I ran into Star Labs as fast as I could that night, moving as fast as my feet could carry me, the heels of my boots hitting the ground hard as I ran right into the cortex, and up the few steps into the room where Barry was sat, his head snapping up at the sound of my footsteps. Wally's cocoon was laid on the bed, Caitlin looking over the test results and Joe standing next to Wally. Everyone else was scattered around the room also.
I skid to a stop, the intense worry for Barry's well being that was in my chest reliving lightly when I saw him, my hand grabbing his face, one resting on his shoulder, my voice quiet, my eyes filled with concern, "Hi- hey- are you okay? I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner, I got stuck at ccpd taking care of things for Joe and-"
"Hey-" Barry holds my wrists, weakly smiling up at me, "I'm fine."
We eventually moved into the room Wally was in, and saw his condition, that wasn't changing. Barry had informed us that the man that was practically the God of Speed, was called Savitar. The real man we were all up against.
I felt complete sympathy for Iris and Joe, knowing there was no way in hell I could ever imagine how this felt like. Eventually, Joe had left and returned completely confused, informing us that Caitlin had told him that Wally was out of his cocoon and awake, when Wally's condition hadn't changed.
We had soon found out that Caitlin had taken Julian Albert hostage, and now we were trying to locate her. I let my hair down, putting the hair tie on my wrist before readjusting my bomber jacket, crossing my arms, as we all stood in the cortex.
"So, they don't know why she took Julian?" Joe asked.
"No, but more importantly, they don't even know that's it's Caitlin yet. So we need to find her, before they do." Barry spoke.
"Savitar. Now what about this Savitar-" HR starts to speak up.
"Let's find Caitlin, then we can worry about Savitar." Barry told him, pulling me into his side.
"You know what guys, I agree with Barry. Lets find Caitlin." HR repeated.
"Okay, you're right. Then we find Caitlin. But then what?" Iris asks, wanting to create some sort of plan before we initiate anything.
Barry lightly shrugs, "I don't know. I mean she's not thinking straight."
"She's becoming Killer Frost. It's just like in the vibe." Cisco spoke up.
Barry shook his head, already denying, not wanting to accept it, "We didn't know that yet."
"Her mother said the more that she uses her powers, the faster she was gonna go." Cisco argues.
"Saving Barry from Savitar must have put her over the edge." I sigh in realization, crossing my arms.
Barry questions, "How do we find her?"
"I don't know." Cisco admits, "I tried to ping her cell and then Julian's, but she must have ditched both."
"Ahem," HR clears his throat, "If I may proffer a notion."
"Oh great, more suggestions from the genius over here." The sentence rolled of Cisco's tongue sarcastically, referring to how HR wasn't a scientist whatsoever and had been just repeating everything we had all been saying since he got here. He was instead a novelist, and the face of what everyone that the science cane from, but instead was from a close friend that didn't want to show. HR had come over here as some sort of opportunity to start over, with a new life, and write about his adventures here in his novel.
"You don't call the genius, the genius calls you. Question: How did you catch your Captain Cold? I've been reading about him in your files, seems like a wily fellow, slow talker. But his MO- strikingly similar to our dear friend Caitlin's." HR puts out a very valid point.
"Wait- that could work." I spoke up, looking at Cisco, "We could use the way we found Captain Cold- in this situation."
"What? No. We tracked him using the satellite to scan for ultraviolet cold signatures-" Cisco slowly goes quiet as he realized that he could use this, as he immediately starts typing away on his computer.
I walk by him, as does Barry. Cisco speaks up, "No, nothing near the precinct."
"Wait, what's that?" Barry looks closer at the screen as Cisco pulls it up.
"Frozen food warehouse." Iris read.
"There she is." Cisco pulled up the surveillance feed, "I'm going to isolate the feed so no one else can see it."
"All right, figure out what she's making Julian do, I'm going-" Barry quickly says, starting to turn and walk towards his suit.
I catch his wrist, stopping him. "Wait-"
He halts, his head snapping back towards me; impatient. "What?"
"Let me come." I ask. His mouth opens, as he was already ready to start denying. I beat him speaking, going on, "Please. CCPD has already sent out a SWAT team to look for her- just in case they get her location because of Julian's smart ass- I need to be there. I can handle them, while you handle Caitlin."
"Zee-" Barry starts, but I cut him off, practically begging, "Please."
