Familiar Strangers
That next day, Kate had gotten a text from Dr Goldman that he would be out for the day. There weren't any new bodies to work on, but there was paperwork that needed to be done. And of course, as the intern, Kate had to do it.
As Kate drove into the parking lot of the mortuary, she frowned, noticing a black 1967 Chevy Impala parked outside. Sam and Dean were standing at the door again, waiting for her.
Kate got out of her car quickly after parking it, pulling out her phone. "I told you guys yesterday. I'm not talking—"
"We just need you to listen to us, Katherine. Five minutes." Sam pressed his hands together in a prayer, and Kate stared at him for a moment, debating. She glanced to Dean, who was quiet. "Please?"
Another moment passed, and Kate sighed. "Five minutes."
Kate sat behind the main office desk, Sam and Dean situating themselves in the chairs across from her. "Who are you two, really? And don't give me some blatant lie. I can read people very easily."
"My name is Sam Winchester. And, like I said last night, this is my brother, Dean." Sam started, pausing to think. "Our dad worked with your dad a few weeks before he died."
Kate's breath hitched, staring at Sam with widened eyes for too long. "What?"
"Our dad was a Hunter. And yours was, too. Not the kind that hunts deer." Kate frowned in confusion, glancing to Dean.
"The kind that hunts monsters. You know, werewolves, vampires, ghosts." Kate stayed silent, shaking her head.
"Jesus Christ, I thought you two were cute, but now I see you guys are insane!" She stated, sinking in her chair.
"Your mom died when you were a baby, right?" Sam asked, and Kate nodded slowly. "My mom died when I was a baby, too. The exact same way yours died."
"My dad said she died in a car accident." Sam shook his head as Kate's mind swirled with thoughts and so many questions. She couldn't tell if she was scared or confused.
"Twenty-five years ago, your mom died in a house fire in your nursery." Kate kept shaking her head, doubtful of Sam's accusations. Dean pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket, sliding it to Kate. She hesitated, picking it up slowly.
It was a newspaper from over two decades ago, with a picture of a small family home that had burnt to the ground.
"One killed in house fire"
The entire article talked about Kate's mother, her hands starting to shake as she read through it.
She was discovering that her entire life had been based on a lie. Kate dropped the paper and held her head in her hands, staring at it as her eyes flickered between the paragraphs.
"A house fire....." She whispered beneath her breath, fighting back her angry and confused tears. Kate's brows knitted together and she looked up at Sam and Dean. "Monsters?"
"They're real, all right. The things that go bump in the night really exist." Dean spoke non-chalantly, Kate shaking her head again. "The thing that killed your mom put demon blood in your system. It gave you this ability."
"This is crazy. This is... insane. I thought I—" Kate pressed her lips together, huffing through her nose. "I thought I had been given some gift I to bring families back together. You're telling me I was supposed to be apart of the end of the world?"
"You're not the only one, Kate. The only way we found you was because I had a vision of you." Kate turned to Sam, her frown turning to even more confusion.
"I get... Premonitions... Of things that are about to happen. I used to, anyway." Kate looked to Dean, who nodded in confirmation.
"And this... 'premonition' of me was..?"
The brothers shared a glance, turning back to Kate. "Of your boss killing you."
Kate's eyes widened as she nodded slowly. She slapped her hands on the arms of her chair, standing up. She grabbed her coat and bag, shoving a few papers in. "Wha— Where are you going?" Dean asked as he and Sam stood up.
"I'm going home. Because all of this—" Kate flailed her hands everywhere around her. "Is absolutely ridiculous. I have had a semi-normal life, and I'm not about to let two men I met yesterday tell me that my life is suddenly in danger because of my boss. And I'm certainly not going to let two men tell me that I need to be protected by them."
"Katherine you don't understand. Dr Goldman isn't who he says he is." Dean stated as Kate laughed, nodding.
"Right. You're about to tell me that he's actually Krampus, and I'm in the naughty list. Stay away from me."
As Katherine opened the door, Dr Goldman stood directly in front of her. She looked down at his arm, which bore a strange, gray spike that was embedded into his wrist.
