Harry stared in shock, this being not what he expected to happen, "I'm so sorry."
"We lost him." Henry says.
"No-no-no- He could've gotten knocked somewhere or maybe even run somewhere." Cisco denied, not wanting to believe that we had just lost Barry, running and checking GPS signals from the screen in front of him, "Nothing on the GPS."
Within a few minutes, Harry, Iris, and Joe were running to find what had happened with Jesse and Wally, Henry soon going to give Jesse his best medical attention.
I slowly stood up, as Cisco looked at me with sorrowful eyes. "I- I have to go." I stutter, a small cough leaving my mouth as I turn to walk away.
"Zee-" Cisco starts to say, as I cut him off, looking at him. "I- I'll be back later- I just- can't be here right now." I told him, before leaving star labs and getting to my apartment as quickly as I could.
I step into my apartment, kicking off my shoes, sitting onto my couch.
My eyes drift to the arm of the couch, where they landed on one of Barry's sweatshirts, tears filling my eyes by just the sight of it. My hands shakily grabbed onto it, as I held it to my chest tightly, squeezing my eyes shut, letting out a choked sob.
Barry Allen was actually gone. And he left at the worst time. He left trying to become whole again. He left while me being upset. He left with me being in the worst mood, being rude to both him and everyone else. He never knew why I was upset. He never found out.
I never told him I love him. I never listened to him as much as I should've. I argued too much with him. I let my emotions out so much that he was always preoccupied with me.
There was so many things I regretted. And now, he wasn't here for me to fix any of it.
Whatever had upset me before, still had me upset, but the fact that I was still upset about it or could ever be upset about something like this especially when Barry politely turned her down and told Iris he was happy with me, made me even more upset with myself.
He told her he was in love with me.
My thoughts were interrupted when there was a knock at my door. I slowly got up, walking to the door, opening it to be greeted by Iris West.
"Hey-" I say weakly and quietly, my voice raspy from crying so much.
She gives me a pained smile, her voice also quietly and broken, "Hey. I thought you might need a friend."
I blink long and hard, before opening the door wider, "Come in."
She walks in slowly, as I close the front door, looking at her, as she speaks again, "I actually wanted to talk to you about something."
"Okay." I simply say, my entire mood going blank, as I dropped Barry's sweatshirt back onto the couch, wiping my tears with my sleeve, sitting on the arm of the couch, clapping my hands together as I let out a sigh.
"I've been thinking a lot recently- with everything that's been going on- and everything I've seen-" She started, "And I ended up telling Barry that I had feelings for him. Now, I would never try to come between you two-"
"I know." I quietly say.
"I don't know what I was thinking- and I could tell it really bothered you when I said what I said before everything went down and- I'm sorry. I am. I just felt the need to tell him before something like this happened. And it did happen. I'm not even sure if I mean it, it's probably just a phase." She says, "I'm sorry."
"A phase where you have feelings for my boyfriend?" I ask her, "Is that why you couldn't go on that date that one day? Not because of Eddie- but because of Barry?"
She stays silent for a while, before speaking up quietly, "I'm sorry. I don't want to get between you two- because I love you two together- I've been wanting you two together since he came out of his coma last year. I don't know what's up with me- but I know this will pass. I don't want to break you guys up- I just felt like I was keeping something from you guys if I didn't say anything about it. And I was completely out of line when I said what I said right in front of you. I'm sorry."
I stay silent for a second, before looking at her, "It's okay." I tell her, "I'm not upset with you. You don't need to apologize to me. I feel like I should be upset with you- but I understand where you're coming from. I can't be upset with you for any of it."
She goes silent as I speak up again, "I wasn't upset with either of you. I was just upset that because- you're right. Maybe you guys are meant to be together. Your future's are rewritten together. Which means Barry and I obviously don't last, Iris. It's only a matter of time- and that's what got to me."
"Don't say that." She says, "Don't say- you and Barry won't last. I know you will. You guys- are the ones who are meant for each other. You guys are the ones who are supposed to get married. You two have such- a good relationship- and always find your way back to each other. Whatever the future has in store for you- it's not this." Iris denied.
I go silent, not ready to argue with her about what the future has in store for Barry and I, and how the future can't be changed. I give her a sly nod, "Fine."
