I walked through the streets on just another night, my hood up, the zipper of my jacket unzipped, revealing the tank top I had on under it. My ripped jeans revealing parts of my skin, as my beat up converse lightly hit the ground as I walked through the dark cold night.
My stomach growled due to the growing hunger in my stomach from not eating since yesterday afternoon. The cut on my eyebrow burned, as did the bruise on my cheekbone.
My eyes land on a tall figure, slowly walking down the sidewalk I was on. One of my hands shakily held onto the gun I held tightly in my pocket, as I run, jumping up, grabbing the person by their neck, pulling them down, holding them in a headlock, as I mutter in the man's ear, "When I let you go- you're going to give me all your money. And if you don't. I'll kill you." My voice seethed through my gritted teeth.
A laugh leaves the man's mouth, as I shout, "I'm serious!"
"All right- all right-" he puts his hands up in surrender, as I slowly let go of him, as we both stood to our feet.
My hood falls off my head once I stood up, as he slowly turns around, my eyes falling on his face, feeling as if I knew him from somewhere.
His smile fades as his eyes goes wide once his gaze lands on me, as if he was more shocked to see me than ever, as if he knew me.
"Zee?" He says my name.
"What?" I spat, my hand grabbing the gun from my pocket, aiming it at him, "How the hell do you know my name?"
"We- we went to high school together. Remember?" He informed me, as I stared at him, my aim straight.
"What's your name?" I question, feeling myself slowly slip into the conversation and forget about my robbery process.
"Barry. Barry Allen." He told me.
Then it clicked.
I did know him. I knew him from high school. Him and I a few classes together. We've only ever traded looks and a few words, but we were never friends.
"I don't care who you are." I snap back to reality, readjusting my position, "I meant what I said. I will shoot you."
"No- you won't." Barry called out quietly, slowly stepping closer to me, his hands up in surrender, noticing my lightly shaking hand.
"Who are you to tell me I won't?" I shot back at him, as he slowly takes the guns from my hands, checking it, revealing that I hadn't even loaded it.
"You weren't planning on killing anyone." Barry stares at the gun, "Because you never loaded the gun."
"I don't need a gun to hurt you for the damn money, Allen." I spat, snatching the gun and snapping it back in place.
"You have a lousy way of trying to rob someone." He spoke, his eyes still slightly wide as he pulled out his wallet, handing me a few bills.
"You're just going to give me the money?" I question quietly, staring at the bills in my hand.
Barry spoke up, "Isn't that what you wanted?"
"You're making it easier than it's supposed to be." I stare at him.
"Maybe, I'm making it easier because it's you." Barry admits to me, our eye contact not breaking.
"What?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
"Nothing-" he blurts out, "Nothing- I just. Just take the money."
I slowly back away, our eye contact remaining as I stepped back, shoving the money in my pocket, before turning and running the other way, running as fast as I could, away from Barry Allen.
I didn't look back, as I turned the corner, making it back to the place I stayed as quick as I could. I had run away from my foster home, due to the amount of times I was abused physically and emotionally. Since the murder of my mother, this being committed by my father, life didn't come so easy for me.
My brother and I were separated after that incident, I not seeing him since. I was definitely on my own after I ran off, but had found somewhere to stay, with a friend. But most of the time, I had to do what I just did to Barry, to help pay for necessities.
I walked into a small place that we stayed at, closing the door, "Roy?" I call out into the small space, tossing the unloaded gun onto the coffee table; walking into the kitchen, greeted by Roy Harper, stirring something on the stove.
"Hey-" He looks at my hands, seeing a few bills on twenties I had in my hand, "Where'd you get that?"
"Where do you think?" I ask, setting it down on the counter, "I mean, faking your own death in Star City and proceeding to move to Central City to live as a refugee who works at a car cop doesn't exactly pay as much, Jason." I lightly mock his cover name.
"Hey- don't make fun of my new identity." Roy warns, a small grin playing on his face as he stirred whatever was in the pot.
