#25: Irresistible
Sal: Hotel life isn't as bad as you once thought it was. Of course, having Sal this close to you when you wake up makes you feel like you're back at home. You don't want to wake him, but you can't lay here waiting on him. You slowly get out of the bed, turning to pull the covers back up and around him. You push his hair out of his face as you continue to lean over the bed. You should be in the shower; he's going to be getting a call soon that it's time to pack up and leave. You're not ready to even walk into the corridor. You walk around to the other side of the bed, grabbing the room service menu on your way to the phone. Although security would be wanting Sal soon, there was always time for breakfast. You find the hotel's options for early morning food before picking up the phone and ordering. Sal always complained about how you ordered too much when you called in for room service. But he always ate a little bit of everything you ordered so you just kept the ordering the same. Once you had confirmed breakfast would be up in thirty minutes you head to the shower, glancing at a sleeping Sal as you pass the bed. You had no idea a few weeks ago that you would still be on the road with him, even though the tour is officially over. You just don't find yourself wanting to leave his side, especially since he has made it very clear he wants you around for as long as you want to stay. You had been to everything while being by his side these last few weeks, charity events, interviews, award shows, concerts. You've been a part of his actual life since coming to see him. You made it through what you were used to, the shows. Those were easy. But your desire to be with him has brought you here, to the shower of a hotel where he is sleeping less than ten feet away. You had made it through all of the parts of his life that you were afraid to experience. You had made it through passing with flying colors. So much so that right here, in this hotel bathroom, is the first time it has crossed your mind in the last few weeks that things like public appearances with him and additional media attention are reasons you told yourself you couldn't be with him. Everything had been easy for you, because you had him right there every step of the way. Your fingers begin to wrinkle as your thoughts prolong your shower. When you step out into the steam-filled bathroom, you hear a knock at the door. Breakfast is served. You walk out of the bathroom, the towel around you. The first article of clothing your see is one of Sal's old t-shirts. One he doesn't wear anymore but still brings just so he can see you in it. You slip it over your head and check in the full-length mirror that it's appropriate to answer the door it. It covers everything. You open the door with as big of a smile as you could as this hour of the morning. "Morning," the guy delivering the food says, a little caught off guard at how you had answered the door. "Come on in," you tell him as you hold the door open for him and his cart. He pushes your breakfast all the way into the room, not even bothering to be inconspicuous at looking over at Sal who was still sleeping. He looks around at the floor, a mixture of yours and Sal's clothes strewn over. Well this looks bad. "Guess you had fun with him last night," he remarks, way out of line. He hands you the ticket to sign. "I'm not someone he just picked up from the street, you know," you counter, signing off for your breakfast quickly to get him out. "Then what are you?" He questions as you hand the ticket back to him. You look at him as he waits for an answer.
Brian (Q): You knew you had to get back to Staten Island; being out here with him wasn't helping your cause with the media and the fans. It isn't like you aren't going to see him when he gets back, but the drive to the airport was brutal. It feels like sending him off on tour. Yes, you already had experience in sending him off on tour, but the first time you had no idea how it was going to feel to not have him around for such a long period of time. For the second tour you were a complete mess. The two of you were still so young it seemed, and you knew exactly how you were going to feel one month down the road without seeing him a single time. So many sleepless nights. He's smiling at you now, but you're trying to hold back the tears. Unsuccessfully. "Why are you crying?" He questions with a laugh. "I have no idea," you answer with a smile. He wipes a falling tear as the car comes to a stop. It's time to go. Security opens the door for you as Brian gets out and grabs your bag from the back. You stand and wait for him to come around the car. "Ready?" He says with a smile, holding his arm out for you to take. You know the eyes are on you, they always are when you're with him. You slide your arm through his and let your hand rest next the one he has in his pocket. "Hi, Brian," the small group of girls waiting outside of the airport say to him as he walks you in. Somehow there were always ones who knew exactly where he will be at all times. "I'll come see you all when I come back out, alright?" The girls nod in excitement. You're counting every step towards the gate. You shouldn't be; you should be cracking jokes with Brian, or at least smiling in his presence. "Hey, you've got to cheer up," he insists as you walk up to the kiosk. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm acting like this," you assure him, because you honestly don't. You've spent most of the last five years away from him. What is the difference now? You only spent this last week with him over here in the U.K. You've traveled with him all over the world but there is something different about this. Once you get checked in, you are faced with the brutally short walk to security. You place your arm back through his, anything to be just a little bit closer for a little bit longer. Not a moment has gone by this week that you have not enjoyed being by Brian's side. In fact, these last few months have been a scene from a movie for the two of you. An unconventional scene from a movie with long nights apart and a lot of people who have decided to not like you anymore. So this probably isn't anything like a movie, but it is definitely something special. You feel him stop and come back from your thoughts. "I'll be back home soon," he assures you and you look around to find yourself standing beside the security line entrance. You nod silently. You don't want to get on this plane by yourself, but this is as far as he is able to go. "Stop," he requests of you as tears begin to fall from your eyes once more. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," you plead, embarrassed at your actions. "Soon, okay?" He repeats. "Soon." He pulls you in for a hug and you hold on tightly. Eyes are still on you, but you could care less at this point. He pulls back and looks you in the eyes. You immediately find your lips on his, out of your own action. You quickly pull back. "I'm sorry, I-" Before being able to finish, you feel your lips on his once more. This time, it was his move.