She nods slowly and hugs me tight, as her broken voice speaks, "I can't believe he's gone."
"I can't either." I say quietly, closing my eyes as I hugged her back, holding back tears.
We both pull away, as she looks at me, "You need to get some sleep, okay?"
I give her a nod, before she leaves, as I lock the front door, before taking a long shower, then moving to my room, laying in bed, in hopes of falling asleep.
"Barry's alive- and in the Speed Force?" Are the first words that leave my mouth as I walked into the cortex a few hours later after not being able to sleep, dressed in a pair of sweatpants, a white cropped t shirt, and one of Barry's jean jackets, my feet wearing slip on vans, my hair being in a messy bun. My eyes were slightly puffy and red, the bags under my eyes existing due to the lack of sleep I got last night, this being the worst I've looked in a while.
"Yes. And- remember Tony?" Cisco asked me, as I shoved my hands into my jacket pockets.
"Should I?" I ask him, my eyes squinted in suspicion, my mind not clicking on who he was.
Iris nods, "Crazy strong- man of steel- kinda dude? Had a huge crush on me last year-?"
"Oh- yeah, him." I say, as if I did know who they were talking about.
"So you do remember?" Cisco questioned.
My lips form into a pout as I look away, in thought, before looking back at them, "No."
A playful eye roll comes from Cisco, "Well- he's now a zombie. You're the only actual- somewhat trained meta that might be able to help."
"Can't you just- breach him somewhere?" I ask, staring at him, my ideas out of wack due to the lack of sleep.
"It doesn't work that way, Zee- I can't just breach him to another place where he can continue his destruction." Cisco told me.
"It's not like I can just melt him, Cisco." I pathetically laughed lightly in amusement.
He scratches the back of his head, "That was our best bet so far."
"For real?" I say, rolling my eyes, moving around the desk and seating myself in a chair, starting to type away on the computer, scanning through sightings of Tony.
Iris comes next to me as Cisco leaves the room, Joe and Henry walking in.
"Okay- he just completely trashed the hell out of Jitters." I said out loud, staring at the video evidence in front of me.
"Wow- Cisco's meta human alert app is going crazy." Iris says, watching the screen along with me.
"Now that is strange." Joe says, "He knocks over a hydrant on 4th and Stevenson, doesn't go in the building, then smashes a Humvee in front of the Big Belly Burger, but doesn't go into the building, gets to CC Jitters, he actually goes in."
"Yeah, it's like Jitters was his target, but why?" Iris wonders.
"Maybe we was looking for something? Or someone? With his zombie mindset?" I suggest, getting up, walking over to them and standing next to Iris.
"When I was in Iron Heights awaiting trail," Henry spoke up, "I had a cellmate who always swore he was gonna break out. At a pre-trail hearing, he stole a deputy's gun, and escaped in a police cruiser."
With the confused look on Joe's face, Henry squeezes his shoulder comfortingly before crossing his arms, "There's a point to this Joe, I promise. Now, the poor, dumb bastard could've gone anywhere, right? But he was apprehended two hours later. Do you know why? 'Cause he went to his old girlfriend's house looking for her."
"So you think that's why Tony's doing, even in the state he's in now?" Joe questioned.
"I think people are creatures of habit, sometimes at a level stronger than conscious thought." Henry explained.
"I mean- that's a good lead. We've just got to figure out who he's looking for." I cross my arms.
"No, I don't think that Tony had a girlfriend. I mean- not the way that he was hitting on me when he-" Iris paused, in realization, "He came into Jitters."
A small smile in amusement crosses my lips as my arms uncross and wrap around her, as I looked at her, "Guess who used to work at Jitters?"
"He's after me again." Iris said, her eyes wide in amusement, as I could tell we were both holding back a laugh.
"So, when he was after you the first time, where'd you see him next, after Jitters?" Henry asked.
"Home-" Joe's hand goes to his mouth, "He came to our house when he took you. Wally's there now." Joe starts to walk away.
I let go of Iris as she stops Joe, "No- no- Dad this is good. We know where he is and we know what he wants, that means we know how to beat him."
"How do you propose we do that?" Joe asks.
"We use me as bait to lure him back to Star Labs, where Cisco and Wells can kill him- again." Iris states.
