Brain Quinn X Reader | One Shot (Drive Drive Drive)
Important YummyGhost (A-N)
As you may know from the title, this One Shot is based on the Drive Drive Drive Episode released in 2021. Specifically, Season 9, Episode 3. I only mention this since some people may not be up to Season 9 and don't get the references in this One Shot.
So to be considerate for those who aren't up to Season 9, there will be spoilers for that Episode and the final episode of Season 3, Brother-In-Loss. So if you don't like spoilers; you have been warned. However, do feel free to come back later.
On a side note, I'd like to mention that some of the text and dialogue in this story is slanted "like this" This is to help some readers imagine the camera directions/transitions of an Impractical Joker's Episode, but in text. In other words, everything that is "slanted" is set to be Episode dialogue.
You may now read. :D
A little backstory on how you and Brian also known as Q met. The year was 2013 and you were with your older brother Sal on one of the sets of the Impractical Jokers. You weren't a part of the show, you were just in the studio waiting for Sal since he was your ride to the garage after he finished filming. Your car had been sent in for some repairs recently so Sal and your other sibling, Jenna were your taxi service for the week.
You kept out of the way and sat in the background so you weren't bothering anyone on set. You scrolled through your phone to pass the time and let the cast, cameramen and producers do their thing while you waited.
"Hey, Q. I dare you to go ask that girl for her number." Joe nudged Q as they sat together. "We're not filming right now and we need to wait for Sal." Q shook his head in confusion. "I know, but you can't just let a beautiful girl like her just sit there by herself." Joe blabbered as he pointed at you scrolling your phone. "...Nar, man. I'm not feeling it. You know how I've been recently and the last thing I need is heartache." Q sighed and turned away from the idea. "You're overthinking it, Buddy. Not every girl you date or propose to is gonna be a witch AND it's only a dare. If you do get her number, just don't text her." Joe tapped Q's shoulder hoping to give him more encouragement. "Then not only am I gonna feel like a piece shit I WILL be a piece of shit." Q portrayed as he was feeling too down for this.
"I think he's too scared because she's so cute." Murr jumped in on the conversation. "Ha, no. I mean. Yes. Yes, she is cute and really pretty but..." Q scoffed and gulped as he daydreamed at you from a distance. "What are you waiting for then? Your potential future wife awaits." Joe moved his arm out for Q so it looked like he was presenting the bachelor. "Assholes." Q rolled his eyes and nervously walked over to you with a deep exhale.
"You know who that is right?" Joe whispered to Murr. "Noooo?" Murr shook his head thinking that he should. "That's Sal's other sister, (Y-N)." Joe chuckled. "Oohhh, that's (Y-N)?" Murr laughed as he clapped his hands together as he recognized you.
"Hey... Err, I don't think I've seen you on set before. Are you an actress we've hired or something?" A man with rather long brown hair asked as he almost walked past you. "No, I'm just waiting for my ride and then I'm out of your hair." You shook your head with a polite smile "Ohh y-you're no bother. I-it's a pleasure even." The same man held his chest and sat beside you so he could peek at Joe and Murr watching him.
"I'm Brian by the way... But my friends call me Q." Brian introduced himself and held his hand out to you. "(Y-N)." You shook Brian's hand. "Nice to meet you... Now, feel free to reject me, OR slap me for this. But can I get your number?" Brian held his phone out to you with a cringed jaw.
"Y-you're like... Really pretty and I just..." Brain stuttered and took a quick peek at the two laughing men who were ten feet away. "You're one of them Impractical Jokers aren't you?" You sighed and caught the two guys holding each other as they mocked their friend's discomfort. "Yeeeeeah, but that's not an issue... Is it?" Brian lifted a brow and tapped his knee with nerves. "I tell you what. You can have my number. If! You make me laugh, Tenerlion." You smiled and dragged the situation out. "Eerrr... How about... I make you laugh over dinner?" Brian suggested as he blurted out what his instincts told him.
"Ohh God." You lightly laughed and held your head in your hand with a small blush on your cheeks. "Ah ah. You laughed! You said if I make you laugh I can have your number and you laughed." Brain clicked his fingers down to his phone. "Fine." You took the man's phone and added your number with a tiny laugh at Brian's sudden excitement.
"Q... Dude... Quit chatting up my sister. We've got lines in five minutes." Sal butted in as he walked past you and Q. "Sister?" Brain shook his head at Sal as he was caught in the act. "Yeah. I have two younger sisters, remember? (Y-N) and Jenna. Now come on." Sal shrugged and hurried Brian along like it was no big deal. "I'll be disappointed if I don't hear from you tonight... Q." You cheekily commented and returned Brain's phone to him. "Sure." Brian smiled with his teeth showing and speed walked back to his original spot where the other two Jokers were clinging to each other.
"You asshole, you didn't tell me that was Sal's sister!" Q snapped his fingers at Joe. "I know."
Joe chuckled with his hands in his pockets. "Even I didn't know that was Sal's sister until now." Murr cracked himself up. "Sal even told me to stop chatting her up. I don't know if he was being serious or just messing." Q cringed as he scratched the back of his neck. "That's great. The big question is though. Did you get her number?" Joe lifted an eyebrow with a grin as he wanted the juicy part. "Yeah, and maybe dinner." Q responded as he did feel some sort of relief from his interaction with you. "Oooooooo, getting back out there, Pal!" Murr patted Q's shoulder due to his over success. "Yeah, I dared you to ask for her number and you got a date too!" Joe snickered and lightly slapped Q's back.
To Brian's surprise, he did message you that night and things kicked off brilliantly when he did. He came across as cheeky, a little shy, anxious and fed up when he spoke to you face to face, but he seemed a lot more sensible and pleasant over the phone. Then when he took you out a few days later, he turned out to be a true gentleman. It was the following weekend you both agreed to meet up and you tried not to think too much into it as the day came closer and closer. You thought about telling Sal that you planned on meeting up with one of his best friends, but many other things slipped into your head during the process.
What if Sal wasn't happy about it?
What if Sal tried to stop you?
What if Sal was trying to mess with you for the show even though you had zero interaction with it?
Your mind was exploring all of the possible outcomes, but once things kicked off, everything was sweet and calm. Your mind was put to rest and your heart fluttered with butterflies when you realized that Brian was just being generous and wanted to have a good night.
Brian was a little nervous and you were a little quiet at first, but once you had a few drinks, a meal and got the conversation flowing, neither of you could stop for each other's attention. Brian listened to you and was into you, not just romantically or sexually, but he was truly fascinated. He asked questions, took notice and wanted to keep the chatter going. Brian even mentioned that he was 37, lived by himself on Staten Island, an active fireman besides a comedian and indeed a cat dad with a huge love for animals. After your dinner date that was on Brian, neither of you wanted the night to end, the pair of you were enjoying the friendly company; so instead of going home, you both took a walk in the park and enjoyed the New York breeze and the sunset.
