"NAT!" I screamed. Nat had just been sucked up into the earth. "Kendra, what happened?"
"When ghosts die they get sucked into the earth, well most of the time they do. Somehow Ethan took Natalie with him."
"Well, how do we get her back? We can't just leave her!"
"I don't know! How do you expect me to know?"
"You were a ghost, I figured if anyone would know you would!"
"Well, I don't!"
"You don't have any idea?"
"I do, but it'll be quite difficult."
"We need Nat though. She has our clue on where to go next. We can't go on without her. Like, I know she's my friend and all, but that's not the reason we need to find her! We actually need to get Nat back. Where do we go next?"
"I don't know. I have no clue where the next clue will be."
"Well, what's your way to get Nat back?"
"One person has to die."
"WHAT?" I screamed. I almost died for her and now she was saying that we need to die! Waste of my last life spells!
"We could go to the ghost world and somehow get her back."
"That ain't happening. Sorry about your luck, but I can't die. I just risked my life for you and I don't really want to die."
"Do you have a better idea in how to get her back?"
"Yes, actually I do!" I just thought of something. It would be really dangerous and risky,but we needed to go on.
"What is it?" Kendra asked suspiciously.
"This may sound crazy, because it is. You are not officially according to magic a member of this mission right? I think you are, but magically you're not. You can still teleport. You have to teleport to the ghost world and get Nat back."
"And if I die? You can't bring me back to life! You used your two already."
"Yes, but.....I actually don't know."
That's when Maddie oinked. Kendra and I looked at each other. "Maddie." We said together.
"Who's going to do it?" I asked.
"I will, you just brought me to life, so you need a rest."
"Alright go for it and then Maddie can bring you back to life, unless she teleports, but whatever's fine."
"Okay, sounds good. Go ahead, we need to move quick!"
"Pingot." Change, Kendra said. Suddenly Maddie started changing.
"What?" It looked so weird. Her tail went into her body, which was really weird. Then she started to grow taller and grow hair. (Hair on a pig looks really weird! You don't want to see it, believe me!) Then she lost her snout and grew a nose. That looked werid too, pig face but human nose. Then she got arms, but still had pig legs. She got legs next along with human facial features. Finally a girl appeared, a full human girl, not part pig.
"Maddie!" Kendra screeched. She ran and gave this pig/human Maddie a hug.
"Kendra, thank you! I don't know how I can thank you!"
"Thank me by being alive. That's enough."
"Sorry to break this up, but we kind of have to keep moving."
"Right, you're Candace right?" Maddie asked.
"Yep." I explained the plan to her so she would know what to do. "Sound good?"
"Kendra, you're going to do this for someone you don't even know?" Maddie asked.
"I have to. We are part of the mission now, not according to magic, but according to both me and Candace. If it means that we continue the mission, then so be it. If I die, well I may return to this cemetery and I may not. You might not be able to bring me back to life, and I hope I don't die. I owe Candace my life. This is a small way that I can repay her."
"If you're sure. Kendra, be careful, and kill some monsters for me!"
"I will, don't worry I'll be back."
"Good." Maddie and Kendra hugged. Then Kendra turned to me.
"Here goes nothing. I hope your plan works, you can use magic if you want so you can see what happens, but that would be more dangerous for you. If something strikes me, you'll feel the pain too."
"I want to see." I said. I had to know if Kendra and Nat would be okay.
"Okay, you have to cast the spell Igma, which means watch."
"Alright. Igma." Watch. I could suddenly see what Kendra was seeing, but also what I was seeing. "Okay that's weird."
"Yes, but you'll get used to it, and you can stop it when you want."
"Alright, whenever you're ready. Stay safe and bring back Nat and the clue."
"I will. Here I go. Katchamuncho." Teleport, suddenly Kendra was gone, but I could still see what she was seeing.
"Do you see her?" Maddie asked me.
"Yep, she's not in a nice place."
"I bet, it's the land of the dead."
"Do you think Nat will have survived."
"I don't know, but the land of the dead is a hard place for the living to be. It takes a toll on their life force. That's why I didn't want Kendra to go. Natalie might not even be alive anymore."
"She will be." That ended our conversation.
I could see Kendra walking around. She had her wand ready and was turning around in circles. It made me a bit dizzy. I saw a flash of something. Kendra got her wand ready. Unfortunetly I couldn't hear the spells, because I only cast the watch spell. Some ghost came out of the shadows and got ready to attack. Kendra said something and the ghost was suddenly gone. She kept walking. The land of the dead was scary. Imagine your worst nightmare, the scariest place in the world. Now times that by 100 and you may be able to picture what the land of the dead looks like. I could feel the terrible things. I could feel the evil that went on down there. It was so scary, and I would never want to visit that place. I felt bad for Kendra since I kind of forcered her to go in, but she seemed to be holding up pretty good.
Just then something else jumped out of the shadows. I saw some ghost mouth something, he said something to Kendra that I couldn't quite see.
"Laga." Hear, I said. I hoped the spell would work since Kendra wasn't with me, but I could see her. It did.
"Where's Ethan?" Kendra growled.
"He's waiting for you. He knew you'd come, at least one of you'd come. He assumed it would be that Candace girl, but she would come dead."
"We were smarter than that Charles." Did she know this ghost too? I felt bad for her, she must've known a lot of people that turned evil or died.
"Kendra, your essence is disappearing. Your life force is getting pulled away, you cannot last much longer. Your friend Natalie is learning that too, she will be dead within minutes."
"Really Charles? You didn't know? Her and Candace are the chosen ones. They cannot die as easily as the rest of us. They have a stronger life force and have a will to live."
"Yes, I knew that, but the land of the dead is quite taxing."
"Amna!" Destory, Kendra said. Charles disappeared in a cloud of mist too. I didn't get how ghosts could die, when they were already dead. That didn't make sense. Maybe they just disappeared, or appeared in some other part of the land of the dead.
"Finally." Kendra said as if she had to take revenge on him for doing something. She kept walking, I could sense something coming. Something very powerful and very dark. I wanted to scream to Kendra, but I couldn't.
"So you're the one that came. Well, good bye Kendra." A voice said, and I had a feeling it belonged to the powerful, dark, evil thing. Kendra whipped around.
"Who are you and what do you want?" Kendra demanded.
"How about we start with your life." He shot magic at Kendra and I was terrified. It looked like it was coming at me, that's when everything in my one eye went black and Kendra was gone.
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