Kate let out a loud scream, ducking as Dr Goldman launched himself at her. Sam and Dean immediately pulled out their weapons, and Kate ran outside, fumbling for her car keys.
Gunshots echoed from the mortuary as Kate jumped into the drivers seat of her car, inserting her key into the ignition. Her car stuttered, as if it decided today was the day to break down. Kate yelled angrily, slamming her hand into the wheel.
"Are you fucking kidding me?!" She tried again, but still, her car stalled. "Fuck this. Fuck this. I'm running." Kate got out of her car, screaming again as Dr Goldman had made his way to her. He grabbed Kate by the throat, cutting off her airway as he raised his hand with the spike.
Another gunshot went off, and Kate looked down at Dr Goldman's chest to see blood seep from his shirt. Goldman dropped Kate and she coughed loudly, breathing heavily as her boss fell to the ground, dead.
Kate turned to see Sam, who lowered his gun and rushed to Kate. "Are you okay?" He asked, and she slapped his hands away.
"DO I LOOK OKAY?! You just killed my boss! Whose a— Whose a—" Kate gestured ti her dead boss, frowning in fear and confusion.
"A wraith." Kate and Sam turned as Dean was walking over quickly. "They feed on brain fluids."
Kate gasped out loudly, turning away. "I'm going insane. This is all a dream."
"Katherine, take a few deep breaths, alright?" Sam spoke gently as she turned back to him.
"Are you kidding me? How am I supposed to calm down?! In less than thirty minutes, I discovered that my dad hunts these things, my mom died in a house fire, and I have demon blood INSIDE ME!"
Sam and Dean shared a look between one another, then turned back to Kate. She shut her eyes, breathing in deeply. "How do you guys deal with this?"
"Uh... We've been doing this our entire lives." Sam scoffed, flashing an awkward smile as Kate nodded as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Dean." Kate let out another loud scream, turning around and punching whoever had spoken directly in the nose. The man in the trench coat stumbled back, looking at Kate, confused.
"Cas? What the hell are you doing here?" Kate turned back to Sam and Dean, still extremely confused. Cas, who didn't seem all that phased by the punch, continued his conversation.
"I came here to take about Katherine."
"How does everyone know who I am?! Who are you!?" Kate asked Cas, who turned to her almost robotically.
"My name is Castiel. I'm an angel of the lord." Kate's brows rose to the moon, and for a moment, she looked as if she was ready to pass out.
And pass out, she did.
Kate woke up with a jolt. She sat up quickly when she realized she was not in her own home, but in fact a motel room. Sam and Dean were sitting at a kitchen table while Castiek stood in front of them. They all turned to her.
"Oh, goodie. It wasn't a dream." She said sarcastically as Sam stood up, walking over to the bed.
"How are you feeling?"
"Like I just watched the only father figure I had get shot after attempting to kill me with a spike in his wrist." Kate stated bluntly, looking around. "Where are we?"
"A motel across town. We don't know where you live." Dean flashed a smile, Kate turning to look at him.
"Well. Good to know you three aren't stalkers."
"I'm not a stalker. I'm an angel." Castiel deadpanned, Kate frowning at him. "I must go."
"Wait Cas—" Kate's eyes widened when Castiel suddenly disappeared, and she looked at Sam.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" She bellowed, startling the man that sat next to her. Dean and Sam shared a look, and Sam cleared his throat.
"I think we need to fill you in on a lot."
"Okay. So... Castiel is an actual angel... That raised you from Hell." Kate started, pointing to Dean, who nodded. "And doesn't like me or you because we have demon blood in our system." She looked to Sam, who copied Dean's nod. "Okay. And hunting things like my boss is just... A regular Tuesday for you guys."
"No. No it's not. Not Tuesday. Ever." Sam stated quickly, looking nervous. Kate frowned at him, humming.
"Okay. Well... Since you guys are clearly crazy enough to hunt things that want to kill you, I guess that makes me crazy enough to want to join." Kate said as Sam and Dean's looks dropped.