He lets out a sigh in defeat, rushing, grabbing his suit, putting it on, placing a comm in my ear, scooping me into his arms and running to where the location was, setting me down to where we were guarding Julian, Caitlin's eyes going back to normal as do her hands.
"Stop." Barry told her, Julian's eyes wide as he sees me.
"Get out of here." Caitlin's eyes are wide as she looks at the two of us.
I shook my head, "You know we can't."
"Detective? What are you doing here?" Julian questions me, "You work with The Flash?"
"As a matter of fact-" I roll my eyes, looking back at him, "Now, I'd shut it if you don't want her to freeze you to death." I turn and look back at Caitlin, as she turns her back towards us.
"What're you doing? Take her out. Take her out." Julian's breathing was uneven.
"You don't want to do this." Barry spoke out softly to Caitlin, "You don't want to hurt anybody."
"She's willing to hurt someone. Knock her out." Julian continued, my hand balling into a fist at my side, swinging back and punching him right in the face without me turning around. The sound of him falling sounded the room, and then his silence. I had knocked him out.
"Caitlin." Barry called her name out softly once more, continuing to try and get through to her.
"Leave me alone." Caitlin demanded.
"What're you doing?" Barry asks, knowing that this wasn't like her at all.
"I have to find Alchemy." Caitlin told us, her eyes wide, her entire body in alert.
"We will find him- all together. All right?" Barry assures her.
"No, you don't understand. I don't want to lock him up." Caitlin raised her voice lightly at us.
"Then why do you want to find Alchemy? All on your own? What do you plan on doing?" I question, stepping closer to her, my voice as soft as Barry's.
"I need him to help me." Caitlin admits, her tone loud.
"Help you what?" Barry asked.
"I need him to get rid of my powers!" She raised her voice, my eyes widening slowly, complete remorse filling in me, as I felt the most sympathy for her.
"Caitlin-" I softly spoke, grabbing her cold hand, holding it in both of mine, "I don't know if that's how it works."
She rips her hand away from mine, a small glare fixing on her eyes, "But we don't know if it doesn't."
"I know that we love you. And that we will do anything we can to help you." Barry told her the complete and honest truth. "You and I- we've been through too much together to let each other down now. Please. Let me help you."
Her eyes turn icy blue, "Like you helped your mother?"
"Caitlin." Barry whispers, not wanting to take it to this level.
"Or Wally? Or me? You keep messing with everyone's lives, wrecking everything, and we're left behind to pick up the pieces of your mistakes. I mean, I can't believe Zee can stand next to you, and defend you after all you've done to screw with her life. But you need to understand Barry, some things you break can't be put back together." Caitlin's words were cold.
"I can fix this." Barry looked down.
"Oh, like you fixed Cisco's family?" Caitlin called him out, my jaw slightly dropping, seeing how far she was going with this. "You didn't tell Cisco that you screwed him worst of all, did you?" Caitlin looked up at the cameras, knowing everyone at Star Labs was spying in on this, "You hear that Cisco? Dante was alive, healthy and happy, until Barry decided to create Flashpoint. When he reset things, that's what killed him. Barry is the reason your brother is dead."
"Caitlin." I stopped her, my tone warning her, seeing that now she was drawing a line, but I couldn't help but continue to feel the sympathy and remorse I had for her, this being how she had finally reacted to her change because of Flashpoint and feel as if I was meddling in this.
Before any of us could speak, the sound of gun's cocking sounded the room, our heads snapping towards Detective Patterson and the SWAT team he had brought along. I was already moving in front of everyone, guarding them, "Patterson. I've got it handled."
"Detective Young? What the hell are you doing here?" Patterson shouts, all guns aimed at me now that I was guarding Caitlin, "I was assigned to this. Not you."
"Patterson. I told you. I've got it handled." I raised my voice, "Stand down."
"Young." Patterson warned.
"Stand. Down." I shout loudly, complete demand in my voice, making it known that if they didn't stand down, they were going to have to get through me if they wanted to get to Caitlin.
"If you don't move, we won't hesitate to shoot you too-" Patterson told me, not moving his aim.
"Then do it, Patterson. Be the reason I get put in the hospital again." I challenged, my hand behind my back signaling for Barry to get Caitlin out.
The minute Caitlin takes a step, Patterson is quick to shout, "Albert's down, shoot her!"
In that second, everything went in slow motion as the bullets came for Caitlin and I, Barry grabbing us both and running somewhere in the warehouse, away from them, hiding behind some sort of wooden box.
