#2: Your First Kiss
Updated: 19/7/2018
Sal: "Sal! You can't eat all the vanilla frosting! I need to frost the last few cupcakes!" You playfully slap his hand away from the bowl, noticing the blue frosting all over his lips.
"Does the frosting taste good, though? It's a new recipe..."
He takes a step closer and puts his arms around your waist. "Delicious, maybe you should try some?"
He kisses you, and he's right. The frosting is delicious.
Brian (Q): "It's so pretty here," you remark, staring up at the star-dotted sky.
Brian nods, tossing another log into the fire. The flames from the campfire crackle, the crickets and animals in the woods are making a soundtrack all your own.
"You see those stars up there? It's a constellation," he says, leaning close to point up at a group of stars overhead.
"Yeah? Which one?" you ask him as he pulls you closer.
"I'm not too sure, but I believe it's the constellation 'Kiss Me'."
James (Murr): (We're just gonna imagine that Murr can't swim.)
"But I'm afraid of swimming," he sighs, looking out at the ocean. He has been sitting there for a good hour watching you swim in the salty sea water. (and yes, the water tastes gross if ingested.)
"Fine, then I'm getting out of the water, too." You start to stand up in the semi-shallow water but slip on some seaweed.
You splash underwater and finally take a deep breath as you re-surface.
James is standing right next to you, looking absolutely terrified to be in the water, but relived you are okay.
"I came to save you, I thought you drowned or someth-" he says and you cut him off with a kiss.
Joe: "It's 2:43 PM, they sent another round, one of our men is down, I repeat. Man down." Joe talks like a soldier into his phone, recording as if he were in a war documentary.
"Joe, it's a snowball fight, not World War Three," you laugh and toss a handful of snow at him.
He tosses some right back.
Before you know it, you're both freezing cold and covered in snow.
"Aw, now we have to wait for our ride home all cold and wet," you pout as you start to shiver a bit and he puts his arms around you.
"You know, body heat warms people up." he says. You certainly was warmer now as you snuggled into him.
"You know what else does too? Kisses."
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