Joe hums and shakes his head in response, probably not ready to put his daughters life at risk.
"I'll go." I offer, "I could go with her, so if he tries to hurt her- I can whip out my powers. Blast him right through the air- give us some more time to run."
Joe gives us a hesitant look, "The way you worded that makes me want to laugh-"
"Me too- me too." I say, looking down in shame, pursing my lips to hold back a laugh but couldn't help but smile. The spark of hope that Barry was still alive and we could get him back made my mood ten times better.
"But okay." Joe agreed, as Iris and I cheer, giving each other a high five.
We awaited for Tony's arrival by the window, with Joe, Iris and I occasionally checking to see if he was near.
Wally walks in with three mugs of coffee, handing us all one, as I smile, thanking him quietly.
"Wally, thank you." Joe thanks.
"Don't mention it." He smiles at us, before turning, starting to walk away but Joe quickly speaks up, almost burning his mouth after taking a sip of the coffee, "Wait."
Wally turns around, as Joe speaks, "I've been meaning to ask you, uh. How are you feeling?"
"Tired, but fine. I guess." Wally answers.
"So you don't notice anything different?" Joe questioned.
"Uh, no." Wally replies, confused.
"I mean, I want you to know you can come and talk to me if you're scared or," Joe trails off, "You have questions about how your body's changing."
"Oh-" Iris whispers to herself, as she leans her forehead against her hand, the way Joe wording that making us all want to burst out in laughter.
A small laugh leaves my mouth as my hand covers it, my eyes wide with amusement, as I removed my hand and slowly sip my coffee quietly, in attempt to hold back the rest of my laughter.
"I think you're a little late for the puberty talk, Dad." Wally says, the smile on his face remaining. "I've seen the Internet."
Joe chuckles, mumbling quietly, "Looks like I'm gonna have to do this the old fashioned way."
Joe holds his mug out, before letting go of it, as it drops onto the ground, shattering and spilling the coffee that was in it, causing both Iris and I to flinch, both of us looking at Wally's reaction.
"Are you okay?" Wally asks, his eyes wide, and somewhat concerned.
I turn, as I burst out into laughter, not being able to hold it in anymore, but my laughter was silenced when we heard a loud crash outside the house, followed by Tony's screaming.
"Wally, go upstairs." Joe tells him, as Wally throws his arms out in protest, "Wally, please go upstairs." He points to the stairwell, as Wally huffs and walks upstairs.
"Dad, do you really think he's a meta human?" Iris asks Joe as she got up.
"He did a really great way of trying to find out." I say.
"Well, he got zapped by the particle accelerator and he was unconscious, it was worth a shot." Joe explains himself.
"I gave you that mug." Iris complained lightly.
"He's coming." Joe watches from the window.
Iris and I put the comms in our ears, before walking to the front door.
Joe speaks, "You two sure about this?"
I look at Iris, letting her answer for the two of us, "You know what, two minutes ago We both would've said yes, absolutely. But now, what the hell?"
She opens the door, as we both run out there, my gaze falling onto Tony, "Oh-" I drag out the word in realization, "I remember him!"
"Zee- focus." Iris tells me, a small laugh leaving her mouth, as she whistles at Tony, "Tony, hey! Come on, over here!"
Tony snarls at the two of us, before starting to follow us, as we start running towards star labs.
"You getting towards Star Labs?" Joe's voice rings in our ears.
"On our way." I say, as we continued to run.
"I'll meet you there." Joe's voice cuts out, as we continue to lure Tony to Star Labs.
I was out of breath, the time we were round the corner to Star Labs, as I quietly yell to Iris, "The next time I offer to do something like this and it involves running- please politely decline."
Iris lets out a out of breath laugh, as we run into the room we were told to arrive in, greeted by Cisco and Joe, Iris calling out of his name, "Cisco!"
"Is that zombie still behind you?" Cisco asks.
"Good news is we lured Tony back to Star Labs." I tell him, completely out of breath, not being able to feel my legs fully, entirely tired out, trying to catch my breath.
Iris follows up, also in the same state I was in, "Bad news is we lured Tony back to Star Labs."
"No- no- this is good. Okay, side note, you both might want to be on this side of the room," he points behind him, "Especially if you're wearing any jewelry or you have any metal plates in your body."