We were all crouched and hidden behind the box. Suddenly, Caitlin stabs Barry in his calve with a icicle, Barry let out of painful cry, a gasp leaving my mouth, my head snapping towards Caitlin.
"That severed your triceps surae. Even with your healing abilities, it'll take four hours to regenerate." Caitlin spoke, looking at me, "I'd do the same to you, but the last time I checked, you don't heal as quickly as he does. Don't follow me."
With that, she ran off, as Barry let out grunts in pain. One of my hands grab onto the sharp icicle, his hand grabbing onto my free hand quickly before I could rest it somewhere else.
I pull it out quickly, as he lets out another pained cry, squeezing my hand, dropping into a sitting position, as I toss the icicle, his breathing uneven, my arm wrapping around him, holding onto him as he let out a few pained sounds.
"How much does it hurt?" I ask quietly after applying the bandage around where he was stabbed, my hands running over the soft bandage.
"As much as I deserve." Barry sighs, watching my every move. My hands come to a halt, as I looked up at him and shot him a look, before pulling the leg of sweatpants down to cover the bandage.
Joe walks in after ending the phone call he was on, "They took Julian to County General. He's still out cold. How hard did you hit him?" Joe asked Barry, assuming it was him due to us not mentioning I was the one who hit him, and how Joe had looked away from the screen when I did, Barry turning and sitting himself in a position where he was facing him.
"Actually-" Barry began, reaching over to me, putting a strand of my hair behind my ear, "It was this one that knocked him out."
Joe's eyes widen with amusement, "You were the one who knocked him out?"
I slowly nod in response, as he repeats his question, "How hard did you hit him?"
"Hard enough-" I say quietly, holding up my hand that had a bandage wrapped around it also due to how bad the bruise was on my knuckles, "It left a pretty nasty bruise."
Joe's eyes went slightly wider as Barry looks at me also, "Okay- listen. I didn't mean to knock him out- but I did- but for good reasons only. He wouldn't shut up."
Barry lets out a small chuckle, pressing a kiss on my temple, before turning and slipping on his other shoe, getting up and walking into the cortex, Joe and I following. "Cisco-" Barry began.
"Was she lying?" Cisco asks quietly.
"No, um-" Barry starts.
Cisco cut him off, "You're sorry? You're sorry that you killed my brother? 'Cause he was here. He was alive. Until you created Flashpoint, until you did this." Cisco shoves Barry.
"I know, man." Barry sighs, letting himself take this all.
"I don't even know how to feel right now." Cisco spoke, his eyes filling with tears, "All I know is, Caitlin is out there. And we need to find her. Can we do that?"
Barry nods slowly.
Cisco walks to his computer, blinking away tears, "I hacked Julian's computer. Caitlin had him look up two addresses: 16 Hawthorne Avenue and 1104 Truman Place."
"She's trying to find the acolytes I was trying to say." HR spoke up from his seat.
I came next to Barry as Iris questions, "What exactly does she want with Alchemy's followers?"
"For one of them to lead her to Alchemy." I answer with a sigh followed after my sentence.
"She wants Alchemy to take her powers away." Barry finished what I started off with.
"We know, we heard everything." Cisco says quietly, "Well, two acolytes, two addresses. Which one's she gonna hit first?"
"We got to watch both of them." Barry spoke.
"You're gonna stay here. You can barely walk." Cisco told him. "I'll take Hawthorne."
"I'll take Truman." HR stood up.
"I care about Caitlin, but I don't want to leave Wally here alone." Joe admits.
"I'll stay and watch Wally. You go with HR." Iris told her father, before walking into the room Barry was in.
"Oh- yeah. I would love that. All-star team up." HR smiles at Joe. "Hey, you know what? I'll make a couple cappuccinos for the road, so we're ready, but not to worry Barry. We'll help her."
Joe lightly nods, walking over to HR.
With that, Joe and HR leave the room. Cisco starts to leave, but Barry's voice stops him, "Hey, if you find her-"
"I won't call you." Cisco snipped, "You've done enough." And with that, he turned and walked down the hall, leaving Barry and I alone.
Before I knew it, the alert was beeping rapidly, showing us that Caitlin had shown up at the house Cisco was at. Barry had rushed the two of us there, setting me on the ground before he slipped on the ice Caitlin had put on the ground as he ran, causing him to skid down the ice, and fall onto his back.
