"Zee- you and Barry broke up because of your doppelganger- so technically it wasn't even you- so I'm pretty sure you guys are still dating." Iris exclaims, as she sips coffee out of her mug as we sat at Jitters, somewhere I haven't been in what my perspective was, a long time.
The smell of flavored coffee was strong in the café, as the strong aroma causing me to hum in response, "She hurt him."
"Exactly, she. Which means, you guys don't have to postpone your relationship because of something she did! That incident and happening should make you guys stronger, not broken." Iris explains, "Joe and I were talking to him the night before, and he started crying."
My attention goes on full alert, as I processed what she had just told me, "He was upset? To the point where he cried? What happened?"
"See- you care so much-" She starts but I cut her off. "Iris, just because we aren't together doesn't mean I don't care for him."
A roll of her eyes comes my way, "Obviously. But, you two care about each other too much to let all that time together to go to waste. I mean, you guys need to be together."
"Why was he upset, Iris." I ask her, staying to the point.
"He's basically trying to blame himself for everything that's happened between you two, and you in general since you got kidnapped, and then with Jay- and Earth Two." She explains.
I start to speak, "None of that is his fault-"
"I know! But, Barry is clearly starting to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders." Iris says.
"Sounds like a certain someone I know," I start, and look at her, as we both give each other the obvious look.
"Oliver Queen." We both say in unison, a small laugh leaving my mouth afterwards.
"What I'm trying to say is- you need to talk to him. You guys need to fix things. Zee Young and Barry Allen breaking up is a complete crisis that needs to be resolved immediately, and it starts with you, talking to him." Iris tells me.
"Why me?-" I start to protest but she cuts me off.
"It's your doppelganger that ruined the relationship." She says to me.
I roll my eyes in defeat, "I can't even escape this- you practically forced him into living with me for a few days."
"Which was the perfect idea, to get you guys to start being around each other again- wanting each other- the first step to fixing this relationship!" Iris says, proud of her idea, and the stunts she had pulled.
"How are you the one trying more than I am to fixing my relationship?" I ask her.
"Because you are afraid that he will be too hurt to start things over again." She says, "But I know he loves you more than enough to pick up where you left off."
"Love?" I question.
"Oh come on." She speaks, "The way he looks at you when you aren't looking. The way he smiles at you when you have one of your laughing fits. The way he acts when he's being overprotective of you, the way he acts so soft around you. He can't ever be upset with you for more than a day or two anymore, He's completely in love with you."
"He's never said it." I try.
"Neither have you. But I know for a fact, that you've been head over heels for him, and even during Peter, those feelings never left." She shoots back at me.
"Fine- Fine. You win." I put my hands up in surrender.
We were stood at what looked like some sort of waterfall, Caitlin, Harry, Cisco, Barry and I. This being some sort of test, or training to see if Barry could get faster from it to stop Zoom.
I was dressed in a tank top that was tucked into my jeans, a windbreaker covering me, zipped up all the way, boots worn on my feet, and a beanie to put it all together on my head. The wind blew, whipping my hair around lightly, as I slightly shivered at the cool air.
"If it makes you feel any better, Evel Knievel cleared a line of cars that was twice this long and he didn't even have superpowers," Cisco says, walking over to Barry and Harry, as my feet slowly made their way down over to them too, Caitlin now joining in also. "Unless you count that sweet ass ride."
"Do you hear yourself?" Barry asks him, amused at him.
"What?" Cisco puts his hand on Barry's arm, "Look, you're gonna be fine. I'm 80% sure of it." He reassures Barry, who was very nervous.
"Okay." Barry slowly nods.
"76." Cisco corrects himself, "Like, a strong 72. I can't stop, Caitlin, Zee, help."
Caitlin speaks first, "If you don't feel ready, you probably shouldn't do it."
"Not helpful." Cisco replies, due to my silence and her response.
"Look, Zoom's still out there. And once I find a way back to Earth Two, I have to be faster than him. And, I mean right now, I wasn't even fast enough to save Jay." Barry says, the mention of the name causing me to look down, and lightly tense up, "I have to try."
