The next day, we were all stood in the cortex, listening to Jesse's story. Jesse had come here from Earth Two, seeking help. Harry had gotten invited to Gorilla City, to speak with the- well gorillas. Harry had lead an expedition there, and had been gone for two weeks. Eventually, a search party was sent in after them, and every one of the other members was found dead, Harrison Wells still missing.
We were now stood in the speed lab, Barry pointing right at the sentence that was written by HR Wells in white marker, "This headline from the future: the city's still recovering from a gorilla attack."
Joe crosses his arms, "So you're thinking this headline, and Harry being taken is tied together?"
"I mean, it can't be a coincidence, right?" Barry puts his hands on his hips.
I run a hand through my hair, "Barry's right. Harry getting lured to Gorilla City and being kidnapped, while everyone else was killed off? Grodd must be planning something."
"Seems like he's trying to come back to this Earth." Caitlin implies.
Cisco sits up slightly, "And not alone by the sound of it."
"If we rescue Harry, maybe that stops whatever Grodd's planning here and maybe that could change the future." Barry spoke.
Iris speaks up, "Which would change my future."
"Mhm." Joe hums, wrapping an arm around his daughter, "We save Harry, we save Iris. But, you're not sure."
"No," Barry shook his head, "But, I'm going either way. Harry's my friend. And I'm not going to abandon him. I'm going back to Earth Two."
"And I suppose you're gonna want somebody to come with you that's gonna open those breaches for you?" Cisco asks, practically reading Barry's mind.
"We had so much fun the last time." Barry reasoned, a slight hint of hesitation in his voice from saying this.
"Fun-ish." Cisco grins lightly, "I'm in."
"I'm gonna come too." Caitlin moves next to me, "I have a special connection with Grodd. Maybe, we can use that to get through to him."
Barry nods at the both of them, as I quickly and quietly blurt out, leaning against Caitlin, "Can I come too?"
Barry looks at me, almost already denying it as always, "Zee, this isn't safe-"
"Barry, come on." I shot him a look, reasoning with him the best I could, "Do we really have to do this? I mean, usually I never listen to you and eventually find a way to convince you into letting me come with. And recently, I've been actually helping instead of screwing things up."
"Fine." Barry sighs lightly in defeat, "But, you have to stay by me at all times."
"That was the plan." I shrug lightly.
"Great, yeah, I'm coming too." Jesse spoke up.
"No. Jesse, no, I'm sorry. but your dad would kill me if I let you come along." Barry shook his head at her lightly.
"Look, I didn't come all the way here to let you take all the risk." Jesse fought back, "I'm a speedster now, okay? I can take care of myself."
"I know, which is exactly why I need you to stay here. I mean, this city needs protecting while we're gone." Barry spoke, "Plus, maybe you could teach Wally a thing or two."
"Wait, what is he talking about?" Jesse asks, looking at Wally. Wally reveals his speed to her by vibrating his hand, Jesse not having the reaction that he had expected. Jesse seemed a little off to him, due to her not being as excited as he thought she would be when he showed her his speed, but we all just shrugged it off.
We all stood in the breach room, ready to leave. Barry and I were stood on the platform where Cisco would create and open a breach for us to go through, my face pushed up against Barry's chest, Barry's arms wrapped around me, him dressed in his suit. I was dressed in a pair of jeans, a black t shirt tucked into it, and one of Barry's bomber jackets I had found in our closet, my feet wearing a pair of heeled black ankle boots. My hair was down as per usual, but was slightly wavy due to the bun I had it in earlier, many hair ties still around my wrist.
"I can't believe we're leaving the city to go fight a bunch of gorillas." I mumble into Barry's chest, before looking up at him, pressing my chin where my face was previously pushed against, leaning into him still.
Barry lightly chuckles, pressing a short kiss to my lips, "To save a friend of ours."
In walks Julian Albert, dressed in the what we all thought was the most hilarious attire. Julian greets Joe, as Joe continued to laugh at his appearance.
"Indiana Jones much?" Cisco chuckles at Julian.