Cisco comes out from the tree he was hiding behind, coming next to me. Caitlin looks at us, before shooting icicles right at us, as I moved right in front of Cisco out of instinct, my arms being thrown out to my sides, some sort of fiery shield coming from within me, shielding Cisco and I, the icicles melting right as they made contact with it, the shield disappearing the minute I drop my arms to my sides.
"How the hell did you do that?" Cisco asks me, just as shocked as I was that I was even capable of doing that.
"I don't know-" I mutter, "But let's be glad I did."
My eyes land on Barry, seeing that he had brought Caitlin down with him. "I'm sorry, Caitlin."
"That was cold, Flash." Caitlin spoke, "But this is colder." She turns, getting on top of him, pressing her lips into his, Barry's eyes wide as he turns blue, Cisco and I witnessing her using a kiss to start to freeze him like she would to practically freeze someone to death.
Cisco puts his goggles on, shooting some sort of blast towards her, sending her flying off Barry and landing on a car windshield, unconscious.
"Start vibrating, it'll warm you up." Cisco told Barry before running to Caitlin and locking meta cuffs on her.
Barry starts to vibrate, as I walked over to him, kneeling down by him, "She did not just kiss my boyfriend." I mutter under my breath, as Barry shoots me a look, still vibrating but I could see him hold back a small smile.
I go to touch his shoulder, but get the vibration instead, immediately moving my hand away, "No- nope- that felt weird- not doing that again."
Barry warms up and stops vibrating, letting out a deep breath, laying his head on my lap, wrapping a arm around my waist to hold me close, as he tried to catch his breath.
"Whew." Caitlin spoke as she got up, a little after we had locked her into the pipeline, as we all stood in front of her, the glass being the only thing that separated us, "I guess I just needed a little sleep. Thanks, guys. I'm feeling much better. It's okay, you can let me out. I promise I'm not gonna hurt anybody."
We all stayed silent and just stared at her, not buying her act, as she spoke up, realizing this, "Guess you all are smarter than I thought." Caitlin looks at Cisco, "You know, that was some Bakst there, Vibe boy. It kind of hurt."
"I didn't want to hurt you." Cisco admits.
"You're pathetic." Caitlin said to him, Cisco's eyes slowly filling with tears.
"Alchemy can't help you." I spoke up quietly, crossing my arms. "He can't take away your powers, Caitlin."
A glare from Caitlin comes my way, "But- we can help you. I promise." Barry finishes for me.
"Oh, like you promised Eddie? And how you promised Ronnie? You know, for a hero, Flash, you sure let a lot of people around you die." Caitlin called out coldly.
"This isn't you talking, it's the powers." Barry spoke, trying to convince himself that also. "They're messing with your mind. You're sick."
"I'm broken, Barry." Caitlin told him, "But what do you care? 'Cause you got Zee. You got your happy ending. Everyone else be damned."
Barry stays silent, giving her a cue to continue, "So I'll tell ya what: you guys let me go, and I will leave you to your sad and miserable lives."
"No, we're not abandoning you." Barry said it straight.
"You did this to me!" She shouts, Barry locking the pipeline, the door closing.
"Do you have any idea how we can reverse this? How we can get her back?" Barry asked Cisco.
"It's like Caitlin said: some things that are broken, can't be fixed." And with that, Cisco left the pipeline with the others.
I sigh, following everyone else out, moving to the cortex. I stay there for a while, before deciding to go find Barry, and try and talk to him; to be there for him.
After a few minutes of searching, I found him sitting on the treadmill in the Speed Lab. My heels clicked against the ground as I slowly walked over to him, my voice quiet once I reach him, "Hey, wanna talk about it?"
Barry looks up at me, his hands folded under his chin, his elbows resting on his knees, "We should all be working and figuring out how to find Alchemy and Savitar. Instead we're fighting each other."
"Yeah, a lot's going on right now." I sigh, my hands shoved in the pockets of my jacket.
Barry breaks eye contact, staring at the ground, "Why didn't I just follow you inside the house?"
I stay silent, my gaze staying on him as he continues, "If I would've just followed you inside the house- Joe and Iris wouldn't have been like what they were when I got back from Flashpoint. Dante would still be alive. Caitlin wouldn't be turning evil. You'd still be a reporter at CCPN, I wouldn't have had to try everything I had within me to get you back. This whole mess- with Alchemy wouldn't have happened. Why didn't I? Why didn't I just follow you inside the house?"
