldman suggested, taking off his gloves. "My wife and kids are waiting for me to take them out to dinner. And you look like you know what you're doing."
Kate looked up to her mentor from the clipboard, glancing down at the body and then back to Dr. Goldman. He usually didn't offer to let her stay when he was gone, so this was another big chance for her to show him she could be trusted. A smile appeared on her face and Kate nodded quickly. "I'd like that. Thank you, Dr Goldman."
"Don't forget to leave your notes on my desk. And don't forget to lock up when you're done. I'll be shutting off the lights in the main office." Dr Goldman stated as Kate nodded eagerly, waving goodbye.
"Goodnight, Dr Goldman." Goldman waved goodbye to Kate before shutting the door. The window of the door went dark and another door shut, leaving Kate alone.
"Okay... Finish the embalming and autopsy, put him in his cabinet. Easy peasy." Kate let out a loud breath, looking down at the pale boy. She tilted his head to the side and frowned, noticing a small puncture wound behind the boys ear.
After a while of doing his autopsy, Kate's frown hardened, looking at the boys brain. It was completely dried, and fluids that should have been there simply weren't. "What the hell killed you?" She mumbled, looking at the paperwork again.
Kate sighed through her nose, putting the. odd back together before taking another look at the wound behind the ear. After a moment, Kate covered the ear with her hand, focusing. When she removed her hand, the wound had been turned into a faded scar. She waited, silently hoping the boy wouldn't wake up. She still didn't know how to calm people down after they come back from the dead, so she certainly wouldn't know how to tell a little boy what he was doing on a cold metal bed in his underwear.
Kate continued on with the embalming, making sure she was careful as to where she was touching the boy. She had learned how to use her ability a long time ago, and she knew that by touching someone's wound, it would heal almost instantly... Depending on what kind of wound it was. And sometimes, healing a wound brought them back from the dead.
Kate shoved the post mortem table into the cabinet, closing the door and locked it tightly. She never enjoyed this room of the mortuary, mainly due to the smell from the cremation chamber. She shut the lights off and closed the door to the room, pausing when she heard a loud knock.
Kate slowly walked down the hall and back to the lab as another loud knock echoed from the main office. She looked down at her watch, frowning in confusion. It was almost 10 PM, who the hell would be at a mortuary this late that wasn't working?
Walking over to Dr Goldman's desk, Kate dropped the clipboard on it and pulled up the security camera outside. Two men stood at the front door dressed in several layers despite it being fairly warm out, looking around suspiciously.
"Who the hell..?" She mumbled, slowly walking towards the door that led to the main office. She flicked in the lights, which most likely caught the men's attention. She approached the door cautiously, opening it a crack.
"Can I help you two with something?" She asked, not looking at either of them. The shorter of the two spoke up.
"Are you Dr. Armani?" He questioned with a gruff voice. Kate frowned, opening the door a little wider.
She looked at the shorter man first. He appeared to be a few years older than her. His green eyes stared at her with a hard look, which softened quickly as he noticed how pretty she was. A smirk appeared on his face, followed by a flirtatious expression. "Hi." He spoke, Kate raising a brow at him.
She then turned to the taller of the two boys, her other brow raising. He looked younger than the other, maybe her age, with softer features and gentle eyes that had nearly made Kate crumble in that moment. The taller man's thin lips parted as if in awe, his brows twitching as he took her features in.
Kate's hair had been pinned into a low ponytail, her red shirt complimenting her pale skin almost perfectly. She was wearing a golden necklace with a 'K' initial, which he assumed was most likely a gift.
"Can I help you two?" Kate repeated, her gaze on the taller one lingering for a moment before looking to the shorter man.
"Yeah. Yeah we're investigators for—"
"I'm Sam. This is my brother, Dean." The taller one, who she now knew as Sam, interrupted his brother, gesturing to him. "We need to ask you questions about an old woman that was brought back from the dead in this mortuary a few months ago."
Kate's heart had flown into her throat, a nervous sweat starting to form on her eyebrow. "Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about. I can't help you." She lied, going to shut the door. Dean held it open, pushing it a bit.
"We won't take long. Promise." He swore, still giving her a flirtatious smile. Kate gave a thin lipped smile to them.
"Uhm... Okay." Kate hesitated for a moment before letting the brothers in. "I don't really know why you two are interested in the woman's case. She ended up dying again like a month later."
"We're aware of that. But we're also aware that it has happened quite a few times here. Specifically, since you got the job." Dean stated bluntly, and Kate paused in her tracks, eyes widening. She stammered, laughing as she looked between the brothers.
"I don't— I— What?" Dean's flirtatious look and dropped, and he shrugged.