"Cisco, my friend this is not my first expedition and believe me, this is the perfect attire." Julian told him.
My head turns, confusion falling over my features, "That doesn't look like the proper attire for sitting in a CSI lab all day."
Barry is quick to cover my mouth with his hand, hints of a small smile on his lips, looking at Julian, "Hey, Julian, what's going on? I thought you were gonna cover for me."
"I spoke to Captain Singh, and he thinks we're at a morphology conference up in Bludhaven." Julian informs, looking at Joe, "And I believe- you're going to be covering for Zee, Detective?"
Joe simply nods, Julian continuing, "So, if it's all the same to you?"
"All right." Barry says, removing his hand from my mouth.
"Well, if you were gonna come, you could've at least dressed for the modern ages." I remarked, "Not like someone picked you up from an Indiana Jones movie."
Barry purses his lips tightly, trying his best to hold in a laugh, wrapping his arms around my neck, pulling my into his chest, forcing my mouth shut through that.
"You could've at least dressed for the journey, Detective." Julian told me, ignoring my remark, "Those boots will kill you on the walk."
I purse my lips shut, ignoring his comment, as Caitlin spoke, "You don't need to come Julian, you don't even know Harry."
Julian chuckles, "A chance to travel to another dimension, I wasn't going to miss that."
"We're not sight-seeing, Julian." Caitlin told him.
Julian pulls out the gun he owned, "Neither am I."
"Well, damn." Cisco nods, walking over to Barry and I.
"All right, Jesse, Wally, make sure this city's safe while I'm gone." Barry gives them a geninue smile.
"We will." Wally smiles.
"Hey, Barry." Jesse calls out, "If you see my dad- just tell him-"
"You'll see him real soon, Jesse." Barry reassured her, "Speedster's honor."
"That's a thing?" I look at him, as Julian and Caitlin come by us also, "I've never heard you say that before."
"Oh shush." Barry puts a hand on my lower back.
"Earth Two." Cisco spoke, placing on his goggles, opening a breach, "Here we come."
We all jump through the breach, a flash of blue shining before us, before we all land on our feet on Earth Two. We were in Gorilla City. Cisco smiles at Julian, "How was that?"
"Bloody brilliant." Julian says, already loving this mission.
"Well, we made it." Barry says, his eyes glued to what looked like some sort of gorilla fortress. There was obviously plants everywhere you looked, considering we were in the middle of the woods, and this was somewhere in Africa.
"Welcome to the jungle. baby." Cisco says, as we all eyed everything that was around us. It was quite chilly, even for where we were on Earth Two. Barry explained to Julian about how Iris' future would be affected if we had saved Harry now, resulting in the gorilla attack never happening, due to Julian's confusion.
"We're close, guys." Cisco informed us, his device beeping rapidly the closer we got to Harry's location, as we come to a stop, the device trilling now instead of beeping.
"This is it." Cisco says, every one of us confused, due to nothing being here, Caitlin speaking up, "Do you hear that?"
I bend over and grab Harry's watch that was on the ground, looking at everyone as the watch lightly rested between my fingers.
"It's a trap." Barry realized, the sounds of many darts whizzing through the air, as I felt a pinch in my arm, a small gasp leaving my lips, feeling my entire body go numb, Barry's eyes widening, reaching for me, but his actions were halted when a dart landed in his arm, a dart landing into Julian, Caitlin and Cisco also.
We all let out small grunts, before falling onto the ground, all of us passed out.
"You guys all right?" I heard Barry's voice as we all got up off the floor. We were all trapped in cages that were connected, Cisco and Julian in one, Caitlin and I in one, and Barry in the center, alone in his.
We all mumble small okays, assuring him that we were all okay.
"Well, looks like you're gonna have to phase us out of here." Cisco says, his hands on the bars. Barry attempted to phase through, but couldn't. I attempted to use my powers, as did Cisco, neither of our powers working also.
"There must be some sort of dampener." I mumble, my voice raspy and quiet, "Grodd's dampening our powers all together somehow."
