It's been weeks since I've spoken to anyone. I haven't even stopped by Jitters to get coffee, I haven't met up with any friends, I haven't met up with Barry. The only thing I've been doing is going to college, and occasionally starlabs, to train with the Flash. I knew I'd freak Barry out by basically exposing my powers, I have driven him away. But weirdly, the Flash had been there for the training, every second. Barry and I have texted, but we haven't seen each other. I haven't spoken to Iris, Joe, Caitlin, Cisco, even Eddie or Dr. Wells.
I was just too afraid. That somehow. I'd hurt them too.
I slowly emerge from my bed, and look at my phone. Missed calls. From everyone. I didn't know why. And I didn't bother calling back. I couldn't. I wasn't going to. No matter how much they all meant to me. I step into the shower and shower as quick as I could, then step out, drying my hair and myself, then, curling it because I felt like actually doing it today. I change into some ripped jeans, putting on a black tank top, tucking it in and put on a cropped flannel, leaving it unbuttoned. I grab a mini pack of gummy bears from my kitchen then, I put on some boots, and then head out the door, going through my phone again, noticing how Iris was blowing up my phone, practically screaming at me about why I quit working at jitters. I let out a small huff and shove my phone in my pocket, and walk to jitters, the cold air hitting me, making the hair blow around a little, but I stayed warm. Perks of my powers, huh?
I step into jitters, my phone buzzing in my pocket but I ignore it and the first thing that comes into sight makes me want to run back home.
Barry was sitting in the middle of jitters, with Oliver Queen. And- a very pretty blond. Iris was behind the counter, freaking out to herself- maybe because thee. Oliver Queen. was in our presence. And Barry, was talking to Oliver, while holding his phone up to his ear, looks like he was calling someone, but his vision was focused on Oliver.
"Yeah- I'm calling her again-" I hear Barry say, looking at Oliver.
"What? Why?" Oliver replies in a quiet voice. Oh god. His voice.
"Because she- wait there she is- hang on-" Barry's eyes fixed on me, as he hung up who was on the phone with, my phone not buzzing right as he hung up, he shoves his phone into his pocket and starts to make his way towards me but I blink and start walking over to the front as if I haven't noticed him.
"Hey- hey." He jogs over to me and lightly grabs my arm. I stop, and look at him. "Hey, Barry." I say quietly.
"Why do I feel like you've been avoiding me?" He says.
"I haven't- I've just been busy lately- but on more- important matters- why didn't you tell me that you knew Oliver Queen?" I say excitedly, and I could see Oliver look at us with a very stern look from the corner of my eye.
"I know Oliver Queen." Barry playfully pats my head.
"Why is he here?" I ask, eating one of my gummy bears. Barry steals one and eats it, looking at me, "Just a surprise visit, I guess."
I hesitantly walk over to Oliver and the pretty blonde with him, noticing how he hasn't let go of my arm. Oliver looks at me, "And, who is this..?"
Barry quickly says, "This is Zee-"
The blonde waves lightly, "I'm Felicity. and- that's Oliver. if you aren't didn't know. which you probably do. because he's- Oliver Queen. Everyone knows Oliver Queen. He's rich- and handsome and- he's Oliver Queen-" Felicity starts to ramble.
Oliver looks at her, "Felicity."
"-and this is where I shut up. Sorry-" She smiles innocently and awkwardly.
"It's okay. I'm the exact same way." I eat another gummy bear.
"So- Zee. You know Cisco and Caitlin?" Oliver asks.
"Uhm- yeah. They help me. work on. stuff. and yeah- some. real. uhm. stuff." I start to say, then look at him, "it's confidential."
Barry looked like he was using everything in him to not burst out laughing.
"Does it have anything to do with meta humans?" Oliver asks me again, but sternly. He was very intimidating.
"I mean- yeah." I say quietly and shove another gummy bear in my mouth.
"Have you met the flash?" Felicity blurts out, and Barry immediately gives her a look that I couldn't decipher.
"And- I'll shut up." She says, pushing off the question.
I nod hesitantly, "Well- I've got to go. I- kinda have things to do. But it was great meeting you guys."
They give me a sly nod and before Barry could say anything to me, I was out the door and quickly walking back. I walk into a bank, deciding I needed to get my financial stuff done so I didn't need to worry about it later. I didn't think much of it, and wasn't paying attention, but that was up until, everyone was arguing and fighting. I didn't know what was going on, but this had turned into a blood bath in a matter of minutes. And within those minutes, not even a few seconds later, The Flash has ran in.
He looked around frantically, trying to spot people but then his eyes landed on me. I was gripping onto the corner of a desk, crouching behind it, trying to stay clear form everything but within seconds, someone had come behind the desk, and shot two bullets at me.
I went to scream, and tried to prepare myself for what was coming, but I didn't feel it. Two arms wrapped themselves around my waist and pulled me away from where I was in seconds, the force hitting me like a rock, knocking the wind out of me. I was suddenly on the other side of the room, being put down by Flash, as he grabbed onto my arms lightly, looking at me, speaking with his clear, vibrated voice, "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"
"I- I'm fine." I managed to mumble, looking back over to the huge riot going on, and then, it suddenly stopped. Flash looked around as confused as I was, then looks at me. "Lets get you to starlabs- to run some tests- to make sure you're okay- alright? Lets go-" He picks me up and speeds to starlabs before I can even protest.
Cisco looks at me, "How did you not die from what just happened in there-"
Caitlin gives him a look, "Well- she has Flash to save her from these situations-"
"I'm fine. okay?" I make Flash put me down, fixing my hair.
Flash looks at me, "What happened, at the bank?"
"I don't know. One minute everyone's fine, and some guy walks in and bam- everyone's going for each other's necks." I throw my hands up into the air, running a hand through my hair.
I catch Flash lightly smiling at me from the corner of my eye but then he covers it up quick, clearing his throat lightly, "So we're dealing with a meta human here-"
Cisco starts typing away on his computer, "Well we live in a city that has now been flooded with meta humans. what do you expect?"
"Can I go home now?" I look between them then go silent once Dr Wells comes in, looking at me. "I'd really. appreciate it if you went home. We have important business going on and there is no need for you to be involved with it. Now on other matters, Flash, I need to talk to you. Now." He slowly leaves the room and goes into another.
"Maybe after I drop her off home." Flash mutters under his breath and picks me up, running me home before I can say anything, putting me down in front of my apartment door.
"How do you know where I live?"
He goes quiet for a second then looks at me, "Small town, I guess."
"I've heard that from you before." I open my door.
"Well- get used to hearing it a lot more." And with that. He was gone.
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