Ever since that night, things just got better from then on. You took an instant shine to Brian and after a few months of chatting over the phone and going on a few more confirmed dates. You started a relationship with him. The pair of you took it at a slow paste and kept it on the down low at first. During that process, Brian opened up to you about his past relationships, his engagement that happened over ten years ago and his mental health that he struggled with from time to time. Those things didn't stop you from loving Brian though. You took care of him and he took care of you. If Brian wanted time alone, you gave it to him. If you wanted someone to cuddle up to, Brian would give it to you. You communicated with each other and it made your relationship work. Once things became a bit more intimate and open, you started spending a few nights at Brian's place and when he wasn't at either job the next day, he'd stay the night at your place.
When you came forward to Sal about your relationship with Brian, he was surprised and mind blown. Sal didn't think much of Brian chatting you up a few months back so he shrugged it off; but now it had actually led to something. While Sal felt like strangling his friend for dating and sleeping with his youngest sister, he knew that he should accept it and be glad for you. Sal saw that you were deeply in love with Brian and that made his heart melt; he even appreciated how Brain took care of you which he was proud of. Plus with everything that Brian had been through in the past, Sal could see that his friend was pleased and adoring his time with you. The happiness you gave Brian changed him and it showed through his demeanor. So Sal took the news rather smoothly and appreciated the chemistry you two had.
Skipping over to 2015, you and Brian were still together and just as in love with each other from day one. The filming of Season 4 of the Impractical Jokers was coming to an end and after so long, you had finally agreed to be a decent part of the show. After a while, you changed your mind and finally agreed to it. You even helped plan the punishment for the end of Season 4.
You were good at acting and had a twisted sense of humor just like your brother. It troubled Sal and Brian that you didn't fancy taking part in the show a lot earlier on; but you were down for it now and ready to go.
You were in the background of the previous Season. Season 3 that being and was only mentioned by Sal when Murr married Jenna as a part of Sal's punishment. Sal was so confused and hated that it was Murr randomly marrying Jenna instead of Brain marrying you. However, that punishment was coming up again for Sal, but in a different form to celebrate the end of Season 4 and Q's flourishing engagement to you.
Your engagement to Brain had been kept a secret between Joe, Murr and close family. Brian of course asked your Father for his permission to propose to you and he without a doubt, he gave it to him. Your Dad, had known Brian for years because of Sal and thought he was a charming good looking man. So he was more than delighted for a man like him to take your hand. The only person that didn't know about Brian proposing to you, was Sal and it needed to remain that way for a little while.
What did surprise you though, was Brian proposing to you after all, it was something you would NEVER expect him to do, so you never brought the idea up to his attention. After knowing Brian on a much higher and personal level for so long, you knew that he wasn't knee on marriage. Not only did you know of Brian's ex-fiancée and how all of that went down the drain, but you watched Episodes of the Impractical Jokers and found out something interesting when Brian wasn't home one day.
There was one Episode where the guys were in a dress shop for brides to be and it was mentioned that Brian was engaged years ago. Years before you knew of his existence. Brian wasn't pleased about the story and rolled his eyes when it was brought up. He explained that he thought it was a stressful thing to plan, that he had to go through with the flower shopping and all of the invitations, you got the idea. You got the hint that marriage wasn't Brian's thing.
So when Brian did pop the question to you. You almost passed out and felt your heart palpitations through your rib cage. You of course had zero hesitation in becoming Mrs Quinn and cried with joy as Brian gave you the ring he had chosen for you. However, you did have to ask your future husband, "What made him want to try marriage again after the pain he suffered from in the past?" Brian replied with. "It's different when you're truly in love with the right person and more than ready to settle down." You had seen Brian come a long way in such a short duration of time and you couldn't be more proud of him.
"As you all know, Sal is our big loser for tonight's episode and we have a rather similar but also sweet punishment for him." Joe kicked off and spoke to the camera.
"If you remember from last season's final punishment, I married Sal's sister in front of his entire family." Murr chuckled at the camera and turned to Q.
"And if you remember any more of that punishment, you'll know that Sal asked why couldn't it be me and his other sister marrying instead." Q also laughed with his arm around your shoulders.
"So today it's happening. Q and I have been keeping our engagement a secret from Sal and today we're gonna get married in front of both of our families and a load of our friends." You spoke out your part for the first time on the show.
"Sal doesn't know anything about this wedding or what his punishment is. We've just given him a smart tuxedo and a time to show up at the church we'll be marrying in." Q commented on his second part.
"The catch is, when Sal pulls up at the church, he'll be greeted by some dodgy-looking grave diggers who will be welcoming him into the chapel." Murr clapped his hands together.
"The aim is to make Sal think he attending anything, but a wedding. If he does somehow know it's a wedding he's crashing, he'll be arriving AFTER Q and (Y-N) have said their vows." Joe announced the harsh part of the punishment.
"If we time it right, Sal might just see, you may kiss the bride." Murr raised an eyebrow at the camera.
When Murr said 'You may kiss the bride' Q pulled you closer to him and gave you a quick kiss to show off for the camera.
"Not now, save that for later. You need to get ready, it's bad luck seeing the bride before your wedding." Joe rolled his eyes and funnily pulled Q away from you.
A few more hours went by and everyone was preparing for the wedding. All of your family and friends were seated and Brian was at the alter with Murr and Joe by his side.
Momentarily, you walked down the aisle with your Dad linking your arm and he gladly gave you away to become Mrs Quinn. The pair of you smiled at each other and held each other's hands as the priest gave his speech. The priest and photographers' cameras were the only things to be heard. There were no cameramen or crew inside during the actual wedding since you wanted to keep it private from the show... Plus they needed their attention on Sal for when he arrived.
"Why the fuck am I at church? I'm not crashing someone's funeral am I?" Sal questioned himself as the cameraman and one of the producers focused on him parking his car. "You need to go inside." Someone explained to Sal. "Right... Those guys outside look edgy. I hope it's not MY funeral. I'm not getting buried alive am I?" Sal spoke and widened his eyes and straightened out his blazer after he exited his car.
Sal made his way to the church and stood inside the entrance with the second set of doors closed in front of him. He gave the two pretend grave diggers strange looks as he honestly thought he was about to walk in on a funeral for his punishment. Sal pressed his ear against the door before entering to see if he could hear anything before he crashed an old woman's funeral.
"Ohh God, here we go." Sal gulped and pushed the heavy wooden doors open that revealed the end of your wedding.
Sal stood in the doorway in pure shock and dropped his jaw. Everyone turned around looking at Sal even the photographers were snapping pictures of Sal with the flash on.
"Are you fucking with me right now?" Sal covered his mouth and stumbled into the doorframe out of shock.
"I now pronouns you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The priest announced seconds later after Sal almost collapsed.
Brian swerved you into his arms and tipped you just like Murry did with Jenna the previous year.
