I was cleaning around my apartment, considering it was a mess, after Flash had dropped me off a few hours before, I cleaned until I heard a knock on my door. I leant my broom against my kitchen counter and walk over to my door, opening it, coming face to face with Barry.
I clear my throat, "Barry- hey."
"Hey." He mutters and shoulders past me, walking inside without invite, but not that it mattered, I'd always let him in. I slowly close the door and look at him, locking the chain. "You okay-?" I trail off, walking over to him, lightly and comfortingly putting my hand on his arm, squeezing it lightly.
"I- no not really." He mutters, and then looks at me. It warmed my heart that he came here, to talk to me. because he wasn't okay. he came to me- I. really- need to stop having hope about our relationship going anywhere more than what we already are.
"What's wrong-?"
"Captain Singh was- parading on me- about a case I needed to get done." He mutters but then starts to raise his voice, looking at me, pulling his arm from me, "I work just as hard as everyone does- but all he does- is check up on me- if I have what I have done- as if I'm some child. I'm- an adult. Damn it, Zee- Everyone treats me like I'm some- kid-" he kicks over a chair.
"Barry- maybe you should sit down and drink some water- calm down a bit-" I grab his arm and start to lightly pull him back, I've never seen him like this, and I'm afraid to see what would come with it.
He forcefully pulls his arm away, his jaw clenched, staring at me, full on shouting at me, "DON'T TOUCH ME." His eyes were bright red, and with that, I flinched and backed away.
He turns, walking out and slams the door, a picture frame falling off my wall and breaking onto the ground.
I immediately put on my shoes, and go after him but as i stepped outside he was gone. I decide to go to starlabs instead.
Dr Wells is the first one to notice me, "What're you doing here, Zee?"
I clear my throat, glancing at him then walk over to Caitlin, and Cisco, noticing Joe here, but I didn't bother asking why he was here, "Are there any updates on the meta?"
Caitlin is the first to speak, "All we know is they saw a flash of red before they went all rage mode."
Joe speaks, "Their eyes. glowed red."
"Do you guys think Barry was affected?-" I finally catch my breath, looking at them, not breathing so heavily anymore, considering I ran here.
"Why would he be affected-" Cisco asks.
"Because he just left my apartment- after shouting at me- and- his eyes glowed red."
Joe looks at me, "He left the police station like that too."
Before I could say another word, Caitlin had already pull up live cameras of the Flash.
Strangely, since we were talking about Barry.
The Flash was shouting, loud and clear, towards Eddie and Iris.
"Oh no- no- no- this isn't good-" I start to say but am cut off when the Arrow himself walks in, his deep, loud voice, speaking clearly to all of us, "I'll go stall. You guys figure out a plan." And with that, he was gone.
Diggie, the man I was introduced to later after I was introduced to Oliver and Felicity, stood next to Cisco. I was honestly very confused on why or how the hell, the Arrow himself, was here, but he was helping.
Dr Wells spoke, "Joe come with me."
Joe looks at him, "Why-?"
"He needs, to see. the right. colors." After that, they were both off to go fix whatever mess this time, the Flash, had created.
Cisco and Diggie were betting on Arrow and Flash, while Felicity was complaining about how unbelievably ridiculous it is that they were even having this conversation.
I stand there, very confused. Why is Flash suddenly angry, not even ten minutes after I saw Barry? Why is Oliver here and suddenly the Arrow is? It's like I could just put these pieces together but not all of it would make sense.
Cisco comes up behind me, "Listen- just know- I'm sorry for this." He starts, and before I can say anything, something is injected into my lower back, and I felt my eyes getting heavier, my breath getting lighter, and I slowly fall to the ground, completely passing out.
I slowly open my eyes, my vision blurry, my body feeling way too relaxed, and overall confused. I was laying on the ground, in the middle of a hallway in starlabs.
I slowly got up, and walked into the room everyone was in.
"Oh Jesus, you look like you just got run over by a bus." Cisco is the first one to speak.
"Hey. Go easy on her. She's been out for hours." Barry says softly, then looks at me.
I didn't remember why I was out. Or how. Or what happened minutes before I was knocked out. I wanted to know, but I didn't bother asking.
I grab a water bottle and sip some water, sitting in a chair, staying as silent as ever.
Everyone but Barry slowly move out the room, and then I find Barry sitting in a chair in front of me. "Are you feeling okay?" He asks, giving me a slight smile.
"Are you? I could say you were insane when you left my apartment but- that'd be a underestimate." I lightly joke, closing my water bottle.
"Yeah- about that. I'm sorry- I was. affected by the meta human at a huge crime scene- while I was- out doing some things. But I'm okay now. I didn't mean to actually shout- or push you away. That wasn't me. You know that- right?"
I nod slowly, "I get it." I say.
He nods slightly and gives me a boyish smile.
God, he needs to stop making it unbelievably difficult to get over him. But I was gonna do it. Because there was no way in hell I would ever get with him.
We're just friends.
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