"I'm gonna head to bed." I told him.
"You're not gonna eat dinner?" Roy questions, looking back at me.
"Not tonight." I told him, rubbing his back before walking into the bedroom, slipping off my jacket and laying down in the bed, the only light coming from the moon through the windows.
I closed my eyes, letting my exhaustion take me to sleep.
I stood in front of my mirror, staring at what I had dressed myself as. Usually, during the night, I was more hooded; hiding my identity from people I had robbed. Last night, didn't go so well. I didn't know why, but I practically had an entire conversation with Barry Allen that night, not caring that he knew who I was and could call the cops on me for robbing him. But he didn't. Instead he gave me the money and let me leave.
I had curled my long hair, dressed in a black cropped t shirt, that was tight around my chest, but fit perfectly, a pair of high waisted light wash jeans, that stopped right after my belly button, a pair of slip on vans, and a little makeup to hide the bruises and cuts on my face.
I stared at myself in the mirror, taking notice that I could practically pull off this normal everyday woman look I had put together, even with the tattoo on my wrist.
I left my place, walking down the sidewalk, Jitters being my destination. It was a short walk, until I had arrived to Jitters, walking in, taking in the strong aroma of roasted coffee, and the different types of flavors they added in it.
The cafe was slightly crowded, as it was almost every day. I stood in line, putting a strand of my hair behind my ear as I glanced around the cafe, my eyes landing on the door that I had just came through, my eyes landing on Barry Allen, the boy who I had robbed just last night, walking past Jitters, glancing into the cafe as he walked.
Thank god he didn't notice me.
I turn forward again, noticing how long the line was and how this was going to take me forever to get my coffee, but it wasn't like I had anywhere to be.
I felt a hand tap my shoulder, as I turn, my gaze falling onto Barry Allen as he held my phone in his hands, "Hey- you dropped this."
I give him a suspicious look, slowly taking the phone out of his hands, thanking him, "Thank you, Barry."
"Funny seeing you here." Barry shrugs lightly, standing in line by me, as I stare at him.
"Is that so?" I mutter, placing my phone in my pocket.
He nods slowly, his voice quiet enough for only me to hear, "You'd think someone who robs people of their money would spend that money on something other than coffee."
I shrug in reply, as he questions, "What happened to the bruise and cut?"
"Nothing a little make up couldn't hide." I simply answer, rocking back and forth on my feet, looking to the side to see if this line was good any faster.
He nods, still standing by me. I enjoyed his presence, I did, but I couldn't accept the fact he was so comfortable having a normal conversation with someone he knew in high school for the shortest amount of time, who had robbed him not even the night before. I couldn't understand it.
I blink long and hard, before turning my head, opening my eyes, "Is there anything I can do for you, Barry?"
"Actually, there is." He answers.
"And what is it?" I question, my arms crossing.
"Would you want to get coffee with me sometime?" He asks me, his voice kind of shaky due to the question he had just asked, preparing himself for any answer I would give him.
My eyes go somewhat wide as I stared at him in disbelief, staring at him as if he had just went out of his mind, my voice hushed, "I robbed you last night."
"That doesn't change the fact that I want to buy you a coffee." Barry replies to me.
"You're joking right?" I ask him, looking around as if there were some cameras around, and this was some sort of prank.
He shook his head, "I am one hundred percent serious with you, right now."
"You're out of your mind." I stare at him, plain disbelief not leaving my features.
"Maybe." He shrugs lightly, before looking into my eyes, his voice hesitant and full of hope, "So is that a yes or no?"
I go quiet for a second, taking in that he was indeed asking me out, "You can buy me a coffee, right now." I offer, giving in, "It's not like I have anywhere to be."
"So that's a yes to the coffee date?" Barry confirms.
I give him a nod, a small smile on my face, my next sentence coming out as a joke, "I suppose I can tolerate you for a little longer."