"Guys? Can you hear me?" Sal muttered into his mic that was under his tuxedo. "Yeah, bud we can hear you. We're at the altar with the bride and groom." Joe picked up a microphone and communicated with Sal through his earpiece. "Are you for real?" Sal questioned as he watched yours and Brian's kiss. "Hey, you said last season that you'd rather it be Q and (Y-N) and now it's happening." Murr spoke into the mic shared with Joe. "Yeah, but I don't want their relationship to seem like a joke for TV." Sal sweetly mentioned as held his chest and felt his face turn pink. "Aww." Murr sweetly cooed. "This isn't a joke, Buddy. This is their actual wedding. You're just really late for it." Joe held his chest with some nerves but also confirmed the idea of the punishment. "You are some sick bastards, you know?" Sal held his head in his hands and watched you and Brian walk down the aisle together after your kiss.
"Hi, Sal." You smiled at your brother as you held your now husband's hand at the exit of the church. "Ohh my God, you're so beautiful." Sal sniffed and tried to hold his happy tears back as your beauty surprised him.
"Thank you." You let go of Brian's hand and went to give Sal a brotherly hug.
"Hey, dude, this isn't a joke, is it?" Sal hugged you back and asked a very formally dressed and handsome Mr Quinn. "Even though you're punishment has just happened, this is all official. This is our real wedding. There are not gonna be any annuals or divorces afterward. This is the real deal." Brian confirmed to Sal and took your ringed hand back in his. "Just take care of her, brother." Sal nodded and ignored the idea of the punishment so he could focus on his little sister getting married just a few seconds ago.
And that was your wedding. Only the very end of it was made into the final Episode since there was very little or uninteresting footage to watch. You were expecting Sal to blow up at Brian for actually marrying you. Then Brian was expecting Sal to get angry for being invited to your wedding after it was over. But Sal didn't react in such a way. Deep down he thought that it was great that you had finally married.
When the episode was released, it got mixed reactions from fans around the world.
Some saw it as another funny punishment like previously.
Some thought it was cruel for Sal to miss his little sister's wedding.
Some thought that the Jokers were running low on ideas and just recycling old ideas.
Some people didn't even believe that Q had tied the knot and got married to Sal's sister.
Over the years when Brain was filming more seasons of the show, doing tours around the states, meet and greets with fans he always wore his wedding ring. People asked him all the time if it was real and didn't believe the pictures of you two on Instagram and Twitter. People even believed that it was a very long joke that Q was dragging throughout the years, but that wasn't the case.
The photos of your honeymoon were real.
The photos of you with Brian's cats were real.
Even the videos of you and Brian spending time together in public were real.
People just found it hard to believe and it didn't help that Brian was a comedian and on a show that was full of jokes and embarrassing his friends.
The year 2019 and only a couple of months were left in the year. That meant 2020 was just around the corner and Season 9 of the Impractical Jokers was in the making. And of course, Sal was being punished again, but you and Brian had an idea for Sal's punishment. It included you and you had to be careful with how the punishment was going to be executed. The reason being, the guys had tried using you in the past for jokes and punishments, but Sal caught on and the jokes failed because he saw the cameras and earpiece in your ear. Brian found a way around that problem, he got the crew to hide cameras super carefully and replaced your earpiece with earphones so it looked like you were listening to music. When in reality, you were listening to Brian, James and Joe on the other side.
"Sal is our big loser tonight and boy do we have a punishment and some news for him." Q commented to the camera.
"Right now, Sal is sitting in one of our dressing rooms and is currently unaware that his punishment is coming so soon." Joe spoke out as a camera view of Sal scrolling through his phone popped up on their screen.
"Delivering Sal's punishment is the lovely Mrs (Y-N) Quinn who is joining us from outside the building. (Y-N) can you hear us alright?" Murr asked as he double checked to see if he could hear you.
"Yeah, all good, guys. Is Sal on his own?" You asked looking up at the camera.
"You make it sound like you're about to jump him." Murr chuckled with the other boys laughing.
"Well..." You joked and rubbed your hands together.
"Sal has no idea that (Y-N) is in the studio today, so her visit will be a complete surprise to him." Joe added.
"We've tried including (Y-N) with punishments and jokes in the past for Sal, but things didn't go as planned." Q commented after Joe to the camera.
"So we've hidden cameras in the dressing room which I hope is legal and we're communicating with (Y-N) through a telephone call that she's listening in on through her earphones." Murr pulled his phone up and showed the camera the phone call he was having with you.
"It was a good idea that, Sal normally spots the earpieces when we try to include (Y-N)." Joe complimented Q's genius idea to get you in on the punishment.
"Indeed, it was. Now let's get this started. Head on in, Sweetheart and head to the dressing room." Q spoke to you through the mic and watched you enter the building.
You headed into the studio and followed the signs to the dressing room to find your brother. The nerves eventually started to build up and you came to a stop as you saw Sal facing away from the door through the glass window on the door.
"I'm getting nervous the closer I get. Is that normal?" You whispered and clenched your teeth together.
"I-I'm nervous too. Just walk in." Q stuttered and encouraged you to walk in.
"Why are you nervous? You're allowed to tell her to say anything and she's agreed to do it." Murr grinned as his friend's nerves were humourous to him.
"I know but I've got a good one to start with and I fear she'll hate me afterwards." Q told Murr which got him excited.
You took a deep breath and a few seconds later, you entered the dressing room while snapping into character.
"Umm, hi, (Y-N)... What're you doing here? I thought you had an appointment today?" Sal lifted his head from his phone with a surprised expression on his face as he saw you. "Been and gone. Have you seen Brian at all today? He's not answering his phone." You sniffled and took one earphone out so you could hear Sal a little better and to make the whole thing more believable. "Yeah, I have seen him. I've seen him all day." Sal slowly leaned his head away from you thinking that you were ill.
"(Y-N), tell Sal that pregnancy isn't contagious and to quit being a germaphobe." Q took hold of the microphone and gave you your first instruction.
"HAHAHA OHH MY GOD THAT'S GREAT!" Murr burst out laughing and clung onto Joe for dear life. "She's trying so hard to stay in character. Look at her, she's furious!" Joe held Murry up and also burst out laughing.
"Jokes on you two, (Y-N) and I have been planning this for a while now." Q smiled at his friends being completely oblivious as he unplugged the microphone so you couldn't hear them. "Wait... What?" Murr turned his head to Q with a baffled grin. "What a way to start Season 9, ayyeee?" Q held his arms out with a smug expression. "(Y-N)'s pregnant?" Joe gasped with a little bit of excitement. "Baby Quinn, May 2020." Q raised his brows at Murr and Joe. "Ohh my God, congratulations, Buddy." Joe congratulated Q and hugged him. "Thanks, dude." Q hugged him back and then received the same from Murr.
"So you've known for quite some time then?" Murr asked as he pulled away from the manly hug. "Yeah, since September." Q simply explained with an exhale of nerves. "Fucking Hell, you kept that secret well hidden, didn't you?" Murr laughed and patted Q's shoulder. "Ehh, it was (Y-N) who wanted to scare Sal by telling him so we came up with this idea a month or two back." Q shrugged and plugged the microphone back in. "You married the right woman, Q. Her sense of humor is brilliant." Joe announced and looked back at the screen with his white smile. "I thought you hated children though?" Murr clicked his fingers since Q wasn't keen on children. "I do. But I didn't think I'd get engaged again and now look at me... Happily married." Q shrugged off Murr's remark and held his ringed finger up to the camera.
