#70: He Hears You Singing In The Shower
Sal: He couldn't help but peek through the door and watch you sing. He always thought your voice was beautiful and he enjoyed hearing you sing. Whenever he was nervous he asked you to run your fingers through his hair and sing to him. It made you blush how much he enjoyed your singing. "Wow a beautiful voice that's fitting for an even more beautiful girl... Y/N is there anything that you cannot do?" He asked winking, as his eyes ran up and down your body. He decided to jump in with you. 😉
Brian (Q): He entered the bathroom, but he didn't want to intrude on you... So he decided to sit on the toilet bowl and sing along with you. You giggled, "Babe, what are you doing?" A pause went by for a moment, "I just wanted to sing with you... without being you know... creepy." You laughed, "I appreciate that... What should we sing next?" He thought about it for a moment, and you could hear him contemplating, "Time of My Life?" He begged. "Start it off." You smiled enjoying this duet with your boyfriend.
James (Murr): He could not stop complementing your amazing voice. He grabbed your hands, gently carressing the top of your right hand with the pad of his thumb. "Y/N, you are truly amazing." He was full of smiles, and he kissed you on your forehead. Later on, while the two of you were snuggling on the couch. You softly began to sing to him, and he fell asleep. And thats where the two of you woke up the next morning... "You're perfect Y/N," He said groggily, still making you smile.
Joe: He was so surprised, "Y/N I NEVER KNEW YOU COULD SING BETTER THAN... BABE!? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THIS?" You giggled from behind the shower curtain as he talked to you through the door. "But in all seriousness babe, I would love to sing with you..." You smiled at this proposition. "Pleaseeeeeeeeee?" He begged. You laughed, "Alright fine." You sang a few songs by twenty one pilots. "Babe I think you should be in the band." He said laughing, greeting you with a hug as you stepped out of the shower.
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