"What?" I ask, as Iris follows up, "Huh?"
"The stray energy from the accelerator reactivated Girdir's brain, well, parts of it, anyway, so I disassembled our MRI machine to set up these- electromagnets. So when Girdir walks through that door, and gets caught in the field that they generate, it should disrupt the energy wave that turned him Abby Normal." Cisco explained.
"Like wiping a hard drive." Iris says, as we all get to the side of the room Cisco suggested.
"Lah-Kah-Tah!" Cisco says, following us.
We awaited Tony's arrival as Cisco spoke again, "Okay, now, I can only maintain full power for a few seconds, so I can't turn this on until he's actually in the room."
As if one cue, Tony growls as he stomped into the room, Cisco speaking up, turning on the machine, "There he is. Hi!"
We watched as it worked for only a few seconds, before the entire thing broke down, Tony look as he did before.
"Oh- we're gonna die." I say, my voice dangerously low as I stared at Tony in slight fear of being crushed by him, ready to run as fast as I could out of the room.
"Why don't it look like it's working?" Joe asked.
"Because it's not, uh- let's get out of here?" Cisco suggests, as we all ran out of the room, and into the breach room.
"Plans A through G did not work." Cisco says as we ran in, Joe shutting the door behind us.
"We're actually screwed." I spoke, pinching the bridge of my nose.
"Do we have anything in here that can stop him?" Joe asks.
"Maybe Zee could melt him?" Cisco suggests.
"Cisco! I can't melt him. He could crush me with his bare hands!" I stress, putting my hands on my hips.
"Barry could stop him if we could bring him back." Henry says.
"We tried that already, Dr. Allen." Harry says.
"We need to try it again." Joe says.
"Somebody needs to try something, that door's not gonna hold." Cisco spoke out.
"Is there any other way out of there?" Joe asks.
"No, the breach room was designed to be seal off." Harry answers.
"All right, look, if it's me that he wants, I'll just lead him away." Iris tries.
Joe stops her, "No you won't. You'll never even make it past that door. If he came back from the dead and still wants you, what makes you think he's gonna let you go?"
"I mean- I could try and ya know, push him out of the way? Get a head start and I guess- fly head first?" I try.
Joe looks at me as if I had lost my mind, "And break every bone in your body? You're not as strong as Supergirl, and you don't heal like The Flash."
"Well- do you have any other options?" I argue back.
"Wait." Cisco says, "I saw Barry, he had this look. What if we couldn't get him out of the Speed Force because he didn't want to come back?"
"Okay- you saw him right?" I look at Cisco, "Maybe he didn't give in because he wasn't ready. Maybe he's ready now- we don't have any other options- we need to try getting him back again."
"Well- what if he's not ready now?" Cisco asks.
"Well, he damn well better be ready- because we're about to die." I say through gritted teeth, before letting out a breath.
"Turn it on." Cisco grabs some device that I couldn't quite identify, "We got to try again."
We all stayed silent as Cisco puts the device on his head, "Any of you got a better idea?"
Henry speaks up, "When you look into the Speed Force, can someone else see into it too?"
"Well, as long as you're in physical contact with Ramon while he's vibing, then yes." Harry answered.
"Let me do that." Henry offers, "I can get Barry to come back."
"Can I?" I spoke up in question, "I want to do it. Let me. Please." I held eye contact with Henry, my chest firing up with fear that he would say no and could get upset with me.
To my surprise, he just smiles, giving me a small nod, putting his hand on my back, rubbing it lightly, as I give him a small smile before walking over to Cisco.
I held Cisco's hand tight, as he gives me a nod, before setting his hand on Barry's suit, causing us to get sucked into his vibe, a quiet gasp coming from me, my eyes wide as I slowly looked around the entire vortex we were in.
"Oh- this is so cool-" I start to say, my voice echoed, taking in what the Speed Force really looked like.
"Zee." Cisco says sternly, as I clear my throat, "Right- right- sorry." I say, looking around, my eyes landing on Barry.
I call out his name, my voice distant, as I reached my hand out for him, as his gaze stayed on me, as he stepped closer. The loose strands that came from my messy bun ripped back and forth in the wind, as if we were caught in some sort of storm.
He reaches his arm out, reaching for my hand as a small smile forms on his lips at the sight of me.