[ barry's pov ]
I didn't expect Zee to be a thief in this timeline. This would explain why I haven't seen her around before she tried to rob me. If it would've been someone else, I would've used my speed, but when I saw it was her, I had to give her my money. The fact that, in this timeline, she didn't have someone to keep her in check, and was now like this, made me feel vulnerable towards her. The remorse I felt was strong. I had been avoiding Jitters ever since I changed the timeline, but the minute I saw her.
The minute I saw her, I had to go in. I was drawn to her. My heart beat rapidly as I spoke to her, and I felt my heart stop when I asked her on the date, afraid that she would say no because of how different she was then from when I knew her.
Her voice was music to my ears, something I could listen to forever without getting bored of it. Her smile brought happiness, her laugh made my heart jump. Her sarcastic remarks made me smile even more, and I could find myself smiling and laughing so much more around her. I felt complete.
She had warmed up to me, and wasn't as closed off as she seemed last night. I asked her where she stayed, as she explained to me that she was staying with a friend, that friend being Roy Harper.
I couldn't even imagine what had happened to Roy if he had to come to Central City, but then again, I didn't know if his timeline changed also.
I smiled at her after we go silent for a while, seated at a table in Jitters, as she sipped her usual iced coffee. I knew this was her usual go to, knowing that she only drank hot coffee when she was unusually cold, and felt that that was the only way she could get warmed up. She rarely ever drank hot coffee, she'd always complain about how it was too hot for her, and it would only be at the perfect temperature for a minute or two, before running cold. She always told me that iced coffee stays the same temperature the entire time, so you wouldn't have to rush to drink it, and take your time, to enjoy the savory taste of the caramel syrup that was added.
My eye snap shut as I felt a sharp pain my head, letting out a shaky breath, as flashes of Zee ran through my mind. Memories of us in her apartment, everything we shared, memories of every time she effortless showed she cared, memories of how I made her smile, memories of how brave she was towards Zoom, memories of how she told me she could be a detective with how quickly she could figure out something and have it be correct, every memory flashing in front of my eyes before they vanished.
The pain slowly faded, as I opened my eyes, landing on her confused face, as every memory I once had of her was gone, and I only saw her for who she was in this timeline.
"Are you okay?" She questioned, setting her coffee down, the confusion radiating off her.
"I- yeah. I'm fine- I just remembered something I have to do-" I stood up, "I'll catch up with you soon, yeah?"
She gives me a hesitant nod, before I quickly made my way out of Jitters, speeding off, with only one thing on my mind.
I needed to talk to Thawne.
[ zee's pov ]
I heard a knock at the door the next day, as I make my way towards it, opening it to see Barry Allen.
"Barry- hi." I say, my tone slightly questionable, as I stare at him in a confused manner, "What're you doing here? More importantly- how the hell do you know where I live?"
"Zee- I really need to talk to you." Barry told me, the look on his face causing me to immediately soften up without intention.
I give a slow nod, taking note of the serious, freaked out look on his face, "Okay- give me a minute." I shut the door, walking over to the closet mirror, flatting out my flannel dress, readjusting it along with my hair, before slipping on some flats, grabbing my phone before leaving the house, walking over to him.
I had been clearing up my appearance slightly since I've met him and went on that date with him, and I couldn't deny the fact that I had grown a soft spot for Barry Allen. Which is why I didn't hesitate when he came.
"What do you need to talk to me about?" I ask Barry, standing up straight.
He lets out a sigh, "This is going to sound bizarre- and crazy- I know- but hear me out. Okay?"
I nod hesitantly, as he starts, "The reason- I knew your name when you robbed me was because I know you. I know you better than you know yourself."
I scoff lightly, in complete disbelief, "You don't know me at all-"
"I do. I do-" Barry tried, as I shook my head once more, denying it.