Barry walks away from us, as I quickly jog behind him, "Hey-" I stop him, revealing one of my freezing hands from my pockets and grabbing onto his forearm lightly to stop him.
"Hm?" Barry halts, his response hummed, his lips pursed together as he slightly turns and looks back at me.
"I-" I start, losing all track of what I was going to say to him, and only manage to muster the first thing that comes to mind, "Don't- die?"
"No promises." He jokes lightly, a small laugh leaving his mouth, as my expression stays serious, but I couldn't help but crack a tiny grin.
"You're- really cold." Barry turns fully, grabbing onto my hands due to how cold they were, my body shaking lightly due to how cold it was outside.
"We aren't talking about that right now-" I try, but he cuts me off, "Why don't you have an actual coat on?"
"I thought I looked nice, and I didn't wanna ruin it with a huge winter coat." I explain quietly, as he gives me a look, "This is how you get sick."
"You sound like a mom." I say.
"You sound like a teen." He replied.
A small giggle leaves my mouth, as I threw my head back, looking up at the sky, as he spoke, "Listen, you'll always look cute- even if it's in a huge winter coat."
Blood rushes to my cheeks, as I felt my cheeks heat up, causing me to blush.
"My coat should be on one of the chairs- just go wear that, okay? I don't want you freezing cold, or getting sick." Barry explains, as he places his mask on.
"Why?" I ask dumbfounded, slipping my hands away from his.
"Because you'll get me sick." He makes up quickly, before walking to where he needed to be, and gets in position.
I grab Barry's coat, slipping it on and buttoning it up, before standing next to Cisco.
Barry runs, jumping off the cliff, practically running on air to get to the other side, to try and reach before he fell into the waterfall. "He's gonna make it!" Caitlin says.
She had spoke too soon. Barry had fell, causing a shriek to leave my mouth, as Caitlin speaks, "No!"
"Oh, damn." Harry says, as Caitlin, Harry and I run closer to the cliff.
Within seconds, Barry was lifted by a net, the drones Cisco brought holding him in the air, as Cisco spoke, ""Why'd you have to bring those drones along, Cisco?", "Oh, I don't know." You're welcome everyone!"
"So, you didn't make the canyon jump?" Jesse asks, as I sat on a desk, running a hand through my slightly messy hair after taking off my beanie, now only in what I was in before I put on Barry's coat, but my windbreaker unzipped, revealing my tank top.
"No." Barry says, "What else can we try?"
Cisco speaks with popcorn in his mouth, "A bigger canyon?"
I roll my eyes, stealing some popcorn from him, "If Barry couldn't make this one, how could he make a bigger one?" I place the popcorn into my mouth, as Cisco shrugs, shoving more into his own. "Okay, fine, no more canyons."
Barry speaks, "I know I can crack this." He says, "I've just been going about it wrong. I need to find my leg up. Have we factored in drag? Wells, can we rerun the simulation?"
"Let it go for now." Harry replies.
"Zoom's still out there. He's terrorizing a whole world of people, your world. You know, I'm not doing this for fun." Barry shoots back.
"Barry, we've been working on this all week, you're tired, we're tired." Caitlin speaks for all of us, as I let out a sigh.
"Yeah, what we need is some down time. Downtime leads to increased productivity, ergo we have to have some fun." Cisco says, getting up, "And the best way to have fun, is for us to go out to the club. Am I right, Team Flash?"
"Let's get turnt!" Cisco says, as Barry chuckles. "No, but seriously we need a break."
"You know, I think Cisco's right, and if I'm saying we need a break, then you know it's serious." Caitlin says.
"All right, let's go out tonight." Barry agrees.
"Oh yeah- can I go?" Jesse asks her father, who stared at her as if she was insane.