We grab onto each other's hands, as we held on as tight as we could. I gave Barry a small smile, my heart jumping due to finally seeing him again and knowing he wasn't dead.
Not even a second later, we were back in the breach room, as Henry yelled out in relief, "Barry!"
Barry smiles at Henry, before I grabbed his arm, as he turned towards me, "Hi-" I say, taking in his appearance, the smile on my face widening, small tears stinging in my eyes, and before I could even say anything else, he pulled me into a hug, holding me as tight as possible as I held onto him just as tight, "Hi-" I giggled quietly, squeezing my eyes shut, the tears that were once in my eyes, slipping down my cheeks, as we rocked back and forth, not letting go of each other.
"Hey-" He mumbles into my hair, "I missed you." He kisses my head.
Joe and Henry cheer as they jump into each other's arms, as I let out a quiet sob, "I missed you too-"
We separate at the sound of Cisco's voice, as I wiped my tears, "I'm so glad you're back, 'cause we're about to die."
"Wait what?" Barry asks, confused at what he had just come back to.
Tony bangs on the door, causing me to flinch back in fear, almost falling back, remembering that Tony was still our problem, Barry wrapping his arm around my back before I fell, holding me to his side to make sure I didn't fall.
"So-" Cisco starts, not finding the right words.
"Girdir." Harry tells him.
"Girdir came back to life, and he's all Young Frankenstein now, and he only recognizes Iris, and both her and Zee practically ran for their lives and lured him to my workshop, so we could demagnetize him, but the machine shorted out, so he's about to come through that door and smush us all into chunky salsa and possibly eat our brains out. I don't know. Jury's still our on that-" Cisco starts all in one breath.
"All right- I got it. I will lure him to your workshop and we figure out a way to turn the power back on, okay?" Barry comes up with a plan instantly.
"Plan H." Both Cisco and Harry say in unison.
Tony knocks down the door, breathing heavily as he looks at all of us, slowly going from completely metal to his normal zombie self.
"Oh ew-" I start to say, as he lets out a scream, causing me to shut my mouth.
Barry plants a kiss on my temple before grabbing Iris, and running to the door, Iris yelling for Tony, then Tony taking the bait and following them as Barry runs the long way.
"He's taking him the long way- come on." Cisco told Harry as they went to work.
Barry ran in with Iris seconds later, letting her go, "I hope you're ready, he's almost here."
"Nope, not ready." Cisco says, Harry and him still working.
Iris comes and stands next to me as Harry speaks, "Power needs at least two electromagnets, too much for this wiring to handle."
"We're gonna need a really big extension cord!" Cisco says.
"All right- I'll see what I can do." Barry says, as Tony walks in, Barry dodging all of his hits, before shoving into him, then ending up getting thrown at the wall, falling onto the ground.
I gasp, as Barry lays on the ground in pain.
Barry gets up, "Tony- Tony-" He grunts, "Look, you were never my favorite person, but let's end this. So you can finally rest."
Within seconds, Barry was rounding around Tony, charging the machine, Harry and Cisco putting into context out loud what Barry was pulling.
Soon enough, Tony dropped to the ground, as Barry bent over, his hands on his knees, as he breathed heavily, "Sorry, I got lost."
"We found you." I say quietly, as I found myself waking over to him, my hand rubbing his back, "Like we always do."
He slowly stands up, looking at me, a small grin on his face as I let out a small laugh, before jumping into his arms, holding onto him tight.
We all walked into where Jesse was laying, still not waking up, with Harry seated beside her.
Harry's head turned at the sound of our footsteps, as his gaze lands on Barry, standing up, "Barry. You should rest, you don't need to be here."
"No, that's just it. I think I do." Barry says, his gaze falling on Jesse as he rounded her bed, before grabbing her hand, a bolt of what looked like electricity going through to her.
Jesse's eyes slowly opened as her gaze falls on Barry, "Hi."
We all watched in shock as Jesse speaks again, "How did I get here?"
Harry hugs his daughter as Henry speaks in question, "How did you do that?"
"Are you like magic now?" Cisco asks.
"Did you know that was going to happen?" Iris asked.
"Maybe- it's hard to explain- it's-" Barry starts.
Harry finishes for him, "It's the Speed Force."