"Pregnancy isn't contagious, Sal. Quit being a germaphobe for once in your life." You rolled your eyes and sat beside Sal in the free chair next to him. "You know I have a weak immune sys... Wait, WHAT?!" Sal exclaimed after he realized what you'd said.
"(Y-N), ignore all of Sal's questions and act as casual as possible like it's no big deal." Murr commented to you and understood the idea of the punishment to torture Sal.
"I-it's no big deal, but I could do with talking to Brian about it." You shrugged and managed to keep a straight face as Sal's jaw dropped. "I-I'll call him." Sal suggested and pulled up your husband's contact with a gulp.
Sal called Brian's phone and there was no answer. Probably, because Brian purposely left his phone in the dressing room so Sal had no way to get in touch with him.
"Ohh you're fucking kidding me?" Sal covered his face as he saw Brian's phone light up and ring from the other side of the room.
"L-let me get this straight. You've just found out your pregnant... and I'm the first person you come to? Why not Jenna or Mom?" Sal pointed out as he didn't know how to react since Brian didn't answer.
"Tell him he's your big bro bro, but pout about it." Joe ordered you with a snicker.
"You're my big bro bro and you're supposed to be here for me, Sal." You sniffled again and forced a tear out. "D-don't cry. Fuck. Are you sure?.. I mean, is it confirmed?" Sal exhaled and puffed his cheeks out as he could see your discomfort.
"Alright, start panicking and tell him you think I've gone for milk." Q spoke into the microphone and made the other two Jokers burst out laughing at each other.
"What if he's gone for milk and not coming back?" You covered your eyes and avoided eye contact with your brother. "Well... You'll be able to make your own soon." Sal muttered loud enough just for the mic to pick up.
"Salvatore Edward Anthony Vulcano!" You snapped at Sal as you didn't expect him to come out with that.
Sal quickly turned his head to you as it was only your Mother who used his full name when he was in trouble.
"Sorry, I'm more hormonal than menstrual now." Joe laughed into the mic for you to say.
"Sorry. I'm sorry... I'm just more hormonal than menstrual now is all." You explained and remained in a straight face with the fame tears. "I don't wanna hear it." Sal shivered at your comment. "Will you be in the delivery room when the time comes?" You then changed the topic without any orders from the boys and listened to them die from laughter.
"OHH my GOD! I love this woman!" Q cleared a tear of laughter away from his eye and continued to watch the monitor.
"That's fucking disgusting, not a chance! Go find your baby daddy." Sal pointed to the door and gagged at the idea. "I can't! I told you, he's gone for milk." You slammed your hand on the table and started to confuse Sal.
"Are you pulling my leg right now or is this a way of telling me that you and Q are separating?" Sal thought to check and held his chin hoping that it was just a joke. "Does it look like I'm pulling your leg, Sal? Do you see any cameras?" You showed your hand around the room as the cameras were too well hidden for you to see. "No." Sal exhaled and wiped the sweat off his forehead.
"Look. I know we're close and all, but there's close and then asking me to watch a person come out of a person." Sal gagged again as his imagination got the better of him.
"That's grim, dude. Tell him you're paranoid about having twins" Murry commented through the mic.
"What if it's twins?.. Or triplets? I only have two boobs to feed two babies. I can't cope with three." You held your chest and broke Sal as he started to turn paler. "Ohh, Christ no." Sal slouched in his seat.
"(Y-N), I'm coming down to you. Keep irritating him." Q chuckled, took his earphones out and ran down to the dressing room.
Brain hurried down to the dressing room with a cameraman following behind him. Thankfully, the dressing room wasn't too far from the current setup and Brian was able to join in on Sal's punishment shortly.
"Hey. You guys seen my phone anywhere?" Brain popped his head through the door. "Y-YOU! Get your wife and get your phone out of here!" Sal pointed at you and Brain's phone.
"Ohh for fuck sake." Sal lightly laughed and face plammed after he spotted the cameraman.
"What's going on, bro? Get a little faint during that punishment?" Brain smiled with his perfect white teeth showing as he picked up his phone. "That was sick... but good. You honestly scared the shit out of me." Sal exhaled and patted your hand as you too laughed with him and your husband. "Speaking of your punishment, it's reminded me to show you something. I was gonna show Joe and Murray, but I may as well show you while I'm here." Brain clicked on his gallery and started to show Sal something that made the punishment go back to serious.
The video was only a couple of seconds long. Brian was recording with his phone and the medical sonographer was using an abdominal transducer on your abdomen that was a tiny bump. The camera view lifted from your three month pregnant belly and up to the monitor that showed a plum-sized fetus with a heartbeat.
"Are you being serious?" Sal dropped his jaw again and quickly turned his head to you. "Yep." You nodded and covered your mouth with your hand held up to your lips. "You can't be fucking with me now guys. That video looks real as shit." Sal questioned as his heart rate went up again. "Because that video is real, it was taken last week. We're not fucking with you now, pal." Brain smiled and pocketed his phone. "Last week? What the fuck?" Sal clenched onto the side of his head. "You're gonna be an uncle, Sal." You put your arms around Sal and leaned your head on his padded shoulder.
"So you purposely fucked with me about a real pregnancy, got me to think that it was fake for a second and then dropped the real deal on me after I had a fucking heart attack?" Sal explained to get the story straight as he put an arm around you. "The ultimate stress giver, right?" You chuckled and rubbed Sal's shoulder to comfort him. "You don't understand how uncomfortable I was when you said those things to me. I actually took you seriously because you can act." Sal held his chest as he seemed to calm down his mixed emotions. "I bet the tears made it more believable too." You added.
"We've had this punishment planned for a few months too." Brain confirmed. "A few months?!" Sal shockingly questioned. "Yeah, baby Q due May 2020." Brian confirmed and held his arms out to Sal. "Wow, congrats you two." Sal spoke and did what his instincts told him to do by giving Brain a celebratory hug.
-2020 {Present Day}-
Now being up to date with your relationship and current past events with your husband, Brian. The present day was February 22nd and the year was 2020. Life carried on and so did the filming of Season 9 of the Impractical Jokers. Some things had been delayed because of a coronavirus spreading globally, but that wasn't stopping the filming of Brian's punishment on a busy Saturday weekend.
It was an early Saturday morning at 07:30am and Brian's alarm was calling him awake from his bedside table. Brain hit the snooze button and shuffled closer to you sleeping on your side of the bed for a morning cuddle. Brain watched where he placed himself when he cuddled up to you since one of his cats was asleep on the bed with you both. One of the rules about owning a cat is that you can't move them when they're asleep or comfy and both of you stuck with that rule.
"You gotta get up." You mumbled and shimmied further back to get closer to your sleepy partner. "In a bit." Brian inhaled and kissed the back of your head with his arms around you.
"You got morning glory?" You grinned and turned your head back to Brian who had his eyes closed. "Mmhmmm." Brian confirmed and made adjustments for you to turn around and face him. "Well, we can either sleep in for a little longer or we can have some fun." You kissed Brian on the lips and piqued his interest. "It's always gonna be the second option." Brian grinned and kissed you back with no hesitation.