"I know you. I know that you only drink iced coffee because hot coffee is too hot for you and eventually gets too cold to drink. I know you love the taste of the caramel flavor that's added in your coffee. I know that you always straighten your hair because you hate how frizzy it gets after you shower, and you only ever curl your hair when you're trying to impress." A small smile crosses his lips as his hand touches one of my long curls before falling back to his side, "I know that you get embarrassed whenever you call someone a pet name, because you feel like an idiot doing it. I know no matter how dangerous something is, you'll put yourself in harm's way to protect someone you love. I know that you blame yourself for things that aren't even your fault. I know that you hate watching someone die, I know you hate seeing someone you love in pain. I know you hate when there's something bad happening and there's nothing you can do about it. I know you don't usually like correcting others, and you don't like arguing with someone you're close to. I know you get nervous when you doubt yourself, or you're around someone you really like, which results in you rambling ever now and then. I know that no matter how bad a situation is, you will find the words to help someone feel better. I know with every bad thing that's happened to you, you shove all your feelings inside and won't show them, portraying someone happy and better, so people don't have to carry your burdens, but sometimes, for even you, it gets too much, and you break. And I'm always there for you. I know you, Zee Young. Because you're the woman I fell in love with." Barry stared into my eyes, every word he said hitting me harder than ever.
"How- how do you know all that?" I manage to choke out, my eyebrows furrowed, my eyes slightly wide with shock.
"Because I got lucky. I got the chance to get to you know- I got the chance to be something to you." He mutters, "And I regret losing you."
"You need to explain- you need to explain everything right now." I told him stern, feeling my chest spark up with anxiety.
"I know you- from a different timeline." He starts, "A few months ago- I wasn't in a good place. I lost my father- with already having lost my mother. I couldn't take the emptiness inside of me. It was too much for me to handle. You were there for me- you were. I just couldn't- be with you when I had nothing to offer. I couldn't give you the happiness you deserved when- I was like that."
I nodded for him to continue, as he does, "So I ran back in time. I saved my mother from being murdered, and held the man who tired to kill her captive. Which created this new timeline- of everyone's lives without that specific event happening. It's been good the first few months, and I'm better now- I feel complete. But- recently- since I've started to use my speed-"
I cut him off, "Ran back in time? Speed? So you're saying that you're as fast as The Flash?"
"No I'm-" He sighs, "I am The Flash. Due to me running back in time, I'm not The Flash in this timeline."
I nod slow, as he continues, "I've been using my speed recently, and I used my speed to help Kid Flash- take down The Rival. But every time I use my speed- I lose my memories of my old life. I lost most of my memories of you- and my family- I just- I don't know if I can live in a reality like this without those memories."
"What are you gonna do about it?" I ask him, crossing my arms.
"I have to let him do it." Barry whispers, as I realize there were small tears in his eyes, "I have to let him kill my mother. To set things back to the way they were."
I go silent, looking down at my feet, clearly my throat as I spoke quietly in question, "You said I was the girl you fell in love with. Implying that we were something other than friends?"
"You were my girlfriend." Barry answered, I felt his hand go under my chin, tilting my face up so I was face to face with him. "And I still see you as the woman I fell for."
I silence myself, as we both stayed still for what seemed like forever, before he broke the distance and pressed a kiss to my lips.
We stood still, the kiss being short, as he pulls away a few seconds after, "Could you come to my parents' with me? To say goodbye?"
"Yeah-" I trial off in a whisper, nodding my head slow before walking down the steps with him, as he picks me up without warning, running off, causing a scream to leave my lips, as he stops in front of his parents house, putting me down.
"A warning would be nice, next time?" I say, fixing my hair, as he nods, leading me inside, as we are greeted by his father and mother seated on the couch.
"Hey, guys." Barry interrupts quietly, smiling at them, as I slowly walked up next to him.
"Hey, Slugger." The nickname rolls of his father's tongue gracefully as he smiles at his son.
"Hey-" His mother spoke, her eyes falling on me, "Who's this?"
"This is Zee." Barry puts his hand on my lower back, "The girl I was telling you two about."
The minute he said that, a huge smile crosses on both of their faces.