James (Murr): "Are you certain you want curtains?" You question as you mull over the hundreds of samples in front of you. "Well what do you think?" James questions, getting up from the couch to come over to the counter where you are stood. "I think you're fine without them," you answer, not really putting a whole lot of thought into your answer. Of course he immediately picks up on your absentmindedness. "Everything alright?" What an ignorant question. "As alright as it's going to get I guess," you counter honestly. "Maybe you should go home for the afternoon; your mind isn't in this," James suggests. You can hear the kindness in his voice, but you can't stop your heart from countering his offer. "Really? My mind isn't in this? Of course it isn't. I'm miserable. There is no way of getting my relationship back together. Casey was my life and you ruined that. Scratch that, I ruined that. If it weren't for my horrible sense of judgement I would be with him right now instead of you. I wouldn't know a thing about you if I would have just used my brain and not my screwed up heart. My life is so over." You're breaking down right in front of James. Is this what he has wanted all along? Is this what he has been waiting on from you? He has taken everything away from you, with more help from you than you like to admit. "You should go home," he suggests yet again, his voice remaining caring and calm. "So now you want to get rid of me too?" You inquire through your tears. "Never. I don't ever want you to leave. But this obviously isn't the place you need to be right now." "Then why are you making me do this?" You stare at him waiting for an answer. "I'm just trying to get you to see that I can still take care of you the way you deserve to be treated." "I deserve to be treated like this," you respond darkly. "No one deserves that," James says placing his hand on top of yours. You immediately break his gesture up. "I hurt the only person who has ever loved me with every single part of them, the one person I have ever loved with every part of me. I am shittiest person in the world." Silence falls within the flat, only the sounds from the city below can be heard. You can't believe you are having this conversation with James right now. You should have just taken his offer and left. None of this would be an issue right now. "No," James begins, breaking the silence. His hand meets yours once again, but this time you don't move yours away. "That would be me. I should have never pushed you this far. You said you were happy in your relationship, and I should have believed that. Instead, I took matters into my own hands, and that was not my place. I know hearing an apology from me is the last thing you want, but I just want you to know how sorry I am that your life has ended up like this because of me. It really is all my fault." You turn to him, tears continuously falling now. He reaches to wipe them away, but you take his hand in yours before he reaches your face. "It's just as much my fault," you admit, your voice not as loud as it once was. He's staring into your eyes, just as he used to do months before to drive you crazy. You feel him getting closer. "I can't be here right now," you say to him in almost a whisper. He is silent. "Come with me to my place?" You ask, bringing both your hands down to your side. He nods, still very close to your face.
Joe: The car stops in front of the hotel, and the cameras are already flashing. What is so important about the two of you walking into a hotel that this many pictures are required? It's a question you will never be able to answer. Joe gets out of the car first, walking around the back of the vehicle as everyone around him is a little too excited for this time of night. You're coming in fairly late, later than security wanted to be out that's for sure. Your door is opened once Joe is around to your side. "You good?" He questions before you step out. You nod with a smile. You have dealt with this situation plenty of times, yet he always insists on asking if you are alright before allowing you to take on the crowd. He takes your hand and helps you down onto the sidewalk. His grip is firm, like he isn't going to let go of you for anything. This always made you feel more secure than any amount of guards walking around you. "You always surprise me," he admits once inside the lobby of the hotel the two of you had been staying at for the last few days. "What do you mean?" You question as you still continue to hold onto his hand. "Just how you have always been able to handle that. I've never had to worry about you with any of it." "Yet you still ask me if I'm alright, every single time," you respond with a laugh as he presses the button for the lift. "I'm just looking out for you." You simply smile as you look up to see how much longer you have to wait for the lift. You feel him take a step closer to you. His hand letting go of yours only to move to your waist along with the other one. He pulls you into him. "You know we are still in the lobby, right?" You say, laughing, as he brings his mouth to your neck. "They get bored out there, might as well give them a show," he reveals. He pulls you into the lift once the doors open, security taking the hint to wait for the next available ride up. This one is full. Joe doesn't stop backing up until his back it against the back of the lift. "If we don't push the button we aren't making it to the room." "We don't need the room," Joe comments, pressing his lips to yours. Your eyes immediately close. You pull him close to you, bringing him up from the back wall. Your kisses intensify but you manage to pull away long enough to select your floor so no one has the opportunity to barge in. Joe really hates when that happens. In fact, it's happened twice this week. You've been in this situation, in this elevator, nearly every night this week. It's predictable, but it's also Joe. You certainly aren't going to tell him 'no'. You would never mind being with him anyways. It keeps you around. The door chimes open and he presses one last hard kiss to your lips before pulling away and taking your hand. You had made out in this corridor yesterday; it didn't have the intense effect the dark room did so Joe had apparently decided against it tonight. His grip on your hand is just as tight as it was outside. That's how you know he's in the mood. You're surprised the fans haven't picked up on that yet. His tight grip, versus the loose hand holding you do while out in the streets. Someone is bound to pick up on it sooner or later. Joe gets the door open, and as soon as he does, your back is against the wall and your shirt is being taken off. It's pretty routine by now. You're still just as passionate about him. That definitely hasn't changed. You just wonder how long that is going to last if all you are going to do with him is shop and be together. He had been so sweet to you this week, though. Bringing your family in was beyond anything you thought he was capable of. Everything has felt so genuine between you these last couple of weeks. You wonder how long that can last.
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