The intimate kisses with your husband were always passionate and always made you breathless. Brian took charge of your kiss as your lips locked together without separating. You comfortably laid on your back and Brian hovered over you as you continued making out and getting each other aroused. Brian separated himself from the kiss and sat up for a split second to pull his shirt over his head and toss it to the floor so he was just in his underwear.
The cat that was asleep on the bed had now ran elsewhere and that made it easier for you to undress yourself from the waist down. Your husband didn't reunite with the usual mouth on mouth action, he lifted your chin with two fingers and went to kiss your neck down to your collarbone with a few little sucks and his fingers trailing along your skin. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you plaid with Brian's long messy hair that was irresistible for you to play with. You ran your fingers through Brian's hair from root to tip and loved that it would rile him up. Even doing little pulls and controlling him from time to time made him huff much heavier with his sexy deep voice.
Fifteen minutes later, you and Brian had finished and had your pleasure for the morning. Brian relaxed on his back completely naked with you cuddled up to his panting chest. The duvet was twisted in different ways and only covered Brian's bottom half. As for you, you'd pinched one of Brian's T-Shirts, one that you had previously slept in and kept it that way since it worked well as a nighty. If it was comfortable for you, Brian was fine with it and didn't complain about you being comfortable.
"You ok there?" You giggled and kissed Brian's cheek. "Yeah, I could go back to sleep right now though." Brian exhaled and lowered his eyes. "You need to get up, Mister. The boys are waiting on your punishment." You lightly tapped Brian's face and tried to get him up. "I know, I've gotta be on a Facetime call in five minutes... Wait. You know what my punishment is, don't you?" Brian spoke and turned his head to you hoping you'd know something. "Of course, I do." You answered. "So?" Brian asked. "I'm saying jackshit. You'll see soon enough." You pointed to the door and encouraged Brian to make a move.
So Brian finally got out of bed and covered himself with his robe for the video call he was having with his friends shortly.
Sal, Murr and Joe were already on the call, dressed, looking presentable and waiting for their friend Q to join them who was tired, naked under his dressing gown and cuddling with his cat that followed him into his study.
"Ahh good morning, Sunshine. Nice of you to finally join us." Murr greeted a very exhausted Q. "Morning, guys." Q commented as petted his adorable black cat, Benjamin. "Dude, your kid isn't even here yet and you look like you've been up all night." Joe added since he knew the issues of having young children. "I'm tired for another reason but I'm gonna avoid that topic since Sal's here." Q cheekily commented to get a rise out of Sal. "Ahh, still getting the deed done then, Buddy?" Joe laughed with a thumbs up with Murr wheezing on the video call.
"You know? There's no point in avoiding the topic of your sex life anymore. Not only have you knocked up my sister, but before you started dating her, even in high school, you were the one with a dirty mind and constantly spoke of your sex life." Sal tried so hard to crack up and attempted to be serious. "Not just that, you can tell Q has been on top of her already. Look at his hair." Joe pointed out at Q's scruffy greying hair. "I bet you're naked under that robe too." Sal sighed knowing full well that Q had been in you no longer than ten minutes ago. "Yeah." Q laughed that made Benjamin jump down and show the guys that he was naked from the waist up. "Fuck me." Sal held his head in his arm and avoided looking into the camera. "Alright, let's get this punishment started." Q nodded and pulled his robe back over his chest to get the filming of the punishment started. "Yeah, let's go. Ready? 3, 2, 1." Murr agreed and settled down his laughing expressions for the show.
"Q's our big loser, we're all at home. But Q, you don't have the day off." Joe started with the commentary.
"Yeah, if you don't mind we need you to run a couple of errands for us. Murray then followed up afterwards with his hands held together.
"No, I do mind. I'd rather be spending this quality time with my wife and cats. You know, I've got my robe and Benjamin Cat here. So I mind a lot actually." Q responded and encouraged his cat to jump on his lap again.
"Sure, it Q, that's not how this works. Here's what we need you to do. There's a car waiting for you in the lot of our high school and that's all I can really speak on right now." Sal jumped in on the chatter.
"Yeah, you won't be able to miss the car, we promise." Joe added with a fun smile.
"Alright, let me get dressed, I guess." Q shrugged and sarcastically looked into the camera
So Q got dressed, made his hair more appropriate for the show and drove down to his old high school for 08:45am. Once he arrived, he knew Joe was right about not being able to miss the car and when he did; Q had a rough idea of what was happening.
"God, they're like the muppets from Hell. How many songs do they play?" Q gazed into the car window and watched the five mini puppets in the back wave side to side.
"It's just this one." One of the producers answered.
"One song? Do they play it to make me DRIVE off the road?" Q rhetorically asked and pulled the car door open.
"I feel like I ate mushrooms." Q then hopped in the car and gave the huge orange puppet a look of horror as it sat in the passenger's seat.
Q adjusted himself to the seat and took the keys to his vehicle for the day. Just before he was about to turn the engine on, he got an incoming video call from Joe.
"You fucking son of a bitch. This is going to drive me insane." Q answered as Joe popped up on his phone.
"Sorry, but you lost." Joe replied with a pearly white smile.
"Why me? Give this to Sal. Why did you make me come here?" Q smiled back and asked for his task.
"Well I'm hungry, I need you to bring me some nutrition." Joe replied with his answer.
"Ohh my God, is that it? I'm driving around delivering food, while this shit plays in the back?" Q got the idea of the punishment and leaned closer to the camera.
"Yeah, you're Q-ber Eats." Joe joked about Q's service.
"Alright, what do you wanna eat? Q asked.
"One of my favorite restaurants, unfortunately is in midtown Manhattan. Veggie Grill." Joe announced to his friend.
"YOU WANT ME TO DRIVE INTO MANHATTAN WITH THIS SHIT?!" Q exclaimed after hearing how far he had to drive drive drive.
"I mean you should take their advice, Buddy. You got a long day ahead of you. You should drive, drive, drive." Joe continued to laugh at Q's suffering.
"Alright, I'm hanging up on you. I'll see you in about three hours." Q sighed and hurried his finger to the hang up button.
Q had no hesitation in setting off to Manhattan, it was roughly 25 miles from his current location to Veggie Grill and there was thankfully no traffic, so that gave Q a great start. But it didn't just stop anywhere near there, he had to pass through Long Island to deliver the food to Joe's house which was almost two hours away.
The time was 12:08pm when Q arrived at Joe's house. Q honked his horn to say he'd arrived almost as if the singing puppets wasn't a big enough indicator.
"Here you go." Q jumped out of the car and passed Joe his food.
"What did you do to it?" Joe accepted the food and asked with caution.
"I didn't do anything to it." Q shrugged and put his hands in his pockets.
"That's good. You didn't get it from me." Joe grinned and pulled a green box out of his jacket.
"Laxative?" Q took the box with confusion as he studied it.
"I don't know. Murray's food might get something in it?" Joe winked at Q and turned around.
"OHH hahaha." Q accepted the little gift and put it in his pocket.