The sound of footsteps catch all of our attention, as Harry Wells walks in, his expression straight as ever. His expression remained blank, no matter our calls of his name, trying to catch his attention, as he came to a stop in front of Barry's cell, "Hello, Flash."
"Grodd." Barry says, his voice lowering dangerously low, his voice raspy.
"What?" Julian spoke up in confusion, "That's Grodd the gorilla? He's talking to Wells, that's a thing?"
"Yeah, it really trips you out at first but trust me, you get used to it." Cisco simply says.
"Grodd, let him go." Barry told him, his voice remaining low, daring and raspy, fearlessness threaded in his tone, "This is between you and me."
I watched and listened to Barry in admiration, leaning my head against one of the bars of the cage Caitlin and I were trapped in together. Regardless of what situation we were in right now, he was hot. That was the man I was going to marry.
I shook my head at these thoughts once Grodd speaks, "Not yet. I need him."
"For what?" Barry asks, "Why'd you lure him here?"
"For you." Harry's voice was deep and quiet due to Grodd speaking through him, "Need your help."
"Help? You've got a funny way of asking for it." Julian spat.
"Grodd-" I called out, "What did you need help with?"
"You sent me here, remember? To live in this hell!" Grodd shouted through Harry, "Where I am forced to live under the rule of Solovar."
"Who's Solovar?" Barry questions before any of us could.
"Leader of Gorilla Kind. Ruler of Gorilla City." Grodd answered, "And now he wants to rule the humans. He will bring war to your Earth. He has seen many conflicts between gorillas and humans, he is afraid the humans will attack. But now that you're here, he will bring war to you."
"So you lured us here to stop him?" I ask.
"As trespassers, you will be sent to the arena and executed." Grodd says.
"What? How about a signpost at the front?" Julian said, "All trespassers will be executed. That wouldn't be the worst idea, would it?"
"Will be Solovar's honor to kill you himself." Grodd exclaimed, "But Flash, if he were to be defeated, the other gorillas would see his weakness, and would no longer follow him."
"Well, I'm not gonna kill anyone. Not even a gorilla." Barry said straight up.
"Kill or be killed!" Shouted Grodd, causing both Caitlin and I to flinch, "This is the only law Gorilla Kind understands."
"How do you benefit from this, Grodd?" Barry asks.
"Solovar falls, I take his place. I rule the gorillas, and I promise to keep them in Gorilla City." Grodd proposed.
"How do we know we can trust you?" Barry continued to question.
"Because," Grodd trails off, "Even though you sent me away, your Earth is still my home. And there are those among you, I will never forget."
With that, Harry's eyes roll to the back of his head, Harry throwing his head back, then falling onto one knee, grabbing one of the bars that held Caitlin and I in our cage, as I quickly fell to one knee also, catching Harry's wrist with my hand softly.
Grodd the gorilla comes from the steps, light shining behind him, "Kill Solovar, and your city will be spared. Fail, and see your home turned to ash."
Barry had defeated Solovar. After being pushed around for a bit, he had pulled a Reverse Flash, and defeated him. Barry being Barry, he had spared Solovar, and eventually ended up back in his cell. We had learned that Solovar had no intention on trying to overrun Central City, it was Grodd's plan, and he needed Barry to beat Solovar so he could become the leader of the gorillas, in order to pull it off, every gorilla following under his orders now. Anger was rushing through my veins while Grodd told us this through Harry's body, Harry now being trapped in the same cell with Caitlin and I, Grodd for some reason keeping Barry by himself.
I had tried to go at Harry while Grodd spoke through him, but Caitlin held me back, continiosuly reminding me that even if I did hurt him, I would be hurting Harry and not Grodd. Grodd needed Cisco to open a breach for him, so every gorilla can go through that breach to our Earth, to overrun it completely, and we would be left here to rot and die in the cages we were trapped in.
Eventually, Harry had woken up and thanked us all for coming for him. We had come up with a plan. Caitlin had used her powers to freeze Barry, and once Grodd let him out the cage and tossed him aside, Barry would vibrate back to warmth and let us all out.
