#38: You're In A Car Accident (Part 2)
Sal: It took you so long to pass out that night. Your nerves were awful. Somehow though, you managed to fall asleep. Not for long though, because mere minutes after you drifted into a dream world, Sal was shaking you awake. "(Y/N), (Y/N)." "What baby?" You asked, your eyes still shut. "I'm really sorry about today." Your eyes flew open, and you examined Sal's worried expression, "Sal, stop apologizing. We're home now, and we're safe. Honestly, you have to let this go." "I can't. It bothers me so much that it would have been my fault you got hurt." You reached out your arm to touch his face, "Nothing happened though. And plus It could have been me driving, would you be mad at me?" "Of course not!" You smiled satisfied, "Exactly. Now, will you go to sleep?" Sal relaxed slightly, "Okay, fine, but I'm never driving in fog again."
Brian (Q): Brian slowly made his way over to you, barely more than crawling his way there, with the fact his leg had been broken when he hit the ground harshly. "What happened?" He asked, in so much pain and completely out of breath. "I-I don't know." You felt Brian's arm lightly go over your waist, and could tell how weak he was. "One second we were in the car, and the next the glass was everywhere, and everything happened so fast." You wanted to move towards Brian, hold him as well, but you couldn't do a thing. "Baby, I can barely move. It hurts so badly." Brian tried to hold you a little tighter, but he couldn't. His weak grip was the best he could do, "Just think of something else. It's going to be okay, angel. We'll just be in cast together." You wanted to laugh at his joke, but knew it would hurt if you did. "Bri, I'm scared." "As long as we're talking this much, you're okay. We're both okay. Broken bones are not that bad." "Mhm," you said, mostly to convince yourself. "Come on, we can even sign each other's cast. You know you want my autograph." You finally did laugh at that, because somehow through all the pain, Brian could still make you smile and feel like everything was okay.
James (Murr): When you and James were finally freed from his car, you were so sick of talking about the movie. It had been less than ten minutes, but it felt like hours that you had been flipped upside down in James's car, explaining the plot of the movie you now hated as well. "I never thought they'd get us out," you cried, as you sat with James in the back of an ambulance. Neither of you were seriously injured, but they wanted to be sure everything was okay. "I thought we'd.... I thought we were stuck." "Me too. I was really worried something else was going to happen," he admitted, though he had sounded so calm the entire time you had been in the car. "Really?" You questioned, knowing how much your voice had shook when you spoke in the car, and yet his had stayed steady. "Of course, but I was being brave for you. I wanted to make sure you were okay, love. I knew you had to be calm, so I had no choice." You felt a sense of pride in knowing the man before you was your boyfriend, and he had held back his own fears, all to make sure you were okay. "You know you're amazing, right baby?"
Joe: "So what happened?" The emergency workers were asking Joe that, as a few others took you out of the car gently. "He," Joe started, pointing towards the other driver, who was nervously pacing in the grass, "Ran a red light. She saw him do it and screamed, but I couldn't stop or do anything. It was too late." He walked over to you on the gurney as soon as he finished saying that. "Is she okay?" One of the men who had lifted you to the stretcher shrugged kindly in Joe's direction, "She's moving enough to know certain things are not broken. Maybe just a few ribs. We won't really know until a doctor can look at her when we get to the hospital though." Joe nodded understandingly, before looking down at you, "How do you feel?" "Alive," You stated, not wanting to tell him how much pain you were in all over your entire body. 'I am alive, that was the important part' you thought to yourself. All that really mattered in this, was that you and Joe were both talking to each other and able to do that much. "Joe, I love you so much." He leaned down and kissed your cheek gently, "I love you too babe, and I'm so glad you're okay."
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