Many things had happened in a span of a day. Too many things for me to process. After Oliver, Thea, Ray, John and Sara were abducted, they some how managed to escape, and had the help to get back here from Nate and Amaya, due to Felicity figuring out where their coordinates were. They had informed us about the weapon they were planning on using, was to exterminate all meta humans, and they reason they chose those five was because they couldn't fight back. Due to them not being meta humans.
Meanwhile, Barry, Kara, and the rest of Team Arrow that had stayed back in Star City, recovered some sort of tech. Rene, Curtis and Rory were a great help.
Once we met up with everyone who got abducted and escaped, they had come up with a plan, to go back in time in the Waverider, abduct an alien and well, talk to it.
And that's where I found myself now. In 1951. On the Waverider, with Felicity and Cisco, while Mick, Amaya and Nate were out abducting the alien.
Cisco and I had sorted out our differences, only because I felt completely guilty that he felt this way and I felt as if I was trying to force him to just drop whatever he felt as if it never happened. I sat with Felicity, messing with the necklace Barry had given me way back when, staring at the ceiling, my curled hair hanging down from the top of the chair where I leant against it. I was dressed in a red skin tight plaid skirt, a black sweater, and black heels, a black belt wrapped around the skirt. This wasn't the proper attire to go time travel and kidnap an alien with, but it'll do.
But suddenly, we were running down steps, getting news from the alarms blaring that Mick, Amaya and Nate had been taken along with the alien. Felicity was the first to speak, "Crap, crap- crap. What do you think they're gonna do to them?"
"Those "Men in Black" types are probably gonna take em to a secret lab and run experiments on them-" Cisco explained quickly, "Have you seen "Stranger Things"?"
"Uhm- maybe too much TV, Cisco." I stare at him with wide eyes as Felicity and I followed him.
"Life imitates art, Zee." Cisco looks through different things, "Whether you two like it or not, we're gonna have to be the ones to save them."
"Yeah- yeah yeah. But we're the tech support." Felicity fought back, as I stepped back.
"I'm not." My eyes glow red, as my fists heat up, erupting in flames, my eyes landing on Felicity.
"Neither are we." Cisco opens a case, revealing different types of guns, "This is the tech support. Set your phasers to stun."
"God- this is so cool." Felicity says through gritted teeth, trying to contain her excitement, as I shook my head, a chuckle come from me.
"Y'all call for tech support?" Felicity says when we enter the place they were keeping Nate, Amaya and Mick, standing side by side with Cisco and I.
A scream from the alien next door caused me to mellow out into my non meta human state, my eyes and fists going back to normal as I looked back into the hall, "What the hell are they doing to it in there?"
"So you haven't seen Stranger Things?" Cisco looks at me.
"Cisco. Now's not the time." I told him.
"Great, saved by geeks." Mick mutters.
"For the record, I failed biology twice in high school." I stare at Mick, before looking at everyone else, "Cisco got the Waverider ready to take us back to 2016."
We ran into the hall, but come to a halt when we heard the alien scream once more. "If we leave him here, they're gonna kill him." Nate said.
"So? He's an alien." Mick shrugged.
"Just cause they're douches doesn't mean we have to be." Cisco reasoned.
"Well-" Felicity trails off, with a small chuckle.
"We've got to send him home. Maybe- it could affect their decision in the future somehow- by- I don't know- showing that we aren't a threat towards them." I took Cisco's side.
"How are we gonna send him home?" Amaya questions.
Cisco answers for me, "Don't we have one of their ships aboard the Waverider?"
"Yeah, but it's damaged." Nate tells him.
"Felicity's gonna help me fix it." Cisco told them.
Felicity looks at him, "I am?" She trails off, confused, not knowing she had agreed to this whatsoever, but she didn't have a choice at the matter, "I am gonna help him fix it."
The alien shrieks again, all of our heads snapping towards the room, "That doesn't sound good." Amaya spoke.
"Guys, it's up to us to show the Dominators we're better than this." Cisco looked at all of us, waiting for us to figure out what we were going to do.
"Then let's do it." I simply say, making my way to the shut room they had the Dominator in, Nate coming right beside me.
"You strong enough to kick this door down?" I ask him, my eyes ranking down the metal on the door.
He raises his leg up, kicking the door down, "Ya think?"
