#58: Song Preference #2
"For The First Time" by The Script.
Sal: 'She's all laid up in bed with a broken heart, while I'm drinking jack all alone in my local bar.' Another argument. Another stupid argument that made it all implode. Through these past few weeks, things between you and Sal haven't been easy. You missed him like crazy while he was away on tour and when he came back, he barely spent time with you. Getting up early and going to bed late, you never had the chance to see him. So one day you exploded. You couldn't take it anymore, you couldn't take the fact that you lost him. That somehow he fell out of love for you and didn't have the courage to leave you. You spent most of your days in your shared bed, crying in his pillow, his scent making you feel worst for the first time in your relationship. And he spent most of his at the bar downstairs, drinking to forget your failed relationship. Somehow you found the strength to get up and go downstairs to find him at the bar, a glass of bourbon in his hand. The bartender knew he was underage but being a friend of his and knowing just how bad things had been, he saw past that. You sat next to me and just sighed. "What happened to us Sal." you said, fighting back tears. He took a sip of his drink as he said monotonously. "I don't deserve you." You turned your head to look at him, tears rolling down your cheeks. "I never deserved you." he said, his voice cracking. You took his face in your hands and made him look you in the eyes. You smiled sympathetically. "Don't say that. I love you. We'll make it work, baby. We'll make it work somehow." you said as you kissed his lips gently.
Brian (Q): 'Oh these times are hard, yeah, they're making us crazy. Don't give up on me baby' You have been with Brian for a while now but only decided to go public about two weeks ago. You knew the hate was going to be hard to handle. You knew what kind of person you were and you knew you weren't strong enough to deal with it alone. Fortunately, Brian was by your side, telling you to keep your head held high and he was always here when you unsuccessfully tried to hold back tears. But the past few days have been harder than usual. With Brian filming all day and you being on holiday, having nothing else to do during the day than sit in your apartment and wait for him to come home, dealing with the hate had become too much for you. So you decided to pack up your things. And leave. Because you knew this was not only making you miserable. Brian also was. Because seeing you sad all the time, having to deal with your nightmares wasn't easy on him. It was making him feel like he wasn't there for you enough. Tears were streaming down your face as you finished packing your bag. You looked down at the necklace Brian gave you for your anniversary and how much it meant to him. It was his grandma's and it was absolutely gorgeous. She told him, "Once you find the one, hold on tight and never let go." You couldn't leave with it. You couldn't steal it, it was a family heirloom. You took it off and put it next to the note you left on his pillow. As you were heading for the door, you turned around one last time and looked around this apartment. "Are you leaving me?" you heard a voice say from behind you. You took a deep breath, hoping you probably imagined it but as you turned around, you saw Brian standing in the doorway, tears forming in his eyes. "So. Are you?" He asked again. You looked down shamefully. "I am." you said sobbing, trying as hard as you could to hold back tears but you simply couldn't. He rushed to your side, taking the bag from your hand and throwing it across the room, cupping your face in his warm hands, his brown eyes looking down on you. "Don't you love me anymore?" he said, a single tear escaping his eye. "I do but I can't deal with all the hate by myself. I just can't." He took you in his arms and breathed heavily, trying to calm his heart rate. "I will be here. Don't give up on us baby. Don't give up on me." he said, tightening his grip on your shoulders. "I found you and I am never letting you go."
James (Murr): 'She needs me now but I can't seem to find the time.' It's been a couple of weeks now. A couple of weeks that James just wasn't here for you. He was out filming all day and always went celebrating after that, coming home late and drunk. And you just couldn't take it anymore. You didn't know what happened to you. Why the sweet James that you knew, the guy who would do big romantic gestures just to see you smile had become this narcissistic jerk. He already canceled on your plans a couple of times but tonight was enough. Tonight was too much. You stayed up all night, drinking coffee at 2am so you'd be fully alert when he came home. Fully ready to have this fight. You went over everything you had to say to him one more time in your head when you heard the front door close. "James?" You heard a grunt and a drunk James Murray appeared in the living room. "Shoot, why are ya up (Y/N)." It wasn't even a question. It was a statement. "Are you kidding me right now?" you said as he sighed annoyed, not even answering you, simply going to your bedroom and taking his clothes off. You followed him and found him sat on the bed in only his underwear. "I do not want to have this fight (Y/N)." he said not even looking at you. "Well too bad because we are having this fight. James what are you doing? Why are you ignoring me like that? If you just want to break up then say it, I can't take this anymore because I need you right now but you're never here!" you said, trying to remain calm. "Okay, I want to break up." he stated. You couldn't feel anything. You couldn't actually believe he just said that. You felt your legs starting to fail you and before you fell to the ground, you screamed at the top of your lungs. "WELL SCREW YOU JAMES STEPHEN MURRAY!" and you stormed out. You didn't make it any farther than the sidewalk in front of your building when you fell on the ground, breaking into tears hysterically.
Joe: 'But we're gonna start by drinking old cheap bottles of wine, sit talking up all night.' It was clear that your relationship wasn't going that well. It was going all the wrong way actually. You knew this was going to happen eventually. You knew at one point your relationship was going to suffer because of his work and your job. You were always exhausted when you came home from work and Joe wasn't leaving work until really late at night. You never had some real time together. So when you actually made plans on a Saturday Night to have a nice simple date at your shared flat, just something casual to catch up, you were over the moon. Little did you know, Joe was not going to show up. He tried to call you, telling you he was going to be late but you had turned off your phone for the evening, wanting to be completely focused on being with him. After an hour waiting alone, you ate the dinner you had specially made for the both of you and cleaned everything, trying to change your mind. You wanted to wait up for Joe but you were too tired and ended up falling asleep on the couch. Around 1am you were woken up by a door closing and soon enough you saw Joe standing in front of you. "I am so sorry babe, I tried to call you but you didn't answer and-" "Yeah. I know. I turned off my phone so I could spend some actual time with you." You said a little sassily. You were ticked off and he could see that. He sat next to you and took your hands in his. "Look (Y/N), I know I've been busy lately but, I have tomorrow off, at least the afternoon so we can you stay up all night if you want and just... talk." You smiled. He could make you forget anything in just a second. "I'd like that." you said as he pulled you closer. "But don't ever do that again. Cause next time I won't be sleeping on the couch, I'll be out of here." you said and he kissed you. You spent all night talking about random things, just talking about the incoming album and how was your week. You knew your relationship was hard work, but it's worth it. A little later that night you both fell asleep on the couch, his arms wrapped around your waist and sure enough, you didn't had such a good night sleep in a long time.
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