"It's nice to meet you, Zee- can I get you something to drink?" His mother politely asks me, her smiling at me sweetly.
"I'm fine, thank you." I give her my best smile back.
"You okay, Barry?" Mr. Allen asked.
"Yeah I just- wanted to see you both one more time." Barry admits, looking at the two of them.
"What does that mean?" His father questioned.
"Nothing-" Barry looks down, shaking his head, "Nothing." He looks up, "These last three months have been the best. Getting to spend time with you. I just wanted you to know how grateful I am, to both of you, to be your son."
"Barry, you're scaring me." Mrs. Allen admits, staring at her son.
"No, there's- there's nothing to be afraid of. Promise." He hugs his mother tight, before moving to his father, "I just- love you both."
Soon after, we left the house, my eyes landing on him, as I try to blink the tears in my eyes away, "You have a sweet family."
"Are those tears I see?" He teases lightly, lighting up the mood, "You have emotions?"
"Barry-" I whine quietly, wiping the tears away, as I slowly stepped down the stairs with him, as he falls halfway, grabbing onto the handrail of the stairs, looking as if he was in a severe amount of pain.
"Hey- hey." I put my hand on his back, lightly crouching down.
"It's getting worse." He chokes out, blinking a few times. "We have to hurry before it's too late."
I held Barry's hand, one hand on his back as I helped him walk towards the cage an unknown man was trapped in. This must be the man who tried to kill his mother.
"Having a bad day, Barr?" The man laughs, watching at how weak Barry was getting.
My head snaps up, staring at the man with the smugly look on his face, "Don't."
Barry fixes his postures, as he limps, sitting in a chair, keeping a hold on my hand, letting out a breath.
A smirk crosses his lips, "Well, if it isn't the future Mrs. Allen." He chuckles, "I heard you survived the poison, you get to live happily ever after with your little boyfriend after all."
"Barry told me not to listen to you." I spoke, my gaze staying on the man in yellow.
"That's bad advice. 'Cause I'm the answer man. I am the answer to all your prayers." The man looks at Barry, "All you need to do is ask me, Barry."
"We need to go back in time to that night." Barry states.
"To do what?" His voice was cold, wanting to get the satisfaction of hearing Barry saying that one sentence Barry dreaded.
"You know what I need you to do." Barry said.
"Yeah," The man said, "But I wanna hear you say it."
Barry looks up at him in defeat, "I need you to kill my mother."
"With pleasure." The man spoke coldly.
"I hate you." Barry told him, pure hatred rolling off his tongue.
"And I hate you. And I sometimes wonder which one of us is right." The man keeps his gaze on Barry.
Barry stands, opening the cage for him, as he steps out, Barry handing him some sort of ring, as the man walked past us, standing a few feet away, his back towards us.
My eyes land on Barry, pure sympathy in my eyes, a feeling I dreaded.
"I'm so sorry about all of this." Barry apologizes to me, looking down at me.
"Will I remember any of this?" I question quietly.
He shook his head, "It'll be like it never happened."
"In that case," I nudged him lightly, "You know how you said I only curled my hair to impress?"
He gives me a nod, as I spoke again, "I was trying to impress you. Clean up my act- so I had a chance. Robbing you, doesn't exactly give the best- future girlfriend first impression."
A small smile crosses over his lips, as his hands moves under my chin, tilting my face up lightly, "No matter what reality. No matter what you're like. No matter how much you change. I will always be chasing you until you become my girlfriend."
I smile, leaning up, me being the one to make the move this time as I pressed my lips against his for a few seconds, before pulling away.
I give him a weak smile, before he moves over to the man, staring to run but falling, this being full effect of what was happening to him. My eyes go wide, as the man grabs Barry by his jacket, "God, I wish I could kill you. But today- I get to be the hero."
With that, he was off, the entire reality changing back to what it once was. But none of us knew how different it would be.
authors note:
ok this chapter sucked , I sorry
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