"Fascinating." A man spoke before we had broken the door down, as the Dominator shrieked in pain once more, "The creatures nervous system is not unlike our own, which means it must be capable of experiencing pain."
The minute we walked in, some sort of doctor was injected something into the alien, Nate going up to the man in the suit, "Maybe- that's why he's screaming."
Nate punches the man, knocking him out, as I do the same to the doctor, mentally cursing at myself for not changing into my suit, looking up at Nate, "Why didn't I just change into my suit? Why did I have to keep this damn skirt on?"
Nate shoots me a look, the corners of his mouth turning up a little, before we look down at the Dominator, as I spoke, "We're gonna get you out of here."
"I can't see, why can't I see?" Felicity asks once we got back to our time, due to how her body reacted to time jumping. We had gotten the alien safely onto its own ship and sent it home, before returning home ourselves.
"At least you're not throwing up-" I stood up, walking behind my chair, but I had spoken too soon, when she leaned out and threw up all over the ground.
The transponder chirped in Cisco's hand, catching everyone's attention. Something Cisco had stole, to get some sort of way to communicate with the aliens. Nate was the first to speak, "What's it doing?"
"I don't know." Cisco stares at the red light that came from it, everyone else standing up also, as we walk to a table, "Either our food's ready or this guys trying to talk to us."
"Hey, how do I answer?" Cisco asks, moves, placing the transponder on it, pressing a random button, a hologram of the alien we had saved popping up in front of us.
"Hey, oh my god. It's him." Cisco said in amusement, staring at the hologram.
"He's even uglier than the last time we saw him." Mick's deep voice sounded.
"65 of your years ago, you saved me from capture." The Dominator began, his voice sending chills down my body.
"Listen," I spoke up, crossing my arms, "You don't need to thank us. It's what we do."
"Saving people- and aliens, she means." Felicity spoke up right after me, putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah he does." Mick exclaimed, "He can thank us by turning around and heading home."
"I will show you my gratitude by sparing your lives, but I cannot do the same for Barry Allen." The Dominator went on, "If your friend does not turn himself in, we will have no choice but to deploy a weapon that will exterminate all meta-humans."
"This isn't up for debate." I heard Barry's voice sound through the old Star Labs hanger, my heels clicking as I ran as fast as I could in these heels, my eyes wide with alert, not wanting him to do this, everyone staring at him as he spoke.
"No-" I moved quickly, everyone heads turning towards me, as I come to a stop by everyone, staring at Barry dead in the eye, "It isn't up for debate- because you're not doing it. I'm not- no one in this room is going to let you sacrifice yourself."
"It's not even a close call." Barry sighs, "Turn myself over to the Dominators, they leave the rest of the world alone."
"What- so they can conduct extreme measures of experiments on you? So they can- keep you prisoner in their freak ship?" I fought back, anxiety over the top in my chest, fear that Barry was going to do this getting the best of me, as I was on full alert.
"Zee, this isn't your choice to make." Barry looked at me, shaking his head.
"Because this isn't a choice at all." I argued, "Turning yourself over isn't an option. The only option we have is to fight through this- make them retreat and leave."
"Barry, it doesn't matter what you've done. You can't do this." John took my side, as none of us were going to let him do this.
"It's been an honor to know all of you, to fight alongside you- now it's up to you all to keep our home safe." Barry admits, before turning around, taking a step away from us.
I catch his wrist, him turning around and looking at me because of my action, my weak laced with defeat, knowing that once Barry set his mind to something, he wasn't going to change it, "Barry. Please."
"I'm sorry." He pulls his wrist away, taking a breath before turning again, walking away from us.
I slowly back up, standing with everyone else, forcing tears back, as Oliver spoke up, "Barry! I'm not letting you leave."
Barry scoffs as he comes to a stop, he turns and faces us, "No offense, Oliver, by you and what army?"
We all stood tall, as Kara answered, "This one."
"Listen, Red. I don't like you. But when you got a crew, you don't take a hit for the rest." Mick told him.
Barry's gaze glances on the look on all of our faces, before speaking up, chuckling lightly, slowly walking back over to us, "That was actually pretty inspiring. I mean, up until the point where Mick compared us to a bunch of criminals, but-"
"According to the Dominators, we might as well be." Amaya exclaimed.
"And maybe they're right. Maybe we do more harm than good, but this is our chance to find out." Nate said right after.