"Sorry, what?" Dean leaned forward, raising his brows as Kate nodded.
"Yeah, I mean, I always knew that I was supposed to save people, maybe this is what I'm intended to do." She shrugged, looking way more optimistic than the brothers were expecting. Sam and Dean glanced to each other.
"Did you slam her head into the door when you carried her in? Because she is taking this way better than I thought." Dean whispered to Sam, who shook his head.
"It makes sense, though, doesn't it? I mean, my dad was a Hunted, maybe I should be one, too." Sam and Dean looked at Kate again, still extremely confused at her sudden mood switch.
Dean turned to Sam again. "Did you see if she's bipolar?" Kate frowned at Dean.
"I'm serious, you know. I actually have some police academy training, so I'm not completely useless." Dean seemed intrigued to discover this new information, quietly picturing Kate in a police uniform.
"So you know how to handle guns?"
"I told you guys I don't need you two to protect me. In fact, I have a concealed carry license. But I keep my gun at my house." Dean's mouth dropped open partially, slowly turning to Sam as if to say 'dude she just got hotter.' "If Dr Goldman wasn't a uh... a wreath, or whatever you called it—"
"Wraith." Sam and Dean corrected, Kate nodding.
"Yeah that, I probably wouldn't have been a giant pussy. Took me by surprise, y'know. But next time, I'll be fully prepared." Dean and Sam raised their brows and once again looked at each other.
"Look, Katherine—"
"Kate." She corrected Sam, who nodded.
"Kate. We're glad to know that you're okay with knowing what's really out there. But... Going in cases with us... I don't know."
"I don't have to jump right into the shark tank. But I want to help you guys. I can stay in my own motel room, hell you out with research and learn before going out into the field." She suggested, watching as the brothers just kept sharing looks. "Can you stop telepathically talking in front of me and just decide outside?"
Again, they looked at each other. Dean turned to Kate. "We'll be right back. You uhm... Just sit and think about this."
Sam and Dean got up and walked out of the motel room, leaving Kate alone. "So? What do you think?"
"Are you kidding me? I don't know what to think, Sam." Dean scoffed, putting his hands on his hips. "I mean, a few hours ago, she was basically a screeching damsel in distress, now she's fully on board to just— I don't know, sign her life away to live like us?"
"You said it yourself, Dean, she's like me. And she knows how to protect herself. Maybe, if we give her the proper training..." Sam shrugged, waiting for Dean to respond.
His older brother was quiet, thinking hard. He looked into the window of the motel room, noticing that Kate was now sitting at the kitchen table, reading an old, crumbled up piece of paper that was probably from an old case.
"I don't know, Sam. You know how this line of work always ends. She could get hurt, or worse. It's not safe for her."
"We've known her for two days, Dean. Maybe she's good."
"Or maybe she's not. She could get herself killed." Dean argued as his brother sighed, thinking.
"One case. If she does good, she can stick around. If not... We can have Bobby teach her until she's ready." Sam suggested. Dean stayed silent, debating.
After a few silent moments, he sighed in defeat. "Alright. One case. But we need to tell her that she has to sell her place."
Sam smiled gleefully, nodding in excitement. He was excited for this new change. Having someone else around that probably wasn't going to stab them in the back. Not to mention,m the fact that Sam had already taken a slight interest in Kate and wanted to know more about her.
Sam and Dean walked back into the motel room, and Kate looked up from the paper. "You guys forgot to mention that the Flying Dutchman is real. That's so awesome." Kate smiled as Sam and Dean nodded.
"We'll make you a deal, Kate." Dean started, sitting down across from her as she set the paper down, listening intently. "You help us out on one case, and if we decide you're good, you can stick around for more."
"And... If I'm not ready?" She asked, glancing between the brothers.
"Then we're going to send you to a friend of ours that knows more about this stuff than any of us. He can teach you how to be a good Hunter." Sam said as Kate stood up, outstretching her hands.
"I guess you guys have yourself a new passenger in that very nice car." Dean looked to Sam and smirked, shaking Kate's hand.
"You can call her Baby."
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