I was stood next to Barry, holding onto a drink, as he did the same, as we stood at one table, watching Cisco and Caitlin dance. Since Hesse had wondered off to what she told us "to powder her watch" Iris was speaking to Wally, keeping him company. I was dressed in a somewhat darker red dress, that was tight on my skin. I had a jean jacket on over it, but now it was resting on the table we were stood at, as I got too lazy to hold it.
I sip my drink, my eyes squeezing shut due to the burning as I let it slip down my throat, as my voice becomes raspy, "You know, I have began to envy your ability to not get drunk."
"Seriously? I could say the exact opposite to you. I miss it." Barry says, laughing lightly.
I shake my head, laughing, downing the rest of my drink, opening my eyes, blinking a couple of times. I was on my third drink, and I didn't have much of a high tolerance of alcohol as I did when I was younger, so I was already drunk.
I breathed in through my nose, a smile taking over my lips as I leant onto the table, holding myself up with my elbows like Barry was already doing, as I moved my head, resting it on his arm.
A few seconds later, I felt him lean his head against mine, as I smile wider, my heart fluttering on my insides, my confidence firing within me due to the amount of alcohol I had consumed, as I spoke without realization, "I really miss being your girlfriend, Barry Allen."
He stays silent for a few seconds, before responding back, in a quieter voice than I had told him, "I miss being your boyfriend, Zee Young."
"Then why are we still broken up?" I ask, moving my head away, and turn my head towards him, my face inches away from his, "Why can't we just put our misery to an end, and just be happy together again?" I ask, not even processing how childish I sounded, and how my sober self would never speak like this, or even be able to speak about it.
"I don't know, honey." He says, as I giggle quietly, throwing my head back, "You called me honeyyy-" I drag out, as he laughs quietly.
"I love y-" I hiccup before I could finish the sentence, as he helps me stand up straight, "Maybe we should get you home yeah? You're really drunk."
Before I could speak, both of our heads snapped in the direction where lightening had come from, the one similar to Barry's as the person ran around the club, as I spoke to Barry quietly, clearing my throat lightly, "I know I'm drunk and everything- but I'm not the only one who saw that- right?"
The speedster runs out, resulting in my hand purse, Caitlin's purse, money and people's wallets gone, people accusing the Flash, as Barry ran after whoever it was.
Our boss at Picture News had assigned both Iris and I to write an article about what went down at the club due to us being witnesses. "Streak to Freak" he called it, as all I did was ignore, due to the major hangover I had.
Later on, Barry had gotten his ass handed to him by the new speedster that went by the name Trajectory. Not even a while later, she had come to star labs and locked Barry up, forcing Caitlin and Harry to make her more V-9, the drug that had resulted in her being a speedster, but it was what was making her sick.
Eliza, who was Trajectory, had shot Jesse with V-9, causing her to get a blood transplant from Harry.
Now, we were stood in the cortex, as Harry spoke, "What's her location?"
"Central City Bridge." Cisco speaks.
"Why is she running back and forth?" Caitlin asked.
"Villains gonna vill." Cisco says.
"She's creating friction." Barry spoke, staring at the screen.
"At that vibration and speed-" Harry continues for him.
"What?" I ask in unison with Joe.
"Complete chaos. She could destroy that entire bridge." Cisco says.
"Then- I'm coming." I say, walking towards my suit.
"Zee- there is no way in hell I'm going to let y-" Barry starts but I turn and face him. "You didn't listen to Joe- when he tried to stop you when you first started this." I recalled what he had told me one night, as I spoke again, "Don't think I'm going to be any different."
I walk away, quickly suiting up, heading out there with Barry, as we went over to the bridge, Barry rushing people out, as I did the same, ignoring the conversations they were having through the comms, I retreating to the bottom of the bridge, using the heat blasts that came from my hands to melt together the cracks, them drying as soon as I stopped, to try and prevent it from breaking, and it was working.
