#67: A Jal Vulgatto Funny Moment (#tbt)
"Hey, everybody, how are you doing?" Sal said into his microphone. "Alright. Very Cool. We're very happy to be here..." "Opening for the Imagination Dragons," Dan said into the microphone backstage. "Opening for the Imagination Dragons," Sal repeats out to the crowd. The crowd starts to boo. "The Imagination Dragons? I got that wrong. Imagine Dragons?" "Uhh..." Joe said. "I put in your pants pocket a dedication for the set. Open it up and read it," Q said to Sal. "Before we start, I just wrote a very, very special dedication," Sal starts. "Yep," Joe said. "I hope you guys appreciate it. This dedication goes like this. Guys, we would like to dedicate this set to the people- oh. To the people of Pittsburgh." Q, Murr, Dan, and Daniel laugh. "We're in Long Island!" Murr said. "They were the best audience we have ever played for. We can already tell you guys aren't going to be nearly as good," Sal said. "Nope. You're no Pittsburgh," Murr laughs into the microphone. "You're no Pittsburgh," Joe repeats into his microphone. "That's right. So sit down and show us some respect!" Sal said. "We're going to play a few songs from our upcoming album," Murr said into the microphone. "We're going to play a few songs from our upcoming album," Sal repeats. "We're gonna play 'Look Mommy, I'm A Rockstar'," Dan said. "Oh boy. Alright," Sal said. "This is- This is one of our favourites," Joe said. Sal strums a chord and Joe clicks the drumsticks together 3 times. They start to play and it is way out of sync. The other guys are laughing so hard backstage. "When I was a boy," Sal starts to sing. "I was real young. I was looking bad and I said, son of a gun, I said 'Look Mommy, I'm a Rockstar'." Joe joins in with him. "I said 'Look Mommy, I'm a Rockstar'." "Let me ask you something. How badly do they suck out there?" Q said. "It's- it's worse than I imagined," Dan said. "It's worse than I imagination dragoned," Daniel said. "I said 'Look Mommy, I'm a Rockstar'. Let's go!" Sal tries to play a guitar solo and then he and Joe stop playing. The audience is booing and beyond angry at this point. "Alright, next song from our album is a capella," Murr said. "Next song from our album is a capella," Sal repeats nervously. "And the name of it is 'Shut Your Face, Grandma'," Murr said. "And the name of it is 'Shut Your Face, Grandma'," Sal repeats. The crowd goes silent. Sal clears his throat. "Bum, bum, bum," Joe starts out. "She's my grandma, she's my grandma and she doesn't shut her trap. She doesn't shut her trap. I take it for five minutes, but after six I say, shut your face grandma. Shut your *BLEEP* face. Shut your face grandma. Shut your *BLEEP* face. Shut your face grandma!" Sal and Joe sing. The audience boos. "They're so upset. Yell out 'Drum Solo' at the top of your lungs," Dan said. "DRUM SOLO!!!!!" Joe yells and rapidly bangs on the drums. "Say it again," Dan said. "DRUM SOLO!!!!!" He keeps banging on them as the guys laugh. "Try to do the worm," Dan said to Sal. "Aw, *BLEEP* me man, no way," Sal said. He put the guitar back on the stand and gets on the ground. He attempts to do the worm. "I got your back, buddy. I'm giving you a beat," Joe said while rhythmically hitting the drum. Sal fails at doing the worm. "Try to stage dive!" Dan said. Sal looks down at the audience. "Stage dive! Stage dive into the crowd!" Murr said. Sal jumps off of the stage, but not in the audience. "*BLEEP*!" Sal yells. The guys are dying laughing in the back. "Thank you and good night!" Joe yells in the microphone and slams the cymbals. "That was a train wreck!" Dan said.
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