"How did you bring the old lady back from the dead?"
"You're crazy if you think I could do something like that." Kate brushed past the brothers, walking behind the main office's desk. She started folding papers up unnecessarily, trying to look busy in an attempt to drive them away.
"We know that you were the one to bring that woman back from the dead, as well as all the other people." Dean stated, stepping forward. Kate paused again, holding a paper midair before looking up.
"And how would you know something like that? What you're saying is impossible." Kate leaned against the desk, glaring softly at Dean. He shrugged again.
"Impossible is our specialty."
"What my brother is trying to say is—" Sam started, pushing his brother behind him. "Is that we know you have some ability to resurrect the dead." Kate scoffed, shaking her head.
"I don't know who you two think you are, but you need to leave, now." Kate could feel her heart beginning to race. Maybe these two weren't brothers. They were probably mad scientists that discovered she existed and wanted to experiment on her.
"Katherine, if you would let us explain why we're here—"
"Get out of my mortuary before you two are the next ones I embalm!" Kate threatened loudly, pointing to the door. Sam and Dean shared a look, and the two backed away.
"Okay. We're going." Dean raised his hands in defense, the woman watching as the brothers shut the door behind them.
Dean walked down the steps, heading towards his Impala and sighed. "Well, that was a bust. Now what?" He complained, looking to Sam, who was quiet. "Don't tell me you're already in love with her?"
"I'm not, Dean. I'm thinking."
"About her? Because I tell you what, Sam." Dean whistled, raising his brows as he smiled. "She was hot. And definitely giving you a look."
"Shut up." Sam rolled his eyes as he got into the passenger side of the Impala. "We need to get her to trust us."
"Trust us? Sam, she's brought over a two dozen people back from the dead. She could be doing that for some evil shit." Dean shook his head as Sam huffed.
"I've looked through her records, Dean. Other than a few traffic violations, she was an honor roll student in high school, and enrolled in a high-end university for Forensics. She looks like she's trying to live a normal life." The younger Winchester brother shrugged, and Dean clicked his tongue.
"Sam, we both know her dad was a Hunter. Hell, dad went on a case with him right before he died. We know that her mom died the same way ours did. She's basically you." Dean stated, starting up his car.
"But it doesn't explain how she wasn't apart of the trials two years ago. Maybe Castiel knows." Sam suggested, and Dean rolled his eyes.
"Dude, come on. I've been alive for the last month and a half , and suddenly you think Cas has all of the answers."
Sam stayed quiet, thinking. "Okay, then maybe she doesn't know how her mom died. I mean, you saw her, she has a job and is going to college. Maybe her dad didn't teach her about this life. Probably lied about how her mom died, too. Her records state she mainly lived with her grandparents." Dean thought for a moment, looking back at the mortuary. There was a hard frown on his face, and he turned back to Sam.
"So, what? You want to show back up tomorrow and tell the poor girl her entire life is surrounded by a giant lie?" Dean raised his brows at Sam's expression. Clearly, his younger brother wasn't against the idea. "No wonder you don't get laid."
"Look, Sam. We've gone on three cases since I got back. Let's keep doing looking into Goldman instead of trailing after some chick that works for him just because you had your first vision in two years." Dean started driving into the road, Sam staring at his brother for a moment.
"Dean, there has to be a reason I had a premonition about them. I mean, you just said it yourself, this is my first premonition of someone since Azazel."
"Exactly, Sam. And you know what? This actually is a case. Because not only are we hunting something we never have before, we are investigating a girl that can bring people back from the dead. This is a double case, man." Dean argued, and Sam held a frown.
"Investigate her? Dean, she's not a monster! She giving people another chance at life."
"Exactly Sam. Look, I sound hypocritical saying this, but she can't keep bringing the dead back. Who knows if the people she's resurrected even have souls." Sam scoffed at Dean and shook his head.
"We've talked to some of the people that were brought back, Dean! They look and sound like they have souls to me." He argued. Dean shook his head.
"I still think it's best we investigate her while looking into Goldman. We need to be sure she's not doing this for her own personal gain."
now some of you may be thinking "25 and a doctor? damn that's young." yeah whatever it's fanfiction it's not supposed to be accurate. anyways i made like a thousand edits to this first chapter so now it's probably confusing, so i'll explain it here.
"how was she given demon blood by Azazel and not apart of the trials?" no idea. he didn't like her that's my final answer and i wanted Kate to be a weird person. Her mom is dead the same reason Mary is so there's a connection between her and Sam. 😍
Her dad was a hunter, so she was bound to end up becoming one, too. It's a family business thing, you understand.
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