Not even a few minutes later, the bridge completely crumbles, all the cement and pieces of road from the middle dropped onto me, sending me into the river along with the bridge, as I watched the different cars fall into the water, as my eyes land on someone still in their car, a child in the back seat. Before I could land in the wander, my flew through the pieces of cement, forcing the man and his child out of the car, placing them on the very edge where Trajectory once was before Barry jumped and was now fighting her. I was pulled down by force of gravity, my body hitting the water, as I was taken under, as I held my breath before going underwater.
The comms went out, as I felt the cold rush through my body, as I tried to warm myself up with my powers, it resulting into not being enough.
I try to force the huge piece of the bridge of me, but I wasn't making progress. I run out of air, as my sight starts to turn slightly black.
Within minutes, I felt my body being pulled up, my body hitting hard on a hard ground, someone pumping my stomach as I coughed up the water, my eyes slightly opening as I see Barry, his eyes wide, him breathing heavily, as he lets out a breath of relief.
"We're-" Barry starts but I cut him off, "Talking about this later. I know." I finish for him, a sigh leaving my lips, breathing heavily as my hands cover my face.
We were stood in the cortex the next morning, my hair curly and wavy, my body dressed in a black t shirt, that was tucked into light ripped jeans, my feet in heels.
My hands were in my back pockets, as everyone spoke, Barry's voice catching my attention, "It's just right before Eliza disappeared, her lightening, it turned blue."
"Right. What if he's a side affect of the v-9?" Cisco asks.
"Yeah, but Jay took Velocity-9 and his lightening didn't turn blue." Caitlin spoke.
"But who else do we know- that is a speedster- and has blue lightening?" I ask, hinting Zoom, my eyes landing on Barry.
"About how fast was he running?" Barry lightly nods at me, and asked Caitlin.
Iris spoke, "Not as fast as Eliza."
"All right, so what if v-9 is what turns your lightening blue? I mean that would explain why Zoom is so much faster than me." Barry asks.
"But- that would mean that Zoom's sick." I exclaim, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
"He's dying." Harry says in realization. "That's why he wants your speed, he's dying and he needs a cure."
Barry picks up his head, his eyes slightly wide and filled with guilt for what he was about to say, his eyes landing on Caitlin, "Same as Jay."
Caitlin spoke, "No."
Cisco started to deny also, "Jay? No, he died right in front of us, Zoom killed him right in front of us."
"Cisco, we've seen a speedster be in two places at once before." Barry says, referring to the Reverse Flash.
Harry looks at Cisco, "We'll I guess there's only one way to find out."
Cisco speaks, "I guess now would be a good time to tell you all I've been vibing Zoom."
"What?" Harry asks, "You- for how long?"
"It started when we closed the last breach." Cisco admitted, "And every time it's happened, I've been near that thing." He looks at Jay's helmet.
Barry lets out a sigh, getting up, a metal pole in his hand as he walks over to the glass and hits the pole against it as hard as it could, the glass shattering and making a loud noise, causing me to flinch, as I could see the anger coming from Barry.
Although I couldn't say that watching that wasn't hot.
Barry sets the pole down and grabs the helmets, a few small shards of glass still on the top as he turned and handed Cisco the helmet, simply saying four words, "We need to know."
Barry had come and stood next to me, as Cisco vibed, then lets out a sigh, "Oh no. No- no." Cisco dropped the helmet.
"Cisco, what did you see?" Caitlin asked, almost as if she was afraid to ask.
He turned, "I saw Jay." He paused. "He's Zoom."
Harry stepped forward, as everyone was shocked.
"I- knew it-" I start to say, trying to contain all my emotions in, not knowing how I felt, knowing everyone else felt betrayed, hurt, and anger, but there was so much I felt right now, I couldn't pin point, but Iris covers my mouth with her hand before I could continue.
Barry runs off, as Joe shouted after him, "Barry!"
A sigh left my mouth once Iris' hand leaves my mouth, "I should've kept my mouth shut." I mutter.
"He needs to be alone. Not your fault-" Iris leads me out the room.
Jay Garrick was Zoom.
And we were all very upset about it.
authors note:
oh would you look at that, I fit an episode into one chapter, are you guys proud of me yet?
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