#52: He Calls You Fat (Part 3: His P.O.V.)
Sal: "What did you say?" The guys yelled. I ran my hand through my hair and I started pacing back and forth. "No, I couldn't have," I muttered. "What? What couldn't you have?" Joe spoke. I looked up at the guys, "I-I might have said something about her being a big hog," I answered, feeling guilty. The rolled their eyes. "Why would you say that to a girl?!" James angrily questioned. I sighed, "I don't know, I remember seeing something on Twitter about that and I was annoyed by that person, not Y/N, but I did start believing that is why she's with me and that's why I went out with you guys, to you know get my stupid mind off that," I explained. The room went quiet, no one really knew what to say. "Do you guys think she hates me now?" I question, breaking the silence. They all sigh. "I don't know bud. Saying something like that doesn't exactly make you love a person," Joe spoke. I then sit down on the couch and I looked at a picture of Y/N. "What if I lost her? What if she will never forgive me? I-I don't know what I would do with her... I love her," I whispered. Brian then put his hand on my shoulder. "We know you love her and we know you don't really think she's just with you because," Brian began, "Maybe you just need to tell her all that? Tell her that you never meant to hurt her." Brian finished. I slowly nodded my head. "I..." My voice cracked and I continued, "I don't want to lose her, what if she will never take me back?" I sniffled. "There's only one way to find out," James spoke. I sniffled and nodded my head, knowing what he meant. I walk out the door and to my car. I back out of the driveway and hurriedly drove to her house, not giving a single crap about putting on a seatbelt. Tears are streaming down my face as I drive, making my vision blurry. I wipe my eyes and continued driving until I reached her house. She's not here. Maybe she's at her best friend's house. I drive off again and over to her friend's house. I drive into the parking garage and search for her friend's car. Luckily, I found it. I park beside it and get out. I go up the elevator to the 14th floor. As I'm walking down the hall, I hear a familiar voice. "... and that's when I just decided to leave and well come here." "I'm so sorry," I hear her best friend softly say. "I know, thank you," I hear her choke out a sob. Just the sound of her crying just breaks my heart. I knock on the door and wait for an answer. "W-Who is it?" I hear her ask her friend. "It's Sal. Should I let him in?" "Yeah, go ahead," She tells her friend. Her friend opens the door and I look over at Y/N. She was as pale as a ghost and her hair was a mess. Her eyes were puffy underneath and I just thought to myself, 'What have I done?' "Y/N," I sniffle. She looks at me shocked for a few seconds until I finally realize what was happening. "S-Sal, what are you doing here?" "I'm sorry about the other night. I feel so stupid for calling you those awful names." "Yes, yes. You called me bad names. What are you really doing here?" "I came here to-" She interrupted me, knowing what I was going to say. "You came here because you thought all you had to say to me was sorry and I love you and I would right back in your arms, didn't you?" She yelled at me. "No not at all! I mean I am sorry and I do love you so much, but I know what I said hurt you, but I wanted to tell you that someone said that about you and I was annoyed at them and I then started thinking maybe they're right, but I know you're not fat. I know what we have is love. I don't care about your size, baby. I just really want to say how truly sorry I am and I know you're worth so much to me. All I care about is you. Our lives are together now. This isn't just my life anymore, I share it with you. I never meant to say anything to you that made you feel like you were using me. So I am sorry," Sal finished. I was so confused of what to do. Just 5 minutes ago she was angry at me and she seemed like she was okay with not seeing me again, but now I didn't know what I felt. I knew I still and always will love her. "Sal," I softly spoke, "I don't know what to tell you," I added. "I do love you and I always will. Maybe we just need to forget about what happened," I smiled. He smiled back and softly asked, "Does this mean you forgive me?" I nodded my head and pulled her into a big hug, "I love you," I kept whispering and she just smiled.