"So who am I going to now?" Q thought to ask.
"I'm pretty sure, Sal." Joe replied and took his dog back inside.
"So I'm driving back to Staten Island?" Q lowered his face since he was basically driving back home.
"Bye, buddy." Joe jokingly waved goodbye to Q.
Then Q was back on his way to continue with his punishment. He had one down and so he thought, two to go.
The time was 12:20pm and Q had driven 75 miles so far. In the process, he got another call, but from Sal this time.
"Ohh, my God. It's unbearable." Sal commented and held his earphones in to try to hear Q over the puppets.
"Yeah, I know." Q moaned as his facial expressions got worse and worse but funnier and funnier.
"Alright, so listen, Buddy. This is what I want. I want the Crave Case. I want it with cheese. I want it from the White Castle in the Bronx, that we filmed at." Sal explained and listed out his instructions.
"Come on, Man. You're two hours away!" Q sighed and looked back at his phone.
"You were the one who rang me at 02:30am the other week asking if I wanted anything from White Castle. I haven't had it since then and I want it now." Sal laughed as he brought up the midnight munchies rush Q had two weeks ago.
"Yeah. Because (Y-N) wanted White Castle and not only did you say yes. You let us pick you up, drive you to White Castle with us and drop you off back at your house; and may I add that this was the one on Staten Island, it's a ten minute drive!" Q chuckled and explained how the story went.
"Alright, I'm gonna go now, you're getting emotional like your wife." Sal covered this mouth and found the way Q told that story to be hilarious.
"That's your sister you're talking about!" Q shook his head at Sal's remark.
"Your problem now." Sal waved to Q through the phone and hung up on him.
After another two hours of driving, Q arrived at the White Castle where he and the guys had previously filmed at and collected your brother's Crave Case. However, twenty minutes after Q's visit to White Castle, karma kicked him in the ass and the traffic began. People were cutting people off, honking their horns and shouting out of their car windows. Meanwhile, Q was losing his sanity from the giant squeaking puppet and the same song playing on repeat.
Almost an hour went by and Sal rang Q to see where he was.
"Where are you?" Sal questioned on Facetime again.
"I've been stuck in traffic for the last hour. I think I'm gonna start crying." Q pouted and headbutted the wheel.
"Alright, well try not to drive, drive, drive, off a bridge." Sal mocked as the music didn't stop.
"I hope someone firebombs me." Q moaned and clenched his hair that dangled out of the top of his cap.
"Alright, Buddy see you tomorrow." Sal mocked Q since he was taking so long.
"I need to stop for gas too. You don't understand how many weird looks I'm getting right now." Q shivered and tried to concentrate on the road.
A little while longer passed and Q arrived back on Staten Island at 04:09pm. It wasn't until 04:20pm that he'd arrived at Sal's house with his food.
"Let's deliver this crap." Q groaned and pulled up to Sal's house.
"Are we there yet?" Sal came out of his house dancing to the irritating song. "No." The puppets sang back
"Ohh, shut up." Q sighed with no emotion and took Sal's food out of the back.
"Are we there yet?" Sal sang again and met Q at his car.
"No." The little puppets sang back again.
"Well, then it's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5." Sal continued to sing along and let the laughter take over.
"There's your Crave Case." Q handed Sal his food which was probably cold by now.
"You look like shit." Sal laughed at the torture Q had to put up with.
"Dude, I am harrowed." Q sighed with a fake smile as he felt his sanity slip away.
"That song is all over you." Sal commented with his teeth showing.
Sal and Q tried to blow over the insanely annoying musical puppets by laughing over them, but that wasn't the case for Q. He was only halfway done, meanwhile Sal went back inside calling out lunch and Q got back in the car of musical doom and a Facetime call from Murr.
"Hey Q! Aww, you look like you're having a blast." Murr kicked off the conversation as he sat in his hot tub.
"I got it. I got the routine. Just tell me what you want." Q understood and demanded Murr to get to the point.
"What did the other guys do? What did Sal get?" Murray questioned and thought about what he could get from Q-ber Eats.
"Sal wanted White Castle." Q said.
"Ohh my God, that sounds perfect. I would love White Castle too, but the one from the Brox." Murr clicked with his glass of champagne but without knowing that Q had just been there.
"You want me to go all the way back to the Bronx?! Where I just came from?" Q scoffed with a sad smile at Murr's request.
"I want the best and that's my favorite." Murr shrugged.
"It's not happening. I'll make a deal with you. Joe gave me this laxative to slip into your food. I promise to not mess with your food at all, if you just let me go to the White Castle on the way to you. Please!" Q begged and pleaded with Murr as he held up with laxative from Joe.
"My friend, you have a deal. A White Castle on the way is A-Ok with me." Murr agreed with his little ferret-like grin.
"AAHHH, YES! Thank you!" Q clenched his fists in success and started up the car again.
Q's third food delivery was now on route taking him to the White Castle in New Jersey. It was 04:45pm when Q arrived at the drive-thru and he'd currently done over 150 miles with his robotic carpool buddies.
It started to get dark outside and the traffic in New Jersey was just as bad as before. When Q got Murr's food, he could still the sun, but when he was sitting in traffic with his drink, he was literally sat there watching it go down. It wasn't until 06:30pm until Q started to get violent with the puppets and began punching the big squeaking orange one in the face multiple times.
"I feel like I'm losing my mind. The squeakings gotta stop." Q shook his head speaking to himself and put his right hand in the puppet's mouth.
"E-enough with the squeaking." Q then sheepishly said to the puppet that automatically turned its head to face him.
"OHH MY GOD! CHOKE ON IT!" Q lost his shit, pulled the guitar out of the puppet's hands and smashed the puppet in the face multiple times.
Thankfully, Q's violence stopped the squeaking and was now relieved of one more thing. Q celebrated his victory by himself as he'd stopped the little mouse orgy and finally ended up at Murray's house at 07:50pm with it now being pitch black outside.
"Hey! You made it!" Murr celebrated as Q pulled into his driveway.
"Hey, Bud. How you doing?" Q sighed in relief and left the car.
"Ohh my God, congratulations, Q." Murr took a peek inside the car to see what Q had gone through.
"It's over?" Q passed Murr his food and hoped it was over.
"Errr, not quite." Murr cringed and broke the news to Q.
"W-what? What do you mean not quite?" Q rapidly blinked at Murr.
"You're not gonna let your wife go hungry too are you?" Murr smiled and took his Crave Case from Q.
"Ohh for fuck sake, (Y-N). I have to take this thing home?" Q cried with a groan and turned back to the car.
"Yeah, pretty much. Enjoy the ride home. Safe travels." Murr commented and held his hand up to his exhausted friend who had been driving for almost half a day.
"Ohh, one more thing before you go, Q. Melyssa wants you to give this to (Y-N)." Murr quickly stopped Q before he left and handed him a small white box that had tape over every fold.
"What is it?" Q raised an eyebrow at Murr as he took the box.
"I dunno. Their business, not mine." Murr shrugged as he honestly had no clue.
"Alright." Q shrugged and put the box in the back.
