Jesse was now on the ground in her cage, quietly asleep, still chained up. My back was leaning against the wall, hugging myself, my legs folded, Barry on the other side of the cell that we shared, seated also.
We were all silent, just sitting there, not knowing what to do.
I stood to my feet, rubbing the dry blood off from my face with my sleeve, walking over to Barry silently, as I sat in front of him, my legs crossing, my hands folding in my lap, as I looked up at him.
He looks at me, not making a sound. I break the silence between us, my voice low and quiet, a slight hint of raspiness, "What did she do?"
His eyes furrow in confusion as I spoke again, "You have clearly figured out that she was the one with you, and everything bad that has happened has come from something she did, and now you'll barely look at me, so tell me. What did she do?"
His head drops down, slowly lifting back up, his eyes meeting mine, sitting up in the same position, her elbows falling and resting on his legs, as he plays with his hands.
We sat there quiet, as I awaited an answer.
He finally speaks, breaking eye contact with me, his eyes landing on his hands, switching between them and the ground, "You- well- she, came home. She spoke about weakness, when we were at your place, as I was comforting her about everything. She broke up with me because our relationship was a weakness, then proceeded to make out with one of your co workers the very next morning, acting as if she didn't care. And she probably didn't- because she wasn't my Zee. But it hurt- so much." He explains quietly, glancing up at me, as I could spot the glossy coat covering his eyes, his eyes beginning to be slightly red.
His Zee.
I stay quiet, as he speaks again, "I should've noticed- I should've noticed how she wasn't wearing your meta human dampening bracelet- or how she could be lying about losing the necklace I gave you- but I couldn't see clearly- I was just happy and relived that my girlfriend was back home- and she was okay." A sigh leaves his lips, as if it were in defeat, "I wasn't seeing clearly."
I reach and grab his hand hesitantly, not knowing if it was okay or not, due to us now being broken up because of Reign.
"What did she do to you? How long have you been here?" He asks me, once I grabbed his hand, as I held his hand in both of mine.
"The night Iris got hurt- when you discovered that you were running slower. After, I left the hospital after visiting Iris, Zoom and Reign- they kidnapped me. Eventually, I was brought here and Reign laid a few solid ones on my face- as you can see the evidence- but. I've been here ever since." I explain quietly.
A small nod comes from him, "Harry, was the one who stole my speed. But, I convinced the team to come here to try and save his daughter- because any one of us would've done the same thing if we were in his place."
I give him a sly nod, going silent.
We sat there, as I held onto his hand, not moving. I wanted to hug him, I wanted to hold onto him, but I felt like it would be pushing a line, considering how he felt right now, the pain practically coming from me.
I let go of his hand, before pulling myself away from him, moving back to the other side of the cage.
My head leant against the wall, my eyes closing, my head throbbing with pain.
I zoned out as I heard Jesse and Barry trying to figure out what sort of message the man in the mask in the cage across from ours was saying.
My eyes snap open when Barry speaks to the man, "J-A-Y? You're spelling Jay. As in Jay Garrick?"
The man nodded, as Barry spoke again, trying to piece together what he was saying, "But he's on my Earth."
The man shook his head, hitting the glass with his palms in defeat, as they couldn't understand what he was trying to get through to them.
Barry was quick to try and calm him down, apologizing, his palms banging on the glass, "Hey, hey stop, stop- hey- stop look, I'm sorry.
I don't know what you mean. Jay Garrick didn't come with us."
"Look, just keep tapping, please. We don't understand." Jesse spoke.
Barry nods, practically pleading, "Please."
I stood to my feet, slowly walking over, my voice weak as I pointed to the man, my eyes squinted in suspicion, my hand shaking lightly, "You're- Jay Garrick."
The man's head snaps up, as if I had finally clicked what he was trying to tell us all along.
"Zee- what are you talking about- Jay Garrick is on our Earth." Barry looks at me, pure confusion on his features.
"Barry, you can't tell me that we have doppelgangers that look exactly like us on this earth, with the same names, if you act like it's completely exceptional for the man who claims to be Jay Garrick of Earth Two to look exactly like my brother, but have a different name." I stare at him, not breaking eye contact with him, my eyes watering, everything that has happened since Jay stepped foot in our labs coming clear to me now.
Barry stares at me, staying very silent, as the man in the cage starts nodding quickly.
Within seconds, Zoom was in the room, everyone going dead silent, my head snapping in his direction.
"Don't talk to them again." Zoom spats at the man, before turning and phasing into the cell he was keeping Barry and I in, as I slowly started to back away in fear, Barry staying still.
He grabs Barry by the neck, and drops him on the ground, as Barry speaks from the ground, not showing any fear, "I'm gonna get out of here, and I'm gonna destroy you."
He grabs Barry by the neck again, pulling him from the ground, "All I need from you is your speed, Flash. And you only need to be barely alive for me to get it." He shot at him, before starting to throw punches and tossing Barry around, hurting him.
A scream leaves my mouth, as my back hit the wall hard once I jumped back, the tears in my eyes increasing, as I refused to let any fall.
Jesse shouted for Zoom to stop, as Zoom dropped Barry, and moved close to me, holding me by my neck. "Just because I said I would've kill you, doesn't mean I won't hurt you like I did to him. Keep your solved mysteries, to yourself."
He lands a solid punch of my cheek, before another scream comes from Jesse, "Stop hurting them!"
Zoom drops me, running out the cell and room.
"Barry? Barry, are you okay?" Jesse asks, as she speaks again, "Zee?"
"I'm- fine." I mumble, getting off my knees, my entire body shaking as I ran to Barry, falling to my knees once more, ignoring everything Reign did to him and how we were supposedly broken up, my tears now free falling.
"I'm okay." Barry says, as he forces himself up to a sitting position, leaning against the glass, a pant coming from him.
I gave up, my entire body weakly moving to his side and hugging onto him tight, before I hear a small hiss come from him, a gasp leaving my mouth as I loosened my grip, as I was quick to apologize, still not letting go of him, my head snapping up and looking at him, "I'm sorry- I didn't mean to do that- I'm sorry-"
His eyes soften as they fell onto my face, as his arm wraps around me, his hand resting on my back as he rubbed it, his voice soft, "Hey, it's okay."
He looks up at Jesse, a weak grin on his face, showing the small piece of hope, "Zoom just showed me how to get out of this thing."
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