Brian (Q): "I can't believe this, I didn't mean to call her fat," I whispered to myself. "I love her, I would never say anything to hurt her," I continued. I was just lying on the couch staring into space, I didn't want to lose Y/N. She was my everything and now she's gone. She probably hates me for something I didn't even mean. All I wanted to do was hold her and tell her how amazing she is and that I didn't mean anything to hurt. I try calling her again, but like that last 100 times I tired, she doesn't answer. I knew she was at her friend's house, so I got up off the couch and realized I'm not going to just let Y/N leave without me telling her what had happened. I then rushed over to Y/N's friend's house and I kept knocking on the door over and over again until someone answered. "What the heck are you doing here?" Her friend questioned. Apparently, she was telling her friend about us and I then heard someone talking. "B-Brian?" I leaned over and saw Y/N on the couch, her eyes were all puffy and red. I ran a hand through my hair, refusing to believe I did this to her. She finally looked at me with a hurt look. "What are you doing here, Brian?" she questioned. I then look at her. "Listen, I wasn't the one calling you fat, I swear. It was, It was the fans saying that you were pregnant because you looked fat in a picture and-and they were saying mean things, so I thought if we ate healthier you would lose weight and they wouldn't say anything to you ever again. I swear to God that I never thought you were fat, I do think you're perfect and I love everything little thing about you and I want you to know the truth before you break my heart," I say really fast, but she could still understand everything I was saying. She stood there shocked, thinking about if she should take me back, thinking about trusting what I just told her, or if she thinks I'm lying and I just wants her to believe me. She thought for a couple of seconds and she then realized I was telling the truth, "Brian, I believe you, I'm sorry I acted the way I did. I love you," I wrapped my arms around her neck. She smiled as I smiled and pressed my lips to hers. "Oh, babe, I love you so much," I said against her lips and all she could do was smile.
James (Murr): "She said she might consider giving you another chance, but don't get your hopes up," Brian explained. I sighed. "What if she doesn't give me another chance? Then I'm screwed," I angrily said. "We know, but you should have seen me there, I was saying all these things about all of us being in a relationship and I joked about not kissing and stuff," Joe went on joking, trying to make me feel batter, but stopped when he saw how angry I was getting, "I don't give a crap," I yelled. "Look, I'm sorry, but I can't stop thinking about Y/N not taking me back," I spoke. "I mean how would I live without her?" I added. The guys shrugged their shoulders and I then shook my head. "I have to see her, like now!" I told them. "Is now a good time?" Sal asked, concerned. "Probably not, but I have already wasted too much time crying about wanting to get her back, rather than trying to get her back," I told them as I headed over to the front door. "Well guys, by the time we see each other again, I will either still be in a relationship or I will be a heartbroken single man," I said as I walked out, not knowing which it will be. I thought about what the guys said and I really hope she'll give me another chance, but I didn't want to hurt her fragile feelings again. I love Y/N, but does she really love me or does she just want to have a boyfriend because she just wants one. I thought to myself. I walk around her friend's house, knowing her and her friends came over to talk to Y/N. I notice a picture of all of us on the wall. I smile as I look at it and remember what Y/N and I had, well, have. I then start banging on the front door. She's probably thinking maybe there's someone crazy, but I then yell her name and she opens the door. "Y/N!" I said excitedly. "James, what are you doing here?" I questioned, but I know exactly what he's doing here. "Babe, I know I screwed up and I'm sorry. I know I was an idiot and I know you deserve so much better than me, but I need you. You make me a better person and I promise you I will never call you clingy ever again," I spoke fast and looked at me waiting for me to tell him what he wanted to hear, "James..." she began, "I don't know what to say," she then added, "How do I know you're still the same guy that I fell in love with?" she questioned. I shook my head. "You don't, but you have to. You have to believe when I say you really are the best thing that has ever happened to me," I said. She then smiled. "I love you, but you're sure you want to get back together with someone who always wants to be around you?" She questioned. I nodded my head fast. "Yes, I'm positive." I spoke. She then giggles. "I love you," She tells me as she wrapped her arms around my neck and I wraps my arms around her small body, "I love you, too!" I said against her lips. "Well, let's get home," I said. She looks at me and smiled. "I need to tell the guys some good news," I smiled again and she kissed me again.
Joe: I was shocked at what Y/N just said, "What?" I questioned. She shook her head. "Never mind, it's not important," she sadly said. "Obviously it is," I said. "What's wrong? Did I say something?" I questioned, starting to feel guilty. "No, of course you didn't say anything. All you said was that I was fat just for eating ice cream. Remember that?" she explained. I looked at her shocked. "What? When?" I questioned. She rolled her eyes. "You know, when we were at home and I had that pint of Ben & Jerry's ice cream and you said you didn't want me to get bigger," I explained. He then looked guilty, "I'm sorry baby. That was just a joke. I didn't mean anything by it, I was trying joking around. God I feel awful," I sadly spoke. She knew I really did feel awful. I place my hand on her face and I caress it. "It's okay," I smiled. I then kiss her forehead. "If I ever say something like that again, please just let me know, okay?" I asked. She nodded her head and I kissed her lips and we fell asleep.
Author's Note: I'm sorry Joe's is so short! I forgot what else I was going to put! Thanks for understanding!
Love Always xx -Bella Emily Kaplan
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