I move, kneeling in front of him, grabbing his hands, "Because you felt empty. You felt this extreme hollowness- that made you feel that you had lost, even if we had taken down Zoom." I squeezed his hands, "You have lost so much, Barry. And at that point- you would've done anything to make that pain stop. That's why- Cisco and Caitlin are acting like this- because they're lost. Just like you were. The way you reacted doesn't make you a bad person, It makes you human, Barry."
"Tell that to my friends." Barry mutters. "My best friends- one of them is locked up like a villain, and the other one hates me."
"Okay, tell me this." I readjust my position, staying seated on the ground but now with my legs crossed, "Who's to say even if you didn't create Flashpoint, Dante wouldn't have gotten into a car accident at some point? Who's to say- that how Caitlin got her powers wasn't from the particle accelerator explosion? I mean, come on. We had absolutely no idea that Cisco had been affected by the explosion until Zoom showed up. Maybe- Caitlin's powers needed a little time before they decided to reveal themselves to. On Earth Two, Reverb and Killer Frost existed. Hell- even Reign. It was probably only a matter of time until her meta side showed up too, Barry. You weren't the one who made Dante's fate, and you weren't the one who gave Caitlin these powers- because of Flashpoint. You aren't God, Barry."
"That's what Jay said." Barry whispered, taking in every word I said, his eyes making contact with mine.
"You can't keep doing this to yourself, Barry." I told him, "Putting the weight of the world on your shoulders. You're going to destory yourself. What's done is done- you can't go back. You have to move forward."
He stays silent, as I continue, moving onto my knees once more, "Everyone in this building needs you right now. We all need The Flash. I know, with everything going on, the last thing you want to do is be the leader right now. But, that's what you have to do. You have to be strong, for all of us. You can't keep letting this eat you away until you go absolutely nuts. Okay?"
A small smile forms on Barry's lips, "I told you that I couldn't do this without you."
"You won't ever have to, Barry." I assured him, a similar smile forming on my lips.
We go silent, sitting there, as Barry doesn't breaking eye contact with me. I look down at our hands, feeling his stare on me still.
Barry's quiet voice breaks the silence, "I love you."
My gaze snaps up, my eyes connecting with his, my heart leaping at the words, "You mean that?"
"I love you, Zee Young. I always have." Barry told me.
A wide smile breaks on my lips, "I love you too, Barry Allen." I said back, grabbing his face and pressing my lips into his, my heart erupting with many emotions that were overwhelming me.
The lights buzzing and flickering caused us to pull away, as we both got up, jogging out the Speed Lab, meeting up with Cisco halfway, "There's an energy surge coming from the cortex."
We all quickly made our way into the cortex, as Barry was quick to shout, "Joe! Hey! What're you doing?"
"Hey, Barr." Joe greeted, sawing right into Wally's cocoon that laid on the ground in the center of the cortex, HR standing by him.
"Hey, stop! You can't cut him out!" Barry tried to stop him, keeping his distance from the cocoon, stopping me also.
Iris stood next to Cisco, her eyes wide as she watched what was going on.
"Joe, stop!" Barry shouted, but it was too late. The entire cocoon exploded, I squeezed my eyes shut, Barry running, grabbing everyone, moving them away, holding onto me tight, shielding me from the blast as we fell to the ground, skidded, his back hitting the back. But he didn't let go of me.
I let out a small whimper in slight pain due to how hard we were thrown back because of the explosion, my eyes slowly opened, my hair messy.
Shards of glass were everywhere, some lights broken and out, shelves knocked over, bits of Wally's cocoon spread around the cortex.
Barry slowly got up, helping me us in the process, calling out Wally's name. Wally was standing in the center of the cortex, vibrating as Barry would, looking around, Joe calling out his name once after Barry.
Wally ran out, leaving us all in the messed up cortex, and Joe who was now regretting the previous decision he had made.
Barry had gotten through to Caitlin, and we gotten her help with Wally. Wally was now a speedster, running faster than Barry was when he first started, and he was enjoying every minute of it.
The next day, Julian had woken up, and eventually Barry went, and spoke to him. Joe and I had found out from Captain Singh that Barry had apparently quit his job.
I was dressed in a pair of blue jeans, a black t shirt tucked into it, my hair straight, my badge and holster attached to my belt as always, my black heels clicking on the ground as Joe and I walked into Barry's CSI Lab.
