#30: Your Nickname For Him
Sal: Panda. Ever since he found out about your love for the black and white bears he had been teasing you because he called it a border line obsession. That's when he bought a black and white jumper and wore it around the house. His reasoning was that you loved pandas so much he would look like one so you could love him like he loved you. Little did he know that you already loved him more than the fluffy black and white bears.
Brian (Q): Boo. Simple but effective. Your term of endearment started after you heard how bothered it made him when the boys used it all the time. He would shoot you a playful glare and you being exactly like him decided to stir the pot a little and keep calling him that.
James (Murr): Giggles. On occasions, he did things that you would never let him live down. For the first one you and (Your Friend's Name) had ganged up on him to tickle him. He fell into a fit of awfully cute giggles instead of laughs.
Joe: Teddy Bear. You both loooooooove to cuddle. Every time you two cuddle, you feel like you are cuddling a big, soft teddy bear. He loves it when you think of him like that. It gives him so much courage and best of all, it comes from you.
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