"We're not letting you sacrifice yourself. There's no way. I don't care if that's what it means to be a hero, you're not a hero to me." Cisco stepped up, looking up at Barry. "You're my friend."
My chest erupted in relief and happiness to hear those words from Cisco, not knowing what had gotten him to finally come to good terms with Barry, but hearing those words made me feel good.
"Yo, guys." Jax came in, "You know that ship that landed in Central City?"
"It's opening up." Sara said right after him.
"Here we go." Oliver looked at us. I turn, making my way into the van, changing into my suit as quickly as I could, then jumping out, coming by everyone else, running my hands over the black leather.
"Something from the mothership just broke atmo and not to get really technically, it's really really big, and falling to Earth, really really fast." Felicity says in one breath, staring at the huge screen in front of us, as I walked over there.
"It's the meta bomb." Barry stares at the screen.
"Why would the uglies drop ships on us if they were just planning to blow us up?" I look at Oliver.
"Because the ships were a distraction." Oliver says in realization, "To keep us from stopping the meta bomb. We have to keep the Dominators at bay."
I fixed the comm in my ear as Professor Stein came in, "This might help. I've mass produced a device, that, when placed on individual Dominators, will cause indescribable agony. Not the nicest invention, but this is war." He hands the device to Barry.
"Nice going." Barry looks over the device.
"The caveat, of course, is that if we activate the weapon before all the devices are placed on the Dominators, they'll know what we're up to." Stein told us.
"Well, then we got to do it fast." Oliver tells us.
"Only way I know how." Barry smiles lightly, Oliver nodding, grabbing his bow.
Barry looks at me, "Oh no- you're not going out on the field-"
"Not up for debate." I pecked his lips before jumping off my feet, moving backwards in the air as I smiled at him innocently, "You're gonna need all the help you can get, Barr."
Oliver was already heading out, "She's right-"
Barry sighs, putting on his mask, following us all out. I was in the air next to Jax and Kara.
And then the war had begun.
Barry was running around, placing the devices on each one of the Dominators, while we fought them. I was using my trained skills at the best of my abilities, kicking down every Dominator I had come across.
"Fry, you freak!" Mick shouts, shooting his gun at every Dominator he encountered, burning them every time they get hit with it.
"For real?" I shot him a look, kicking the Dominator that was in front of me. The alien jumps, as I lean back quickly, my flexibility shocking me, flipping backwards, bringing my feet upward, hitting it until the jaw with full force, causing it to fly backwards, as I smoothly landed on my feet.
"Barry trained you well-" Oliver tells me, shooting an arrow into a Dominator that came behind me.
I jump off my feet, slowly easing into the air, "He learned from the best, didn't he?"
"Firestorm, if you're done playing with your friends out there, we could really use your help-" Sara's voice came through the comms.
"I'm on it." Jax confirms, moving up towards the bomb, getting on it, now getting instructions of what to do to destroy the bomb.
We all continued to fight the Dominators until Oliver had given the signal to Felicity to activate the device.
"Do it!" Oliver shouts when Kara and Barry plant the devices on Dominators around the world as quickly as they could, the Dominators letting our shrieks the minute Felicity activates the device.
"It's working-" Oliver said out loud, looking around, seeing every Dominator letting out different sounds of pain, one by one retreating.
"What about the superhero bomb?" Mick questions.
"Zee!" Jax's voice calls for me through the cool, "I need you up here, now!"
I give everyone a final look, before jumping off my feet and making my way over to Jax who was on one knee, on his hands against the bomb, "I can't do it."
"Yes- you can." I land onto the bomb, kneeling into the same position he was in.
"No- I can't." Jax sighs, "I'm not strong enough."
"Then why did you call me up here?" I ask him, confusion washing over me, seeing that we were really running out of time.
"I've heard- that you were practically the more advanced version of Firestorm." Jax spoke, "Grey and I are trying to transmute the meta bomb into something harmless and-"
"I can't do that." I shook my head, "I've only finally gotten to get a hang of my powers- and you want me to do this? I'll screw it up- it won't work."
"You have more abilities than you think you do. My abilities- plus so many more. You're just too afraid to embrace it and-" Jax starts.
I cut him off, "How the hell would you know?"
"Oh come on- my team literally works on a ship that takes us into different parts of time- you really don't think I've seen you in the future?" Jax started at me, his eyes widen, just wanting me to listen to him.
I go silent, before pressing my hands firmly against the bomb, my voice quiet, "How do I do it?"