"Barry." I called out his name as we walked in, my eyes landing on him at his desk, packing his things up.
"Hey." He greeted us, grabbing a photo frame from his desk, setting it in the cardboard box.
"We just heard from Singh." Joe starts.
"What the hell is going on? You quit your job?" I question, not liking this at all.
"I didn't really have a choice." Barry rested his arms on the edge of the cardboard box, a sigh leaving his lips.
"What do you mean?" I ask quietly, crossing my arms.
"Julian." Joe had already figured it out, "You quit, he keeps his mouth shut about Caitlin."
"Julian's the reason you're quitting?" I ask in disbelief, Barry lightly nodding towards us.
"I'm gonna kill him-" I spin around, starting to take a few steps towards the door, but Joe grabs my forearm firmly, stopping me, shooting me a look.
I shot him a look right back, "Or I can just knock him out one more time? I mean- he deserves it."
Joe keeps the expression on his face, as I sigh, "No? Okay." I turn back around, facing Barry, Joe letting go of my arm.
"He said I can't do something like protect Caitlin and still be a good CSI, and maybe he's right." Barry lightly shrugged.
"Don't say that." I took a step closer to his desk, "Barry, we've all known you for years. You are one of the most caring people we know- someone who does the most he can towards helping people get the justice they deserve. As The Flash, and as Barry Allen. This also referring to way before you became The Flash. This lab is your life."
"You're my life." Barry said to me, his eyes connecting with mine right as he says that, my heart stopping the moment he does.
"Both of you." Barry looks at the both of us, "And Wally. Iris. Caitlin, Cisco. If these last few months have taught me anything, it's that I would give up everything I have to keep you all safe. No regrets."
Tears stung in my eyes as he put the top on his cardboard box after packing his things, Joe speaking up, "Every time I think you've run out of ways to be a hero, you show me another one."
Joe hugs Barry, "You hungry?"
"Yeah-" Barry answered after pulling away from the hug.
"We'll meet you downstairs." I nod towards Joe, Joe nodding right back to me, walking out the room.
I look at Barry, the tears in my eyes threatening to fall, as I slowly walked over to him, putting my hands on his chest, my voice quiet, as I was already trying to reason another solution, "I can find another way to keep Julian's mouth shut. You don't have to quit-"
"Zee-" Barry puts his hands on my waist.
I went on, "I don't want you to lose everything you've worked for. You love your job- you've always loved being here- even despite Julian Albert. You can't let him be the reason you're throwing this all away- Barry." A small tear fell from my eye, as I couldn't believe I was getting this upset over Barry quitting.
"Hey-" The pad of Barry's thumb catching the tear as it slipped down my cheek, wiping it away, "It'll be fine."
"Barry-" I sniffle, "I like working with you. I like coming up here whenever I please and helping you with a case. I like covering up for you when you're off doing Flash business when you're supposed to be here. I like when you're only upstairs to calm me down when I'm overwhelmed or pissed off with anyone here. I like randomly seeing you almost anywhere here and kissing you like I haven't seen you all morning. I like dropping things off in here because it gives me an excuse to see you again throughout our 11 hour work day."
A smile crosses his lips, as another tear slips my eye accidentally, "I won't get to do that anymore."
He wipes my other tear, "This isn't worth your tears."
"Barry." I say his name once more, shooting him a look, my eyes slightly red.
"All I know is that I love all of you." Barry told me, "And this job isn't worth losing one of our own. Okay? Now-" He grabs his jacket, slipping it on me, "Let's go, I'm starving."
"Fine." I whisper in defeat, as he grabs the box, pressing a kiss to my lips, before we give the lab one last look, then moving downstairs by Joe.
authors note:
10k. one fucking chapter later and it's 10k.
also, if some of you don't understand why Zee reacted the way she did when Barry told her he loved her, it's because when Barry went back and created Flashpoint, everything in their relationship that happened was completely erased to Zee and was replaced with them being broken up, and Barry somewhat pinning over Iris again. She didn't get to witness their first 'I love you' or anything else that happened.
uhm I also don't know if I wanna do the alien crossover thing? I'm not sure if I want to do the Invasion crossover. If that's what any of you want, I'd be glad to write it, but I don't know what to do. so be sure to comment if you want m to just skip it or do the invasion crossover? thanks!
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