Q shrugged at what Murray's wife had for you and put it in the back of the car before he got into the driver seat himself. Just as Q started the car, left Murr's property and began his journey back to Staten Island which was home to him. You got to signal to Facetime your husband and waited for him to answer.
"I should have known you were in on this." Your husband death stared at his phone as it was him that rang you this time.
"Not only am in on this, but the whole punishment was my idea." You giggled as you let Benjamin rest his head on your chest.
"THIS WAS YOUR IDEA?!" Brian exclaimed as he wasn't expecting that.
"Yeah, we were gonna stop your punishment with Murray, but we're hungry again. So why not kill two birds with one stone?" You smiled and rubbed Benjamin's head as he yawned for the camera.
"Is one of those birds me? Because you're killing me right now." Brian sighed.
"You'll be fine... Right. Sal, what do you want?" You clapped your hands together and accidentally scared Benjamin.
"Sal's there?!" Brain raised his eyebrows as focused on the road.
"Yeah, he picked me up earlier for White Castle and then he dropped me off back here an hour ago." You shrugged and sat yourself up as you were previously slouched on the couch in your living room.
"Yeah, but we're hungry again and could do with a Veggie Grill." Sal spoke as he was sat on the opposite side of the room away from the cats around you.
"What?" Q shook his head and took a peek at the camera.
"Joe said his was really nice." Sal smirked as he tried to keep a serious face when you pointed your phone at him.
"Go fuck yourselves! Both of you. I'll stop at a McDonalds or a Wendys on the way back and you can have what you're given." Q snapped basically telling Sal to do one.
"HAHAHA, You sound so much like an angry Father right now!" Sal clapped his hands together at Q's eye twitching ever so slightly.
"Well... I'm getting there." Q nodded and slowed down the car as he spotted somewhere.
"Alright, well you know what I like, get yourself something too and Sal will text you what he wants." You chuckled and turned your phone back to your face.
"Ok, Make it quick though because I'm waiting at the Wendy's Drive-Thru." Brian nodded and stopped the car in the queue.
"Alright, see you soon." You smiled and watched your husband attempt to keep it together.
Sal agreed to a Wendy's in the background and took out his phone to give Q his request.
Once Brian hung up, you and Sal chuckled at his misery and played the waiting game until he arrived back at his house. In the meantime, you watched a little bit of TV with Sal and had a little catch up as you waited for Brian to return from his challenging day.
"Do you hear that?" Sal paused the TV as he heard something familiar. "Is that the car?" You asked with a grin. "Yeah, let's go." Sal confirmed and jumped up from his spot.
You kept the same smile on your face and shimmied off the sofa with a little bit of difficulty due to your now six month belly. Sal held his hand out to you, pulled you up and you both went out of the front door to see the singing puppets and one mentally drained fully grown man.
It was 09:56pm when Brian returned and he immediately shut the car down, puppets, singing, music and everything that came with it.
"Welcome home, my love." You chuckled at Brian standing in front of the car and held your arms out for a cuddle.
"Hi, Sweetheart." Brian exhaled as he hugged you back and gave your back a rub.
"Long day?" Sal squirmed as Brian turned to him.
"If medevil torture was still ongoing today, this would be it. I am drained, mentally, physically and emotionally." Brian pointed to the car and took your gift from Murr's wife and your food out from the back.
"Well, you did it, well done, Pal." Sal added.
"Thanks, let's just get inside. I'm exhausted and starving." Q thanked Sal and headed for the house.
"Ohh wow, he's in a huge rush to get this over and done with." You chuckled to Sal as the cameraman focused on you.
"I honestly don't dare turn around because I feel like if I see them puppets again, I'll be triggered into traumatization." Brian commented to you and didn't turn back.
"HAHAHA!" You and Sal clung to each other before one of you hit the ground.
"Very funny. Like brother, like sister." Brian shook his head as he heard you both laughing and opened the door to his house before entering.
Then that was a wrap on Q's punishment, another punishment was ready to be edited into Season 9 for the fans to relish. The crew packed everything away, someone came to thankfully take the musical car away so it was left in the driveaway overnight. You joined Brian inside with your brother tagging coming with you.
"I'm gonna use your bathroom real quick." Small commented and turned a different way in your house as you went to find Brian sitting in the living room. "Ok." You responded.
"Hi, Honey." You sat beside Brian and shuffled over to him as he held his arm open to you with his legs up on the recliner. "Hey." Brian cutely smiled at the sight of you and gave you a kiss on the cheek. "As funny as it is, I won't talk about it. I heard you pull into the driveway and it was irritating me. So I know how you're feeling." You rested your hand on Brian's chest and put your leg over his. "Thank you. You're the best." Brian praised you and kissed you on the lips this time.
The kiss wasn't just an innocent peck though. You kissed Brian back and it turned into something more passionate. The pair of you had your lips pressing to each others constantly and you leaned yourself as close as you could to Brian before you ended up on top of him. Brian brought his spare hand up to your face and caressed your cheek and you slipped your hand over to his crotch and had a cheeky grab that made his gasp.
"Now? Sal will be back shortly." Brian huffed as he pulled away from the little make-out session and held your hand that was grabbing him through his joggers. "Alright, Mr Sensible." You playfully rolled your eyes and just went back to cuddling up to your partner. "Well, sorry, but I don't think it would be a good sight for Sal to walk in on." Brian added and rubbed your shoulders.
"What's not good for me now?" Sal asked as he joined you and Brian by sitting at the opposite side of the room. "Nothing, your food is sitting there." Q shrugged off the current interaction like nothing happened and pointed at Sal's food that was dished out for him. "So is one of your cats." Sal cringed and tried to shoo one of Brian's cats off the opposite sofa. "Just move her, she won't hurt you." You shrugged and took your food that Brian handed over to you. "She's looking at me funnily... Move cat." Sal waved his hand at the cat and cautiously shifted the feline. "You're a 42 year old man and scared of a ball of fluff." You pointed and encouraged the cat to jump up to you and Brian. "And Q is 43 and needs his pregnant wife to remove a spider from the bathroom before he goes for a shit." Sal joked and talked the situation to Q. "Being scared of spiders is more comprehensible than being scared of cats." Brian held his head in his hand and chuckled at Sal's true remark.
Things started to settle down for the night in the Quinn household. The three of you had finished your Wendy's, continued with the film you and Sal were previously watching and spent some family time with each other. Sal had a full sofa to himself and was comfortable with his feet up. You were leaning against Brian who had his arm around your shoulders as he had fallen asleep along with Benjamin Cat who was also asleep, but in between Brian's calves as they were crossed.
"I don't understand how you two can sleep or eat with those cats around you." Sal spoke as he noticed the sleeping cat on Brian. "They're harmless." You responded and peeked up at your sleeping husband. "They're terrifying." Sal corrected you. "Come on, you big pussy. I've got something to show you." You slipped yourself to the end of the sofa and got Sal to follow you as you left Brian to sleep.