Jax explains in a few sentences how to do what he was trying to accomplish, and not even a minute later, I felt myself doing exactly what he told me.
The energy surged through my hands powerfully, as I used it to how much I could handle from just beginning.
"Wait, Zee's up here? Why the hell is she up there? Zee!" I heard Barry's voice sound in my ear through the comm, obviously not wanting me up here if something went wrong.
I close my eyes and held my breath, before forcing myself to use this new found ability to my full capacity, pushing my limit, Jax letting out a yell as we both push ourselves harder, the entire bomb exploding into complete water, my body being thrown off.
My body felt weak from how hard I pushed, the energy I had pushed toward destroying the bomb being the strongest I've done yet. I didn't have the energy to catch myself from falling.
Jax catches me, swiftly landing onto the roof everyone was on, setting me down, Barry rushing over to me, grabbing onto me. "Are you okay-"
"I'm fine-" I whisper, giving him my best smile before both of our heads turn, watching as every one of the Dominators beam into the ship, the ship raising, and vanishing in plain sight.
We had won.
We had went to the ceremony where the President recognized the heroes who had saved the world from The Dominators.
No matter how many times Barry had asked me to come up with everyone else, I refused too. I just stood in the audience and applauded with everyone else.
Everyone had shared champagne together in victory, and said their goodbyes to each other, going back to where they were supposed to be.
I was now seated on my living room couch, dressed in one of Barry's crewnecks, and a pair of comfortable shorts, my hair slightly messy but I kept it down, as I was nuzzled into a blanket, skimming through a new case I was assigned to not even a few hours ago, a sigh leaving my lips in slight exhaustion, the fact that right after everything, I still got work shoved in my face.
Barry and Oliver has decided to go for a drink, so I was awaiting Barry's arrival back any time soon.
As if on cue to when my thoughts trailed to Barry, the lock of my door clicks, and my front door opens, revealing Barry, a smile on his lips as he sees me, closing the door, locking it, slipping off his jacket and hanging it up, slipping off his shoes, "Hey."
I smile up at him, "Hi-" I set the file folder down, watching him walk over to me, sitting next to me, wrapping an arm around me.
My lips break into a wider smile, leaning into his side, leaning my head back into his shoulder, moving my blanket so it was over his lap also, "How was your drink with Oliver?"
"It was nice." Barry admits, "It was nice just being around him and hanging out for once, instead of fighting another type of war."
"That's good." I kissed his cheek, holding his free hand in both of my own.
"You did good, you know?" Barry told me, smiling down at me, "You really helped with the entire Dominators attack."
"I didn't do that much." I look at him, ready to put everything I did behind me, to admire how much he did.
"You destroyed a bomb- something- I have no idea how you did." Barry began, "You helped kidnap and save an alien in the '50s. You helped fight back when we went up against the Dominators- you were such a big help when everyone was being mind controlled. You really went out of your way, and it really impressed me. I'm proud of you."
"You are?" I gave him a weak smile.
"Yeah." He nods, his smile remaining, "Why didn't you come up with us at the ceremony? You did equally as much as we all did. You deserved some recognition also."
I lightly shrug, "I was just the back up."
"Zee." Barry began.
"Barry." I imitate him, "I didn't want them getting used to me being out on the field too much. I'm only there when I'm needed. Okay?"
"Fine." Barry sighs in defeat, a smile returning to his lips from the question he asks, "Now, tell me, what do you think about time travel?"
"Time travel is so cool-" I said through gritted teeth, trying to contain my excitement, "It was hilarious how Felicity was affected every time we time jumped-"
And the rest of the night was spent with us telling each other everything about what happened when we were apart. We spent the night talking, and sharing laughs. I had completely forgotten about the case I was working on. Being with Barry made me forget about all of my work, and just focus on how I felt, and how much happiness he gave me.
Barry Allen made me so happy.
authors note:
ok I lied, there wasn't much for me to write for the other two episodes so I minimized it to two chapters.
if these chapters are like horrible, IM SORRY DUDE IM JUST A REALLY BAD WRITER.
also, Zee's suit is basically just a black leather bodysuit, and its skin tight, so its flexible for her to ya know do her thing. She wears black boots with it so ya know it goes with her suit and there's just a few accessories around her suit, like a belt around the waist, etc etc. It's whatever you wanna imagine, I just thought I'd give a base.
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