That night Barry and I went home to my place, as we were seated in on my couch, as Barry told me all about how Henry decided he was going to stay in Central City with us.
"You still haven't told me why you were upset." Barry spoke up once we went silent.
"Do we really have to talk about this right now?" I ask, as he gives me a nod.
"I was upset because," I trail off, "You and Iris end up in the future either way. Something bad obviously happens between the two of us. We don't last." I say quietly, "And that's what got to me. But I'm okay now-"
"Zee." Barry stops me, as I go quiet right when he says my name, "I don't care what the future has in store of us. Nothing will happen between us. We're strong. Okay? We will get through it. Don't stress about it."
I give him a sly nod, before letting down my hair from the messy bun, running my fingers through my straight hair.
"I'm gonna get ready for bed-" I say, getting up, pressing my lips to his forehead before walking towards my bedroom, as he calls out after me, "Me too." He says, following me as we walk into my bedroom.
I slip off his jacket, hanging it up before walking to my nightstand, pausing in my actions before looking at him, his back turned towards me, and facing the closet, "Barry?"
"Yes?" He looks back at me, humming in response, as I fully turn and face him.
"I know there could be a- much better time to tell you this- but. I just want to say it right now- and I'm going to- and don't freak out-" I start to ramble, as he fully turns, taking a few steps closer to me, his eyebrows furrowed.
"What is it?" He questioned, his arms crossing, the sound of his voice making me go quiet, as I stared at him, not breaking eye contact with him.
"I-" I trail off slowly, my mouth open slightly, wanting to back out now, but now that I've already started, I wasn't going to make up something else, the glimmering hope in his eyes, causing it to slip out easier, "I love you."
His eyes widen with slight excitement, as his mouth turns up into a smile, walking over to me, his hands on my waist, as he leads me back into the wall next to my nightstand, his forehead against mine.
"Any time would've been the best time to say that." He says, his lips hovering over mine.
"Oh?" I whisper, as all the worry vanished from my chest, being replaced with relief.
"I love you too." He whispers, before pressing his lips into mine, picking me up and laying me onto my bed.
I kiss back, within seconds he pulls away, slipping off the shirt he had on, tossing it somewhere in the room, before leaning down pressing his lips into mine again.
The next morning, Barry and I had went to his mother's grave, the day raining on us, as I held an umbrella over my head, Barry getting on one knee, placing flowers down, with a book that was titled The Runaway Dinosaur, as he spoke, "Joe offered to take me so many times. I always found an excuse to say no."
He held the book, looking back at me, a small chuckle coming from him due to the memories, "My mom and I read this when I was little. Do you know it?" He sets the book down by the flowers.
"Yeah." I say quietly.
"Did you like it?" He looks back at me.
I give him a small shrug, "In some ways I did. It gave me a fantasy- to dream about- having the mother who was always there for you, through everything. But- then it also made me upset- because I knew no matter what I did- my mom was gone too early to do that for me as I grew up. Just because she wanted to leave my dad. I mean- even on another Earth- my family was messed up." I sigh quietly, "To think of it- we both didn't really have our mothers there for us our entire lives."
He stood up, facing me, slowly taking the umbrella from me, "I'm seeing things a lot differently now."
I nod slowly, as he continues, "I wasted so much time being angry about what I had lost, when I had so much- My dad. Joe. Iris. you."
A smile crosses my lips as I listen to him, "The truth is, I don't know what's going to happen in the future. I don't know what the future has in store for us- but I know. That we will get through it." He tells me.
I give him a small nod, as he continues to speak, "All I know right now- is you're everything to me and always have been. And the sound of your voice will always bring me home."
"Barry-" I start to trail off quietly, but he doesn't let me speak, as he continues.
"I am so happy to be home. With you." He says, "You brought me home, Zee Young."
As I took in every word he was saying to me, my vision filled with small tears of happiness, feeling happier than I have in a while.
"I love you." He smiles, as I let out a small laugh, throwing my arms around him, "I love you too."
authors note:
ok so like, I like JUST realized I've been spelling Zolomon wrong this entire time and I'm too lazy to change it so like. It's Zolomon. Not Zoloman.
jus a lil note. das all.
also, I strive to have a friendship like zee's and iris'.
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