Barry laid on the ground of his cell, his skin blue. The sound of Grodd's footsteps came closer as both Caitlin and I kneeled down, facing Barry, as I started to let out fake sobs, letting out sniffles.
"He started coughing, violently." Caitlin quietly spoke, looking at Grodd, her voice cracking quietly. "Then he clutched his side and keeled over."
"The injury-" I sniffle, wiping the side of my cheek that Grodd couldn't see with my sleeve as if there was a tear that slipped, "It must of ruptured one of his kidneys."
"He went into shock. His heart stopped. I couldn't resuscitate him." Caitlin quietly cried. I leaned my head against Caitlin's arm, my eyes slightly watered, as I stared at Barry's limped body. "He's dead."
Grodd opens Barry's cage, pressing his large finger to Barry's neck, "He was of no use to me anyway." Grodd grabs Barry by his leg, pulling him out, tossing him to the side and then leaves us.
"He's gone, Barry." Harry quietly called out, "Grodd is gone."
It took a minute, but then Barry starts to phase, before gasping for air, slowly sitting up, trying to get onto his feet.
"Yo, it worked!" Cisco raises his voice in excitement, forcing us all to instantly shush him, him repeating himself but in a softer tone, "It worked."
"Allen-" Julian quietly called out, "Allen, you alright mate?"
"I didn't freeze you too much, did I?" Caitlin asks.
"No, no I'm good." Barry said quickly, getting on his feet, reassuring us.
"Well then." Harry lightly scoffs, "Let's get the hell out of here."
Barry walks over to our cages, grabbing the huge lever that held us in, pulling it down with all his strength, having us rush out the cages, not being able to hold it down any longer. Barry lets out a deep breath, letting go of the lever, the loud sounds of the chains sounding the room. I threw my arms around Barry instantly, hugging him as tight as I could, after everything I had witnessed, only wanting to hold him.
He hugged back for a moment, pressing a kiss to my head, before pulling away from me, "Let's save the hugging for when we get home, okay? We have to go now."
Barry grabs us all, rushing us out and to a spot in the woods, grunting, "All right, we should be far enough out that you should be able to use your powers."
"We need a breach open right now." Harry says, the light rain drizzling onto all of us.
"Guys, we got to go before they realize we're gone-" I raise my voice, looking around, running a hand through my slightly damp hair.
The sound of distant roars and rushed stomps caught all of our attention, as Julian spoke, "It's too late for that."
"Run!" Caitlin shouts as we all ran, "Open a breach!"
We all come to a stop behind Cisco, as he does what he was told, "It's time to warp out of this madhouse."
Barry shoves me lightly in the direction of the breach, forcing me to go through first, the rest of them jumping in right after me, a flash of blue before our eyes, before we were back in the breach room on our Earth.
"You scared the crap out of me when you were out in the arena." I hit Barry's shoulder lightly, walking away from him and into the kitchen. I had changed into a pair of sweatpants and one of Barry's t shirts. Barry had changed also, also in sweatpants, but with a shirt and zip up sweatshirt on also, one that was unzipped.
He follows me, wrapping his arms around me from behind, "I still beat him."
"It wasn't fun watching you get your ass handed to you." I shot him a look, "But, you still won. Like you always do." I lean up, pressing a small kiss to his lips, then grabbing a banana from the bowl of fruit that sat on the counter.
"I love you so much." Barry nuzzles his face into my neck, wrapping his arms around me tighter.
"I love you more, but-" I held my banana up, "I'm hungry."
"I'm hungry too-" Barry lightly chuckles, his hot breath fanning against my neck, his hands slipping up my shirt and resting on my waist, his nose trailing up my neck softly as he starts to press small kisses down my neck, causing me to slowly set down the banana I was once holding.
"Oh?" I tone comes out as questionable. I exhale, leaning back into him, closing my eyes, "Oh-"
He hums in response, slightly turning me towards him, grabbing my thighs and lifting me up, setting me down on the counter opposite of where I was before, pressing his lips to my neck once more, trailing soft kisses down my neck, one hand remaining on my waist, the other moving up my back in a swift movement, playing with the clasps of my bra.
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