"Seriously. What isn't scary about a creature that has sharp claws, pointy teeth, the ability to live nine times and can hear you while it's sleeping." Sal listened as he followed you out of the living room and into the kitchen. "For someone that is scared of cats you sure as Hell know a lot about them." You puffed your cheeks out and closed the kitchen door behind you. "If Q isn't talking about you at work, it's the cats." Sal put his hand flat out. "Aww!" You cooed and thought it was sweet about Brian talking about you at his work. "No. No aww. I know stuff about you that no brother should know about their sister." Sal waved his finger in your face as you started to smirk. "Hahaha!" You cupped your hands together. "Honestly. Who conceives their offspring in the back of a Jeep?!" Sal commented that made you wheeze and cling to the kitchen counter. "Ohh my God. He told you that?" You giggled and wiped a tear away from your eye. "He told me too much." Sal shook his head with a whisper. "Amazing. You know when went to White Castle last week at almost three in the morning and you sat in the back?" You grinned and held your hip for stability. "Yes?" Sal cautiously answered. "We did it there." You admitted and grossed Sal out. "You disgust me." Sal shook his head at you and found it gross as he didn't wanna think about you and Brian getting it on.
"On a more serious note about 'conceiving offspring' as you would put it. Melyssa made me some cupcakes." You got your thoughts together as you air quoted Sal and cut the tape off the white box that revealed cupcakes with pastel yellow frosting. "I thought you weren't doing a gender releave party?" Sal asked and raised an eyebrow. "We're not. I find it cringey how people congratulate you for getting cummed in and then they say it while holding your belly for an inappropriate amount of time. I don't let Brian touch my belly so never mind you, Jenna, Melyssa or Mom." You shivered at the thought of that concept. "But you let him fertilize you?" Sal rhetorically asked as he pointed to your bump. "Accident doesn't mean mistake." You clicked your finger and made Sal break a little bit as he tried to keep his laughter down.
"Anyways, when I went for my second scan a few days ago I didn't want them to just say 'it's a boy' or 'it's a girl' so I asked them to write it down and put it in an envelope." You explained to Sal with where the story was heading. "Sorry to interrupt, but what does Q think about this?" Sal butted in politely. "Ohh, he's not bothered. He told me he's hoping for a boy." You shrugged as that is what Brian wanted. "Really? Q wants a boy?" Sal raised an eyebrow as this was a first for him to hear. "Yeah, what did he tell you?" You folded your arms at Sal's remark. "He hasn't said to any of us. Joe asked him not too long ago and he was pretty shy about it. He's more hesitant and apprehensive than you think." Sal honestly answered you. "Really? He'll happily tell you about his sex life and where his son or daughter was made. But he won't tell you if he'd rather have a son or daughter?" You simply asked. "Pretty much, but you know what Q is like. When he's nervous or anxious about something he goes timid. Plus, you know of his past and how he copes. He bottles up his emotions most of the time." Sal waved his hands since you were both understanding of Brian's mental health. "True, he deserves his privacy though. I tell him if he needs me, he can tell me anything and he's normally pretty open. I am surprised that he's silent about that to you though." You commented on.
"So back to the cupcakes. Melyssa texted me asking how the scan went and I told her that it went well and that all is good. She was pleased to hear so and not only did she offer to bake these, but she came up with the idea since I don't want to do anything big or fancy." You explained to your brother as he fixed the small gaps together himself. "Ahh, I see. So you and Q are gonna be fat fuckers together and work your way through 30 cupcakes until one comes out pink or blue?" Sal questioned as he took out one of the sweet and soft treats. "Exactly. I'm gonna wait until the morning though, he's exhausted and I don't wanna wake him." You shrugged as you wanted your husband to have his rest.
"But... Two isn't going to hurt, is it? Like... What are the chances?" Sal picked up another cupcake and passed it to you with his temptation. "They do look good." You gave in and took the cupcake with its swirled frosting. "Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. You go first!" Sal nodded and let you go first.
You took the first bite out of your mini cake and as expected, no colour. To your predictions you were correct and it was just a pastel yellow frosting on the inside, the same stuff that was on the top.
"Your turn." You finished off your snack and encouraged Sal to take his turn.
Sal took his turn and to your slight surprise, his eyes lit up as if he'd struck gold. You had a feeling that Sal would mess with you to get your hopes up, but he remained as a speechless character.
"Very funny, Sal. It's yellow just like mine. Like you said what are the chances?" You shrugged and dusted your fingers off in the sink to be free of the crumbs. "I'm not joking, look." Sal managed to speak and turned the bitten cupcake to you so you could see for yourself.
You covered your mouth in disbelief as the frosting inside was clearly a different colour from the rest of the cupcake.
"What ARE the chances of that?" Sal huddled his shoulders in shock and put the cake on the side so he could give you a brotherly hug. "Tell me about it." You hugged your brother as he got a little red and emotional.
Whilst you celebrated the now known gender of your baby with your big brother, you checked the time and discovered that it was getting late. Sal mentioned that it was getting late and that he should be heading back home. You walked him to his car that was in your driveway and waved him goodbye as he set off back to his place. Once Sal was out of your sight, you headed back inside and locked the door behind you.
Brian was still asleep on the sofa and you wanted to leave him to his sleep after the stressful day he had; but you couldn't keep the excitement in until the morning. You quickly jumped back into the kitchen and took the cupcake that Sal hadn't finished. Moments later you re-joined your sleepy husband and cuddled back up to him with the coloured icing facing you so it wasn't the first thing he saw.
"Hey, Sweetheart." Brian gradually woke up and gave you a tired peck on the lips. "Hi." You kissed him back and grinned straight afterwards. "What's that smile for? You're not in the mood still are you? I'm beat." Brian mumbled and sat himself up from his slouched position. "No. No, I'm smiling for another reason. Try this?" You also sat up with Brian and lifted the cupcake up. "Food is food." Brian shrugged with a yawn and took a little bite.
"It's good." Brian nodded and looked over to you with a nod of approval. "But what colour is on the inside?" You pointed to the frosting on the inside. "Blue?" Brian answered without clicking on.
You didn't say anything in response, you gave your brows a wiggle and waited a few seconds for Brian to catch on.
"A boy? We're gonna have a son?" Brian snapped and realized what you were doing. "Yep." You confirmed and smooched Brian with an excited kiss.
"Wow... That's great." Brian smooched you back and took his hand to the back of your neck for a deeper kiss.
"I love you, (Y-N)," Brian told you as he gazed into your eyes, just like he did on day one. "I love you too." You told your husband in return and held your hand on his chest.
The End.
Ending YummyGhost (A-N)
I hope you enjoyed this piece of Impractical Jokers FanFiction. It was kind of difficult to write as I didn't wanna make it cliché and I wanted to get some details as accurately as possible. However, this piece was super fun to write and Impractical Jokers FanFiction is something I'm willing to write again. Maybe a Sal Vulcano X Reader. Maybe even a sequel or even a prequel to this One Shot. Depends on what people would like to read, so by all means, drop me a message or comment your ideas, interests and suggestions for more Impractical Jokers FanFiction.
Hopefully, I'll see you all in a future story or in the comments.
Bye bye :D
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